diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-10-02 20:30:32 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-10-02 20:30:32 +0200
commiteaa052616f7c85d4daf4817ceecd5f87fecfc8f4 (patch)
parent20660d7566b63977e80f694724fee890d875ec1b (diff)
Ensure we can stream the response body from any process
4 files changed, 38 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index b2756e3..e5ec4a7 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -827,19 +827,19 @@ stream_body(_, _, #{method := <<"HEAD">>, has_sent_resp := headers}) ->
stream_body({sendfile, _, 0, _}, nofin, _) ->
stream_body({sendfile, _, 0, _}, IsFin=fin, Req=#{has_sent_resp := headers}) ->
- stream_body({data, IsFin, <<>>}, Req);
+ stream_body({data, self(), IsFin, <<>>}, Req);
stream_body({sendfile, O, B, P}, IsFin, Req=#{has_sent_resp := headers})
when is_integer(O), O >= 0, is_integer(B), B > 0 ->
- stream_body({data, IsFin, {sendfile, O, B, P}}, Req);
+ stream_body({data, self(), IsFin, {sendfile, O, B, P}}, Req);
stream_body(Data, IsFin=nofin, Req=#{has_sent_resp := headers})
when not is_tuple(Data) ->
case iolist_size(Data) of
0 -> ok;
- _ -> stream_body({data, IsFin, Data}, Req)
+ _ -> stream_body({data, self(), IsFin, Data}, Req)
stream_body(Data, IsFin, Req=#{has_sent_resp := headers})
when not is_tuple(Data) ->
- stream_body({data, IsFin, Data}, Req).
+ stream_body({data, self(), IsFin, Data}, Req).
%% @todo Do we need a timeout?
stream_body(Msg, #{pid := Pid, streamid := StreamID}) ->
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ stream_body(Msg, #{pid := Pid, streamid := StreamID}) ->
stream_events(Event, IsFin, Req) when is_map(Event) ->
stream_events([Event], IsFin, Req);
stream_events(Events, IsFin, Req=#{has_sent_resp := headers}) ->
- stream_body({data, IsFin, cow_sse:events(Events)}, Req).
+ stream_body({data, self(), IsFin, cow_sse:events(Events)}, Req).
-spec stream_trailers(cowboy:http_headers(), req()) -> ok.
stream_trailers(Trailers, #{pid := Pid, streamid := StreamID, has_sent_resp := headers}) ->
diff --git a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
index cc38bb2..9f0e745 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
read_body_is_fin = nofin :: nofin | {fin, non_neg_integer()},
read_body_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
body_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ stream_body_pid = undefined :: pid() | undefined,
stream_body_status = normal :: normal | blocking | blocked
@@ -225,28 +226,36 @@ info(StreamID, Headers={headers, _, _}, State) ->
do_info(StreamID, Headers, [Headers], State#state{expect=undefined});
%% Sending data involves the data message, the stream_buffer_full alarm
%% and the connection_buffer_full alarm. We stop sending acks when an alarm is on.
-info(StreamID, Data={data, _, _}, State0=#state{pid=Pid, stream_body_status=Status}) ->
+%% We only apply backpressure when the message includes a pid. Otherwise
+%% it is a message from Cowboy, or the user circumventing the backpressure.
+%% We currently do not support sending data from multiple processes concurrently.
+info(StreamID, Data={data, _, _}, State) ->
+ do_info(StreamID, Data, [Data], State);
+info(StreamID, Data0={data, Pid, _, _}, State0=#state{stream_body_status=Status}) ->
State = case Status of
normal ->
Pid ! {data_ack, self()},
blocking ->
- State0#state{stream_body_status=blocked};
+ State0#state{stream_body_pid=Pid, stream_body_status=blocked};
blocked ->
+ Data = erlang:delete_element(2, Data0),
do_info(StreamID, Data, [Data], State);
info(StreamID, Alarm={alarm, Name, on}, State)
when Name =:= connection_buffer_full; Name =:= stream_buffer_full ->
do_info(StreamID, Alarm, [], State#state{stream_body_status=blocking});
-info(StreamID, Alarm={alarm, Name, off}, State=#state{pid=Pid, stream_body_status=Status})
+info(StreamID, Alarm={alarm, Name, off}, State=#state{stream_body_pid=Pid, stream_body_status=Status})
when Name =:= connection_buffer_full; Name =:= stream_buffer_full ->
_ = case Status of
normal -> ok;
blocking -> ok;
blocked -> Pid ! {data_ack, self()}
- do_info(StreamID, Alarm, [], State#state{stream_body_status=normal});
+ do_info(StreamID, Alarm, [], State#state{stream_body_pid=undefined, stream_body_status=normal});
info(StreamID, Trailers={trailers, _}, State) ->
do_info(StreamID, Trailers, [Trailers], State);
info(StreamID, Push={push, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}, State) ->
diff --git a/test/handlers/resp_h.erl b/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
index 19405db..bc76d56 100644
--- a/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
+++ b/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
@@ -247,6 +247,21 @@ do(<<"stream_body">>, Req0, Opts) ->
cowboy_req:stream_body(<<"Hello! ">>, nofin, Req),
cowboy_req:stream_body({sendfile, 0, AppSize, AppFile}, fin, Req),
{ok, Req, Opts};
+ <<"spawn">> ->
+ Req = cowboy_req:stream_reply(200, Req0),
+ Parent = self(),
+ Pid = spawn(fun() ->
+ cowboy_req:stream_body(<<"Hello ">>, nofin, Req),
+ cowboy_req:stream_body(<<"world">>, nofin, Req),
+ cowboy_req:stream_body(<<"!">>, fin, Req),
+ Parent ! {self(), ok}
+ end),
+ receive
+ {Pid, ok} -> ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ error(timeout)
+ end,
+ {ok, Req, Opts};
_ ->
%% Call stream_body without initiating streaming.
cowboy_req:stream_body(<<0:800000>>, fin, Req0),
diff --git a/test/req_SUITE.erl b/test/req_SUITE.erl
index 72cc0ed..2cc8de4 100644
--- a/test/req_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/req_SUITE.erl
@@ -942,6 +942,11 @@ stream_body_sendfile_fin(Config) ->
{200, _, ExpectedBody} = do_get("/resp/stream_body/sendfile_fin", Config),
+stream_body_spawn(Config) ->
+ doc("Confirm we can use cowboy_req:stream_body/3 from another process."),
+ {200, _, <<"Hello world!">>} = do_get("/resp/stream_body/spawn", Config),
+ ok.
stream_body_content_length_multiple(Config) ->
doc("Streamed body via multiple calls."),
{200, _, <<"Hello world!">>} = do_get("/resp/stream_body_content_length/multiple", Config),