diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <[email protected]>2019-03-14 17:46:51 +0100
committerRaimo Niskanen <[email protected]>2019-03-28 11:21:25 +0100
commit2bca22721f6d4a9208b342d366220e6cadbea736 (patch)
parentf75cf3bd6c433f71b6fd6d58dee95b0c0fb8a238 (diff)
Implement inet_crypto_dist benchmark example
This is a simplistic distribution protocol module for encrypted distribution using a shared secret and only the crypto module, and AEAD ciphers. It is intended to be a benchmark reference for how fast encrypted distribution may get. How secure it would be and also how useful, for actual production use, remains to be investigated.
3 files changed, 1361 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/Makefile b/lib/ssl/test/Makefile
index fc483b0a94..f7fae16088 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/Makefile
@@ -64,8 +64,9 @@ MODULES = \
ssl_sni_SUITE \
ssl_eqc_SUITE \
ssl_rfc_5869_SUITE \
- make_certs\
- x509_test
+ make_certs \
+ x509_test \
+ inet_crypto_dist
ERL_FILES = $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/inet_crypto_dist.erl b/lib/ssl/test/inet_crypto_dist.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5aafaac983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/inet_crypto_dist.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1323 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2019. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Module for encrypted Erlang protocol - a minimal encrypted
+%% distribution protocol based on only a shared secret
+%% and the crypto application
+-define(DIST_NAME, inet_crypto).
+-define(DIST_PROTO, crypto).
+-define(DRIVER, inet_tcp).
+-define(FAMILY, inet).
+-define(PROTOCOL, inet_crypto_dist_v1).
+-define(DEFAULT_BLOCK_CRYPTO, aes_128_gcm).
+-define(DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM, sha256).
+-define(DEFAULT_REKEY_INTERVAL, 32768).
+-export([listen/1, accept/1, accept_connection/5,
+ setup/5, close/1, select/1, is_node_name/1]).
+%% Generalized dist API, for sibling IPv6 module inet6_crypto_dist
+-export([gen_listen/2, gen_accept/2, gen_accept_connection/6,
+ gen_setup/6, gen_close/2, gen_select/2]).
+%% Debug
+-export([dbg/0, test_server/0, test_client/1]).
+%% Test if crypto has got enough capabilities for this module to run
+is_supported() ->
+ try {crypto:cipher_info(?DEFAULT_BLOCK_CRYPTO),
+ crypto:hash_info(?DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM)}
+ of
+ {#{block_size := _, iv_length := _, key_length := _},
+ #{size := _}} ->
+ true
+ catch
+ error:undef ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Erlang distribution plugin structure explained to myself
+%% -------
+%% These are the processes involved in the distribution:
+%% * net_kernel
+%% * The Acceptor
+%% * The Controller | Handshaker | Ticker
+%% * The DistCtrl process that may be split into:
+%% + The Output controller
+%% + The Input controller
+%% For the regular inet_tcp_dist distribution module, DistCtrl
+%% is not one or two processes, but one port - a gen_tcp socket
+%% When the VM is started with the argument "-proto_dist inet_crypto"
+%% net_kernel registers the module inet_crypto_dist as distribution
+%% module. net_kernel calls listen/1 to create a listen socket
+%% and then accept/1 with the listen socket as argument to spawn
+%% the Acceptor process, which is linked to net_kernel. Apparently
+%% the listen socket is owned by net_kernel - I wonder if it could
+%% be owned by the Acceptor process instead...
+%% The Acceptor process calls blocking accept on the listen socket
+%% and when an incoming socket is returned it spawns the DistCtrl
+%% process a linked to the Acceptor. The ownership of the accepted
+%% socket is transferred to the DistCtrl process.
+%% A message is sent to net_kernel to inform it that an incoming
+%% connection has appeared and the Acceptor awaits a reply from net_kernel.
+%% net_kernel then calls accept_connection/5 to spawn the Controller |
+%% Handshaker | Ticker process that is linked to net_kernel.
+%% The Controller then awaits a message from the Acceptor process.
+%% When net_kernel has spawned the Controller it replies with a message
+%% to the Acceptor that then calls DistCtrl to changes its links
+%% so DistCtrl ends up linked to the Controller and not to the Acceptor.
+%% The Acceptor then sends a message to the Controller. The Controller
+%% then changes role into the Handshaker creates a #hs_data{} record
+%% and calls dist_util:handshake_other_started/1. After this
+%% the Acceptor goes back into a blocking accept on the listen socket.
+%% For the regular distribution inet_tcp_dist DistCtrl is a gen_tcp socket
+%% and when it is a process it also acts as a socket. The #hs_data{}
+%% record used by dist_util presents a set of funs that are used
+%% by dist_util to perform the distribution handshake. These funs
+%% make sure to transfer the handshake messages through the DistCtrl
+%% "socket".
+%% When the handshake is finished a fun for this purpose in #hs_data{}
+%% is called, which tells DistCtrl that it does not need to be prepared
+%% for any more #hs_data{} handshake calls. The DistCtrl process in this
+%% module then spawns the Input controller process that gets ownership
+%% of the connection's gen_tcp socket and changes into {active, N} mode
+%% so now it gets all incoming traffic and delivers that to the VM.
+%% The original DistCtrl process changes role into the Output controller
+%% process and starts asking the VM for outbound messages and transfers
+%% them on the connection socket.
+%% The Handshaker now changes into the Ticker role, and uses only two
+%% functions in the #hs_data{} record; one to get socket statistics
+%% and one to send a tick. None of these may block for any reason
+%% in particular not for a congested socket since that would destroy
+%% connection supervision.
+%% For an connection net_kernel calls setup/5 which spawns the
+%% Controller process as linked to net_kernel. This Controller process
+%% connects to the other node's listen socket and when that is succesful
+%% spawns the DistCtrl process as linked to the controller and transfers
+%% socket ownership to it.
+%% Then the Controller creates the #hs_data{} record and calls
+%% dist_util:handshake_we_started/1 which changes the process role
+%% into Handshaker.
+%% When the distribution handshake is finished the procedure is just
+%% as for an incoming connection above.
+%% To sum it up.
+%% There is an Acceptor process that is linked to net_kernel and
+%% informs it when new connections arrive.
+%% net_kernel spawns Controllers for incoming and for outgoing connections.
+%% these Controllers use the DistCtrl processes to do distribution
+%% handshake and after that becomes Tickers that supervise the connection.
