:: This is a simple start batch file that runs the release in an Erlang shell :: Set variables that describe the release @set rel_name={{ rel_name }} @set rel_vsn={{ rel_vsn }} @set erts_vsn={{ erts_vsn }} @set erl_opts={{ erl_opts }} :: Set the root release directory based on the location of this batch file @set script_dir=%~dp0 @for %%A in ("%script_dir%\..") do ( set "release_root_dir=%%~fA" ) @set "rel_dir=%release_root_dir%\releases\%rel_vsn%" @call :find_erts_dir @call :find_sys_config @call :set_boot_script_var @set "rootdir=%release_root_dir%" @set "bindir=%erts_dir%\bin" @set progname=erl @set erl=%bindir%\erl cd %rootdir% :: Write the erl.ini file @set erl_ini=%erts_dir%\bin\erl.ini @set converted_bindir=%bindir:\=\\% @set converted_rootdir=%rootdir:\=\\% @echo [erlang] > "%erl_ini%" @echo Bindir=%converted_bindir% >> "%erl_ini%" @echo Progname=%progname% >> "%erl_ini%" @echo Rootdir=%converted_rootdir% >> "%erl_ini%" :: Start the release in an `erl` shell @set boot=-boot "%boot_script%" -boot_var RELEASE_DIR "%release_root_dir%" @"%erl%" %erl_opts% %sys_config% %boot% %* @goto :eof :: Find the ERTS dir :find_erts_dir @set "erts_dir=%release_root_dir%\erts-%erts_vsn%" @if exist %erts_dir% ( goto :set_erts_dir_from_default ) else ( goto :set_erts_dir_from_erl ) @goto :eof :: Set the ERTS dir from the passed in erts_vsn :set_erts_dir_from_default @set erts_dir=%erts_dir% @set root_dir=%release_root_dir% @goto :eof :: Set the ERTS dir from erl :set_erts_dir_from_erl @for /f "delims=" %%i in ('where erl') do ( set erl=%%i ) @set dir_cmd="%erl%" -noshell -eval "io:format(\"~s\", [filename:nativename(code:root_dir())])." -s init stop @for /f "delims=" %%i in ('%%dir_cmd%%') do ( set erl_root=%%i ) @set "erts_dir=%erl_root%\erts-%erts_vsn%" @set rootdir=%erl_root% @goto :eof :: Find the sys.config file :find_sys_config @set "possible_sys=%rel_dir%\sys.config" @if exist "%possible_sys%" ( set sys_config=-config "%possible_sys%" ) @goto :eof :: set boot_script variable :set_boot_script_var @if exist "%rel_dir%\%rel_name%.boot" ( set "boot_script=%rel_dir%\%rel_name%" ) else ( set "boot_script=%rel_dir%\start" ) @goto :eof