%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*- %%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %%% a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %%% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %%% specific language governing permissions and limitations %%% under the License. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Eric Merritt %%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC. %%% %%% @doc Given a complete built release this provider assembles that release %%% into a release directory. -module(rcl_prv_assembler). -behaviour(rcl_provider). -export([init/1, do/1, format_error/1]). -include_lib("relcool/include/relcool.hrl"). %%============================================================================ %% API %%============================================================================ -spec init(rcl_state:t()) -> {ok, rcl_state:t()}. init(State) -> {ok, State}. %% @doc recursively dig down into the library directories specified in the state %% looking for OTP Applications -spec do(rcl_state:t()) -> {ok, rcl_state:t()} | relcool:error(). do(State) -> {RelName, RelVsn} = rcl_state:default_configured_release(State), Release = rcl_state:get_realized_release(State, RelName, RelVsn), OutputDir = rcl_state:output_dir(State), case create_output_dir(OutputDir) of ok -> case rcl_release:realized(Release) of true -> copy_app_directories_to_output(State, Release, OutputDir); false -> ?RCL_ERROR({unresolved_release, RelName, RelVsn}) end; Error -> Error end. -spec format_error(ErrorDetail::term()) -> iolist(). format_error({unresolved_release, RelName, RelVsn}) -> io_lib:format("The release has not been resolved ~p-~s", [RelName, RelVsn]); format_error({ec_file_error, AppDir, TargetDir, E}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to copy OTP App from ~s to ~s due to ~p", [AppDir, TargetDir, E]); format_error({config_does_not_exist, Path}) -> io_lib:format("The config file specified for this release (~s) does not exist!", [Path]); format_error({specified_erts_does_not_exist, ErtsVersion}) -> io_lib:format("Specified version of erts (~s) does not exist", [ErtsVersion]); format_error({release_script_generation_error, RelFile}) -> io_lib:format("Unknown internal release error generating the release file to ~s", [RelFile]); format_error({release_script_generation_warning, Module, Warnings}) -> ["Warnings generating release \s", rcl_util:indent(1), Module:format_warning(Warnings)]; format_error({unable_to_create_output_dir, OutputDir}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to create output directory (possible permissions issue): ~s", [OutputDir]); format_error({release_script_generation_error, Module, Errors}) -> ["Errors generating release \n", rcl_util:indent(1), Module:format_error(Errors)]; format_error({relup_generation_error, CurrentName, UpFromName}) -> io_lib:format("Unknown internal release error generating the relup from ~s to ~s", [UpFromName, CurrentName]); format_error({relup_generation_warning, Module, Warnings}) -> ["Warnings generating relup \s", rcl_util:indent(1), Module:format_warning(Warnings)]; format_error({relup_script_generation_error, {relupcript_generation_error, systools_relup, {missing_sasl, _}}}) -> "Unfortunately, due to requirements in systools, you need to have the sasl application " "in both the current release and the release to upgrade from."; format_error({relup_script_generation_error, Module, Errors}) -> ["Errors generating relup \n", rcl_util:indent(1), Module:format_error(Errors)]; format_error({unable_to_make_symlink, AppDir, TargetDir, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to symlink directory ~s to ~s because \n~s~s", [AppDir, TargetDir, rcl_util:indent(1), file:format_error(Reason)]). