diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-04-04 17:23:37 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-04-04 17:23:37 +0200
commitbbfc1569ccffab060c4c2b402a45119fb1f57495 (patch)
parenta7b06f2e138c0c03c2511ed9fe6803fc9ebf3401 (diff)
Add initial implementation of Websocket over HTTP/2
Using the current draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-h2-websockets-01
6 files changed, 622 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc
index 517879f..793c6a1 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ as a Ranch protocol.
opts() :: #{
- connection_type => worker | supervisor,
- env => cowboy_middleware:env(),
- inactivity_timeout => timeout(),
- middlewares => [module()],
- preface_timeout => timeout(),
- shutdown_timeout => timeout(),
- stream_handlers => [module()]
+ connection_type => worker | supervisor,
+ enable_connect_protocol => boolean(),
+ env => cowboy_middleware:env(),
+ inactivity_timeout => timeout(),
+ middlewares => [module()],
+ preface_timeout => timeout(),
+ shutdown_timeout => timeout(),
+ stream_handlers => [module()]
@@ -41,6 +42,10 @@ The default value is given next to the option name:
connection_type (supervisor)::
Whether the connection process also acts as a supervisor.
+enable_connect_protocol (false)::
+ Whether to enable the extended CONNECT method to allow
+ protocols like Websocket to be used over an HTTP/2 stream.
env (#{})::
Middleware environment.
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index caa1f07..7f5d738 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -165,9 +165,10 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
{inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()},
binary() | undefined, binary()) -> ok.
init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer) ->
- State = #state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
+ State0 = #state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
transport=Transport, opts=Opts, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert,
parse_state={preface, sequence, preface_timeout(Opts)}},
+ State = settings_init(State0, Opts),
case Buffer of
<<>> -> before_loop(State, Buffer);
@@ -188,16 +189,21 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer, _Settings,
State1 = stream_handler_init(State0, 1, fin, upgrade, Req),
%% We assume that the upgrade will be applied. A stream handler
%% must not prevent the normal operations of the server.
- State = info(State1, 1, {switch_protocol, #{
+ State2 = info(State1, 1, {switch_protocol, #{
<<"connection">> => <<"Upgrade">>,
<<"upgrade">> => <<"h2c">>
}, ?MODULE, undefined}), %% @todo undefined or #{}?
+ State = settings_init(State2, Opts),
case Buffer of
<<>> -> before_loop(State, Buffer);
_ -> parse(State, Buffer)
+settings_init(State=#state{next_settings=Settings}, Opts) ->
+ EnableConnectProtocol = maps:get(enable_connect_protocol, Opts, false),
+ State#state{next_settings=Settings#{enable_connect_protocol => EnableConnectProtocol}}.
preface(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, next_settings=Settings}) ->
%% We send next_settings and use defaults until we get a ack.
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings(Settings)).
@@ -413,9 +419,9 @@ frame(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, remote_settings=Settings
%% Ack for a previously sent SETTINGS frame.
-frame(State=#state{next_settings=_NextSettings}, settings_ack) ->
- %% @todo Apply SETTINGS that require synchronization.
- State;
+frame(State=#state{local_settings=Local0, next_settings=Next}, settings_ack) ->
+ Local = maps:merge(Local0, Next),
+ State#state{local_settings=Local, next_settings=#{}};
%% Unexpected PUSH_PROMISE frame.
frame(State, {push_promise, _, _, _, _}) ->
terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
@@ -637,9 +643,11 @@ commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
Stream=#stream{local=upgrade}, [{switch_protocol, Headers, ?MODULE, _}|Tail]) ->
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:response(101, 'HTTP/1.1', maps:to_list(Headers))),
commands(State, Stream#stream{local=idle}, Tail);
-%% HTTP/2 has no support for the Upgrade mechanism.
-commands(State, Stream, [{switch_protocol, _Headers, _Mod, _ModState}|Tail]) ->
- %% @todo This is an error. Not sure what to do here yet.
+%% Use a different protocol within the stream (CONNECT :protocol).
+%% @todo Make sure we error out when the feature is disabled.
+commands(State0, #stream{id=StreamID}, [{switch_protocol, Headers, _Mod, _ModState}|Tail]) ->
+ State = #state{streams=Streams} = info(State0, StreamID, {headers, 200, Headers}),
+ Stream = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams),
commands(State, Stream, Tail);
commands(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, [stop|_Tail]) ->
%% @todo Do we want to run the commands after a stop?
