path: root/examples/echo_post/src/toppage_handler.erl
blob: aed26e6240af6744e596e9dd0e904c809502960e (plain) (tree)

%% Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this file.

%% @doc POST echo handler.


init(_Transport, Req, []) ->
	{ok, Req, undefined}.

handle(Req, State) ->
	{Method, Req2} = cowboy_http_req:method(Req),
	{HasBody, Req3} = cowboy_http_req:has_body(Req2),
	{ok, Req4} = maybe_echo(Method, HasBody, Req3),
	{ok, Req4, State}.

maybe_echo('POST', true, Req) ->
	{PostVals, Req2} = cowboy_http_req:body_qs(Req),
	Echo = proplists:get_value(<<"echo">>, PostVals),
	echo(Echo, Req2);
maybe_echo('POST', false, Req) ->
	cowboy_http_req:reply(400, [], <<"Missing body.">>, Req);
maybe_echo(_, _, Req) ->
	%% Method not allowed.
	cowboy_http_req:reply(405, Req).

echo(undefined, Req) ->
	cowboy_http_req:reply(400, [], <<"Missing echo parameter.">>, Req);
echo(Echo, Req) ->
		[{<<"Content-Encoding">>, <<"utf-8">>}], Echo, Req).

terminate(_Req, _State) ->