%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*- %% ex: ts=4 sx=4 et %% %% @author Eric Merritt %% %% Copyright 2012 Opscode, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @doc %%% This app does the culprit search for a failed solve. It searches %%% through the goals provided by the user trying to find the first one %%% that fails. It then returns that as the culprit along with the %%% unknown apps from the goal, the version constrained apps from the %%% goal, and the good apps (those not immediately constrained from %%% the goals). %%% @end -module(rlx_depsolver_culprit). -export([search/3, format_error/2, format_version/1, format_constraint/1, format_roots/1, format_culprits/1]). %%============================================================================ %% Types %%============================================================================ %%============================================================================ %% Internal API %%============================================================================ %% @doc start running the solver, with each run reduce the number of constraints %% set as goals. At some point the solver should succeed. -spec search(rlx_depsolver:dep_graph(), [rlx_depsolver:constraint()], [rlx_depsolver:constraint()]) -> term(). search(State, ActiveCons, []) -> case rlx_depsolver:primitive_solve(State, ActiveCons, keep_paths) of {fail, FailPaths} -> extract_culprit_information0(ActiveCons, lists:flatten(FailPaths)); _Success -> %% This should *never* happen. 'Culprit' above represents the last %% possible constraint that could cause things to fail. There for %% this should have failed as well. inconsistant_graph_state end; search(State, ActiveCons, [NewCon | Constraints]) -> case rlx_depsolver:primitive_solve(State, ActiveCons, keep_paths) of {fail, FailPaths} -> extract_culprit_information0(ActiveCons, lists:flatten(FailPaths)); _Success -> %% Move one constraint from the inactive to the active %% constraints and run again search(State, [NewCon | ActiveCons], Constraints) end. format_error({error, {unreachable_package, AppName}}, _) -> ["Dependency ", format_constraint(AppName), " is specified as a dependency ", "but is not reachable by the system.\n"]; format_error({error, {invalid_constraints, Constraints}}, _) -> ["Invalid constraint ", add_s(Constraints), " specified ", lists:foldl(fun(Con, "") -> [io_lib:format("~p", [Con])]; (Con, Acc) -> [io_lib:format("~p", [Con]), ", " | Acc] end, "", Constraints)]; format_error({error, Detail}, State) -> format_error(Detail, State); format_error(Details, _) when erlang:is_list(Details) -> ["Unable to solve constraints, the following solutions were attempted \n\n", [[format_error_path(" ", Detail)] || Detail <- Details]]. -spec format_roots([rlx_depsolver:constraints()]) -> iolist(). format_roots(Roots) -> lists:foldl(fun(Root, Acc0) -> lists:foldl( fun(Con, "") -> [format_constraint(Con)]; (Con, Acc1) -> [format_constraint(Con), ", " | Acc1] end, Acc0, Root) end, [], Roots). -spec format_culprits([{[rlx_depsolver:constraint()], [rlx_depsolver:constraint()]}]) -> iolist(). format_culprits(FailingDeps) -> Deps = sets:to_list(sets:from_list(lists:flatten([[rlx_depsolver:dep_pkg(Con) || Con <- Cons] || {_, Cons} <- FailingDeps]))), lists:foldl(fun(Con, "") -> [format_constraint(Con)]; (Con, Acc1) -> [format_constraint(Con), ", " | Acc1] end, [], Deps). -spec format_version(rlx_depsolver:vsn()) -> iolist(). format_version(Vsn) -> ec_semver:format(Vsn). -spec format_constraint(rlx_depsolver:constraint()) -> list(). format_constraint(Pkg) when is_atom(Pkg) -> erlang:atom_to_list(Pkg); format_constraint(Pkg) when is_binary(Pkg) -> erlang:binary_to_list(Pkg); format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn}) when is_tuple(Vsn) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " = ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, '='}) when is_tuple(Vsn) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " = ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, gte}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " >= ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, '>='}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " >= ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, lte}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " <= ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, '<='}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " <= ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, gt}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " > ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, '>'}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " > ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, lt}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " < ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, '<'}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " < ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, pes}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " ~> ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn, '~>'}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " ~> ", format_version(Vsn), ")"]; format_constraint({Pkg, Vsn1, Vsn2, between}) -> ["(", format_constraint(Pkg), " between ", format_version(Vsn1), " and ", format_version(Vsn2), ")"]. %%============================================================================ %% Internal Functions %%============================================================================ -spec append_value(term(), term(), proplists:proplist()) -> proplists:proplist(). append_value(Key, Value, PropList) -> case proplists:get_value(Key, PropList, undefined) of undefined -> [{Key, Value} | PropList]; ExistingValue -> [{Key, sets:to_list(sets:from_list([Value | ExistingValue]))} | proplists:delete(Key, PropList)] end. -spec strip_goal([[rlx_depsolver:pkg()] | rlx_depsolver:pkg()]) -> [[rlx_depsolver:pkg()] | rlx_depsolver:pkg()]. strip_goal([{'_GOAL_', 'NO_VSN'}, Children]) -> Children; strip_goal(All = [Val | _]) when erlang:is_list(Val) -> [strip_goal(Element) || Element <- All]; strip_goal(Else) -> Else. -spec extract_culprit_information0(rlx_depsolver:constraints(), [rlx_depsolver:fail_info()]) -> [term()]. extract_culprit_information0(ActiveCons, FailInfo) when is_list(FailInfo) -> [extract_culprit_information1(ActiveCons, FI) || FI <- FailInfo]. -spec extract_root(rlx_depsolver:constraints(), [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]) -> {[rlx_depsolver:constraint()], [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]}. extract_root(ActiveCons, TPath = [PRoot | _]) -> RootName = rlx_depsolver:dep_pkg(PRoot), Roots = lists:filter(fun(El) -> RootName =:= rlx_depsolver:dep_pkg(El) end, ActiveCons), {Roots, TPath}. -spec extract_culprit_information1(rlx_depsolver:constraints(), rlx_depsolver:fail_info()) -> term(). extract_culprit_information1(_ActiveCons, {[], RawConstraints}) -> %% In this case where there was no realized versions, the GOAL %% constraints actually where unsatisfiable Constraints = lists:flatten([Constraints || {_, Constraints} <- RawConstraints]), Cons = [Pkg || {Pkg, Src} <- Constraints, Src =:= {'_GOAL_', 'NO_VSN'}], {[{Cons, Cons}], []}; extract_culprit_information1(ActiveCons, {Path, RawConstraints}) -> Constraints = lists:flatten([Constraints || {_, Constraints} <- RawConstraints]), FailCons = lists:foldl(fun(El = {FailedPkg, FailedVsn}, Acc1) -> case get_constraints(FailedPkg, FailedVsn, Path, Constraints) of [] -> Acc1; Cons -> append_value(El, Cons, Acc1) end end, [], lists:reverse(Path)), TreedPath = strip_goal(treeize_path({'_GOAL_', 'NO_VSN'}, Constraints, [])), RunListItems = [extract_root(ActiveCons, TPath) || TPath <- TreedPath], {RunListItems, FailCons}. -spec follow_chain(rlx_depsolver:pkg_name(), rlx_depsolver:vsn(), {rlx_depsolver:constraint(), rlx_depsolver:pkg()}) -> false | {ok, rlx_depsolver:constraint()}. follow_chain(Pkg, Vsn, {{Pkg, Vsn}, {Pkg, Vsn}}) -> %% When the package version is the same as the source we dont want to try to follow it at all false; follow_chain(Pkg, Vsn, {Con, {Pkg, Vsn}}) -> {ok, Con}; follow_chain(_Pkg, _Vsn, _) -> false. -spec find_chain(rlx_depsolver:pkg_name(), rlx_depsolver:vsn(), [{rlx_depsolver:constraint(), rlx_depsolver:pkg()}]) -> rlx_depsolver:constraints(). find_chain(Pkg, Vsn, Constraints) -> lists:foldl(fun(NCon, Acc) -> case follow_chain(Pkg, Vsn, NCon) of {ok, Con} -> [Con | Acc]; false -> Acc