@@ -840,8 +848,22 @@ stream_decode_init(State=#state{decode_state=DecodeState0}, StreamID, IsFin, Hea
'Error while trying to decode HPACK-encoded header block. (RFC7540 4.3)'})
-stream_pseudo_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers0) ->
+ StreamID, IsFin, Headers0) ->
+ IsExtendedConnectEnabled = maps:get(enable_connect_protocol, LocalSettings, false),
case pseudo_headers(Headers0, #{}) of
+ {ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"CONNECT">>, scheme := _,
+ authority := _, path := _, protocol := _}, Headers}
+ when IsExtendedConnectEnabled ->
+ stream_regular_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders);
+ {ok, #{method := <<"CONNECT">>, scheme := _,
+ authority := _, path := _}, _}
+ when IsExtendedConnectEnabled ->
+ stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
+ 'The :protocol pseudo-header MUST be sent with an extended CONNECT. (draft_h2_websockets 4)');
+ {ok, #{protocol := _}, _} ->
+ stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
+ 'The :protocol pseudo-header is only defined for the extended CONNECT. (draft_h2_websockets 4)');
%% @todo Add clause for CONNECT requests (no scheme/path).
{ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"CONNECT">>}, _} ->
stream_early_error(State, StreamID, IsFin, 501, PseudoHeaders,
@@ -869,13 +891,15 @@ pseudo_headers([{<<":scheme">>, Scheme}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
pseudo_headers([{<<":authority">>, _}|_], #{authority := _}) ->
{error, 'Multiple :authority pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
pseudo_headers([{<<":authority">>, Authority}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
- %% @todo Probably parse the authority here.
pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{authority => Authority});
pseudo_headers([{<<":path">>, _}|_], #{path := _}) ->
{error, 'Multiple :path pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
pseudo_headers([{<<":path">>, Path}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
- %% @todo Probably parse the path here.
pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{path => Path});
+pseudo_headers([{<<":protocol">>, _}|_], #{protocol := _}) ->
+ {error, 'Multiple :protocol pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
+pseudo_headers([{<<":protocol">>, Protocol}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
+ pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{protocol => Protocol});
pseudo_headers([{<<":", _/bits>>, _}|_], _) ->
{error, 'An unknown or invalid pseudo-header was found. (RFC7540'};
pseudo_headers(Headers, PseudoHeaders) ->
@@ -946,7 +970,7 @@ stream_req_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders) ->
stream_req_init(State=#state{ref=Ref, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert},
- StreamID, IsFin, Headers, #{method := Method, scheme := Scheme,
+ StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders=#{method := Method, scheme := Scheme,
authority := Authority, path := PathWithQs}, BodyLength) ->
try cow_http_hd:parse_host(Authority) of
{Host, Port} ->
@@ -955,7 +979,7 @@ stream_req_init(State=#state{ref=Ref, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert},
stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
'The path component must not be empty. (RFC7540');
{Path, Qs} ->
- Req = #{
+ Req0 = #{
ref => Ref,
pid => self(),
streamid => StreamID,
@@ -973,6 +997,13 @@ stream_req_init(State=#state{ref=Ref, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert},
has_body => IsFin =:= nofin,
body_length => BodyLength
+ %% We add the protocol information for extended CONNECTs.
+ Req = case PseudoHeaders of
+ #{protocol := Protocol} ->
+ Req0#{protocol => Protocol};
+ _ ->
+ Req0
+ end,
stream_handler_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, idle, Req)
catch _:_ ->
stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index f5ea458..7b5cc5b 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ parse_header_fun(<<"if-unmodified-since">>) -> fun cow_http_hd:parse_if_unmodifi
parse_header_fun(<<"range">>) -> fun cow_http_hd:parse_range/1;
parse_header_fun(<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>) -> fun cow_http_hd:parse_sec_websocket_extensions/1;
parse_header_fun(<<"sec-websocket-protocol">>) -> fun cow_http_hd:parse_sec_websocket_protocol_req/1;
+parse_header_fun(<<"sec-websocket-version">>) -> fun cow_http_hd:parse_sec_websocket_version_req/1;
parse_header_fun(<<"upgrade">>) -> fun cow_http_hd:parse_upgrade/1;
parse_header_fun(<<"x-forwarded-for">>) -> fun cow_http_hd:parse_x_forwarded_for/1.
diff --git a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
index 93b8417..620975c 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
expect = undefined :: undefined | continue,
read_body_ref = undefined :: reference() | undefined,
read_body_timer_ref = undefined :: reference() | undefined,
- read_body_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
+ read_body_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer() | infinity | auto,
read_body_is_fin = nofin :: nofin | {fin, non_neg_integer()},
read_body_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
body_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer()
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ expect(Req) ->
%% If we receive data and stream is waiting for data:
-%% If we accumulated enough data or IsFin=fin, send it.