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal Functions %%%=================================================================== -spec create_output_dir(file:name()) -> ok | {error, Reason::term()}. create_output_dir(OutputDir) -> case filelib:is_dir(OutputDir) of false -> case rcl_util:mkdir_p(OutputDir) of ok -> ok; {error, _} -> ?RCL_ERROR({unable_to_create_output_dir, OutputDir}) end; true -> ok end. copy_app_directories_to_output(State, Release, OutputDir) -> LibDir = filename:join([OutputDir, "lib"]), ok = ec_file:mkdir_p(LibDir), Apps = rcl_release:application_details(Release), Result = lists:filter(fun({error, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, lists:flatten(ec_plists:map(fun(App) -> copy_app(LibDir, App) end, Apps))), case Result of [E | _] -> E; [] -> create_release_info(State, Release, OutputDir) end. copy_app(LibDir, App) -> AppName = erlang:atom_to_list(rcl_app_info:name(App)), AppVsn = rcl_app_info:vsn_as_string(App), AppDir = rcl_app_info:dir(App), TargetDir = filename:join([LibDir, AppName ++ "-" ++ AppVsn]), if AppDir == TargetDir -> %% No need to do anything here, discover found something already in %% a release dir ok; true -> copy_app(App, AppDir, TargetDir) end. copy_app(App, AppDir, TargetDir) -> remove_symlink_or_directory(TargetDir), case rcl_app_info:link(App) of true -> link_directory(AppDir, TargetDir); false -> copy_directory(AppDir, TargetDir) end. remove_symlink_or_directory(TargetDir) -> case ec_file:is_symlink(TargetDir) of true -> ec_file:remove(TargetDir); false -> case filelib:is_dir(TargetDir) of true -> ok = ec_file:remove(TargetDir, [recursive]); false -> ok end end. link_directory(AppDir, TargetDir) -> case file:make_symlink(AppDir, TargetDir) of {error, Reason} -> ?RCL_ERROR({unable_to_make_symlink, AppDir, TargetDir, Reason}); ok -> ok end. copy_directory(AppDir, TargetDir) -> ec_plists:map(fun(SubDir) -> copy_dir(AppDir, TargetDir, SubDir) end, ["ebin", "include", "priv", "src", "c_src", "README", "LICENSE"]). copy_dir(AppDir, TargetDir, SubDir) -> SubSource = filename:join(AppDir, SubDir), SubTarget = filename:join(TargetDir, SubDir), case filelib:is_dir(SubSource) of true -> ok = rcl_util:mkdir_p(SubTarget), case ec_file:copy(SubSource, SubTarget, [recursive]) of {error, E} -> ?RCL_ERROR({ec_file_error, AppDir, SubTarget, E}); ok -> ok end; false -> ok end. create_release_info(State0, Release0, OutputDir) -> RelName = erlang:atom_to_list(rcl_release:name(Release0)), ReleaseDir = release_output_dir(State0, Release0), ReleaseFile = filename:join([ReleaseDir, RelName ++ ".rel"]), ok = ec_file:mkdir_p(ReleaseDir), Release1 = rcl_release:relfile(Release0, ReleaseFile), State1 = rcl_state:update_realized_release(State0, Release1), case rcl_release:metadata(Release1) of {ok, Meta} -> ok = ec_file:write_term(ReleaseFile, Meta), write_bin_file(State1, Release1, OutputDir, ReleaseDir); E -> E end. write_bin_file(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) -> RelName = erlang:atom_to_list(rcl_release:name(Release)), RelVsn = rcl_release:vsn(Release), BinDir = filename:join([OutputDir, "bin"]), ok = ec_file:mkdir_p(BinDir), VsnRel = filename:join(BinDir, rcl_release:canonical_name(Release)), BareRel = filename:join(BinDir, RelName), ErlOpts = rcl_state:get(State, erl_opts, ""), StartFile = case rcl_state:get(State, extended_start_script, false) of false -> bin_file_contents(RelName, RelVsn, rcl_release:erts(Release), ErlOpts); true -> extended_bin_file_contents(RelName, RelVsn, rcl_release:erts(Release), ErlOpts) end, %% We generate the start script by default, unless the user %% tells us not too case rcl_state:get(State, generate_start_script, true) of false -> ok; _ -> ok = file:write_file(VsnRel, StartFile), ok = file:change_mode(VsnRel, 8#777), ok = file:write_file(BareRel, StartFile), ok = file:change_mode(BareRel, 8#777) end, ok = file:write_file(filename:join(RelDir, "vm.args"), vm_args_file(RelName)), copy_or_generate_sys_config_file(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir). %% @doc copy config/sys.config or generate one to releases/VSN/sys.config -spec copy_or_generate_sys_config_file(rcl_state:t(), rcl_release:t(), file:name(), file:name()) -> {ok, rcl_state:t()} | relcool:error(). copy_or_generate_sys_config_file(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) -> RelSysConfPath = filename:join([RelDir, "sys.config"]), case rcl_state:sys_config(State) of undefined -> ok = generate_sys_config_file(RelSysConfPath), include_erts(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir); ConfigPath -> case filelib:is_regular(ConfigPath) of false -> ?RCL_ERROR({config_does_not_exist, ConfigPath}); true -> ok = ec_file:copy(ConfigPath, RelSysConfPath), include_erts(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) end end. %% @doc write a generic sys.config to the path RelSysConfPath -spec generate_sys_config_file(string()) -> ok. generate_sys_config_file(RelSysConfPath) -> {ok, Fd} = file:open(RelSysConfPath, [write]), io:format(Fd, "%% Thanks to Ulf Wiger at Ericcson for these comments:~n" "%%~n" "%% This file is identified via the erl command line option -config File.~n" "%% Note that File should have no extension, e.g.~n" "%% erl -config .../sys (if this file is called sys.config)~n" "%%~n" "%% In this file, you can redefine application environment variables.~n" "%% This way, you don't have to modify the .app files of e.g. OTP applications.~n" "[].~n", []), file:close(Fd). %% @doc Optionally add erts directory to release, if defined. -spec include_erts(rcl_state:t(), rcl_release:t(), file:name(), file:name()) -> {ok, rcl_state:t()} | relcool:error(). include_erts(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) -> case rcl_state:get(State, include_erts, true) of true -> Prefix = code:root_dir(), ErtsVersion = rcl_release:erts(Release), ErtsDir = filename:join([Prefix, "erts-" ++ ErtsVersion]), LocalErts = filename:join([OutputDir, "erts-" ++ ErtsVersion]), case filelib:is_dir(ErtsDir) of false -> ?RCL_ERROR({specified_erts_does_not_exist, ErtsVersion}); true -> ok = ec_file:mkdir_p(LocalErts), ok = ec_file:copy(ErtsDir, LocalErts, [recursive]), ok = ec_file:remove(filename:join([LocalErts, "bin", "erl"])), ok = file:write_file(filename:join([LocalErts, "bin", "erl"]), erl_script(ErtsVersion)), case rcl_state:get(State, extended_start_script, false) of true -> ok = ec_file:copy(filename:join([Prefix, "bin", "start_clean.boot"]), filename:join([OutputDir, "bin", "start_clean.boot"])), NodeToolFile = nodetool_contents(), NodeTool = filename:join([LocalErts, "bin", "nodetool"]), ok = file:write_file(NodeTool, NodeToolFile), ok = file:change_mode(NodeTool, 8#755); false -> ok end, make_boot_script(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) end; _ -> make_boot_script(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) end. -spec make_boot_script(rcl_state:t(), rcl_release:t(), file:name(), file:name()) -> {ok, rcl_state:t()} | relcool:error(). make_boot_script(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) -> Options = [{path, [RelDir | get_code_paths(Release, OutputDir)]}, {outdir, RelDir}, no_module_tests, silent], Name = erlang:atom_to_list(rcl_release:name(Release)), ReleaseFile = filename:join([RelDir, Name ++ ".rel"]), case make_script(Options, fun(CorrectedOptions) -> systools:make_script(Name, CorrectedOptions) end) of ok -> rcl_log:error(rcl_state:log(State), "release successfully created!"), make_relup(State, Release); error -> ?RCL_ERROR({release_script_generation_error, ReleaseFile}); {ok, _, []} -> rcl_log:error(rcl_state:log(State), "release successfully created!"), make_relup(State, Release); {ok,Module,Warnings} -> ?RCL_ERROR({release_script_generation_warn, Module, Warnings}); {error,Module,Error} -> ?RCL_ERROR({release_script_generation_error, Module, Error}) end. -spec make_script([term()], fun(([term()]) -> Res)) -> Res. make_script(Options, RunFun) -> %% Erts 5.9 introduced a non backwards compatible option to %% erlang this takes that into account Erts = erlang:system_info(version), case ec_semver:gte(Erts, "5.9") of true -> RunFun([no_warn_sasl | Options]); _ -> RunFun(Options) end. make_relup(State, Release) -> case rcl_state:action(State) of relup -> UpFrom = case rcl_state:upfrom(State) of undefined -> get_last_release(State, Release); Vsn -> get_up_release(State, Release, Vsn) end, case UpFrom of undefined -> ?RCL_ERROR(no_upfrom_release_found); _ -> make_upfrom_script(State, Release, UpFrom) end; _ -> {ok, State} end. make_upfrom_script(State, Release, UpFrom) -> OutputDir = rcl_state:output_dir(State), Options = [{outdir, OutputDir}, {path, get_code_paths(Release, OutputDir) ++ get_code_paths(UpFrom, OutputDir)}, silent], CurrentRel = strip_rel(rcl_release:relfile(Release)), UpFromRel = strip_rel(rcl_release:relfile(UpFrom)), rcl_log:debug(rcl_state:log(State), "systools:make_relup(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p)", [CurrentRel, UpFromRel, UpFromRel, Options]), case make_script(Options, fun(CorrectOptions) -> systools:make_relup(CurrentRel, [UpFromRel], [UpFromRel], CorrectOptions) end) of ok -> rcl_log:error(rcl_state:log(State), "relup from ~s to ~s successfully created!", [UpFromRel, CurrentRel]), {ok, State}; error -> ?RCL_ERROR({relup_script_generation_error, CurrentRel, UpFromRel}); {ok, RelUp, _, []} -> rcl_log:error(rcl_state:log(State), "relup successfully created!"), write_relup_file(State, Release, RelUp), {ok, State}; {ok,_, Module,Warnings} -> ?RCL_ERROR({relup_script_generation_warn, Module, Warnings}); {error,Module,Errors} -> ?RCL_ERROR({relupcript_generation_error, Module, Errors}) end. write_relup_file(State, Release, Relup) -> OutDir = release_output_dir(State, Release), RelName = rcl_util:to_string(rcl_release:name(Release)), RelupFile = filename:join(OutDir, RelName ++ ".relup"), ok = ec_file:write_term(RelupFile, Relup). strip_rel(Name) -> rcl_util:to_string(filename:join(filename:dirname(Name), filename:basename(Name, ".rel"))). get_up_release(State, Release, Vsn) -> Name = rcl_release:name(Release), try ec_dictionary:get({Name, Vsn}, rcl_state:realized_releases(State)) catch throw:notfound -> undefined end. get_last_release(State, Release) -> Releases0 = [Rel || {{_, _}, Rel} <- ec_dictionary:to_list(rcl_state:realized_releases(State))], Releases1 = lists:sort(fun(R1, R2) -> ec_semver:lte(rcl_release:vsn(R1), rcl_release:vsn(R2)) end, Releases0), Res = lists:foldl(fun(_Rel, R = {found, _}) -> R; (Rel, Prev) -> case rcl_release:vsn(Rel) == rcl_release:vsn(Release) of true -> {found, Prev}; false -> Rel end end, undefined, Releases1), case Res of {found, R} -> R; Else -> Else end. -spec release_output_dir(rcl_state:t(), rcl_release:t()) -> string(). release_output_dir(State, Release) -> OutputDir = rcl_state:output_dir(State), filename:join([OutputDir, "releases", rcl_release:canonical_name(Release)]). %% @doc Generates the correct set of code paths for the system. -spec get_code_paths(rcl_release:t(), file:name()) -> [file:name()]. get_code_paths(Release, OutDir) -> LibDir = filename:join(OutDir, "lib"), [filename:join([LibDir, erlang:atom_to_list(rcl_app_info:name(App)) ++ "-" ++ rcl_app_info:vsn_as_string(App), "ebin"]) || App <- rcl_release:application_details(Release)]. erl_script(ErtsVsn) -> [<<"#!/bin/sh set -e SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname $0` ROOTDIR=`cd $SCRIPT_DIR/../../ && pwd` BINDIR=$ROOTDIR/erts-">>, ErtsVsn, <<"/bin EMU=beam PROGNAME=`echo $0 | sed 's/.*\\///'` export EMU export ROOTDIR export BINDIR export PROGNAME exec \"$BINDIR/erlexec\" ${1+\"$@\"} ">>]. bin_file_contents(RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts) -> [<<"#!/bin/sh set -e SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname $0` RELEASE_ROOT_DIR=`cd $SCRIPT_DIR/.. && pwd` REL_NAME=">>, RelName, <<" REL_VSN=">>, RelVsn, <<" ERTS_VSN=">>, ErtsVsn, <<" REL_DIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/releases/$REL_NAME-$REL_VSN ERL_OPTS=">>, ErlOpts, <<" find_erts_dir() { local erts_dir=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/erts-$ERTS_VSN if [ -d \"$erts_dir\" ]; then ERTS_DIR=$erts_dir; ROOTDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR else local erl=`which erl` local erl_root=`$erl -noshell -eval \"io:format(\\\"~s\\\", [code:root_dir()]).\" -s init stop` ERTS_DIR=$erl_root/erts-$ERTS_VSN ROOTDIR=$erl_root fi } find_sys_config() { local possible_sys=$REL_DIR/sys.config if [ -f \"$possible_sys\" ]; then SYS_CONFIG=\"-config $possible_sys\" fi } find_erts_dir find_sys_config export ROOTDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR export BINDIR=$ERTS_DIR/bin export EMU=beam export PROGNAME=erl export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ERTS_DIR/lib cd $ROOTDIR $BINDIR/erlexec $ERL_OPTS $SYS_CONFIG -boot $REL_DIR/$REL_NAME $@">>]. extended_bin_file_contents(RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts) -> [<<"#!/bin/sh set -e SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname $0` RELEASE_ROOT_DIR=`cd $SCRIPT_DIR/.. && pwd` REL_NAME=">>, RelName, <<" REL_VSN=">>, RelVsn, <<" ERTS_VSN=">>, ErtsVsn, <<" REL_DIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/releases/$REL_NAME-$REL_VSN ERL_OPTS=">>, ErlOpts, <<" PIPE_DIR=/tmp/$REL_DIR/ find_erts_dir() { local erts_dir=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/erts-$ERTS_VSN if [ -d \"$erts_dir\" ]; then ERTS_DIR=$erts_dir; ROOTDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR else local erl=`which erl` local erl_root=`$erl -noshell -eval \"io:format(\\\"~s\\\", [code:root_dir()]).