diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2011-09-02 13:27:41 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2011-09-03 08:29:21 +0200
commit12ebe3823b01be256b0834956bc2e117129b32e4 (patch)
parent9f1e455017228e8f35d82e2fe1e3c5268c2e0aa3 (diff)
erlc_SUITE: Fix arg_overflow/1 test case
In commit be8759e68b337524c056b8bb757ea68c9996d863, a buffer overflow was fixed in erlc and the erlc_SUITE:arg_overflow/1 test case was added. That test cases invokes erlc with 10000 -D options, which will result in 'erl' being invoked with more than 30000 arguments. On some platforms, the test case will fail for the wrong reason: * 64-bit Linux kernels before 2.6.23 limit the number of arguments in an excvp() call to 16383. (See "Number of arguments and maximum length of one argument" in http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/various/argmax/.) * The command shell in Windows limits the size of the command line to 8191 characters. Depending on the platform, pass a different number of -D options to erlc. Since the size of the options does not matter for this test case, make the options as short as possible by generating numbers in base 36.
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/erts/test/erlc_SUITE.erl b/erts/test/erlc_SUITE.erl
index 62e0e6813d..2b5cb11f02 100644
--- a/erts/test/erlc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/test/erlc_SUITE.erl
@@ -213,13 +213,34 @@ deep_cwd_1(PrivDir) ->
arg_overflow(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {SrcDir, _OutDir, Cmd} = get_cmd(Config),
?line FileName = filename:join(SrcDir, "erl_test_ok.erl"),
- ?line Args = lists:flatten([ ["-D", integer_to_list(N), "=1 "] ||
- N <- lists:seq(1,10000) ]),
+ %% Each -D option will be expanded to three arguments when
+ %% invoking 'erl'.
+ ?line NumDOptions = num_d_options(),
+ ?line Args = lists:flatten([ ["-D", integer_to_list(N, 36), "=1 "] ||
+ N <- lists:seq(1, NumDOptions) ]),
?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, Args,
["Warning: function foo/0 is unused\$",
+num_d_options() ->
+ case {os:type(),os:version()} of
+ {{win32,_},_} ->
+ %% The maximum size of a command line in the command
+ %% shell on Windows is 8191 characters.
+ %% Each -D option is expanded to "@dv NN 1", i.e.
+ %% 8 characters. (Numbers up to 1295 can be expressed
+ %% as two 36-base digits.)
+ 1000;
+ {{unix,linux},Version} when Version < {2,6,23} ->
+ %% On some older 64-bit versions of Linux, the maximum number
+ %% of arguments is 16383.
+ %% See: http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/various/argmax/
+ 5440;
+ {_,_} ->
+ 12000
+ end.
erlc() ->
case os:find_executable("erlc") of
false ->