%% -*- mode: Erlang; fill-column: 80; comment-column: 75; -*- %%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %%% a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %%% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %%% specific language governing permissions and limitations %%% under the License. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Eric Merritt %%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC. %%% %%% @doc Trivial utility file to help handle common tasks -module(rcl_cmd_args). -export([args2state/1]). %%============================================================================ %% types %%============================================================================ %%============================================================================ %% API %%============================================================================ -spec args2state({error, Reason::term()} | {[getopt:option()], [string()]}) -> {error, Reason::term()} | {ok, {rcl_state:t(), [string()]}}. args2state(Error={error, _}) -> Error; args2state({ok, {Opts, Targets}}) -> RelName = proplists:get_value(relname, Opts, undefined), RelVsn = proplists:get_value(relvsn, Opts, undefined), case create_log(Opts, [{relname, RelName}, {relvsn, RelVsn}]) of Error = {error, _} -> Error; {ok, CommandLineConfig} -> {ok, {rcl_state:new(CommandLineConfig), Targets}} end. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal Functions %%%=================================================================== -spec create_log([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) -> {ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | {error, Reason::term()}. create_log(Opts, Acc) -> LogLevel = proplists:get_value(log_level, Opts, 0), if LogLevel >= 0, LogLevel =< 2 -> create_goals(Opts, [{log, rcl_log:new(LogLevel)} | Acc]); true -> {error, {invalid_log_level, LogLevel}} end. -spec create_goals([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) -> {ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | {error, Reason::term()}. create_goals(Opts, Acc) -> case convert_goals(proplists:get_all_values(goals, Opts), []) of Error={error, {failed_to_parse, _Spec}} -> Error; {ok, Specs} -> create_output_dir(Opts, [{goals, Specs} | Acc]) end. -spec convert_goals([string()], [depsolver:constraint()]) -> {error,{failed_to_parse, string()}} | {ok,[depsolver:constraint()]}. convert_goals([], Specs) -> %% Reverse the specs because order matters to depsolver {ok, lists:reverse(Specs)}; convert_goals([RawSpec | Rest], Acc) -> case rcl_goal:parse(RawSpec) of {ok, Spec} -> convert_goals(Rest, [Spec | Acc]); {fail, _} -> {error, {failed_to_parse, RawSpec}} end. -spec create_output_dir([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) -> {ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | {error, Reason::term()}. create_output_dir(Opts, Acc) -> OutputDir = proplists:get_value(output_dir, Opts, "./relcool_output"), case filelib:is_dir(OutputDir) of false -> case rcl_util:mkdir_p(OutputDir) of ok -> create_lib_dirs(Opts, [{output_dir, OutputDir} | Acc]); {error, _} -> {error, {unable_to_create_output_dir, OutputDir}} end; true -> create_lib_dirs(Opts, [{output_dir, OutputDir} | Acc]) end. -spec create_lib_dirs([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) -> {ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | {error, Reason::term()}. create_lib_dirs(Opts, Acc) -> Dirs = proplists:get_all_values(lib_dir, Opts), case check_lib_dirs(Dirs) of Error = {error, _} -> Error; ok -> {ok, [{lib_dirs, Dirs} | Acc]} end. -spec check_lib_dirs([string()]) -> ok | {error, {Reason::atom(), Dir::string()}}. check_lib_dirs([]) -> ok; check_lib_dirs([Dir | Rest]) -> case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of false -> {error, {not_directory, Dir}}; true -> check_lib_dirs(Rest) end.