+%% The Controller | Handshaker | Ticker is linked to net_kernel, and to
+%% DistCtrl, one or both. If any of these connection processes would die
+%% all others should be killed by the links. Therefore none of them may
+%% terminate with reason 'normal'.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% select/1 is called by net_kernel to ask if this distribution protocol
+%% is willing to handle Node
+select(Node) ->
+ gen_select(Node, ?DRIVER).
+gen_select(Node, Driver) ->
+ case dist_util:split_node(Node) of
+ {node, _, Host} ->
+ case Driver:getaddr(Host) of
+ {ok, _} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+is_node_name(Node) ->
+ dist_util:is_node_name(Node).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Called by net_kernel to create a listen socket for this
+%% distribution protocol. This listen socket is used by
+%% the Acceptor process.
+listen(Name) ->
+ gen_listen(Name, ?DRIVER).
+gen_listen(Name, Driver) ->
+ case inet_tcp_dist:gen_listen(Driver, Name) of
+ {ok, {Socket, Address, Creation}} ->
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [binary, {nodelay, true}]),
+ {ok,
+ {Socket, Address#net_address{protocol = ?DIST_PROTO}, Creation}};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Called by net_kernel to spawn the Acceptor process that awaits
+%% new connection in a blocking accept and informs net_kernel
+%% when a new connection has appeared, and starts the DistCtrl
+%% "socket" process for the connection.
+accept(Listen) ->
+ gen_accept(Listen, ?DRIVER).
+gen_accept(Listen, Driver) ->
+ NetKernel = self(),
+ %%
+ %% Spawn Acceptor process
+ %%
+ Config = config(),
+ monitor_dist_proc(
+ spawn_opt(
+ fun () ->
+ accept_loop(Listen, Driver, NetKernel, Config)
+ end,
+ [link, {priority, max}])).
+accept_loop(Listen, Driver, NetKernel, Config) ->
+ case Driver:accept(Listen) of
+ {ok, Socket} ->
+ wait_for_code_server(),
+ Timeout = net_kernel:connecttime(),
+ DistCtrl = start_dist_ctrl(Socket, Config, Timeout),
+ %% DistCtrl is a "socket"
+ NetKernel !
+ {accept,
+ self(), DistCtrl, Driver:family(), ?DIST_PROTO},
+ receive
+ {NetKernel, controller, Controller} ->
+ call_dist_ctrl(DistCtrl, {controller, Controller, self()}),
+ Controller ! {self(), controller, Socket};
+ {NetKernel, unsupported_protocol} ->
+ exit(unsupported_protocol)
+ end,
+ accept_loop(Listen, Driver, NetKernel, Config);
+ AcceptError ->
+ exit({accept, AcceptError})
+ end.
+wait_for_code_server() ->
+ %% This is an ugly hack. Starting encryption on a connection
+ %% requires the crypto module to be loaded. Loading the crypto
+ %% module triggers its on_load function, which calls
+ %% code:priv_dir/1 to find the directory where its NIF library is.
+ %% However, distribution is started earlier than the code server,
+ %% so the code server is not necessarily started yet, and
+ %% code:priv_dir/1 might fail because of that, if we receive
+ %% an incoming connection on the distribution port early enough.
+ %%
+ %% If the on_load function of a module fails, the module is
+ %% unloaded, and the function call that triggered loading it fails
+ %% with 'undef', which is rather confusing.
+ %%
+ %% So let's avoid that by waiting for the code server to start.
+ %%
+ case whereis(code_server) of
+ undefined ->
+ timer:sleep(10),
+ wait_for_code_server();
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Called by net_kernel when a new connection has appeared, to spawn
+%% a Controller process that performs the handshake with the new node,
+%% and then becomes the Ticker connection supervisor.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+accept_connection(Acceptor, DistCtrl, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime) ->
+ gen_accept_connection(
+ Acceptor, DistCtrl, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime, ?DRIVER).
+ Acceptor, DistCtrl, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime, Driver) ->
+ NetKernel = self(),
+ %%
+ %% Spawn Controller/handshaker/ticker process
+ %%
+ monitor_dist_proc(
+ spawn_opt(
+ fun() ->
+ do_accept(
+ Acceptor, DistCtrl,
+ MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime, Driver, NetKernel)
+ end,
+ [link, {priority, max}])).
+ Acceptor, DistCtrl, MyNode, Allowed, SetupTime, Driver, NetKernel) ->
+ receive
+ {Acceptor, controller, Socket} ->
+ Timer = dist_util:start_timer(SetupTime),
+ HSData =
+ hs_data_common(
+ NetKernel, MyNode, DistCtrl, Timer,
+ Socket, Driver:family()),
+ HSData_1 =
+ HSData#hs_data{
+ this_node = MyNode,
+ this_flags = 0,
+ allowed = Allowed},
+ dist_util:handshake_other_started(trace(HSData_1))
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Called by net_kernel to spawn a Controller process that sets up
+%% a new connection to another Erlang node, performs the handshake
+%% with the other it, and then becomes the Ticker process
+%% that supervises the connection.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+setup(Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime) ->
+ gen_setup(Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime, ?DRIVER).
+gen_setup(Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime, Driver) ->
+ NetKernel = self(),
+ %%
+ %% Spawn Controller/handshaker/ticker process
+ %%
+ monitor_dist_proc(
+ spawn_opt(
+ setup_fun(
+ Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime, Driver, NetKernel),
+ [link, {priority, max}])).
+-spec setup_fun(_,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> fun(() -> no_return()).
+ Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime, Driver, NetKernel) ->
+ fun() ->
+ do_setup(
+ Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime,
+ Driver, NetKernel)
+ end.
+-spec do_setup(_,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> no_return().
+ Node, Type, MyNode, LongOrShortNames, SetupTime, Driver, NetKernel) ->
+ {Name, Address} = split_node(Driver, Node, LongOrShortNames),
+ ErlEpmd = net_kernel:epmd_module(),
+ {ARMod, ARFun} = get_address_resolver(ErlEpmd, Driver),
+ Timer = trace(dist_util:start_timer(SetupTime)),
+ case ARMod:ARFun(Name, Address, Driver:family()) of
+ {ok, Ip, TcpPort, Version} ->
+ do_setup_connect(
+ Node, Type, MyNode, Timer, Driver, NetKernel,
+ Ip, TcpPort, Version);
+ {ok, Ip} ->
+ case ErlEpmd:port_please(Name, Ip) of
+ {port, TcpPort, Version} ->
+ do_setup_connect(
+ Node, Type, MyNode, Timer, Driver, NetKernel,
+ Ip, TcpPort, Version);
+ Other ->
+ ?shutdown2(
+ Node,
+ trace(
+ {port_please_failed, ErlEpmd, Name, Ip, Other}))
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ ?shutdown2(
+ Node,
+ trace({getaddr_failed, Driver, Address, Other}))
+ end.