\" -s init stop` ERTS_DIR=$erl_root/erts-$ERTS_VSN ROOTDIR=$erl_root fi } find_sys_config() { local possible_sys=$REL_DIR/sys.config if [ -f \"$possible_sys\" ]; then SYS_CONFIG=\"-config $possible_sys\" fi } # Use $CWD/vm.args if exists, otherwise releases/APP_VSN/vm.args, or else etc/vm.args if [ -e \"$CALLER_DIR/vm.args\" ]; then VMARGS_PATH=$CALLER_DIR/vm.args USE_DIR=$CALLER_DIR else USE_DIR=$REL_DIR if [ -e \"$REL_DIR/vm.args\" ]; then VMARGS_PATH=\"$REL_DIR/vm.args\" else VMARGS_PATH=\"$REL_DIR/vm.args\" fi fi RUNNER_LOG_DIR=$USE_DIR/log # Make sure log directory exists mkdir -p $RUNNER_LOG_DIR # Use releases/VSN/sys.config if it exists otherwise use etc/app.config if [ -e \"$USE_DIR/sys.config\" ]; then CONFIG_PATH=\"$USE_DIR/sys.config\" else if [ -e \"$REL_DIR/sys.config\" ]; then CONFIG_PATH=\"$REL_DIR/sys.config\" else CONFIG_PATH=\"$REL_DIR/app.config\" fi fi # Extract the target node name from node.args NAME_ARG=`egrep '^-s?name' $VMARGS_PATH` if [ -z \"$NAME_ARG\" ]; then echo \"vm.args needs to have either -name or -sname parameter.\" exit 1 fi # Extract the name type and name from the NAME_ARG for REMSH REMSH_TYPE=`echo $NAME_ARG | awk '{print $1}'` REMSH_NAME=`echo $NAME_ARG | awk '{print $2}'` # Note the `date +%s`, used to allow multiple remsh to the same node transparently REMSH_NAME_ARG=\"$REMSH_TYPE remsh`date +%s`@`echo $REMSH_NAME | awk -F@ '{print $2}'`\" REMSH_REMSH_ARG=\"-remsh $REMSH_NAME\" # Extract the target cookie COOKIE_ARG=`grep '^-setcookie' $VMARGS_PATH` if [ -z \"$COOKIE_ARG\" ]; then echo \"vm.args needs to have a -setcookie parameter.\" exit 1 fi # Setup remote shell command to control node REMSH=\"$ERTS_PATH/erl $REMSH_NAME_ARG $REMSH_REMSH_ARG $COOKIE_ARG\" find_erts_dir find_sys_config export ROOTDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR export BINDIR=$ERTS_DIR/bin export EMU=beam export PROGNAME=erl export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ERTS_DIR/lib cd $ROOTDIR # Setup command to control the node NODETOOL=\"$ERTS_DIR/bin/escript $ERTS_DIR/bin/nodetool $NAME_ARG $COOKIE_ARG\" # Check the first argument for instructions case \"$1\" in start|start_boot) # Make sure there is not already a node running #RES=`$NODETOOL ping` #if [ \"$RES\" = \"pong\" ]; then # echo \"Node is already running!\" # exit 1 #fi case \"$1\" in start) shift START_OPTION=\"console\" HEART_OPTION=\"start\" ;; start_boot) shift START_OPTION=\"console_boot\" HEART_OPTION=\"start_boot\" ;; esac RUN_PARAM=$(printf \"'%s' \" \"$@\") HEART_COMMAND=\"$SCRIPT_DIR/bin/$REL_NAME $HEART_OPTION $RUN_PARAM\" export HEART_COMMAND mkdir -p $PIPE_DIR $ERTS_DIR/bin/run_erl -daemon $PIPE_DIR $RUNNER_LOG_DIR \"exec $RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/bin/$REL_NAME $START_OPTION $RUN_PARAM\" 2>&1 ;; stop) # Wait for the node to completely stop... case `uname -s` in Linux|Darwin|FreeBSD|DragonFly|NetBSD|OpenBSD) # PID COMMAND PID=`ps ax -o pid= -o command=| grep \"$SCRIPT_DIR/.*/[b]eam\"|awk '{print $1}'` ;; SunOS) # PID COMMAND PID=`ps -ef -o pid= -o args=| grep \"$SCRIPT_DIR/.*/[b]eam\"|awk '{print $1}'` ;; CYGWIN*) # UID PID PPID TTY STIME COMMAND PID=`ps -efW|grep \"$SCRIPT_DIR/.*/[b]eam\"|awk '{print $2}'` ;; esac $NODETOOL stop ES=$? if [ \"$ES\" -ne 0 ]; then exit $ES fi while `kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null`; do sleep 1 done ;; restart) ## Restart the VM without exiting the process $NODETOOL restart ES=$? if [ \"$ES\" -ne 0 ]; then exit $ES fi ;; reboot) ## Restart the VM completely (uses heart to restart it) $NODETOOL reboot ES=$? if [ \"$ES\" -ne 0 ]; then exit $ES fi ;; ping) ## See if the VM is alive $NODETOOL ping ES=$? if [ \"$ES\" -ne 0 ]; then exit $ES fi ;; attach) # Make sure a node IS running RES=`$NODETOOL ping` ES=$? if [ \"$ES\" -ne 0 ]; then echo \"Node is not running!