-%% If not, buffer it.
+%% If we accumulated enough data or IsFin=fin, send it.
+%% If we are in auto mode, send it and update flow control.
+%% If not, buffer it.
%% If not, buffer it.
%% We always reset the expect field when we receive data,
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ expect(Req) ->
-spec data(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:fin(), cowboy_req:resp_body(), State)
-> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::#state{}.
+%% Stream isn't waiting for data.
data(_StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{
read_body_ref=undefined, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen}) ->
{[], State#state{
@@ -82,6 +84,16 @@ data(_StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{
read_body_buffer= << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>,
body_length=BodyLen + byte_size(Data)}};
+%% Stream is waiting for data using auto mode.
+%% There is no buffering done in auto mode.
+data(_StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{pid=Pid, read_body_ref=Ref,
+ read_body_length=auto, body_length=BodyLen}) ->
+ send_request_body(Pid, Ref, IsFin, BodyLen, Data),
+ {[{flow, byte_size(Data)}], State#state{
+ read_body_ref=undefined,
+ body_length=BodyLen}};
+%% Stream is waiting for data but we didn't receive enough to send yet.
data(_StreamID, nofin, Data, State=#state{
read_body_length=ReadLen, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen})
when byte_size(Data) + byte_size(Buffer) < ReadLen ->
@@ -89,9 +101,11 @@ data(_StreamID, nofin, Data, State=#state{
read_body_buffer= << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>,
body_length=BodyLen + byte_size(Data)}};
+%% Stream is waiting for data and we received enough to send.
data(_StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{pid=Pid, read_body_ref=Ref,
read_body_timer_ref=TRef, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen0}) ->
BodyLen = BodyLen0 + byte_size(Data),
+ %% @todo Handle the infinity case where no TRef was defined.
ok = erlang:cancel_timer(TRef, [{async, true}, {info, false}]),
send_request_body(Pid, Ref, IsFin, BodyLen, <<Buffer/binary, Data/binary>>),
{[], State#state{
@@ -121,6 +135,16 @@ info(StreamID, Exit = {'EXIT', Pid, {Reason, Stacktrace}}, State=#state{ref=Ref,
{error_response, 500, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
{internal_error, Exit, 'Stream process crashed.'}
], State};
+%% Request body, auto mode, no body buffered.
+info(_StreamID, {read_body, Ref, auto, infinity}, State=#state{read_body_buffer= <<>>}) ->
+ {[], State#state{
+ read_body_ref=Ref,
+ read_body_length=auto}};
+%% Request body, auto mode, body buffered or complete.
+info(_StreamID, {read_body, Ref, auto, infinity}, State=#state{pid=Pid,
+ read_body_is_fin=IsFin, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen}) ->
+ send_request_body(Pid, Ref, IsFin, BodyLen, Buffer),
+ {[{flow, byte_size(Buffer)}], State#state{read_body_buffer= <<>>}};
%% Request body, body buffered large enough or complete.
%% We do not send a 100 continue response if the client
@@ -136,6 +160,7 @@ info(StreamID, {read_body, Ref, Length, Period}, State=#state{expect=Expect}) ->
continue -> [{inform, 100, #{}}, {flow, Length}];
undefined -> [{flow, Length}]
+ %% @todo Handle the case where Period =:= infinity.
TRef = erlang:send_after(Period, self(), {{self(), StreamID}, {read_body_timeout, Ref}}),
{Commands, State#state{
diff --git a/src/cowboy_websocket.erl b/src/cowboy_websocket.erl
index df2e1a5..992af52 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_websocket.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_websocket.erl
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
@@ -82,6 +83,25 @@
req = #{} :: map()
+%% Because the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 handshakes are so different,
+%% this function is necessary to figure out whether a request
+%% is trying to upgrade to the Websocket protocol.
+-spec is_upgrade_request(cowboy_req:req()) -> boolean().
+is_upgrade_request(#{version := 'HTTP/2', method := <<"CONNECT">>, protocol := Protocol}) ->
+ <<"websocket">> =:= cowboy_bstr:to_lower(Protocol);
+is_upgrade_request(Req=#{version := 'HTTP/1.1', method := <<"GET">>}) ->
+ ConnTokens = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"connection">>, Req, []),
+ case lists:member(<<"upgrade">>, ConnTokens) of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ true ->
+ UpgradeTokens = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"upgrade">>, Req),
+ lists:member(<<"websocket">>, UpgradeTokens)
+ end;
+is_upgrade_request(_) ->
+ false.