+-spec do_setup_connect(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> no_return().
+ Node, Type, MyNode, Timer, Driver, NetKernel,
+ Ip, TcpPort, Version) ->
+ dist_util:reset_timer(Timer),
+ ConnectOpts =
+ trace(
+ connect_options(
+ [binary, {active, false}, {packet, 2}, {nodelay, true}])),
+ case Driver:connect(Ip, TcpPort, ConnectOpts) of
+ {ok, Socket} ->
+ Config = config(),
+ DistCtrl =
+ start_dist_ctrl(Socket, Config, net_kernel:connecttime()),
+ %% DistCtrl is a "socket"
+ HSData =
+ hs_data_common(
+ NetKernel, MyNode, DistCtrl, Timer,
+ Socket, Driver:family()),
+ HSData_1 =
+ HSData#hs_data{
+ other_node = Node,
+ this_flags = 0,
+ other_version = Version,
+ request_type = Type},
+ dist_util:handshake_we_started(trace(HSData_1));
+ ConnectError ->
+ ?shutdown2(Node,
+ trace({connect_failed, Ip, TcpPort, ConnectError}))
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% close/1 is only called by net_kernel on the socket returned by listen/1.
+close(Socket) ->
+ gen_close(Socket, ?DRIVER).
+gen_close(Socket, Driver) ->
+ trace(Driver:close(Socket)).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+hs_data_common(NetKernel, MyNode, DistCtrl, Timer, Socket, Family) ->
+ %% Field 'socket' below is set to DistCtrl, which makes
+ %% the distribution handshake process (ticker) call
+ %% the funs below with DistCtrl as the S argument.
+ %% So, S =:= DistCtrl below...
+ #hs_data{
+ kernel_pid = NetKernel,
+ this_node = MyNode,
+ socket = DistCtrl,
+ timer = Timer,
+ %%
+ f_send =
+ fun (S, Packet) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ call_dist_ctrl(S, {send, Packet})
+ end,
+ f_recv =
+ fun (S, 0, infinity) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ case call_dist_ctrl(S, recv) of
+ {ok, Bin} when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ {ok, binary_to_list(Bin)};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end,
+ f_setopts_pre_nodeup =
+ fun (S) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ f_setopts_post_nodeup =
+ fun (S) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ f_getll =
+ fun (S) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ {ok, S} %% DistCtrl is the distribution port
+ end,
+ f_address =
+ fun (S, Node) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ case call_dist_ctrl(S, peername) of
+ {ok, Address} ->
+ case dist_util:split_node(Node) of
+ {node, _, Host} ->
+ #net_address{
+ address = Address,
+ host = Host,
+ protocol = ?DIST_PROTO,
+ family = Family};
+ _ ->
+ {error, no_node}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ f_handshake_complete =
+ fun (S, _Node, DistHandle) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ call_dist_ctrl(S, {handshake_complete, DistHandle})
+ end,
+ %%
+ %% mf_tick/1, mf_getstat/1, mf_setopts/2 and mf_getopts/2
+ %% are called by the ticker any time after f_handshake_complete/3
+ %% so they may not block the caller even for congested socket
+ mf_tick =
+ fun (S) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ S ! dist_tick
+ end,
+ mf_getstat =
+ fun (S) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ case
+ inet:getstat(Socket, [recv_cnt, send_cnt, send_pend])
+ of
+ {ok, Stat} ->
+ split_stat(Stat, 0, 0, 0);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end,
+ mf_setopts =
+ fun (S, Opts) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ inet:setopts(Socket, setopts_filter(Opts))
+ end,
+ mf_getopts =
+ fun (S, Opts) when S =:= DistCtrl ->
+ inet:getopts(Socket, Opts)
+ end}.
+setopts_filter(Opts) ->
+ [Opt ||
+ Opt <- Opts,
+ case Opt of
+ {K, _} when K =:= active; K =:= deliver; K =:= packet -> false;
+ K when K =:= list; K =:= binary -> false;
+ K when K =:= inet; K =:= inet6 -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end].
+split_stat([{recv_cnt, R}|Stat], _, W, P) ->
+ split_stat(Stat, R, W, P);
+split_stat([{send_cnt, W}|Stat], R, _, P) ->
+ split_stat(Stat, R, W, P);
+split_stat([{send_pend, P}|Stat], R, W, _) ->
+ split_stat(Stat, R, W, P);
+split_stat([], R, W, P) ->
+ {ok, R, W, P}.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Determine if EPMD module supports address resolving. Default
+%% is to use inet_tcp:getaddr/2.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+get_address_resolver(EpmdModule, _Driver) ->
+ case erlang:function_exported(EpmdModule, address_please, 3) of
+ true -> {EpmdModule, address_please};
+ _ -> {erl_epmd, address_please}
+ end.
+%% If Node is illegal terminate the connection setup!!
+split_node(Driver, Node, LongOrShortNames) ->
+ case dist_util:split_node(Node) of
+ {node, Name, Host} ->
+ check_node(Driver, Node, Name, Host, LongOrShortNames);
+ {host, _} ->
+ error_logger:error_msg(
+ "** Nodename ~p illegal, no '@' character **~n",
+ [Node]),
+ ?shutdown2(Node, trace({illegal_node_n@me, Node}));
+ _ ->
+ error_logger:error_msg(
+ "** Nodename ~p illegal **~n", [Node]),
+ ?shutdown2(Node, trace({illegal_node_name, Node}))
+ end.
+check_node(Driver, Node, Name, Host, LongOrShortNames) ->
+ case string:split(Host, ".", all) of
+ [_] when LongOrShortNames =:= longnames ->
+ case Driver:parse_address(Host) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ {Name, Host};
+ _ ->
+ error_logger:error_msg(
+ "** System running to use "
+ "fully qualified hostnames **~n"
+ "** Hostname ~s is illegal **~n",
+ [Host]),
+ ?shutdown2(Node, trace({not_longnames, Host}))
+ end;
+ [_, _|_] when LongOrShortNames =:= shortnames ->
+ error_logger:error_msg(
+ "** System NOT running to use "
+ "fully qualified hostnames **~n"
+ "** Hostname ~s is illegal **~n",
+ [Host]),
+ ?shutdown2(Node, trace({not_shortnames, Host}));
+ _ ->
+ {Name, Host}
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+connect_options(Opts) ->
+ case application:get_env(kernel, inet_dist_connect_options) of
+ {ok, ConnectOpts} ->
+ Opts ++ setopts_filter(ConnectOpts);
+ _ ->
+ Opts
+ end.
