%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*- %%% Copyright 2014 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %%% a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %%% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %%% specific language governing permissions and limitations %%% under the License. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Tristan Sloughter %%% @copyright (C) 2014 Erlware, LLC. %%% %%% @doc Given a complete built release this provider assembles that release %%% into a release directory. -module(rlx_prv_relup). -behaviour(provider). -export([init/1, do/1, format_error/1]). -include("relx.hrl"). -define(PROVIDER, relup). -define(DEPS, [rel_discover, resolve_release]). %%============================================================================ %% API %%============================================================================ -spec init(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()}. init(State) -> State1 = rlx_state:add_provider(State, providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER}, {module, ?MODULE}, {deps, ?DEPS}])), {ok, State1}. -spec do(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error(). do(State) -> {RelName, RelVsn} = rlx_state:default_configured_release(State), Release0 = rlx_state:get_realized_release(State, RelName, RelVsn), make_relup(State, Release0). format_error({relup_generation_error, CurrentName, UpFromName}) -> io_lib:format("Unknown internal release error generating the relup from ~s to ~s", [UpFromName, CurrentName]); format_error({relup_generation_warning, Module, Warnings}) -> ["Warnings generating relup \s", rlx_util:indent(2), Module:format_warning(Warnings)]; format_error({no_upfrom_release_found, undefined}) -> io_lib:format("No earlier release for relup found", []); format_error({no_upfrom_release_found, Vsn}) -> io_lib:format("Upfrom release version (~s) for relup not found", [Vsn]); format_error({relup_script_generation_error, {relup_script_generation_error, systools_relup, {missing_sasl, _}}}) -> "Unfortunately, due to requirements in systools, you need to have the sasl application " "in both the current release and the release to upgrade from."; format_error({relup_script_generation_error, Module, Errors}) -> ["Errors generating relup \n", rlx_util:indent(2), Module:format_error(Errors)]. make_relup(State, Release) -> Vsn = rlx_state:upfrom(State), UpFrom = case Vsn of undefined -> get_last_release(State, Release); Vsn -> get_up_release(State, Release, Vsn) end, case UpFrom of undefined -> ?RLX_ERROR({no_upfrom_release_found, Vsn}); _ -> make_upfrom_script(State, Release, UpFrom) end. get_last_release(State, Release) -> Releases0 = [Rel || {{_, _}, Rel} <- ec_dictionary:to_list(rlx_state:realized_releases(State))], Releases1 = lists:sort(fun(R1, R2) -> ec_semver:lte(rlx_release:vsn(R1), rlx_release:vsn(R2)) end, Releases0), Res = lists:foldl(fun(_Rel, R = {found, _}) -> R; (Rel, Prev) -> case rlx_release:vsn(Rel) == rlx_release:vsn(Release) of true -> {found, Prev}; false -> Rel end end, undefined, Releases1), case Res of {found, R} -> R; Else -> Else end. get_up_release(State, Release, Vsn) -> Name = rlx_release:name(Release), try ec_dictionary:get({Name, Vsn}, rlx_state:realized_releases(State)) catch throw:not_found -> undefined end. make_upfrom_script(State, Release, UpFrom) -> OutputDir = rlx_state:output_dir(State), Options = [{outdir, OutputDir}, {path, rlx_util:get_code_paths(Release, OutputDir) ++ rlx_util:get_code_paths(UpFrom, OutputDir)}, silent], CurrentRel = strip_rel(rlx_release:relfile(Release)), UpFromRel = strip_rel(rlx_release:relfile(UpFrom)), ec_cmd_log:debug(rlx_state:log(State), "systools:make_relup(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p)", [CurrentRel, UpFromRel, UpFromRel, Options]), case rlx_util:make_script(Options, fun(CorrectOptions) -> systools:make_relup(CurrentRel, [UpFromRel], [UpFromRel], CorrectOptions) end) of ok -> ec_cmd_log:info(rlx_state:log(State), "relup from ~s to ~s successfully created!", [UpFromRel, CurrentRel]), {ok, State}; error -> ?RLX_ERROR({relup_script_generation_error, CurrentRel, UpFromRel}); {ok, RelUp, _, []} -> ec_cmd_log:info(rlx_state:log(State), "relup successfully created!"), write_relup_file(State, Release, RelUp), {ok, State}; {ok,_, Module,Warnings} -> ?RLX_ERROR({relup_script_generation_warn, Module, Warnings}); {error,Module,Errors} -> ?RLX_ERROR({relup_script_generation_error, Module, Errors}) end. write_relup_file(State, Release, Relup) -> OutDir = rlx_util:release_output_dir(State, Release), RelupFile = filename:join(OutDir, "relup"), ok = ec_file:write_term(RelupFile, Relup). strip_rel(Name) -> rlx_util:to_string(filename:join(filename:dirname(Name), filename:basename(Name, ".rel"))).