diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-10-04 22:59:33 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-10-04 22:59:33 +0200
commit76cd1e40c933e60ed507474cceea4e25e10db225 (patch)
parent7367f07ca00c4fa4dd14792cc95251ef9c9207b1 (diff)
The onresponse hook now receives 4 arguments, including the body
We do not always provide the body however. It is not available when using chunked replies, or when using set_resp_body_fun.
3 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
index bf81e52..c5ea561 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
%% any dispatching is done. Host info, path info and bindings are thus
%% not available at this point.</dd>
%% <dt>onresponse</dt><dd>Optional fun that allows replacing a response
-%% sent by the application based on its status code or headers.</dd>
+%% sent by the application.</dd>
%% <dt>timeout</dt><dd>Time in milliseconds before an idle
%% connection is closed. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds.</dd>
%% </dl>
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-type onrequest_fun() :: fun((Req) -> Req).
-type onresponse_fun() ::
- fun((cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), Req) -> Req).
+ fun((cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), iodata(), Req) -> Req).
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index 14eb88d..5b8cb7e 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, DefaultHeaders, Body, Req=#http_req{
FullHeaders = response_merge_headers(Headers, RespHeaders, DefaultHeaders),
Req2 = case OnResponse of
undefined -> Req;
- OnResponse -> OnResponse(Status, FullHeaders,
+ OnResponse -> OnResponse(Status, FullHeaders, Body,
%% Don't call 'onresponse' from the hook itself.
Req#http_req{resp_headers=[], resp_body= <<>>,
diff --git a/test/http_SUITE.erl b/test/http_SUITE.erl
index cb59c07..2459d5e 100644
--- a/test/http_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/http_SUITE.erl
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ init_per_group(onresponse, Config) ->
{ok, _} = cowboy:start_http(onresponse, 100, [{port, Port}], [
{dispatch, init_dispatch(Config)},
{max_keepalive, 50},
- {onresponse, fun onresponse_hook/3},
+ {onresponse, fun onresponse_hook/4},
{timeout, 500}
{ok, Client} = cowboy_client:init([]),
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ onresponse_reply(Config) ->
{error, closed} = cowboy_client:response_body(Client3).
%% Hook for the above onresponse tests.
-onresponse_hook(_, Headers, Req) ->
+onresponse_hook(_, Headers, _, Req) ->
{ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(
<<"777 Lucky">>, [{<<"x-hook">>, <<"onresponse">>}|Headers], Req),