+%% we may not always want the nodelay behaviour
+%% for performance reasons
+nodelay() ->
+ case application:get_env(kernel, dist_nodelay) of
+ undefined ->
+ {nodelay, true};
+ {ok, true} ->
+ {nodelay, true};
+ {ok, false} ->
+ {nodelay, false};
+ _ ->
+ {nodelay, true}
+ end.
+config() ->
+ case init:get_argument(?DIST_NAME) of
+ error ->
+ error({missing_argument, ?DIST_NAME});
+ {ok, [[String]]} ->
+ {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(String ++ "."),
+ case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens) of
+ {ok, #{secret := Secret} = Config}
+ when is_binary(Secret); is_list(Secret) ->
+ Config;
+ {ok, #{} = Config} ->
+ error({missing_secret, [{?DIST_NAME,Config}]});
+ _ ->
+ error({bad_argument_value, [{?DIST_NAME,String}]})
+ end;
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ error({malformed_argument, [{?DIST_NAME,Value}]})
+ end.
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% The DistCtrl process(es).
+%% At net_kernel handshake_complete spawns off the input controller that
+%% takes over the socket ownership, and itself becomes the output controller
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% XXX Missing to "productified":
+%%% * Cryptoanalysis by experts
+%%% * Proof of usefulness
+%%% * Unifying exit reasons using a death_row() function
+%%% * Verification (and rejection) of other end's crypto parameters
+%%% * OTP:ification (proc_lib?)
+%%% * An application to belong to (crypto|kernel?)
+%%% * Secret on file (cookie as default?), parameter handling
+%%% * Restart and/or code reload policy
+%% Debug client and server
+test_config() ->
+ #{secret => <<"Secret Cluster Password 123456">>}.
+test_server() ->
+ {ok, Listen} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{packet, 2}, {active, false}, binary]),
+ {ok, Port} = inet:port(Listen),
+ io:format(?MODULE_STRING":test_client(~w).~n", [Port]),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(Listen),
+ test(Socket).
+test_client(Port) ->
+ {ok, Socket} =
+ gen_tcp:connect(
+ localhost, Port, [{packet, 2}, {active, false}, binary]),
+ test(Socket).
+test(Socket) ->
+ start_dist_ctrl(Socket, test_config(), 10000).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+start_dist_ctrl(Socket, Config, Timeout) ->
+ Protocol = ?PROTOCOL,
+ Controller = self(),
+ Server =
+ monitor_dist_proc(
+ spawn_opt(
+ fun () ->
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, From, start} ->
+ {SendParams, RecvParams} =
+ init(Socket, Config, Protocol),
+ reply(From, self()),
+ handshake(SendParams, 0, RecvParams, 0, Controller)
+ end
+ end,
+ [link,
+ {priority, max},
+ {message_queue_data, off_heap},
+ {fullsweep_after, 0}])),
+ ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Server),
+ call_dist_ctrl(Server, start, Timeout).
+call_dist_ctrl(Server, Msg) ->
+ call_dist_ctrl(Server, Msg, infinity).
+call_dist_ctrl(Server, Msg, Timeout) ->
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Server),
+ Server ! {?MODULE, {Ref, self()}, Msg},
+ receive
+ {Ref, Res} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
+ Res;
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Server, Reason} ->
+ exit({?PROTOCOL, Reason})
+ after Timeout ->
+ exit(Server, timeout),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Server, _} ->
+ exit({?PROTOCOL, timeout})
+ end
+ end.
+reply({Ref, Pid}, Msg) ->
+ Pid ! {Ref, Msg},
+ ok.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {protocol, % Encryption protocol tag
+ socket,
+ dist_handle,
+ hash_algorithm,
+ block_crypto,
+ rekey_interval,
+ iv,
+ key,
+ tag_len}).
+-define(TCP_ACTIVE, 64).
+-define(CHUNK_SIZE, (65536 - 512)).
+%% The start chunk starts with zeros, so it seems logical to not have
+%% a chunk type with value 0
+-define(HANDSHAKE_CHUNK, 1).
+-define(DATA_CHUNK, 2).
+-define(TICK_CHUNK, 3).
+-define(REKEY_CHUNK, 4).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Crypto strategy
+%% -------
+%% The crypto strategy is as simple as possible to get an encrypted
+%% connection as benchmark reference. It is geared around AEAD
+%% ciphers in particular AES-GCM.
+%% The init message and the start message must fit in the TCP buffers
+%% since both sides start with sending the init message, waits
+%% for the other end's init message, sends the start message
+%% and waits for the other end's start message. So if the send
+%% blocks we have a deadlock.
+%% The init message is unencrypted and contains the block cipher and hash
+%% algorithms the sender will use, the IV and a key salt. Both sides'
+%% key salt is used with the mutual secret as input to the hash algorithm
+%% to create different encryption/decryption keys for both directions.
+%% The start message is the first encrypted message and contains just
+%% encrypted zeros the width of the key, with the header of the init
+%% message as AAD data. Successfully decrypting this message
+%% verifies that we have an encrypted channel.
+%% Subsequent encrypted messages has the sequence number and the length
+%% of the message as AAD data. These messages has got a message type
+%% differentiating data from ticks. Ticks have a random size in an
+%% attempt to make them less obvious to spot.
+%% The only reaction to errors is to crash noisily wich will bring
+%% down the connection and hopefully produce something useful
+%% in the local log, but all the other end sees is a closed connection.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+init(Socket, Config, Protocol) ->
+ Secret = maps:get(secret, Config),
+ HashAlgorithm =
+ maps:get(hash_algorithm, Config, ?DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM),
+ BlockCrypto =
+ maps:get(block_crypto, Config, ?DEFAULT_BLOCK_CRYPTO),
+ RekeyInterval =
+ maps:get(rekey_interval, Config, ?DEFAULT_REKEY_INTERVAL),
+ %%
+ SendParams =
+ init_params(
+ Socket, Protocol, HashAlgorithm, BlockCrypto, RekeyInterval),
+ send_init(SendParams, Secret).
