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<article class="blog_item">
	<h1 class="lined-header"><span>Farwest got funded!</span></h1>
	<p class="date">
		<span class="year">2013</span>
		<span class="day-month">27 Jun</span>

<p>This was a triumph! I&apos;m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!!</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="400px" width"236px" seamless="seamless" src=""></iframe><p>It&apos;s hard to overstate my satisfaction. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.</p>
<p>If you have backed this fundraiser, and haven&apos;t provided your personal details yet, please do so quickly so that your rewards can be sent!</p>
<p>I am hoping that we will be able to make good use of all that money. The details of the expenses will be published regularly on the <a href="">2013 Fundraiser wiki page</a>, giving you full disclosure as to how your money is used.</p>
<p>It will take a little time to get things started, we are in summer after all! We will however act quickly to make the prototype easy enough to use so that the paid UI work can begin. This is also when user contributions will be welcome.</p>
<p>You can see the <a href="">Roadmap</a> to get more information on the current plans. This document will get updated as time goes on so check again later to see if you can help!</p>
<p>Look at me: still talking when there&apos;s open source to do!</p>
<p>Thanks again for all your support. I really appreciate it.</p>


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