%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*- %%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %%% a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %%% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %%% specific language governing permissions and limitations %%% under the License. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Eric Merritt %%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC. %%% %%% @doc Given a complete built release this provider assembles that release %%% into a release directory. -module(rlx_prv_overlay). -behaviour(provider). -export([init/1, do/1, format_error/1]). -export([generate_overlay_vars/2, render_string/2]). -define(DIRECTORY_RE, ".*(\/|\\\\)$"). -include("relx.hrl"). -define(PROVIDER, overlay). -define(DEPS, [resolve_release]). %%============================================================================ %% API %%============================================================================ -spec init(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()}. init(State) -> State1 = rlx_state:add_provider(State, providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER}, {module, ?MODULE}, {deps, ?DEPS}])), {ok, State1}. %% @doc recursively dig down into the library directories specified in the state %% looking for OTP Applications -spec do(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error(). do(State) -> {RelName, RelVsn} = rlx_state:default_configured_release(State), Release = rlx_state:get_realized_release(State, RelName, RelVsn), case rlx_release:realized(Release) of true -> case generate_overlay_vars(State, Release) of {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; OverlayVars -> Files = rlx_util:template_files(), do_overlay(State, Files, OverlayVars) end; false -> ?RLX_ERROR({unresolved_release, RelName, RelVsn}) end. -spec format_error(ErrorDetail::term()) -> iolist(). format_error({unresolved_release, RelName, RelVsn}) -> io_lib:format("The release has not been resolved ~p-~s", [RelName, RelVsn]); format_error({ec_file_error, AppDir, TargetDir, E}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to copy OTP App from ~s to ~s due to ~p", [AppDir, TargetDir, E]); format_error({unable_to_read_varsfile, FileName, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to read vars file (~s) for overlay due to: ~p", [FileName, Reason]); format_error({read_template, FileName, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to read template file (~s) for overlay due to: ~s", [FileName, file:format_error(Reason)]); format_error({overlay_failed, Errors}) -> [[format_error(rlx_util:error_reason(Error)), "\n"] || Error <- Errors]; format_error({unable_to_make_symlink, AppDir, TargetDir, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to symlink directory ~s to ~s because \n~s~s", [AppDir, TargetDir, rlx_util:indent(2), file:format_error(Reason)]); format_error({copy_failed, FromFile, ToFile, Err}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to copy from ~s to ~s because of ~p", [FromFile, ToFile, Err]); format_error({unable_to_write, ToFile, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to write to ~s because ~p", [ToFile, Reason]); format_error({unable_to_enclosing_dir, ToFile, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to create enclosing directory for ~s because ~p", [ToFile, Reason]); format_error({unable_to_render_template, FromFile, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to render template ~s because ~p", [FromFile, Reason]); format_error({unable_to_compile_template, FromFile, Reason}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to compile template ~s because \n~s", [FromFile, [format_errors(F, Es) || {F, Es} <- Reason]]); format_error({unable_to_make_dir, Absolute, Error}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to make directory ~s because ~p", [Absolute, Error]). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal Functions %%%=================================================================== format_errors(File, [{none, Mod, E}|Es]) -> [io_lib:format("~s~s: ~ts~n", [rlx_util:indent(2), File, Mod:format_error(E)]) |format_errors(File, Es)]; format_errors(File, [{{Line, Col}, Mod, E}|Es]) -> [io_lib:format("~s~s:~w:~w: ~ts~n", [rlx_util:indent(2), File, Line, Col, Mod:format_error(E)]) |format_errors(File, Es)]; format_errors(File, [{Line, Mod, E}|Es]) -> [io_lib:format("~s~s:~w: ~ts~n", [rlx_util:indent(2), File, Line, Mod:format_error(E)]) |format_errors(File, Es)]; format_errors(_, []) -> []. -spec generate_overlay_vars(rlx_state:t(), rlx_release:t()) -> proplists:proplist() | relx:error(). generate_overlay_vars(State, Release) -> StateVars = generate_state_vars(State), ReleaseVars = generate_release_vars(Release), get_overlay_vars_from_file(State, StateVars ++ ReleaseVars). -spec get_overlay_vars_from_file(rlx_state:t(), proplists:proplist()) -> proplists:proplist() | relx:error(). get_overlay_vars_from_file(State, OverlayVars) -> case rlx_state:get(State, overlay_vars, undefined) of undefined -> OverlayVars; [] -> OverlayVars; [H | _]=FileNames when is_list(H) -> read_overlay_vars(State, OverlayVars, FileNames); FileName when is_list(FileName) -> read_overlay_vars(State, OverlayVars, [FileName]) end. -spec read_overlay_vars(rlx_state:t(), proplists:proplist(), [file:name()]) -> proplists:proplist() | relx:error(). read_overlay_vars(State, OverlayVars, FileNames) -> Terms = merge_overlay_vars(State, FileNames), case render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, Terms, []) of {ok, NewTerms} -> OverlayVars ++ NewTerms; Error -> Error end. -spec check_overlay_inclusion(rlx_state:t(), string(), proplists:proplist()) -> proplists:proplist(). check_overlay_inclusion(State, RelativeRoot, Terms) -> check_overlay_inclusion(State, RelativeRoot, Terms, []). -spec check_overlay_inclusion(rlx_state:t(), string(), proplists:proplist(), proplists:proplist()) -> proplists:proplist(). check_overlay_inclusion(State, RelativeRoot, [File|T], Terms) when is_list(File) -> IncludedTerms = merge_overlay_vars(State, [filename:join(RelativeRoot, File)]), check_overlay_inclusion(State, RelativeRoot, T, Terms ++ IncludedTerms); check_overlay_inclusion(State, RelativeRoot, [Tuple|T], Terms) -> check_overlay_inclusion(State, RelativeRoot, T, Terms ++ [Tuple]); check_overlay_inclusion(_State, _RelativeRoot, [], Terms) -> Terms. -spec merge_overlay_vars(rlx_state:t(), [file:name()]) -> proplists:proplist(). merge_overlay_vars(State, FileNames) -> RelativeRoot = get_relative_root(State), lists:foldl(fun(FileName, Acc) -> RelativePath = filename:join(RelativeRoot, erlang:iolist_to_binary(FileName)), case file:consult(RelativePath) of %% {ok, [Terms]} -> %% lists:ukeymerge(1, lists:ukeysort(1, Terms), Acc); %% % the location of the included overlay files will be relative %% %% to the current one being read %% %% OverlayRelativeRoot = filename:dirname(FileName), %% %% NewTerms = check_overlay_inclusion(State, OverlayRelativeRoot, Terms), %% %% lists:ukeymerge(1, lists:ukeysort(1, NewTerms), Acc); {ok, Terms} -> %% the location of the included overlay files will be relative %% to the current one being read OverlayRelativeRoot = filename:dirname(FileName), NewTerms = check_overlay_inclusion(State, OverlayRelativeRoot, Terms), lists:foldl(fun(NewTerm, A) -> lists:keystore(element(1, NewTerm), 1, A, NewTerm) end, Acc, NewTerms); {error, Reason} -> ec_cmd_log:warn(rlx_state:log(State), format_error({unable_to_read_varsfile, FileName, Reason})), Acc end end, [], FileNames). -spec render_overlay_vars(proplists:proplist(), proplists:proplist(), proplists:proplist()) -> {ok, proplists:proplist()} | relx:error(). render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, [{Key, Value} | Rest], Acc) when erlang:is_list(Value) -> case io_lib:printable_list(Value) of true -> case render_template(Acc ++ OverlayVars, erlang:iolist_to_binary(Value)) of {ok, Data} -> %% Adding to the end sucks, but ordering needs to be retained render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, Rest, Acc ++ [{Key, Data}]); Error -> Error end; false -> case render_overlay_vars(Acc ++ OverlayVars, Value, []) of {ok, NewValue} -> render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, Rest, Acc ++ [{Key, NewValue}]); Error -> Error end end; render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, [{Key, Value} | Rest], Acc) when erlang:is_binary(Value) -> case render_template(Acc ++ OverlayVars, erlang:iolist_to_binary(Value)) of {ok, Data} -> render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, Rest, Acc ++ [{Key, erlang:iolist_to_binary(Data)}]); Error -> Error end; render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, [KeyValue | Rest], Acc) -> render_overlay_vars(OverlayVars, Rest, Acc ++ [KeyValue]); render_overlay_vars(_OverlayVars, [], Acc) -> {ok, Acc}. -spec generate_release_vars(rlx_release:t()) -> proplists:proplist(). generate_release_vars(Release) -> [{erts_vsn, rlx_release:erts(Release)}, {erts_dir, code:root_dir()}, {release_erts_version, rlx_release:erts(Release)}, {release_name, rlx_release:name(Release)}, {rel_vsn, rlx_release:vsn(Release)}, {release_version, rlx_release:vsn(Release)}]. -spec generate_state_vars(rlx_state:t()) -> proplists:proplist(). generate_state_vars(State) -> [{log, ec_cmd_log:format(rlx_state:log(State))}, {output_dir, rlx_state:output_dir(State)}, {target_dir, rlx_state:output_dir(State)}, {overridden, [AppName || {AppName, _} <- rlx_state:overrides(State)]}, {overrides, rlx_state:overrides(State)}, {goals, [rlx_depsolver:format_constraint(Constraint) || Constraint <- rlx_state:goals(State)]}, {lib_dirs, rlx_state:lib_dirs(State)}, {config_file, rlx_state:config_file(State)}, {providers, rlx_state:providers(State)}, {vm_args, rlx_state:vm_args(State)}, {sys_config, rlx_state:sys_config(State)}, {root_dir, rlx_state:root_dir(State)}, {default_release_name, case rlx_state:default_configured_release(State) of {Name0, _} -> Name0 end}, {default_release_version, case rlx_state:default_configured_release(State) of {_, Vsn0} -> Vsn0 end}, {default_release, case rlx_state:default_configured_release(State) of {Name1, undefined} -> erlang:atom_to_list(Name1); {Name1, Vsn1} -> erlang:atom_to_list(Name1) ++ "-" ++ Vsn1 end}]. -spec do_overlay(rlx_state:t(), list(), proplists:proplist()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error(). do_overlay(State, Files, OverlayVars) -> case rlx_state:get(State, overlay, undefined) of undefined -> {ok, State}; Overlays -> handle_errors(State, lists:map(fun(Overlay) -> do_individual_overlay(State, Files, OverlayVars, Overlay) end, Overlays)) end. -spec handle_errors(rlx_state:t(), [ok | relx:error()]) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error(). handle_errors(State, Result) -> case [Error || Error <- Result, rlx_util:is_error(Error)] of Errors = [_|_] -> ?RLX_ERROR({overlay_failed, Errors}); [] -> {ok, State} end. -spec do_individual_overlay(rlx_state:t(), list(), proplists:proplist(), OverlayDirective::term()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error(). do_individual_overlay(State, _Files, OverlayVars, {chmod, Mode, Path}) -> % mode can be specified directly as an integer value, or if it is % not an integer we assume it's a template, which we render and convert % blindly to an integer. So this will crash with an exception if for % some reason something other than an integer is used NewMode = case is_integer(Mode) of true -> Mode; false -> erlang:binary_to_integer(render_string (OverlayVars, Mode)) end, file_render_do(OverlayVars, Path, fun(NewPath) -> Absolute = absolute_path_to(State, NewPath), case file:change_mode(Absolute, NewMode) of {error, Error} -> ?RLX_ERROR({unable_to_chmod, NewMode, NewPath, Error}); ok -> ok end end); do_individual_overlay(State, _Files, OverlayVars, {mkdir, Dir}) -> file_render_do(OverlayVars, Dir, fun(Dir0) -> Absolute = absolute_path_to(State, Dir0), case rlx_util:mkdir_p(Absolute) of {error, Error} -> ?RLX_ERROR({unable_to_make_dir, Absolute, Error}); ok -> ok end end); do_individual_overlay(State, _Files, OverlayVars, {copy, From, To}) -> file_render_do(OverlayVars, From, fun(FromFile) -> file_render_do(OverlayVars, To, fun(ToFile) -> copy_to(State, FromFile, ToFile) end) end); do_individual_overlay(State, Files, OverlayVars, {link, From, To}) -> case rlx_state:dev_mode(State) of false -> do_individual_overlay(State, Files, OverlayVars, {copy, From, To}); true -> file_render_do(OverlayVars, From, fun(FromFile) -> file_render_do(OverlayVars, To, fun(ToFile) -> link_to(State, FromFile, ToFile) end) end) end; do_individual_overlay(State, _Files, OverlayVars, {template, From, To}) -> file_render_do(OverlayVars, From, fun(FromFile) -> file_render_do(OverlayVars, To, fun(ToFile) -> write_template(OverlayVars, absolute_path_from(State, FromFile), absolute_path_to(State, ToFile)) end) end). -spec