diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-03-12 18:25:35 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-03-12 18:25:35 +0100
commit4e6a4ee53f8453c900c5439100a249ebb278deda (patch)
parent92edad53d2546f64fc6dc58b697487e2f7be8ba9 (diff)
Add initial HTTP/1.1 Upgrade to HTTP/2
The same edge cases that fail with other handshake methods also fail here (mostly bad preface/timeouts stuff). In addition, the HTTP2-Settings header contents are currently not checked and so the related edge case tests also fail.
3 files changed, 208 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index d694cff..1582770 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ parse_request(Buffer, State=#state{opts=Opts, in_streamid=InStreamID}, EmptyLine
%% Accept direct HTTP/2 only at the beginning of the connection.
<< "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n", _/bits >> when InStreamID =:= 1 ->
%% @todo Might be worth throwing to get a clean stacktrace.
- http2_upgrade(State, Buffer, undefined);
+ http2_upgrade(State, Buffer);
_ ->
parse_method(Buffer, State, <<>>,
maps:get(max_method_length, Opts, 32))
@@ -628,31 +628,76 @@ request(Buffer, State0=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, in_streamid=StreamID
%% meta values (cowboy_websocket, cowboy_rest)
- State = case HasBody of
- true ->
- cancel_request_timeout(State0#state{in_state=#ps_body{
- %% @todo Don't need length anymore?
- transfer_decode_fun = TDecodeFun,
- transfer_decode_state = TDecodeState
- }});
+ case is_http2_upgrade(Headers, Version) of
false ->
- set_request_timeout(State0#state{in_streamid=StreamID + 1, in_state=#ps_request_line{}})
- end,
- {request, Req, State, Buffer}.
+ State = case HasBody of
+ true ->
+ cancel_request_timeout(State0#state{in_state=#ps_body{
+ %% @todo Don't need length anymore?
+ transfer_decode_fun = TDecodeFun,
+ transfer_decode_state = TDecodeState
+ }});
+ false ->
+ set_request_timeout(State0#state{in_streamid=StreamID + 1, in_state=#ps_request_line{}})
+ end,
+ {request, Req, State, Buffer};
+ {true, SettingsPayload} ->
+ http2_upgrade(State0, Buffer, SettingsPayload, Req)
+ end.
%% HTTP/2 upgrade.
+is_http2_upgrade(#{<<"connection">> := Conn, <<"upgrade">> := Upgrade,
+ <<"http2-settings">> := HTTP2Settings}, 'HTTP/1.1') ->
+ Conns = cow_http_hd:parse_connection(Conn),
+ io:format(user, "CONNS ~p~n", [Conns]),
+ case {lists:member(<<"upgrade">>, Conns), lists:member(<<"http2-settings">>, Conns)} of
+ {true, true} ->
+ Protocols = cow_http_hd:parse_upgrade(Upgrade),
+ io:format(user, "PROTOCOLS ~p~n", [Protocols]),
+ case lists:member(<<"h2c">>, Protocols) of
+ true ->
+ SettingsPayload = cow_http_hd:parse_http2_settings(HTTP2Settings),
+ {true, SettingsPayload};
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+is_http2_upgrade(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% Upgrade through an HTTP/1.1 request.
+%% Prior knowledge upgrade, without an HTTP/1.1 request.
http2_upgrade(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- opts=Opts, handler=Handler}, Buffer, Settings) ->
+ opts=Opts, handler=Handler}, Buffer) ->
case Transport:secure() of
false ->
_ = cancel_request_timeout(State),
- cowboy_http2:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer, Settings);
+ cowboy_http2:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer);
true ->
error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
'Clients that support HTTP/2 over TLS MUST use ALPN. (RFC7540 3.4)'})
+http2_upgrade(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ opts=Opts, handler=Handler}, Buffer, SettingsPayload, Req) ->
+ %% @todo
+ %% However if the client sent a body, we need to read the body in full
+ %% and if we can't do that, return a 413 response. Some options are in order.
+ %% Always half-closed stream coming from this side.
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:response(101, 'HTTP/1.1', maps:to_list(#{
+ <<"connection">> => <<"Upgrade">>,
+ <<"upgrade">> => <<"h2c">>
+ }))),
+ %% @todo Possibly redirect the request if it was https.
+ _ = cancel_request_timeout(State),
+ cowboy_http2:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer, SettingsPayload, Req).
%% Request body parsing.
parse_body(Buffer, State=#state{in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index 67efa61..d73c879 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
@@ -80,11 +81,10 @@
-spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), cowboy:opts(), module()) -> ok.
init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler) ->
- init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, <<>>, undefined).
+ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, <<>>).
--spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), cowboy:opts(), module(),
- binary(), binary() | undefined) -> ok.
-init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer, SettingsPayload) ->
+-spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), cowboy:opts(), module(), binary()) -> ok.
+init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer) ->
State = #state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
transport=Transport, opts=Opts, handler=Handler},
@@ -93,6 +93,22 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer, SettingsPayload) ->
_ -> parse(State, Buffer)
+%% @todo Add an argument for the request body.
+-spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), cowboy:opts(), module(),
+ binary(), binary() | undefined, cowboy_req:req()) -> ok.
+init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer, SettingsPayload, Req) ->
+ State0 = #state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
+ transport=Transport, opts=Opts, handler=Handler},
+ preface(State0),
+ %% @todo SettingsPayload.
+ %% StreamID from HTTP/1.1 Upgrade requests is always 1.
+ %% The stream is always in the half-closed (remote) state.
+ State = stream_handler_init(State0, 1, fin, Req),
+ case Buffer of
+ <<>> -> before_loop(State, Buffer);
+ _ -> parse(State, Buffer)
+ end.
preface(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, next_settings=Settings}) ->
%% We send next_settings and use defaults until we get a ack.
ok = Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings(Settings)).
@@ -317,10 +333,13 @@ commands(State, _, []) ->
%% @todo Keep IsFin in the state.
%% @todo Same two things above apply to DATA, possibly promise too.
commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0}, StreamID,
- [{response, IsFin, StatusCode, Headers0}|Tail]) ->
+ [{response, StatusCode, Headers0, Body}|Tail]) ->
Headers = Headers0#{<<":status">> => integer_to_binary(StatusCode)},
{HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Headers, EncodeState0),
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock)),
+ Transport:send(Socket, [
+ cow_http2:headers(StreamID, nofin, HeaderBlock),
+ cow_http2:data(StreamID, fin, Body)
+ ]),
commands(State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send a response body chunk.
@@ -361,7 +380,10 @@ commands(State, StreamID, [{upgrade, _Mod, _ModState}]) ->
commands(State, StreamID, []);
commands(State, StreamID, [{upgrade, _Mod, _ModState}|Tail]) ->
%% @todo This is an error. Not sure what to do here yet.
- commands(State, StreamID, Tail).
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
+commands(State, StreamID, [stop|Tail]) ->
+ %% @todo Do we want to run the commands after a stop?
+ stream_terminate(State, StreamID, stop).
terminate(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, handler=Handler,
streams=Streams, children=Children}, Reason) ->
@@ -379,8 +401,8 @@ terminate_all_streams([#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState}|Tail], Reason, Ha
%% Stream functions.
-stream_init(State0=#state{ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, handler=Handler, opts=Opts,
- streams=Streams0, decode_state=DecodeState0}, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock) ->
+stream_init(State0=#state{ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, decode_state=DecodeState0},
+ StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock) ->
%% @todo Add clause for CONNECT requests (no scheme/path).
try headers_decode(HeaderBlock, DecodeState0) of
@@ -425,18 +447,7 @@ stream_init(State0=#state{ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, handler=H
%% meta values (cowboy_websocket, cowboy_rest)
- try Handler:init(StreamID, Req, Opts) of
- {Commands, StreamState} ->
- Streams = [#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState}|Streams0],
- commands(State#state{streams=Streams}, StreamID, Commands)
- catch Class:Reason ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Exception occurred in ~s:init(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p) "
- "with reason ~p:~p.",
- [Handler, StreamID, IsFin, Method, Scheme, Authority, Path, Headers, Class, Reason]),
- stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Reason},
- 'Exception occurred in StreamHandler:init/7 call.'}) %% @todo Check final arity.
- end;
+ stream_handler_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Req);
{_, DecodeState} ->
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, protocol_error)),
@@ -445,6 +456,19 @@ stream_init(State0=#state{ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, handler=H
'Error while trying to decode HPACK-encoded header block. (RFC7540 4.3)'})
+stream_handler_init(State=#state{handler=Handler, opts=Opts, streams=Streams0}, StreamID, IsFin, Req) ->
+ try Handler:init(StreamID, Req, Opts) of
+ {Commands, StreamState} ->
+ Streams = [#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState, remote=IsFin}|Streams0],
+ commands(State#state{streams=Streams}, StreamID, Commands)
+ catch Class:Reason ->
+ error_logger:error_msg("Exception occurred in ~s:init(~p, ~p, ~p) "
+ "with reason ~p:~p.",
+ [Handler, StreamID, IsFin, Req, Class, Reason]),
+ stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Reason},
+ 'Exception occurred in StreamHandler:init/7 call.'}) %% @todo Check final arity.
