%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*- %%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %%% a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %%% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %%% specific language governing permissions and limitations %%% under the License. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Eric Merritt <ericbmerritt@gmail.com> %%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC. %%% %%% @doc This provider uses the lib_dir setting of the state. It searches the %%% Lib Dirs looking for all OTP Applications that are available. When it finds %%% those OTP Applications it loads the information about them and adds them to %%% the state of available apps. This implements the provider behaviour. -module(rlx_app_discovery). -export([do/2, format_error/1]). -include("relx.hrl"). %%============================================================================ %% API %%============================================================================ %% @doc recursively dig down into the library directories specified in the state %% looking for OTP Applications -spec do(rlx_state:t(), [file:name()]) -> {ok, [rlx_app_info:t()]} | relx:error(). do(State, LibDirs) -> ec_cmd_log:info(rlx_state:log(State), fun() -> ["Resolving OTP Applications from directories:\n", string:join([[rlx_util:indent(2), LibDir] || LibDir <- LibDirs], "\n")] end), resolve_app_metadata(State, LibDirs). -spec format_error([ErrorDetail::term()]) -> iolist(). format_error(ErrorDetails) when erlang:is_list(ErrorDetails) -> [[format_detail(ErrorDetail), "\n"] || ErrorDetail <- ErrorDetails]. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal Functions %%%=================================================================== -spec app_files(list(binary())) -> list(binary()). app_files(LibDirs) -> lists:foldl(fun(LibDir, Acc) -> Files = app_files_paths(LibDir), BinFiles = lists:map(fun(F) -> list_to_binary(F) end, Files), Acc ++ BinFiles end, [], LibDirs). -spec app_files_paths(binary()) -> list(string()). app_files_paths(LibDir) -> %% Search for Erlang apps in the lib dir itself Path1 = filename:join([binary_to_list(LibDir), "*.app"]), %% Search for Erlang apps in subdirs of lib dir Path2 = filename:join([binary_to_list(LibDir), "*", "ebin", "*.app"]), lists:foldl(fun(Path, Acc) -> Files = filelib:wildcard(Path), Files ++ Acc end, [], [Path1, Path2]). -spec get_app_metadata(rlx_state:t(), list(binary())) -> list({ok, rlx_app_info:t()}). get_app_metadata(State, LibDirs) -> lists:foldl(fun(AppFile, Acc) -> case is_valid_otp_app(AppFile) of {ok, _} = AppMeta -> [AppMeta|Acc]; {warning, W} -> ec_cmd_log:debug(rlx_state:log(State), format_detail(W)), Acc; {error, E} -> ec_cmd_log:error(rlx_state:log(State), format_detail(E)), Acc; _ -> Acc end end, [], app_files(LibDirs)). resolve_app_metadata(State, LibDirs) -> AppMeta0 = case rlx_state:get(State, enable_shallow_app_discovery, false) of true -> get_app_metadata(State, LibDirs); false -> lists:flatten(rlx_dscv_util:do(fun discover_dir/2, LibDirs)) end, case [case Err of {error, Ret} -> Ret end || Err <- AppMeta0, case Err of {error, _} -> true; {warning, W} -> ec_cmd_log:debug(rlx_state:log(State), format_detail(W)), false; _ -> false end] of [] -> SkipApps = rlx_state:skip_apps(State), ExcludeApps = rlx_state:exclude_apps(State), AppMeta1 = [rm_exclude_apps(App, ExcludeApps) || {ok, App} <- setup_overrides(State, AppMeta0), not lists:keymember(rlx_app_info:name(App), 1, SkipApps++ExcludeApps)], ec_cmd_log:debug(rlx_state:log(State), fun() -> ["Resolved the following OTP Applications from the system: \n", [[rlx_app_info:format(2, App), "\n"] || App <- AppMeta1]] end), {ok, AppMeta1}; Errors -> ?RLX_ERROR(Errors) end. %% Apps listed in {exclude_apps, [...]} must be removed from applications lists rm_exclude_apps(App, ExcludeApps) -> ActiveApps = lists:subtract(rlx_app_info:active_deps(App), ExcludeApps), LibraryApps = lists:subtract(rlx_app_info:library_deps(App), ExcludeApps), rlx_app_info:library_deps(rlx_app_info:active_deps(App, ActiveApps), LibraryApps). app_name({warning, _}) -> undefined; app_name({error, _}) -> undefined; app_name({ok, AppMeta}) -> rlx_app_info:name(AppMeta). setup_overrides(State, AppMetas0) -> Overrides = rlx_state:overrides(State), AppMetas1 = [AppMeta || AppMeta <- AppMetas0, not lists:keymember(app_name(AppMeta), 1, Overrides)], [resolve_override(AppName, FileName) || {AppName, FileName} <- Overrides] ++ AppMetas1. resolve_override(AppName, FileName0) -> FileName1 = filename:absname(FileName0), case is_valid_otp_app(filename:join([FileName1, <<"ebin">>, erlang:atom_to_list(AppName) ++ ".app"])) of {noresult, false} -> {error, {invalid_override, AppName, FileName1}}; Error = {error, _} -> Error; {ok, App} -> {ok, rlx_app_info:link(App, true)} end. -spec format_detail(ErrorDetail::term()) -> iolist(). format_detail({missing_beam_file, Module, BeamFile}) -> io_lib:format("Missing beam file ~p ~s", [Module, BeamFile]); format_detail({error, {invalid_override, AppName, FileName}}) -> io_lib:format("Override {~p, ~p} is not a valid OTP App. Perhaps you forgot to build it?", [AppName, FileName]); format_detail({accessing, File, eaccess}) -> io_lib:format("permission denied accessing file ~s", [File]); format_detail({accessing, File, Type}) -> io_lib:format("error (~p) accessing file ~s", [Type, File]); format_detail({no_beam_files, EbinDir}) -> io_lib:format("no beam files found in directory ~s", [EbinDir]); format_detail({not_a_directory, EbinDir}) -> io_lib:format("~s is not a directory when it should be a directory", [EbinDir]); format_detail({unable_to_load_app, AppDir, _}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to load the application metadata from ~s", [AppDir]); format_detail({invalid_app_file, File}) -> io_lib:format("Application metadata file exists but is malformed: ~s", [File]); format_detail({unversioned_app, AppDir, _AppName}) -> io_lib:format("Application metadata exists but version is not available: ~s", [AppDir]); format_detail({app_info_error, {Module, Detail}}) -> Module:format_error(Detail). -spec discover_dir([file:name()], directory | file) -> {ok, rlx_app_info:t()} | {error, Reason::term()}. discover_dir(_File, directory) -> {noresult, true}; discover_dir(File, file) -> is_valid_otp_app(File). -spec is_valid_otp_app(file:name()) -> {ok, rlx_app_info:t()} | {warning, Reason::term()} | {error, Reason::term()} | {noresult, false}. is_valid_otp_app(File) -> %% Is this an ebin dir? EbinDir = filename:dirname(File), case filename:basename(EbinDir) of <<"ebin">> -> case filename:extension(File) of <<".app">> -> gather_application_info(EbinDir, File); _ -> {noresult, false} end; _ -> {noresult, false} end. -spec gather_application_info(file:name(), file:filename()) -> {ok, rlx_app_info:t()} | {warning, Reason::term()} | {error, Reason::term()}. gather_application_info(EbinDir, File) -> AppDir = filename:dirname(EbinDir), case file:consult(File) of {ok, [{application, AppName, AppDetail}]} -> validate_application_info(EbinDir, File, AppName, AppDetail); {error, Reason} -> {warning, {unable_to_load_app, AppDir, Reason}}; _ -> {warning, {invalid_app_file, File}} end. -spec validate_application_info(file:name(), file:name(), atom(), proplists:proplist()) -> {ok, list()} | {warning, Reason::term()} | {error, Reason::term()}. validate_application_info(EbinDir, AppFile, AppName, AppDetail) -> AppDir = filename:dirname(EbinDir), case get_modules_list(AppFile, AppDetail) of {ok, List} -> case has_all_beams(EbinDir, List) of ok -> get_vsn(AppDir, AppName, AppDetail); Error1 -> Error1 end; Error -> Error end. -spec get_modules_list(file:name(), proplists:proplist()) -> {ok, list()} | {warning, Reason::term()} | {error, Reason::term()}. get_modules_list(AppFile, AppDetail) -> case proplists:get_value(modules, AppDetail) of undefined -> {warning, {invalid_app_file, AppFile}}; ModulesList -> {ok, ModulesList} end. -spec has_all_beams(file:name(), list()) -> ok | {error, Reason::term()}. has_all_beams(EbinDir, [Module | ModuleList]) -> BeamFile = filename:join([EbinDir, list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Module) ++ ".beam")]), case ec_file:exists(BeamFile) of true -> has_all_beams(EbinDir, ModuleList); false -> {warning, {missing_beam_file, Module, BeamFile}} end; has_all_beams(_, []) -> ok. -spec get_vsn(file:name(), atom(), proplists:proplist()) -> {ok, rlx_app_info:t()} | {error, Reason::term()}. get_vsn(AppDir, AppName, AppDetail) -> case proplists:get_value(vsn, AppDetail) of undefined -> {error, {unversioned_app, AppDir, AppName}}; AppVsn -> case get_deps(AppDir, AppName, AppVsn, AppDetail) of {ok, App} -> {ok, App}; {error, Detail} -> {error, {app_info_error, Detail}} end end. -spec get_deps(file:name(), atom(), string(), proplists:proplist()) -> {ok, rlx_app_info:t()} | {error, Reason::term()}. get_deps(AppDir, AppName, AppVsn, AppDetail) -> ActiveApps = proplists:get_value(applications, AppDetail, []), LibraryApps = proplists:get_value(included_applications, AppDetail, []), rlx_app_info:new(AppName, AppVsn, AppDir, ActiveApps, LibraryApps). %%%=================================================================== %%% Test Functions %%%===================================================================