wildcard_copy(rlx_state:t(), file:filename_all(), file:filename_all(), fun((file:filename_all(), file:filename_all()) -> ok | {error, term()}), ErrorTag :: atom()) -> ok | relx:error(). wildcard_copy(State, FromFile0, ToFile0, CopyFun, ErrorTag) -> FromFile1 = absolute_path_from(State, FromFile0), ToFile1 = absolute_path_to(State, ToFile0), Res = case is_directory(ToFile0, ToFile1) of false -> filelib:ensure_dir(ToFile1), CopyFun(FromFile1, ToFile1); true -> Root = absolute_path_from(Root), FromFiles = if is_list(FromFile0) -> filelib:wildcard(FromFile0, Root); true -> [FromFile1] end, rlx_util:mkdir_p(ToFile1), lists:foldl(fun (_, {error, _} = Error) -> Error; (FromFile, ok) -> CopyFun(filename:join(Root, FromFile), filename:join(ToFile1, filename:basename(FromFile))) end, ok, FromFiles) end, case Res of ok -> ok; {error, Err} -> ?RLX_ERROR({ErrorTag, FromFile1, ToFile1, Err}) end. -spec copy_to(rlx_state:t(), file:name(), file:name()) -> ok | relx:error(). copy_to(State, FromFile0, ToFile0) -> wildcard_copy(State, FromFile0, ToFile0, fun(FromPath, ToPath) -> ec_file:copy(FromPath, ToPath, [recursive, {file_info, [mode, time]}]) end, copy_failed). -spec link_to(rlx_state:t(), file:name(), file:name()) -> ok | relx:error(). link_to(State, FromFile0, ToFile0) -> wildcard_copy(State, FromFile0, ToFile0, fun make_link/2, link_failed). make_link(FromFile, ToFile) -> case ec_file:is_symlink(ToFile) of true -> file:delete(ToFile); false -> ec_file:remove(ToFile, [recursive]) end, file:make_symlink(FromFile, ToFile). get_relative_root(State) -> case rlx_state:config_file(State) of [] -> rlx_state:root_dir(State); Config -> case filelib:is_regular(Config) of true -> filename:dirname(Config); false -> rlx_state:root_dir(State) end end. absolute_path_from(State, Path) -> absolutize(State, filename:join(get_relative_root(State), Path)). absolute_path_to(State, Path) -> absolutize(State, filename:join(rlx_state:output_dir(State), Path)). -spec is_directory(file:name(), file:name()) -> boolean(). is_directory(ToFile0, ToFile1) -> case re:run(ToFile0, ?DIRECTORY_RE) of nomatch -> filelib:is_dir(ToFile1); _ -> true end. -spec render_template(proplists:proplist(), binary()) -> {ok, binary()} | relx:error(). render_template(OverlayVars, Data) -> case rlx_util:render(Data, OverlayVars) of {ok, IoData} -> {ok, IoData}; {error, Reason} -> ?RLX_ERROR({unable_to_render_template, Data, Reason}) end. -spec write_template(proplists:proplist(), file:name(), file:name()) -> ok | relx:error(). write_template(OverlayVars, FromFile, ToFile) -> case file:read_file(FromFile) of {ok, File} -> case render_template(OverlayVars, File) of {ok, IoData} -> case filelib:ensure_dir(ToFile) of ok -> %% we were asked to render a template %% onto a symlink, this would cause an overwrite %% of the original file, so we delete the symlink %% and go ahead with the template render case ec_file:is_symlink(ToFile) of true -> ec_file:remove(ToFile); false -> ok end, case file:write_file(ToFile, IoData) of ok -> ok = ec_file:copy_file_info(ToFile, FromFile, [mode, time]), ok; {error, Reason} -> ?RLX_ERROR({unable_to_write, ToFile, Reason}) end; {error, Reason} -> ?RLX_ERROR({unable_to_enclosing_dir, ToFile, Reason}) end; Error -> Error end; {error, Error} -> ?RLX_ERROR({read_template, FromFile, Error}) end. -spec render_string(proplists:proplist(), iolist()) -> binary() | relx:error(). render_string(OverlayVars, Data) -> case rlx_util:render(Data, OverlayVars) of {ok, Bin} -> Bin; {error, Error} -> ?RLX_ERROR({render_failed, Data, Error}) end. -spec file_render_do(proplists:proplist(), iolist(), fun((string() | binary()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error())) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error(). file_render_do(OverlayVars, File, NextAction) -> io:format("render ~p~n", [File]), case rlx_util:render(File, OverlayVars) of {ok, Binary} when is_binary(File) -> NextAction(Binary); {ok, Binary} when is_list(File) -> NextAction(binary_to_list(Binary)); {error, Error} -> ?RLX_ERROR({render_failed, File, Error}) end. absolutize(State, FileName) -> filename:absname(filename:join(rlx_state:root_dir(State), FileName)).