+ #params{
+ protocol = Protocol,
+ socket = Socket,
+ block_crypto = BlockCrypto,
+ iv = IVLen,
+ key = KeyLen,
+ hash_algorithm = HashAlgorithm} = SendParams,
+ Secret) ->
+ %%
+ ProtocolString = atom_to_binary(Protocol, utf8),
+ BlockCryptoString = atom_to_binary(BlockCrypto, utf8),
+ HashAlgorithmString = atom_to_binary(HashAlgorithm, utf8),
+ SendHeader =
+ <<ProtocolString/binary, 0,
+ HashAlgorithmString/binary, 0,
+ BlockCryptoString/binary, 0>>,
+ <<IV:IVLen/binary, KeySalt:KeyLen/binary>> = IV_KeySalt =
+ crypto:strong_rand_bytes(IVLen + KeyLen),
+ InitPacket = [SendHeader, IV_KeySalt],
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, InitPacket),
+ recv_init(SendParams#params{iv = IV, key = KeySalt}, Secret, SendHeader).
+ #params{
+ socket = Socket,
+ hash_algorithm = SendHashAlgorithm,
+ key = SendKeySalt} = SendParams, Secret, SendHeader) ->
+ %%
+ {ok, InitPacket} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0),
+ [ProtocolString, Rest_1] = binary:split(InitPacket, <<0>>),
+ Protocol = binary_to_existing_atom(ProtocolString, utf8),
+ case Protocol of
+ [HashAlgorithmString, Rest_2] = binary:split(Rest_1, <<0>>),
+ HashAlgorithm = binary_to_existing_atom(HashAlgorithmString, utf8),
+ [BlockCryptoString, Rest_3] = binary:split(Rest_2, <<0>>),
+ BlockCrypto = binary_to_existing_atom(BlockCryptoString, utf8),
+ #params{
+ hash_algorithm = RecvHashAlgorithm,
+ iv = RecvIVLen,
+ key = RecvKeyLen} = RecvParams =
+ init_params(
+ Socket, Protocol, HashAlgorithm, BlockCrypto, undefined),
+ <<RecvIV:RecvIVLen/binary,
+ RecvKeySalt:RecvKeyLen/binary>> = Rest_3,
+ SendKey =
+ hash_key(SendHashAlgorithm, SendKeySalt, [RecvKeySalt, Secret]),
+ RecvKey =
+ hash_key(RecvHashAlgorithm, RecvKeySalt, [SendKeySalt, Secret]),
+ SendParams_1 = SendParams#params{key = SendKey},
+ RecvParams_1 = RecvParams#params{iv = RecvIV, key = RecvKey},
+ RecvHeaderLen = byte_size(InitPacket) - RecvIVLen - RecvKeyLen,
+ <<RecvHeader:RecvHeaderLen/binary, _/binary>> = InitPacket,
+ send_start(SendParams_1, SendHeader),
+ RecvRekeyInterval = recv_start(RecvParams_1, RecvHeader),
+ {SendParams_1,
+ RecvParams_1#params{rekey_interval = RecvRekeyInterval}}
+ end.
+ #params{
+ socket = Socket,
+ block_crypto = BlockCrypto,
+ rekey_interval= RekeyInterval,
+ iv = IV,
+ key = Key,
+ tag_len = TagLen}, AAD) ->
+ %%
+ KeyLen = byte_size(Key),
+ Zeros = binary:copy(<<0>>, KeyLen),
+ {Ciphertext, CipherTag} =
+ crypto:block_encrypt(
+ crypto_cipher_name(BlockCrypto),
+ Key, IV, {AAD, [Zeros, <<RekeyInterval:32>>], TagLen}),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, [Ciphertext, CipherTag]).
+ #params{
+ socket = Socket,
+ block_crypto = BlockCrypto,
+ iv = IV,
+ key = Key,
+ tag_len = TagLen}, AAD) ->
+ {ok, Packet} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0),
+ KeyLen = byte_size(Key),
+ PacketLen = KeyLen + 4,
+ <<Ciphertext:PacketLen/binary, CipherTag:TagLen/binary>> = Packet,
+ Zeros = binary:copy(<<0>>, KeyLen),
+ case
+ crypto:block_decrypt(
+ crypto_cipher_name(BlockCrypto),
+ Key, IV, {AAD, Ciphertext, CipherTag})
+ of
+ <<Zeros:KeyLen/binary, RekeyInterval:32>>
+ when 1 =< RekeyInterval ->
+ RekeyInterval;
+ _ ->
+ error(decrypt_error)
+ end.
+init_params(Socket, Protocol, HashAlgorithm, BlockCrypto, RekeyInterval) ->
+ #{block_size := 1,
+ iv_length := IVLen,
+ key_length := KeyLen} = crypto:cipher_info(BlockCrypto),
+ case crypto:hash_info(HashAlgorithm) of
+ #{size := HashSize} when HashSize >= KeyLen ->
+ #params{
+ socket = Socket,
+ protocol = Protocol,
+ hash_algorithm = HashAlgorithm,
+ block_crypto = BlockCrypto,
+ rekey_interval = RekeyInterval,
+ iv = IVLen,
+ key = KeyLen,
+ tag_len = 16}
+ end.
+crypto_cipher_name(BlockCrypto) ->
+ case BlockCrypto of
+ aes_128_gcm -> aes_gcm;
+ aes_192_gcm -> aes_gcm;
+ aes_256_gcm -> aes_gcm
+ end.