%% Stream process.
-spec upgrade(Req, Env, module(), any())
@@ -94,8 +114,7 @@ upgrade(Req, Env, Handler, HandlerState) ->
-> {ok, Req, Env}
when Req::cowboy_req:req(), Env::cowboy_middleware:env().
%% @todo Immediately crash if a response has already been sent.
-%% @todo Error out if HTTP/2.
-upgrade(Req0, Env, Handler, HandlerState, Opts) ->
+upgrade(Req0=#{version := Version}, Env, Handler, HandlerState, Opts) ->
Timeout = maps:get(idle_timeout, Opts, 60000),
MaxFrameSize = maps:get(max_frame_size, Opts, infinity),
Compress = maps:get(compress, Opts, false),
@@ -108,11 +127,15 @@ upgrade(Req0, Env, Handler, HandlerState, Opts) ->
try websocket_upgrade(State0, Req0) of
{ok, State, Req} ->
websocket_handshake(State, Req, HandlerState, Env);
- {error, upgrade_required} ->
+ %% The status code 426 is specific to HTTP/1.1 connections.
+ {error, upgrade_required} when Version =:= 'HTTP/1.1' ->
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(426, #{
<<"connection">> => <<"upgrade">>,
<<"upgrade">> => <<"websocket">>
- }, Req0), Env}
+ }, Req0), Env};
+ %% Use a generic 400 error for HTTP/2.
+ {error, upgrade_required} ->
+ {ok, cowboy_req:reply(400, Req0), Env}
catch _:_ ->
%% @todo Probably log something here?
%% @todo Test that we can have 2 /ws 400 status code in a row on the same connection.
@@ -120,27 +143,27 @@ upgrade(Req0, Env, Handler, HandlerState, Opts) ->
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(400, Req0), Env}
-websocket_upgrade(State, Req) ->
- ConnTokens = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"connection">>, Req, []),
- case lists:member(<<"upgrade">>, ConnTokens) of
+websocket_upgrade(State, Req=#{version := Version}) ->
+ case is_upgrade_request(Req) of
false ->
{error, upgrade_required};
+ true when Version =:= 'HTTP/1.1' ->
+ Key = cowboy_req:header(<<"sec-websocket-key">>, Req),
+ false = Key =:= undefined,
+ websocket_version(State#state{key=Key}, Req);
true ->
- UpgradeTokens = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"upgrade">>, Req, []),
- case lists:member(<<"websocket">>, UpgradeTokens) of
- false ->
- {error, upgrade_required};
- true ->
- Version = cowboy_req:header(<<"sec-websocket-version">>, Req),
- IntVersion = binary_to_integer(Version),
- true = (IntVersion =:= 7) orelse (IntVersion =:= 8)
- orelse (IntVersion =:= 13),
- Key = cowboy_req:header(<<"sec-websocket-key">>, Req),
- false = Key =:= undefined,
- websocket_extensions(State#state{key=Key}, Req#{websocket_version => IntVersion})
- end
+ websocket_version(State, Req)
+websocket_version(State, Req) ->
+ WsVersion = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"sec-websocket-version">>, Req),
+ case WsVersion of
+ 7 -> ok;
+ 8 -> ok;
+ 13 -> ok
+ end,
+ websocket_extensions(State, Req#{websocket_version => WsVersion}).
websocket_extensions(State=#state{compress=Compress}, Req) ->
%% @todo We want different options for this. For example
%% * compress everything auto
@@ -159,11 +182,16 @@ websocket_extensions(State, Req, [], []) ->
{ok, State, Req};
websocket_extensions(State, Req, [], [<<", ">>|RespHeader]) ->
{ok, State, cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>, lists:reverse(RespHeader), Req)};
-websocket_extensions(State=#state{extensions=Extensions}, Req=#{pid := Pid},
+%% For HTTP/2 we ARE on the controlling process and do NOT want to update the owner.
+websocket_extensions(State=#state{extensions=Extensions}, Req=#{pid := Pid, version := Version},
[{<<"permessage-deflate">>, Params}|Tail], RespHeader) ->
%% @todo Make deflate options configurable.
