diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-09-04 20:48:07 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-09-04 20:48:07 +0200
commit4fd6e2f7cdca1c1adf1ba0bd76a0702328c380f4 (patch)
parent0995fc99e039ea0b6b2979801c2ab1e0eb05a910 (diff)
Accept sendfile tuple with 0 length in cowboy_req
This will result in no data being sent. It's simply easier to do this than to have to handle 0 size cases in user code.
4 files changed, 34 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.asciidoc
index 2cac8d5..7f026c3 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.asciidoc
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ resp_body() :: iodata()
| {sendfile, Offset, Length, Filename}
Offset :: non_neg_integer()
-Length :: pos_integer()
+Length :: non_neg_integer()
Filename :: file:name_all()
@@ -180,16 +180,9 @@ order they should be sent:
Hello world!
-When using the sendfile tuple, the `Length` value is mandatory
-and must be higher than 0. It is sent with the response in the
-content-length header.
-// @todo Make sure we have a test with an empty file...
-// @todo cowboy_static should probably NOT return a sendfile tuple if size is 0.
-//%% While sendfile allows a Len of 0 that means "everything past Offset",
-//%% Cowboy expects the real length as it is used as metadata.
-//%% @todo We should probably explicitly reject it.
+Note that the length must be greater than zero for any data
+to be sent. Cowboy will send an empty body when the length
+is zero.
== See also
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index 09e1ee5..936f6bb 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
%% Cowboy expects the real length as it is used as metadata.
%% @todo We should probably explicitly reject it.
-type resp_body() :: iodata()
- | {sendfile, non_neg_integer(), pos_integer(), file:name_all()}.
+ | {sendfile, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), file:name_all()}.
-type push_opts() :: #{
@@ -635,6 +635,11 @@ reply(Status, Headers, Req) ->
-> Req when Req::req().
reply(_, _, _, #{has_sent_resp := _}) ->
+reply(Status, Headers, Sendfile = {sendfile, _, 0, _}, Req)
+ when is_integer(Status); is_binary(Status) ->
+ do_reply(Status, Headers#{
+ <<"content-length">> => <<"0">>
+ }, <<>>, Req);
reply(Status, Headers, SendFile = {sendfile, _, Len, _}, Req)
when is_integer(Status); is_binary(Status) ->
do_reply(Status, Headers#{
diff --git a/test/handlers/resp_h.erl b/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
index 694f04a..9b94e3f 100644
--- a/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
+++ b/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ do(<<"resp_headers_empty">>, Req, Opts) ->
do(<<"set_resp_body">>, Req0, Opts) ->
Arg = cowboy_req:binding(arg, Req0),
Req1 = case Arg of
+ <<"sendfile0">> ->
+ AppFile = code:where_is_file("cowboy.app"),
+ cowboy_req:set_resp_body({sendfile, 0, 0, AppFile}, Req0);
<<"sendfile">> ->
AppFile = code:where_is_file("cowboy.app"),
cowboy_req:set_resp_body({sendfile, 0, filelib:file_size(AppFile), AppFile}, Req0);
diff --git a/test/req_SUITE.erl b/test/req_SUITE.erl
index d155aa8..f7682cc 100644
--- a/test/req_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/req_SUITE.erl
@@ -509,6 +509,27 @@ set_resp_body(Config) ->
{200, _, AppFile} = do_get("/resp/set_resp_body/sendfile", Config),
+set_resp_body_sendfile0(Config) ->
+ doc("Response using set_resp_body with a sendfile of length 0."),
+ Path = "/resp/set_resp_body/sendfile0",
+ ConnPid = gun_open(Config),
+ %% First request.
+ Ref1 = gun:get(ConnPid, Path, [{<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}]),
+ {response, IsFin, 200, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref1),
+ {ok, <<>>} = case IsFin of
+ nofin -> gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref1);
+ fin -> {ok, <<>>}
+ end,
+ %% Second request will confirm everything works as intended.
+ Ref2 = gun:get(ConnPid, Path, [{<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}]),
+ {response, IsFin, 200, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref2),
+ {ok, <<>>} = case IsFin of
+ nofin -> gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref2);
+ fin -> {ok, <<>>}
+ end,
+ gun:close(ConnPid),
+ ok.
has_resp_header(Config) ->
doc("Has response header?"),
{200, Headers, <<"OK">>} = do_get("/resp/has_resp_header", Config),