+hash_key(HashAlgorithm, KeySalt, OtherSalt) ->
+ KeyLen = byte_size(KeySalt),
+ <<Key:KeyLen/binary, _/binary>> =
+ crypto:hash(HashAlgorithm, [KeySalt, OtherSalt]),
+ Key.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% net_kernel distribution handshake in progress
+ SendParams, SendSeq,
+ #params{socket = Socket} = RecvParams, RecvSeq, Controller) ->
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, From, {controller, Controller_1, Parent}} ->
+ Result = link(Controller_1),
+ true = unlink(Parent),
+ reply(From, Result),
+ handshake(SendParams, SendSeq, RecvParams, RecvSeq, Controller_1);
+ {?MODULE, From, {handshake_complete, DistHandle}} ->
+ reply(From, ok),
+ InputHandler =
+ monitor_dist_proc(
+ spawn_opt(
+ fun () ->
+ link(Controller),
+ receive
+ DistHandle ->
+ ok =
+ inet:setopts(
+ Socket,
+ [{active, ?TCP_ACTIVE},
+ nodelay()]),
+ input_handler(
+ RecvParams#params{
+ dist_handle = DistHandle},
+ RecvSeq, empty_q(), infinity)
+ end
+ end,
+ [link,
+ {priority, normal},
+ {message_queue_data, off_heap},
+ {fullsweep_after, 0}])),
+ _ = monitor(process, InputHandler), % For the benchmark test
+ ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, InputHandler),
+ ok = erlang:dist_ctrl_input_handler(DistHandle, InputHandler),
+ InputHandler ! DistHandle,
+ process_flag(priority, normal),
+ erlang:dist_ctrl_get_data_notification(DistHandle),
+ crypto:rand_seed_alg(crypto_cache),
+ output_handler(
+ SendParams#params{dist_handle = DistHandle}, SendSeq);
+ %%
+ {?MODULE, From, {send, Data}} ->
+ {SendParams_1, SendSeq_1} =
+ encrypt_and_send_chunk(
+ SendParams, SendSeq, [?HANDSHAKE_CHUNK, Data]),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ handshake(
+ SendParams_1, SendSeq_1, RecvParams, RecvSeq, Controller);
+ {?MODULE, From, recv} ->
+ {RecvParams_1, RecvSeq_1, Reply} =
+ recv_and_decrypt_chunk(RecvParams, RecvSeq),
+ reply(From, Reply),
+ handshake(
+ SendParams, SendSeq, RecvParams_1, RecvSeq_1, Controller);
+ {?MODULE, From, peername} ->
+ reply(From, inet:peername(Socket)),
+ handshake(SendParams, SendSeq, RecvParams, RecvSeq, Controller);
+ %%
+ _Alien ->
+ handshake(SendParams, SendSeq, RecvParams, RecvSeq, Controller)
+ end.
+recv_and_decrypt_chunk(#params{socket = Socket} = RecvParams, RecvSeq) ->
+ case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) of
+ {ok, Chunk} ->
+ case decrypt_chunk(RecvParams, RecvSeq, Chunk) of
+ <<?HANDSHAKE_CHUNK, Cleartext/binary>> ->
+ {RecvParams, RecvSeq + 1, {ok, Cleartext}};
+ #params{} = RecvParams_1 ->
+ recv_and_decrypt_chunk(RecvParams_1, 0);
+ _ ->
+ error(decrypt_error)
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ {RecvParams, RecvSeq, Error}
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Output handler process
+%% The game here is to flush all dist_data and dist_tick messages,
+%% prioritize dist_data over dist_tick, and to not use selective receive
+output_handler(Params, Seq) ->
+ receive
+ Msg ->
+ case Msg of
+ dist_data ->
+ output_handler_data(Params, Seq);
+ dist_tick ->
+ output_handler_tick(Params, Seq);
+ _Other ->
+ %% Ignore
+ output_handler(Params, Seq)
+ end
+ end.
+output_handler_data(Params, Seq) ->
+ receive
+ Msg ->
+ case Msg of
+ dist_data ->
+ output_handler_data(Params, Seq);
+ dist_tick ->
+ output_handler_data(Params, Seq);
+ _Other ->
+ %% Ignore
+ output_handler_data(Params, Seq)
+ end
+ after 0 ->
+ DistHandle = Params#params.dist_handle,
+ Q = get_data(DistHandle, empty_q()),
+ {Params_1, Seq_1} = output_handler_send(Params, Seq, Q, true),
+ erlang:dist_ctrl_get_data_notification(DistHandle),
+ output_handler(Params_1, Seq_1)
+ end.
+output_handler_tick(Params, Seq) ->
+ receive
+ Msg ->
+ case Msg of
+ dist_data ->
+ output_handler_data(Params, Seq);
+ dist_tick ->
+ output_handler_tick(Params, Seq);
+ _Other ->
+ %% Ignore
+ output_handler_tick(Params, Seq)
+ end
+ after 0 ->
+ TickSize = 8 + rand:uniform(56),
+ TickData = binary:copy(<<0>>, TickSize),
+ {Params_1, Seq_1} =
+ encrypt_and_send_chunk(Params, Seq, [?TICK_CHUNK, TickData]),
+ output_handler(Params_1, Seq_1)
+ end.
+ #params{dist_handle = DistHandle} = Params, Seq, {_, Size, _} = Q, Retry) ->
+ %%
+ if
+ ?CHUNK_SIZE < Size ->
+ {Cleartext, Q_1} = deq_iovec(?CHUNK_SIZE, Q),
+ {Params_1, Seq_1} =
+ encrypt_and_send_chunk(Params, Seq, [?DATA_CHUNK, Cleartext]),
+ output_handler_send(Params_1, Seq_1, Q_1, Retry);
+ Retry ->
+ Q_1 = get_data(DistHandle, Q),
+ output_handler_send(Params, Seq, Q_1, false);
+ true ->
+ {Cleartext, _} = deq_iovec(Size, Q),
+ encrypt_and_send_chunk(Params, Seq, [?DATA_CHUNK, Cleartext])
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Input handler process
+%% Here is T 0 or infinity to steer if we should try to receive
+%% more data or not; start with infinity, and when we get some
+%% data try with 0 to see if more is waiting
+input_handler(#params{socket = Socket} = Params, Seq, Q, T) ->
+ receive
+ Msg ->
+ case Msg of
+ {tcp_passive, Socket} ->
+ ok = inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, ?TCP_ACTIVE}]),
+ Q_1 =
+ case T of
+ 0 ->
+ deliver_data(Params#params.dist_handle, Q);
+ infinity ->
+ Q
+ end,
+ input_handler(Params, Seq, Q_1, infinity);
+ {tcp, Socket, Chunk} ->
+ input_chunk(Params, Seq, Q, Chunk);
+ {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
+ error(connection_closed);
+ _Other ->
+ %% Ignore...
+ input_handler(Params, Seq, Q, T)
+ end
+ after T ->
+ Q_1 = deliver_data(Params#params.dist_handle, Q),
+ input_handler(Params, Seq, Q_1, infinity)
+ end.
+input_chunk(Params, Seq, Q, Chunk) ->
+ case decrypt_chunk(Params, Seq, Chunk) of
+ <<?DATA_CHUNK, Cleartext/binary>> ->
+ input_handler(Params, Seq + 1, enq_binary(Cleartext, Q), 0);
+ <<?TICK_CHUNK, _/binary>> ->
+ input_handler(Params, Seq + 1, Q, 0);
+ #params{} = Params_1 ->
+ input_handler(Params_1, 0, Q, 0);
+ _ ->
+ error(decrypt_error)
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% erlang:dist_ctrl_* helpers
+%% Get data for sending from the VM and place it in a queue
+get_data(DistHandle, {Front, Size, Rear}) ->
+ get_data(DistHandle, Front, Size, Rear).