- Opts = #{level => best_compression, mem_level => 8, strategy => default},
- try cow_ws:negotiate_permessage_deflate(Params, Extensions, Opts#{owner => Pid}) of
+ Opts0 = #{level => best_compression, mem_level => 8, strategy => default},
+ Opts = case Version of
+ 'HTTP/1.1' -> Opts0#{owner => Pid};
+ _ -> Opts0
+ end,
+ try cow_ws:negotiate_permessage_deflate(Params, Extensions, Opts) of
{ok, RespExt, Extensions2} ->
Req, Tail, [<<", ">>, RespExt|RespHeader]);
@@ -172,11 +200,15 @@ websocket_extensions(State=#state{extensions=Extensions}, Req=#{pid := Pid},
catch exit:{error, incompatible_zlib_version, _} ->
websocket_extensions(State, Req, Tail, RespHeader)
-websocket_extensions(State=#state{extensions=Extensions}, Req=#{pid := Pid},
+websocket_extensions(State=#state{extensions=Extensions}, Req=#{pid := Pid, version := Version},
[{<<"x-webkit-deflate-frame">>, Params}|Tail], RespHeader) ->
%% @todo Make deflate options configurable.
- Opts = #{level => best_compression, mem_level => 8, strategy => default},
- try cow_ws:negotiate_x_webkit_deflate_frame(Params, Extensions, Opts#{owner => Pid}) of
+ Opts0 = #{level => best_compression, mem_level => 8, strategy => default},
+ Opts = case Version of
+ 'HTTP/1.1' -> Opts0#{owner => Pid};
+ _ -> Opts0
+ end,
+ try cow_ws:negotiate_x_webkit_deflate_frame(Params, Extensions, Opts) of
{ok, RespExt, Extensions2} ->
Req, Tail, [<<", ">>, RespExt|RespHeader]);
@@ -192,7 +224,8 @@ websocket_extensions(State, Req, [_|Tail], RespHeader) ->
-> {ok, Req, Env}
when Req::cowboy_req:req(), Env::cowboy_middleware:env().
- Req=#{pid := Pid, streamid := StreamID}, HandlerState, Env) ->
+ Req=#{version := 'HTTP/1.1', pid := Pid, streamid := StreamID},
+ HandlerState, Env) ->
Challenge = base64:encode(crypto:hash(sha,
<< Key/binary, "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" >>)),
%% @todo We don't want date and server headers.
@@ -202,7 +235,17 @@ websocket_handshake(State=#state{key=Key},
<<"sec-websocket-accept">> => Challenge
}, Req),
Pid ! {{Pid, StreamID}, {switch_protocol, Headers, ?MODULE, {State, HandlerState}}},
- {ok, Req, Env}.
+ {ok, Req, Env};
+%% For HTTP/2 we do not let the process die, we instead keep it
+%% for the Websocket stream. This is because in HTTP/2 we only
+%% have a stream, it doesn't take over the whole connection.
+websocket_handshake(State, Req=#{ref := Ref, pid := Pid, streamid := StreamID},
+ HandlerState, _Env) ->
+ %% @todo We don't want date and server headers.
+ Headers = cowboy_req:response_headers(#{}, Req),
+ Pid ! {{Pid, StreamID}, {switch_protocol, Headers, ?MODULE, {State, HandlerState}}},
+ takeover(Pid, Ref, {Pid, StreamID}, undefined, undefined, <<>>,
+ {State, HandlerState}).
%% Connection process.
@@ -223,21 +266,34 @@ websocket_handshake(State=#state{key=Key},
-type parse_state() :: #ps_header{} | #ps_payload{}.
--spec takeover(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), any(), binary(),
+-spec takeover(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket() | {pid(), cowboy_stream:streamid()},
+ module() | undefined, any(), binary(),
{#state{}, any()}) -> no_return().
takeover(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts, Buffer,
{State0=#state{handler=Handler}, HandlerState}) ->
%% @todo We should have an option to disable this behavior.
+ Messages = case Transport of
+ undefined -> undefined;
+ _ -> Transport:messages()
+ end,
State = loop_timeout(State0#state{parent=Parent,
ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- key=undefined, messages=Transport:messages()}),
+ key=undefined, messages=Messages}),
case erlang:function_exported(Handler, websocket_init, 1) of
true -> handler_call(State, HandlerState, #ps_header{buffer=Buffer},
websocket_init, undefined, fun before_loop/3);
false -> before_loop(State, HandlerState, #ps_header{buffer=Buffer})
+%% @todo We probably shouldn't do the setopts if we have not received a socket message.
+%% @todo We need to hibernate when HTTP/2 is used too.
