%% This module echoes back the value the test is interested in.
init(Req, Opts) ->
case cowboy_req:binding(arg, Req) of
undefined ->
echo(cowboy_req:binding(key, Req), Req, Opts);
Arg ->
echo_arg(Arg, Req, Opts)
echo(<<"read_body">>, Req0, Opts) ->
case Opts of
#{crash := true} -> ct_helper:ignore(cowboy_req, read_body, 2);
_ -> ok
{_, Body, Req} = case cowboy_req:path(Req0) of
<<"/full", _/bits>> -> read_body(Req0, <<>>);
<<"/opts", _/bits>> -> cowboy_req:read_body(Req0, Opts);
_ -> cowboy_req:read_body(Req0)
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, Body, Req), Opts};
echo(<<"read_urlencoded_body">>, Req0, Opts) ->
Path = cowboy_req:path(Req0),
case {Path, Opts} of
{<<"/opts", _/bits>>, #{crash := true}} -> ct_helper:ignore(cowboy_req, read_body, 2);
{_, #{crash := true}} -> ct_helper:ignore(cowboy_req, read_urlencoded_body, 2);
_ -> ok
{ok, Body, Req} = case Path of
<<"/opts", _/bits>> -> cowboy_req:read_urlencoded_body(Req0, Opts);
<<"/crash", _/bits>> -> cowboy_req:read_urlencoded_body(Req0, Opts);
_ -> cowboy_req:read_urlencoded_body(Req0)
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, value_to_iodata(Body), Req), Opts};
echo(<<"uri">>, Req, Opts) ->
Value = case cowboy_req:path_info(Req) of
[<<"origin">>] -> cowboy_req:uri(Req, #{host => undefined});
[<<"protocol-relative">>] -> cowboy_req:uri(Req, #{scheme => undefined});
[<<"no-qs">>] -> cowboy_req:uri(Req, #{qs => undefined});
[<<"no-path">>] -> cowboy_req:uri(Req, #{path => undefined, qs => undefined});
[<<"set-port">>] -> cowboy_req:uri(Req, #{port => 123});
[] -> cowboy_req:uri(Req)
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, Value, Req), Opts};
echo(<<"match">>, Req, Opts) ->
[Type|Fields0] = cowboy_req:path_info(Req),
Fields = [binary_to_atom(F, latin1) || F <- Fields0],
Value = case Type of
<<"qs">> -> cowboy_req:match_qs(Fields, Req);
<<"cookies">> -> cowboy_req:match_cookies(Fields, Req)
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, value_to_iodata(Value), Req), Opts};
echo(What, Req, Opts) ->
F = binary_to_atom(What, latin1),
Value = cowboy_req:F(Req),
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, value_to_iodata(Value), Req), Opts}.
echo_arg(Arg0, Req, Opts) ->
F = binary_to_atom(cowboy_req:binding(key, Req), latin1),
Arg = case F of
binding -> binary_to_atom(Arg0, latin1);
_ -> Arg0
Value = case cowboy_req:binding(default, Req) of
undefined -> cowboy_req:F(Arg, Req);
Default -> cowboy_req:F(Arg, Req, Default)
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, value_to_iodata(Value), Req), Opts}.
read_body(Req0, Acc) ->
case cowboy_req:read_body(Req0) of
{ok, Data, Req} -> {ok, << Acc/binary, Data/binary >>, Req};
{more, Data, Req} -> read_body(Req, << Acc/binary, Data/binary >>)
value_to_iodata(V) when is_integer(V) -> integer_to_binary(V);
value_to_iodata(V) when is_atom(V) -> atom_to_binary(V, latin1);
value_to_iodata(V) when is_list(V); is_tuple(V); is_map(V) -> io_lib:format("~999999p", [V]);
value_to_iodata(V) -> V.