\" exit $ES fi shift exec $ERTS_DIR/bin/to_erl $PIPE_DIR ;; remote_console) # Make sure a node IS running RES=`$NODETOOL ping` ES=$? if [ \"$ES\" -ne 0 ]; then echo \"Node is not running!\" exit $ES fi shift exec $REMSH ;; upgrade) if [ -z \"$2\" ]; then echo \"Missing upgrade package argument\" echo \"Usage: $REL_NAME upgrade {package base name}\" echo \"NOTE {package base name} MUST NOT include the .tar.gz suffix\" exit 1 fi # Make sure a node IS running RES=`$NODETOOL ping` ES=$? if [ \"$ES\" -ne 0 ]; then echo \"Node is not running!\" exit $ES fi node_name=`echo $NAME_ARG | awk '{print $2}'` erlang_cookie=`echo $COOKIE_ARG | awk '{print $2}'` $ERTS_DIR/bin/escript $SCRIPT_DIR/bin/install_upgrade.escript $node_name $erlang_cookie $2 ;; console|console_clean|console_boot) # .boot file typically just $REL_NAME (ie, the app name) # however, for debugging, sometimes start_clean.boot is useful. # For e.g. 'setup', one may even want to name another boot script. case \"$1\" in console) BOOTFILE=$REL_NAME ;; console_clean) BOOTFILE=start_clean ;; console_boot) shift BOOTFILE=\"$1\" shift ;; esac # Setup beam-required vars ROOTDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR BINDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/erts-$ERTS_VSN/bin EMU=beam PROGNAME=`echo $0 | sed 's/.*\\///'` CMD=\"$BINDIR/erlexec -boot $REL_DIR/$BOOTFILE -mode embedded -config $CONFIG_PATH -args_file $VMARGS_PATH\" export EMU export ROOTDIR export BINDIR export PROGNAME # Dump environment info for logging purposes echo \"Exec: $CMD\" -- ${1+\"$@\"} echo \"Root: $ROOTDIR\" # Log the startup logger -t \"$REL_NAME[$$]\" \"Starting up\" # Start the VM exec $CMD -- ${1+\"$@\"} ;; foreground) # start up the release in the foreground for use by runit # or other supervision services BOOTFILE=$REL_NAME FOREGROUNDOPTIONS=\"-noinput +Bd\" # Setup beam-required vars ROOTDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR BINDIR=$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/erts-$ERTS_VSN/bin EMU=beam PROGNAME=`echo $0 | sed 's/.*///'` CMD=\"$BINDIR/erlexec $FOREGROUNDOPTIONS -boot $REL_DIR/$BOOTFILE -config $CONFIG_PATH -args_file $VMARGS_PATH\" export EMU export ROOTDIR export BINDIR export PROGNAME # Dump environment info for logging purposes echo \"Exec: $CMD\" -- ${1+\"$@\"} echo \"Root: $ROOTDIR\" # Start the VM exec $CMD -- ${1+\"$@\"} ;; *) echo \"Usage: $REL_NAME {start|start_boot |foreground|stop|restart|reboot|ping|console|console_clean|console_boot |attach|remote_console|upgrade}\" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0">>]. nodetool_contents() -> [<<"%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ft=erlang ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% nodetool: Helper Script for interacting with live nodes %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- main(Args) -> ok = start_epmd(), %% Extract the args {RestArgs, TargetNode} = process_args(Args, [], undefined), %% See if the node is currently running -- if it's not, we'll bail case {net_kernel:hidden_connect_node(TargetNode), net_adm:ping(TargetNode)} of {true, pong} -> ok; {_, pang} -> io:format(\"Node ~p not responding to pings.