+before_loop(State=#state{socket=Stream={Pid, _}, transport=undefined},
+ HandlerState, ParseState) ->
+ %% @todo Keep Ref around.
+ ReadBodyRef = make_ref(),
+ Pid ! {Stream, {read_body, ReadBodyRef, auto, infinity}},
+ loop(State, HandlerState, ParseState);
before_loop(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, hibernate=true},
HandlerState, ParseState) ->
Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
@@ -258,19 +314,32 @@ loop_timeout(State=#state{timeout=Timeout, timeout_ref=PrevRef}) ->
-spec loop(#state{}, any(), parse_state()) -> no_return().
-loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, messages={OK, Closed, Error},
+loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, messages=Messages,
timeout_ref=TRef}, HandlerState, ParseState) ->
- {OK, Socket, Data} ->
+ %% Socket messages. (HTTP/1.1)
+ {OK, Socket, Data} when OK =:= element(1, Messages) ->
State2 = loop_timeout(State),
parse(State2, HandlerState, ParseState, Data);
- {Closed, Socket} ->
+ {Closed, Socket} when Closed =:= element(2, Messages) ->
terminate(State, HandlerState, {error, closed});
- {Error, Socket, Reason} ->
+ {Error, Socket, Reason} when Error =:= element(3, Messages) ->
terminate(State, HandlerState, {error, Reason});
+ %% Body reading messages. (HTTP/2)
+ {request_body, _Ref, nofin, Data} ->
+ State2 = loop_timeout(State),
+ parse(State2, HandlerState, ParseState, Data);
+ %% @todo We need to handle this case as if it was an {error, closed}
+ %% but not before we finish processing frames. We probably should have
+ %% a check in before_loop to let us stop looping if a flag is set.
+ {request_body, _Ref, fin, _, Data} ->
+ State2 = loop_timeout(State),
+ parse(State2, HandlerState, ParseState, Data);
+ %% Timeouts.
{timeout, TRef, ?MODULE} ->
websocket_close(State, HandlerState, timeout);
{timeout, OlderTRef, ?MODULE} when is_reference(OlderTRef) ->
+ %% @todo This should call before_loop.
loop(State, HandlerState, ParseState);
%% System messages.
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
@@ -282,6 +351,7 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, messages={OK, Closed, Error},
%% Calls from supervisor module.
{'$gen_call', From, Call} ->
cowboy_children:handle_supervisor_call(Call, From, [], ?MODULE),
+ %% @todo This should call before_loop.
loop(State, HandlerState, ParseState);
Message ->
handler_call(State, HandlerState, ParseState,
@@ -341,8 +411,7 @@ parse_payload(State=#state{frag_state=FragState, utf8_state=Incomplete, extensio
websocket_close(State, HandlerState, Error)
-dispatch_frame(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- max_frame_size=MaxFrameSize, frag_state=FragState,
+dispatch_frame(State=#state{max_frame_size=MaxFrameSize, frag_state=FragState,
frag_buffer=SoFar, extensions=Extensions}, HandlerState,
#ps_payload{type=Type0, unmasked=Payload0, close_code=CloseCode0},
RemainingData) ->
@@ -363,12 +432,12 @@ dispatch_frame(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
{close, CloseCode, Payload} ->
websocket_close(State, HandlerState, {remote, CloseCode, Payload});
Frame = ping ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame(pong, Extensions)),
+ transport_send(State, nofin, cow_ws:frame(pong, Extensions)),
handler_call(State, HandlerState,
websocket_handle, Frame, fun parse_header/3);
Frame = {ping, Payload} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame({pong, Payload}, Extensions)),
+ transport_send(State, nofin, cow_ws:frame({pong, Payload}, Extensions)),
handler_call(State, HandlerState,
websocket_handle, Frame, fun parse_header/3);
@@ -415,24 +484,32 @@ handler_call(State=#state{handler=Handler}, HandlerState,
erlang:raise(Class, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+transport_send(#state{socket=Stream={Pid, _}, transport=undefined}, IsFin, Data) ->
+ Pid ! {Stream, {data, IsFin, Data}},
+ ok;
+transport_send(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, _, Data) ->
+ Transport:send(Socket, Data).