+ end.
%% @todo We might need to keep track of which stream has been reset so we don't send lots of them.
stream_reset(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID,
StreamError={internal_error, _, _}) ->
diff --git a/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl b/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl
index 620d3b5..9fcc08c 100644
--- a/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ http_upgrade_ignore_if_http_10(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
{ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 200">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 12, 1000),
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ http_upgrade_ignore_missing_upgrade_in_connection(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
{ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 200">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 12, 1000),
-http_upgrade_reject_missing_http2_settings_in_connection(Config) ->
+http_upgrade_ignore_missing_http2_settings_in_connection(Config) ->
doc("The HTTP2-Settings header must be listed in the "
"Connection header field. (RFC7540 3.2.1, RFC7230 6.7)"),
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", config(port, Config), [binary, {active, false}]),
@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ http_upgrade_reject_missing_http2_settings_in_connection(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 400">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 12, 1000),
+ {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 200">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 12, 1000),
http_upgrade_reject_zero_http2_settings_header(Config) ->
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ http_upgrade_reject_zero_http2_settings_header(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
{ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 400">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 12, 1000),
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ http_upgrade_reject_two_http2_settings_header(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
@@ -140,13 +140,23 @@ http_upgrade_reject_bad_http2_settings_header(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
%% We send a full SETTINGS frame on purpose.
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings(#{})), "\r\n",
{ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 400">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 12, 1000),
+%% Match directly for now.
+do_recv_101(Socket) ->
+ {ok, <<
+ "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"
+ "connection: Upgrade\r\n"
+ "upgrade: h2c\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 71, 1000),
+ ok.
http_upgrade_101(Config) ->
doc("A 101 response must be sent on successful upgrade "
"to HTTP/2 when using the HTTP Upgrade mechanism. (RFC7540 3.2, RFC7230 6.7)"),
@@ -155,10 +165,10 @@ http_upgrade_101(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
http_upgrade_server_preface(Config) ->
@@ -169,10 +179,10 @@ http_upgrade_server_preface(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Receive the server preface.
{ok, << _:24, 4:8, 0:40 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
@@ -185,15 +195,15 @@ http_upgrade_client_preface_timeout(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Receive the server preface.
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% Do not send the preface. Wait for the server to disconnect us.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 6000),
+ {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 6000),
http_upgrade_reject_missing_client_preface(Config) ->
@@ -204,17 +214,17 @@ http_upgrade_reject_missing_client_preface(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a SETTINGS frame directly instead of the proper preface.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings(#{})),
%% Receive the server preface.
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% We expect the server to close the connection when it receives a bad preface.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
+ {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
http_upgrade_reject_invalid_client_preface(Config) ->
@@ -225,18 +235,35 @@ http_upgrade_reject_invalid_client_preface(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a slightly incorrect preface.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM: Value\r\n\r\n"),
%% Receive the server preface.
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% We expect the server to close the connection when it receives a bad preface.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
- ok.
+ %% The server may however have already started sending the response to the
+ %% initial HTTP/1.1 request.
+ Received = lists:reverse(lists:foldl(fun(_, Acc) ->
+ case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000) of
+ {ok, << SkipLen:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} ->
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, SkipLen, 1000),
+ [headers|Acc];
+ {ok, << SkipLen:24, 0:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} ->
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, SkipLen, 1000),
+ [data|Acc];
+ {error, _} ->
+ [closed|Acc]
+ end
+ end, [], [1, 2, 3])),
+ case Received of
+ [closed|_] -> ok;
+ [headers, closed|_] -> ok;
+ [headers, data, closed] -> ok
+ end.
http_upgrade_reject_missing_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
doc("Servers must treat an invalid connection preface as a "
@@ -246,17 +273,17 @@ http_upgrade_reject_missing_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a valid preface sequence except followed by a PING instead of a SETTINGS frame.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", cow_http2:ping(0)]),
%% Receive the server preface.
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% We expect the server to close the connection when it receives a bad preface.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
+ {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
http_upgrade_reject_invalid_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
@@ -267,18 +294,35 @@ http_upgrade_reject_invalid_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a valid preface sequence except followed by a badly formed SETTINGS frame.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", << 0:24, 4:8, 0:9, 1:31 >>]),
%% Receive the server preface.
