diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2024-01-05 16:24:25 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2024-01-05 16:32:59 +0100
commit6ef79ae410d9bce15a361303ec283f6381965404 (patch)
parent5b2f600036145653c48a7e8a60853e4a0ecc770b (diff)
Reject HTTP/1 requests with both content-length and transfer-encoding
The previous behavior was to accept them and drop the content-length header as per the RFC recommendation. But since this behavior is not normal it is safer to just reject such requests than risk security issues.
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index bba2108..70f8268 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -765,39 +765,42 @@ default_port(_) -> 80.
request(Buffer, State0=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert,
proxy_header=ProxyHeader, in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=
PS=#ps_header{method=Method, path=Path, qs=Qs, version=Version}},
- Headers0, Host, Port) ->
+ Headers, Host, Port) ->
Scheme = case Transport:secure() of
true -> <<"https">>;
false -> <<"http">>
- {Headers, HasBody, BodyLength, TDecodeFun, TDecodeState} = case Headers0 of
+ {HasBody, BodyLength, TDecodeFun, TDecodeState} = case Headers of
+ #{<<"transfer-encoding">> := _, <<"content-length">> := _} ->
+ error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
+ 'The request had both transfer-encoding and content-length headers. (RFC7230 3.3.3)'});
#{<<"transfer-encoding">> := TransferEncoding0} ->
try cow_http_hd:parse_transfer_encoding(TransferEncoding0) of
[<<"chunked">>] ->
- {maps:remove(<<"content-length">>, Headers0),
- true, undefined, fun cow_http_te:stream_chunked/2, {0, 0}};
+ {true, undefined, fun cow_http_te:stream_chunked/2, {0, 0}};
_ ->
- error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
+ error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
{stream_error, protocol_error,
'Cowboy only supports transfer-encoding: chunked. (RFC7230 3.3.1)'})
catch _:_ ->
- error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
+ error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
{stream_error, protocol_error,
'The transfer-encoding header is invalid. (RFC7230 3.3.1)'})
#{<<"content-length">> := <<"0">>} ->
- {Headers0, false, 0, undefined, undefined};
+ {false, 0, undefined, undefined};
#{<<"content-length">> := BinLength} ->
Length = try
catch _:_ ->
- error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
+ error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
{stream_error, protocol_error,
'The content-length header is invalid. (RFC7230 3.3.2)'})
- {Headers0, true, Length, fun cow_http_te:stream_identity/2, {0, Length}};
+ {true, Length, fun cow_http_te:stream_identity/2, {0, Length}};
_ ->
- {Headers0, false, 0, undefined, undefined}
+ {false, 0, undefined, undefined}
Req0 = #{
ref => Ref,
diff --git a/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl b/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
index 50a6c71..64d9ce4 100644
--- a/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
@@ -1144,18 +1144,19 @@ reject_invalid_content_length(Config) ->
%with a message body too large must be rejected with a 413 status
%code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.2)
-ignore_content_length_when_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
+reject_when_both_content_length_and_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
doc("When a message includes both transfer-encoding and content-length "
- "headers, the content-length header must be removed before processing "
- "the request. (RFC7230 3.3.3)"),
- #{code := 200, body := <<"Hello world!">>} = do_raw(Config, [
+ "headers, the message may be an attempt at request smuggling. It "
+ "must be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing of the "
+ "connection. (RFC7230 3.3.3)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config, [
"POST /echo/read_body HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n"
"Content-length: 12\r\n"
"6\r\nHello \r\n5\r\nworld\r\n1\r\n!\r\n0\r\n\r\n"]),
- ok.
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
%socket_error_while_reading_body(Config) ->
%If a socket error occurs while reading the body the server