-spec websocket_send(cow_ws:frame(), #state{}) -> ok | stop | {error, atom()}.
websocket_send(Frames, State) when is_list(Frames) ->
websocket_send_many(Frames, State, []);
-websocket_send(Frame, #state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, extensions=Extensions}) ->
- Res = Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame(Frame, Extensions)),
+websocket_send(Frame, State=#state{extensions=Extensions}) ->
+ Data = cow_ws:frame(Frame, Extensions),
case is_close_frame(Frame) of
- true -> stop;
- false -> Res
+ true ->
+ _ = transport_send(State, fin, Data),
+ stop;
+ false ->
+ transport_send(State, nofin, Data)
-websocket_send_many([], #state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, Acc) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, lists:reverse(Acc));
-websocket_send_many([Frame|Tail], State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- extensions=Extensions}, Acc0) ->
+websocket_send_many([], State, Acc) ->
+ transport_send(State, nofin, lists:reverse(Acc));
+websocket_send_many([Frame|Tail], State=#state{extensions=Extensions}, Acc0) ->
Acc = [cow_ws:frame(Frame, Extensions)|Acc0],
case is_close_frame(Frame) of
true ->
- _ = Transport:send(Socket, lists:reverse(Acc)),
+ _ = transport_send(State, fin, lists:reverse(Acc)),
false ->
websocket_send_many(Tail, State, Acc)
@@ -448,23 +525,22 @@ websocket_close(State, HandlerState, Reason) ->
websocket_send_close(State, Reason),
terminate(State, HandlerState, Reason).
-websocket_send_close(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- extensions=Extensions}, Reason) ->
+websocket_send_close(State=#state{extensions=Extensions}, Reason) ->
_ = case Reason of
Normal when Normal =:= stop; Normal =:= timeout ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame({close, 1000, <<>>}, Extensions));
+ transport_send(State, fin, cow_ws:frame({close, 1000, <<>>}, Extensions));
{error, badframe} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame({close, 1002, <<>>}, Extensions));
+ transport_send(State, fin, cow_ws:frame({close, 1002, <<>>}, Extensions));
{error, badencoding} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame({close, 1007, <<>>}, Extensions));
+ transport_send(State, fin, cow_ws:frame({close, 1007, <<>>}, Extensions));
{error, badsize} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame({close, 1009, <<>>}, Extensions));
+ transport_send(State, fin, cow_ws:frame({close, 1009, <<>>}, Extensions));
{crash, _, _} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame({close, 1011, <<>>}, Extensions));
+ transport_send(State, fin, cow_ws:frame({close, 1011, <<>>}, Extensions));
remote ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame(close, Extensions));
+ transport_send(State, fin, cow_ws:frame(close, Extensions));
{remote, Code, _} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_ws:frame({close, Code, <<>>}, Extensions))
+ transport_send(State, fin, cow_ws:frame({close, Code, <<>>}, Extensions))
diff --git a/test/draft_h2_websockets_SUITE.erl b/test/draft_h2_websockets_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31429df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/draft_h2_websockets_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+%% Copyright (c) 2018, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+%% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+%% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+-import(ct_helper, [config/2]).
+-import(ct_helper, [doc/1]).
+all() -> [{group, enabled}].
+groups() ->
+ Tests = ct_helper:all(?MODULE),
+ [{enabled, [parallel], Tests}].
+init_per_group(Name = enabled, Config) ->
+ cowboy_test:init_http(Name, #{
+ enable_connect_protocol => true,
+ env => #{dispatch => cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config))}
+ }, Config).
+end_per_group(Name, _) ->
+ ok = cowboy:stop_listener(Name).
+init_routes(_) -> [
+ {"localhost", [
+ {"/ws", ws_echo, []}
+ ]}
+%% Do a prior knowledge handshake.
+do_handshake(Config) ->
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", config(port, Config), [binary, {active, false}]),
+ %% Send a valid preface.
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", cow_http2:settings(#{})]),
+ %% Receive the server preface.
+ {ok, << Len:24 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 3, 1000),
+ {ok, << 4:8, 0:40, SettingsPayload:Len/binary >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 6 + Len, 1000),
+ Settings = cow_http2:parse_settings_payload(SettingsPayload),
+ %% Send the SETTINGS ack.
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings_ack()),
+ %% Receive the SETTINGS ack.
+ {ok, << 0:24, 4:8, 1:8, 0:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
+ {ok, Socket, Settings}.
+% The new parameter name is SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL. The
+% value of the parameter MUST be 0 or 1.
+% Upon receipt of SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL with a value of 1 a
+% client MAY use the Extended CONNECT definition of this document when
+% creating new streams. Receipt of this parameter by a server does not
+% have any impact.
+%% @todo ignore_client_enable_setting(Config) ->
+% with the value of 0 after previously sending a value of 1.