+get_data(DistHandle, Front, Size, Rear) ->
+ case erlang:dist_ctrl_get_data(DistHandle) of
+ none ->
+ {Front, Size, Rear};
+ Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ Len = byte_size(Bin),
+ get_data(
+ DistHandle, Front, Size + 4 + Len,
+ [Bin, <<Len:32>>|Rear]);
+ [Bin1, Bin2] ->
+ Len = byte_size(Bin1) + byte_size(Bin2),
+ get_data(
+ DistHandle, Front, Size + 4 + Len,
+ [Bin2, Bin1, <<Len:32>>|Rear]);
+ Iovec ->
+ Len = iolist_size(Iovec),
+ get_data(
+ DistHandle, Front, Size + 4 + Len,
+ lists:reverse(Iovec, [<<Len:32>>|Rear]))
+ end.
+%% De-packet and deliver received data to the VM from a queue
+deliver_data(DistHandle, Q) ->
+ case Q of
+ {[], Size, []} ->
+ Size = 0, % Assert
+ Q;
+ {[], Size, Rear} ->
+ [Bin|Front] = lists:reverse(Rear),
+ deliver_data(DistHandle, Front, Size, [], Bin);
+ {[Bin|Front], Size, Rear} ->
+ deliver_data(DistHandle, Front, Size, Rear, Bin)
+ end.
+deliver_data(DistHandle, Front, Size, Rear, Bin) ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<DataSizeA:32, DataA:DataSizeA/binary,
+ DataSizeB:32, DataB:DataSizeB/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
+ erlang:dist_ctrl_put_data(DistHandle, DataA),
+ erlang:dist_ctrl_put_data(DistHandle, DataB),
+ deliver_data(
+ DistHandle,
+ Front, Size - (4 + DataSizeA + 4 + DataSizeB), Rear,
+ Rest);
+ <<DataSize:32, Data:DataSize/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
+ erlang:dist_ctrl_put_data(DistHandle, Data),
+ deliver_data(DistHandle, Front, Size - (4 + DataSize), Rear, Rest);
+ <<DataSize:32, FirstData/binary>> ->
+ TotalSize = 4 + DataSize,
+ if
+ TotalSize =< Size ->
+ BinSize = byte_size(Bin),
+ {MoreData, Q} =
+ deq_iovec(
+ TotalSize - BinSize,
+ Front, Size - BinSize, Rear),
+ erlang:dist_ctrl_put_data(DistHandle, [FirstData|MoreData]),
+ deliver_data(DistHandle, Q);
+ true -> % Incomplete data
+ {[Bin|Front], Size, Rear}
+ end;
+ <<_/binary>> ->
+ BinSize = byte_size(Bin),
+ if
+ 4 =< Size -> % Fragmented header - extract a header bin
+ {RestHeader, {Front_1, _Size_1, Rear_1}} =
+ deq_iovec(4 - BinSize, Front, Size - BinSize, Rear),
+ Header = iolist_to_binary([Bin|RestHeader]),
+ deliver_data(DistHandle, Front_1, Size, Rear_1, Header);
+ true -> % Incomplete header
+ {[Bin|Front], Size, Rear}
+ end
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Encryption and decryption helpers
+ #params{
+ socket = Socket, rekey_interval = Seq,
+ key = Key, iv = IV, hash_algorithm = HashAlgorithm} = Params,
+ Seq, Cleartext) ->
+ %%
+ KeyLen = byte_size(Key),
+ IVLen = byte_size(IV),
+ Chunk = <<IV_1:IVLen/binary, KeySalt:KeyLen/binary>> =
+ crypto:strong_rand_bytes(IVLen + KeyLen),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, encrypt_chunk(Params, Seq, [?REKEY_CHUNK, Chunk])),
+ Key_1 = hash_key(HashAlgorithm, Key, KeySalt),
+ Params_1 = Params#params{key = Key_1, iv = IV_1},
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, encrypt_chunk(Params_1, 0, Cleartext)),
+ {Params_1, 1};
+encrypt_and_send_chunk(#params{socket = Socket} = Params, Seq, Cleartext) ->
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, encrypt_chunk(Params, Seq, Cleartext)),
+ {Params, Seq + 1}.
+ #params{
+ block_crypto = BlockCrypto,
+ iv = IV, key = Key, tag_len = TagLen}, Seq, Cleartext) ->
+ %%
+ ChunkLen = iolist_size(Cleartext) + TagLen,
+ AAD = <<Seq:32, ChunkLen:32>>,
+ {Ciphertext, CipherTag} =
+ crypto:block_encrypt(
+ crypto_cipher_name(BlockCrypto), Key, IV, {AAD, Cleartext, TagLen}),
+ Chunk = [Ciphertext,CipherTag],
+ Chunk.
+ #params{
+ block_crypto = BlockCrypto,
+ iv = IV, key = Key, tag_len = TagLen} = Params, Seq, Chunk) ->
+ %%
+ ChunkLen = byte_size(Chunk),
+ true = TagLen =< ChunkLen, % Assert
+ AAD = <<Seq:32, ChunkLen:32>>,
+ CiphertextLen = ChunkLen - TagLen,
+ <<Ciphertext:CiphertextLen/binary, CipherTag:TagLen/binary>> = Chunk,
+ block_decrypt(
+ Params, Seq, crypto_cipher_name(BlockCrypto),
+ Key, IV, {AAD, Ciphertext, CipherTag}).
+ #params{rekey_interval = Seq} = Params, Seq, CipherName, Key, IV, Data) ->
+ %%
+ KeyLen = byte_size(Key),
+ IVLen = byte_size(IV),
+ case crypto:block_decrypt(CipherName, Key, IV, Data) of
+ <<?REKEY_CHUNK, IV_1:IVLen/binary, KeySalt:KeyLen/binary>> ->
+ Key_1 = hash_key(Params#params.hash_algorithm, Key, KeySalt),
+ Params#params{iv = IV_1, key = Key_1};
+ _ ->
+ error(decrypt_error)
+ end;
+block_decrypt(_Params, _Seq, CipherName, Key, IV, Data) ->
+ crypto:block_decrypt(CipherName, Key, IV, Data).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Queue of binaries i.e an iovec queue
+empty_q() ->
+ {[], 0, []}.