end end, [], Constraints). -spec get_constraints(rlx_depsolver:pkg_name(), rlx_depsolver:vsn(), [rlx_depsolver:pkg()], [{rlx_depsolver:constraint(), rlx_depsolver:pkg()}]) -> rlx_depsolver:constraints(). get_constraints(FailedPkg, FailedVsn, Path, Constraints) -> Chain = find_chain(FailedPkg, FailedVsn, Constraints), lists:filter(fun(Con) -> PkgName = rlx_depsolver:dep_pkg(Con), (lists:any(fun(PathEl) -> not rlx_depsolver:filter_package(PathEl, Con) end, Path) orelse not lists:keymember(PkgName, 1, Path)) end, Chain). -spec pkg_vsn(rlx_depsolver:constraint(), [{rlx_depsolver:constraint(), rlx_depsolver:pkg()}]) -> [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]. pkg_vsn(PkgCon, Constraints) -> PkgName = rlx_depsolver:dep_pkg(PkgCon), [DepPkg || Con = {DepPkg, _} <- Constraints, case Con of {Pkg = {PkgName, PkgVsn}, {PkgName, PkgVsn}} -> rlx_depsolver:filter_package(Pkg, PkgCon); _ -> false end]. -spec depends(rlx_depsolver:pkg(), [{rlx_depsolver:constraint(), rlx_depsolver:pkg()}], [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]) -> [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]. depends(SrcPkg, Constraints, Seen) -> lists:flatten([pkg_vsn(Pkg, Constraints) || {Pkg, Source} <- Constraints, Source =:= SrcPkg andalso Pkg =/= SrcPkg andalso not lists:member(Pkg, Seen)]). -spec treeize_path(rlx_depsolver:pkg(), [{rlx_depsolver:constraint(), rlx_depsolver:pkg()}], [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]) -> [rlx_depsolver:pkg() | [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]]. treeize_path(Pkg, Constraints, Seen0) -> Seen1 = [Pkg | Seen0], case depends(Pkg, Constraints, Seen1) of [] -> [Pkg]; Deps -> [Pkg, [treeize_path(Dep, Constraints, Seen1) || Dep <- Deps]] end. -spec add_s(list()) -> iolist(). add_s(Roots) -> case erlang:length(Roots) of Len when Len > 1 -> "s"; _ -> "" end. -spec format_path(string(), [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]) -> iolist(). format_path(CurrentIdent, Path) -> [CurrentIdent, " ", lists:foldl(fun(Con, "") -> [format_constraint(Con)]; (Con, Acc) -> [format_constraint(Con), " -> " | Acc] end, "", Path), "\n"]. -spec format_dependency_paths(string(), [[rlx_depsolver:pkg()] | rlx_depsolver:pkg()], [{rlx_depsolver:pkg(), [rlx_depsolver:constraint()]}], [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]) -> iolist(). format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, [SubPath | Rest], FailingDeps, Acc) when erlang:is_list(SubPath) -> [format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, lists:sort(SubPath), FailingDeps, Acc), format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, Rest, FailingDeps, Acc)]; format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, [Dep], FailingDeps, Acc) when erlang:is_tuple(Dep) -> case proplists:get_value(Dep, FailingDeps, undefined) of undefined -> format_path(CurrentIndent, [Dep | Acc]); Cons -> [format_path(CurrentIndent, [Con, Dep | Acc]) || Con <- Cons] end; format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, [Dep | Rest], FailingDeps, Acc) when erlang:is_tuple(Dep) -> case proplists:get_value(Dep, FailingDeps, undefined) of undefined -> format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, Rest, FailingDeps, [Dep | Acc]); Cons -> [[format_path(CurrentIndent, [Con, Dep | Acc]) || Con <- Cons], format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, Rest, FailingDeps, [Dep | Acc])] end; format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, [Con | Rest], FailingDeps, Acc) -> format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, Rest, FailingDeps, [Con | Acc]); format_dependency_paths(_CurrentIndent, [], _FailingDeps, _Acc) -> []. -spec format_error_path(string(), {[{[rlx_depsolver:constraint()], [rlx_depsolver:pkg()]}], [rlx_depsolver:constraint()]}) -> iolist(). format_error_path(CurrentIndent, {RawPaths, FailingDeps}) -> Roots = [RootSet || {RootSet, _} <- RawPaths], Paths = [Path || {_, Path} <- RawPaths], [CurrentIndent, "Unable to satisfy goal constraint", add_s(Roots), " ", format_roots(Roots), " due to constraint", add_s(FailingDeps), " on ", format_culprits(FailingDeps), "\n", format_dependency_paths(CurrentIndent, lists:sort(Paths), FailingDeps, []), ""].