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% We expect the server to close the connection when it receives a bad preface.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
- ok.
+ %% The server may however have already started sending the response to the
+ %% initial HTTP/1.1 request.
+ Received = lists:reverse(lists:foldl(fun(_, Acc) ->
+ case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000) of
+ {ok, << SkipLen:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} ->
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, SkipLen, 1000),
+ [headers|Acc];
+ {ok, << SkipLen:24, 0:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} ->
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, SkipLen, 1000),
+ [data|Acc];
+ {error, _} ->
+ [closed|Acc]
+ end
+ end, [], [1, 2, 3])),
+ case Received of
+ [closed|_] -> ok;
+ [headers, closed|_] -> ok;
+ [headers, data, closed] -> ok
+ end.
http_upgrade_accept_client_preface_empty_settings(Config) ->
doc("The SETTINGS frame in the client preface may be empty. (RFC7540 3.2, RFC7540 3.5)"),
@@ -287,10 +331,10 @@ http_upgrade_accept_client_preface_empty_settings(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a valid preface sequence except followed by an empty SETTINGS frame.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", cow_http2:settings(#{})]),
%% Receive the server preface.
@@ -307,10 +351,10 @@ http_upgrade_client_preface_settings_ack_timeout(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a valid preface.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", cow_http2:settings(#{})]),
%% Receive the server preface.
@@ -324,6 +368,8 @@ http_upgrade_client_preface_settings_ack_timeout(Config) ->
%% @todo We need a successful test with actual options in HTTP2-Settings.
+%% @todo We need to test an upgrade with a request body (small and too large).
%% @todo Also assigned default priority values but not sure how to test that.
http_upgrade_response(Config) ->
doc("A response must be sent to the initial HTTP/1.1 request "
@@ -334,10 +380,10 @@ http_upgrade_response(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a valid preface.
%% @todo Use non-empty SETTINGS here. Just because.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", cow_http2:settings(#{})]),
@@ -346,12 +392,24 @@ http_upgrade_response(Config) ->
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% Send the SETTINGS ack.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings_ack()),
- %% Receive the SETTINGS ack.
- %% @todo It's possible that we receive the response before the SETTINGS ack.
- {ok, << 0:24, 4:8, 1:8, 0:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
- %% Receive the response to the original request. It uses streamid 1.
- {ok, << _:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
- ok.
+ %% Receive the SETTINGS ack, and the response HEADERS and DATA (streamid 1).
+ Received = lists:reverse(lists:foldl(fun(_, Acc) ->
+ case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000) of
+ {ok, << 0:24, 4:8, 1:8, 0:32 >>} ->
+ [settings_ack|Acc];
+ {ok, << SkipLen:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} ->
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, SkipLen, 1000),
+ [headers|Acc];
+ {ok, << SkipLen:24, 0:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} ->
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, SkipLen, 1000),
+ [data|Acc]
+ end
+ end, [], [1, 2, 3])),
+ case Received of
+ [settings_ack, headers, data] -> ok;
+ [headers, settings_ack, data] -> ok;
+ [headers, data, settings_ack] -> ok
+ end.
http_upgrade_response_half_closed(Config) ->
doc("The stream for the initial HTTP/1.1 request is half-closed. (RFC7540 3.2)"),
@@ -361,10 +419,10 @@ http_upgrade_response_half_closed(Config) ->
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: localhost\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings\r\n"
- "Upgrade: h2\r\n"
+ "Upgrade: h2c\r\n"
"HTTP2-Settings: ", base64:encode(cow_http2:settings_payload(#{})), "\r\n",
- {ok, <<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 36, 1000),
+ ok = do_recv_101(Socket),
%% Send a valid preface.
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", cow_http2:settings(#{})]),
%% Send more data on the stream to trigger an error.
@@ -567,7 +625,7 @@ prior_knowledge_reject_invalid_client_preface(Config) ->
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% We expect the server to close the connection when it receives a bad preface.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
+ {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
prior_knowledge_reject_missing_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
@@ -580,7 +638,7 @@ prior_knowledge_reject_missing_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% We expect the server to close the connection when it receives a bad preface.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
+ {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
prior_knowledge_reject_invalid_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
@@ -593,7 +651,7 @@ prior_knowledge_reject_invalid_client_preface_settings(Config) ->
{ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
{ok, << 4:8, 0:40, _:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
%% We expect the server to close the connection when it receives a bad preface.
- {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
+ {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
prior_knowledge_accept_client_preface_empty_settings(Config) ->