%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*- %%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %%% a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %%% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %%% specific language governing permissions and limitations %%% under the License. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Eric Merritt <ericbmerritt@gmail.com> %%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC. %%% %%% @doc Trivial utility file to help handle common tasks -module(rlx_util). -export([mkdir_p/1, to_binary/1, to_string/1, to_atom/1, is_error/1, error_reason/1, indent/1, optional_to_string/1, wildcard_paths/1]). -define(ONE_LEVEL_INDENT, " "). %%============================================================================ %% types %%============================================================================ %%============================================================================ %% API %%============================================================================ %% @doc Makes a directory including parent dirs if they are missing. -spec mkdir_p(string()) -> ok | {error, Reason::file:posix()}. mkdir_p(Path) -> %% We are exploiting a feature of ensuredir that that creates all %% directories up to the last element in the filename, then ignores %% that last element. This way we ensure that the dir is created %% and not have any worries about path names DirName = filename:join([filename:absname(Path), "tmp"]), filelib:ensure_dir(DirName). %% @doc ident to the level specified -spec indent(non_neg_integer()) -> iolist(). indent(Amount) when erlang:is_integer(Amount) -> [?ONE_LEVEL_INDENT || _ <- lists:seq(1, Amount)]. -spec to_binary(iolist() | binary()) -> binary(). to_binary(String) when erlang:is_list(String) -> erlang:iolist_to_binary(String); to_binary(Bin) when erlang:is_binary(Bin) -> Bin. -spec to_string(binary() | string() | atom()) -> string(). to_string(Binary) when erlang:is_binary(Binary) -> erlang:binary_to_list(Binary); to_string(Atom) when erlang:is_atom(Atom) -> erlang:atom_to_list(Atom); to_string(Else) when erlang:is_list(Else) -> Else. -spec to_atom(atom() | string() | binary()) -> atom(). to_atom(Binary) when erlang:is_binary(Binary) -> erlang:list_to_atom(to_string(Binary)); to_atom(String) when erlang:is_list(String) -> erlang:list_to_atom(String); to_atom(Atom) when erlang:is_atom(Atom) -> Atom. %% @doc get the reason for a particular relx error -spec error_reason(relx:error()) -> any(). error_reason({error, {_, Reason}}) -> Reason. %% @doc check to see if the value is a relx error -spec is_error(relx:error() | any()) -> boolean(). is_error({error, _}) -> true; is_error(_) -> false. %% @doc convert optional argument to empty string if undefined optional_to_string(undefined) -> ""; optional_to_string(Value) when is_list(Value) -> Value. %% @doc expand wildcards and names in the given paths -spec wildcard_paths([file:filename_all()]) -> [string()]. wildcard_paths(Paths) -> [filename:absname(Expanded) || Path <- Paths, Expanded <- wildcard(Path)]. %% In case the given directory does not expand, %% we return it back in a list so we trigger the %% proper error reportings. -spec wildcard(file:filename_all()) -> [string()]. wildcard(Path) when is_binary(Path) -> wildcard(binary_to_list(Path)); wildcard(Path) when is_list(Path) -> case filelib:wildcard(Path) of [] -> [Path]; Paths -> Paths end. %%%=================================================================== %%% Test Functions %%%=================================================================== -ifndef(NOTEST). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -endif.