\n\", [TargetNode]), halt(1) end, case RestArgs of [\"ping\"] -> %% If we got this far, the node already responsed to a ping, so just dump %% a \"pong\" io:format(\"pong\n\"); [\"stop\"] -> io:format(\"~p\n\", [rpc:call(TargetNode, init, stop, [], 60000)]); [\"restart\"] -> io:format(\"~p\n\", [rpc:call(TargetNode, init, restart, [], 60000)]); [\"reboot\"] -> io:format(\"~p\n\", [rpc:call(TargetNode, init, reboot, [], 60000)]); [\"rpc\", Module, Function | RpcArgs] -> case rpc:call(TargetNode, list_to_atom(Module), list_to_atom(Function), [RpcArgs], 60000) of ok -> ok; {badrpc, Reason} -> io:format(\"RPC to ~p failed: ~p\n\", [TargetNode, Reason]), halt(1); _ -> halt(1) end; [\"rpcterms\", Module, Function, ArgsAsString] -> case rpc:call(TargetNode, list_to_atom(Module), list_to_atom(Function), consult(ArgsAsString), 60000) of {badrpc, Reason} -> io:format(\"RPC to ~p failed: ~p\n\", [TargetNode, Reason]), halt(1); Other -> io:format(\"~p\n\", [Other]) end; Other -> io:format(\"Other: ~p\n\", [Other]), io:format(\"Usage: nodetool {ping|stop|restart|reboot}\n\") end, net_kernel:stop(). process_args([], Acc, TargetNode) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), TargetNode}; process_args([\"-setcookie\", Cookie | Rest], Acc, TargetNode) -> erlang:set_cookie(node(), list_to_atom(Cookie)), process_args(Rest, Acc, TargetNode); process_args([\"-name\", TargetName | Rest], Acc, _) -> ThisNode = append_node_suffix(TargetName, \"_maint_\"), {ok, _} = net_kernel:start([ThisNode, longnames]), process_args(Rest, Acc, nodename(TargetName)); process_args([\"-sname\", TargetName | Rest], Acc, _) -> ThisNode = append_node_suffix(TargetName, \"_maint_\"), {ok, _} = net_kernel:start([ThisNode, shortnames]), process_args(Rest, Acc, nodename(TargetName)); process_args([Arg | Rest], Acc, Opts) -> process_args(Rest, [Arg | Acc], Opts). start_epmd() -> [] = os:cmd(epmd_path() ++ \" -daemon\"), ok. epmd_path() -> ErtsBinDir = filename:dirname(escript:script_name()), Name = \"epmd\", case os:find_executable(Name, ErtsBinDir) of false -> case os:find_executable(Name) of false -> io:format(\"Could not find epmd.~n\"), halt(1); GlobalEpmd -> GlobalEpmd end; Epmd -> Epmd end. nodename(Name) -> case string:tokens(Name, \"@\") of [_Node, _Host] -> list_to_atom(Name); [Node] -> [_, Host] = string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), \"@\"), list_to_atom(lists:concat([Node, \"@\", Host])) end. append_node_suffix(Name, Suffix) -> case string:tokens(Name, \"@\") of [Node, Host] -> list_to_atom(lists:concat([Node, Suffix, os:getpid(), \"@\", Host])); [Node] -> list_to_atom(lists:concat([Node, Suffix, os:getpid()])) end. %% %% Given a string or binary, parse it into a list of terms, ala file:consult/0 %% consult(Str) when is_list(Str) -> consult([], Str, []); consult(Bin) when is_binary(Bin)-> consult([], binary_to_list(Bin), []). consult(Cont, Str, Acc) -> case erl_scan:tokens(Cont, Str, 0) of {done, Result, Remaining} -> case Result of {ok, Tokens, _} -> {ok, Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens), consult([], Remaining, [Term | Acc]); {eof, _Other} -> lists:reverse(Acc); {error, Info, _} -> {error, Info} end; {more, Cont1} -> consult(Cont1, eof, Acc) end.">>]. vm_args_file(RelName) -> [<<"## Name of the node -name ">>, RelName, <<"@ ## Cookie for distributed erlang -setcookie ">>, RelName, <<" ## Heartbeat management; auto-restarts VM if it dies or becomes unresponsive ## (Disabled by default..use with caution!) ##-heart ## Enable kernel poll and a few async threads ##+K true ##+A 5 ## Increase number of concurrent ports/sockets ##-env ERL_MAX_PORTS 4096 ## Tweak GC to run more often ##-env ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER 10">>].