+enq_binary(Bin, {Front, Size, Rear}) ->
+ {Front, Size + byte_size(Bin), [Bin|Rear]}.
+deq_iovec(GetSize, {Front, Size, Rear}) when GetSize =< Size ->
+ deq_iovec(GetSize, Front, Size, Rear, []).
+deq_iovec(GetSize, Front, Size, Rear) ->
+ deq_iovec(GetSize, Front, Size, Rear, []).
+deq_iovec(GetSize, [], Size, Rear, Acc) ->
+ deq_iovec(GetSize, lists:reverse(Rear), Size, [], Acc);
+deq_iovec(GetSize, [Bin|Front], Size, Rear, Acc) ->
+ BinSize = byte_size(Bin),
+ if
+ BinSize < GetSize ->
+ deq_iovec(
+ GetSize - BinSize, Front, Size - BinSize, Rear, [Bin|Acc]);
+ GetSize < BinSize ->
+ {Bin1,Bin2} = erlang:split_binary(Bin, GetSize),
+ {lists:reverse(Acc, [Bin1]), {[Bin2|Front], Size - GetSize, Rear}};
+ true ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc, [Bin]), {Front, Size - BinSize, Rear}}
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Trace point
+trace(Term) -> Term.
+%% Keep an eye on this Pid (debug)
+monitor_dist_proc(Pid) ->
+%%% spawn(
+%%% fun () ->
+%%% MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+%%% receive
+%%% {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, normal} ->
+%%% error_logger:error_report(
+%%% [dist_proc_died,
+%%% {reason, normal},
+%%% {pid, Pid}]);
+%%% {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Reason} ->
+%%% error_logger:info_report(
+%%% [dist_proc_died,
+%%% {reason, Reason},
+%%% {pid, Pid}])
+%%% end
+%%% end),
+ Pid.
+dbg() ->
+ dbg:stop(),
+ dbg:tracer(),
+ dbg:p(all, c),
+ dbg:tpl(?MODULE, cx),
+ dbg:tpl(erlang, dist_ctrl_get_data_notification, cx),
+ dbg:tpl(erlang, dist_ctrl_get_data, cx),
+ dbg:tpl(erlang, dist_ctrl_put_data, cx),
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_bench_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_bench_SUITE.erl
index 7e7de5c9bf..c70ddf3534 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_bench_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_bench_SUITE.erl
@@ -49,10 +49,14 @@
suite() -> [{ct_hooks, [{ts_install_cth, [{nodenames, 2}]}]}].
-all() -> [{group, ssl}, {group, plain}].
+all() ->
+ [{group, ssl},
+ {group, crypto},
+ {group, plain}].
groups() ->
[{ssl, all_groups()},
+ {crypto, all_groups()},
{plain, all_groups()},
{setup, [{repeat, 1}], [setup]},
@@ -164,6 +168,17 @@ end_per_suite(Config) ->
init_per_group(ssl, Config) ->
[{ssl_dist, true}, {ssl_dist_prefix, "SSL"}|Config];
+init_per_group(crypto, Config) ->
+ case inet_crypto_dist:is_supported() of
+ true ->
+ [{ssl_dist, false}, {ssl_dist_prefix, "Crypto"},
+ {ssl_dist_args,
+ "-proto_dist inet_crypto "
+ "-inet_crypto '#{secret => \"123456\"}'"}
+ |Config];
+ false ->
+ {skip, "Not supported on this OTP version"}
+ end;
init_per_group(plain, Config) ->
[{ssl_dist, false}, {ssl_dist_prefix, "Plain"}|Config];
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
@@ -387,7 +402,7 @@ sched_utilization(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, SSL) ->
%% We want to avoid getting busy_dist_port as it hides the true SU usage
%% of the receiver and sender.
sched_util_runner(A, B, true) ->
- sched_util_runner(A, B, 50);
+ sched_util_runner(A, B, 250);
sched_util_runner(A, B, false) ->
sched_util_runner(A, B, 250);
sched_util_runner(A, B, Senders) ->
@@ -546,11 +561,12 @@ throughput_runner(A, B, Rounds, Size) ->
[A] = rpc:call(B, erlang, nodes, []),
ClientPid = self(),
ServerPid =
- erlang:spawn(
+ erlang:spawn_opt(
- fun () -> throughput_server(ClientPid, Rounds) end),
+ fun () -> throughput_server(ClientPid, Rounds) end,
+ [{message_queue_data, off_heap}]),
ServerMon = erlang:monitor(process, ServerPid),
- msacc:available() andalso
+ msacc_available() andalso
@@ -562,7 +578,7 @@ throughput_runner(A, B, Rounds, Size) ->
throughput_client(ServerPid, ServerMon, Payload, Rounds),
MsaccStats =
- case msacc:available() of
+ case msacc_available() of
true ->
MStats = msacc:stats(),
@@ -602,7 +618,7 @@ throughput_server(Pid, N) ->
GC_Before = get_server_gc_info(),
%% dbg:tracer(port, dbg:trace_port(file, "throughput_server_gc.log")),
%% dbg:p(TLSDistReceiver, garbage_collection),
- msacc:available() andalso
+ msacc_available() andalso
@@ -615,7 +631,7 @@ throughput_server(Pid, N) ->
throughput_server_loop(_Pid, GC_Before, 0) ->
MsaccStats =
- case msacc:available() of
+ case msacc_available() of
true ->
MStats = msacc:stats(),
@@ -632,8 +648,13 @@ throughput_server_loop(_Pid, GC_Before, 0) ->
server_gc_after => get_server_gc_info()});
throughput_server_loop(Pid, GC_Before, N) ->
- {Pid, N, _} ->
- throughput_server_loop(Pid, GC_Before, N-1)
+ Msg ->
+ case Msg of
+ {Pid, N, _} ->
+ throughput_server_loop(Pid, GC_Before, N - 1);
+ Other ->
+ erlang:error({self(),?FUNCTION_NAME,Other})
+ end
get_server_gc_info() ->
@@ -773,7 +794,7 @@ get_node_args(Tag, Config) ->
true ->
proplists:get_value(Tag, Config);
false ->
- ""
+ proplists:get_value(ssl_dist_args, Config, "")
@@ -828,3 +849,6 @@ report(Name, Value, Unit) ->
term_to_string(Term) ->
io_lib:write(Term, [{encoding, unicode}])).
+msacc_available() ->
+ msacc:available().