+reject_handshake_when_disabled(Config0) ->
+ doc("Extended CONNECT requests MUST be rejected with a "
+ "PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error when enable_connect_protocol=false. (draft-01 3)"),
+ Config = cowboy_test:init_http(disabled, #{
+ enable_connect_protocol => false,
+ env => #{dispatch => cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config0))}
+ }, Config0),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 0.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := false} = Settings,
+ %% Send a CONNECT :protocol request to upgrade the stream to Websocket.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+reject_handshake_disabled_by_default(Config0) ->
+ doc("Extended CONNECT requests MUST be rejected with a "
+ "PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error with default enable_connect_protocol. (draft-01 3)"),
+ Config = cowboy_test:init_http(disabled_by_default, #{
+ env => #{dispatch => cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config0))}
+ }, Config0),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 0.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := false} = Settings,
+ %% Send a CONNECT :protocol request to upgrade the stream to Websocket.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+% The Extended CONNECT Method.
+accept_uppercase_pseudo_header_protocol(Config) ->
+ doc("The :protocol pseudo header is case insensitive. (draft-01 4)"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send a CONNECT :protocol request to upgrade the stream to Websocket.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"WEBSOCKET">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a 200 response.
+ {ok, << Len1:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
+ {ok, RespHeadersBlock} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Len1, 1000),
+ {RespHeaders, _} = cow_hpack:decode(RespHeadersBlock),
+ {_, <<"200">>} = lists:keyfind(<<":status">>, 1, RespHeaders),
+ ok.
+reject_many_pseudo_header_protocol(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request containing more than one protocol component "
+ "must be rejected with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (draft-01 4, RFC7540"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request with more than one :protocol pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"mqtt">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+reject_unknown_pseudo_header_protocol(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request with an unknown protocol must be rejected "
+ "with a 400 error. (draft-01 4)"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request with an unknown :protocol pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"mqtt">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a 400 response.
+ {ok, << Len1:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
+ {ok, RespHeadersBlock} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Len1, 1000),
+ {RespHeaders, _} = cow_hpack:decode(RespHeadersBlock),
+ {_, <<"400">>} = lists:keyfind(<<":status">>, 1, RespHeaders),
+ ok.
+reject_invalid_pseudo_header_protocol(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request with an invalid protocol must be rejected "
+ "with a 400 error. (draft-01 4)"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request with an invalid :protocol pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket mqtt">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a 400 response.
+ {ok, << Len1:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
+ {ok, RespHeadersBlock} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Len1, 1000),
+ {RespHeaders, _} = cow_hpack:decode(RespHeadersBlock),
+ {_, <<"400">>} = lists:keyfind(<<":status">>, 1, RespHeaders),
+ ok.
+reject_missing_pseudo_header_scheme(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request without a scheme component must be rejected "
+ "with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (draft-01 4, RFC7540"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request without a :scheme pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+reject_missing_pseudo_header_path(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request without a path component must be rejected "
+ "with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (draft-01 4, RFC7540"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request without a :path pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+% On requests bearing the :protocol pseudo-header, the :authority
+% pseudo-header field is interpreted according to Section of
+% [RFC7540] instead of Section 8.3 of [RFC7540]. In particular the
+% server MUST not make a new TCP connection to the host and port
+% indicated by the :authority.
+reject_missing_pseudo_header_authority(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request without an authority component must be rejected "
+ "with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (draft-01 4, draft-01 5)"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request without an :authority pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+% Using Extended CONNECT To Bootstrap The WebSocket Protocol.
+reject_missing_pseudo_header_protocol(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request without a protocol component must be rejected "
+ "with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (draft-01 4, RFC7540"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request without a :scheme pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+% The scheme of the Target URI [RFC7230] MUST be https for wss schemed
+% WebSockets and http for ws schemed WebSockets. The websocket URI is
+% still used for proxy autoconfiguration.
+reject_connection_header(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request with a connection header must be rejected "
+ "with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (draft-01 5, RFC7540"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request without a :scheme pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"connection">>, <<"upgrade">>},
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+reject_upgrade_header(Config) ->
+ doc("An extended CONNECT request with a upgrade header must be rejected "
+ "with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (draft-01 5, RFC7540"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send an extended CONNECT request without a :scheme pseudo-header.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"upgrade">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
+% After successfully processing the opening handshake the peers should
+% proceed with The WebSocket Protocol [RFC6455] using the HTTP/2 stream
+% from the CONNECT transaction as if it were the TCP connection
+% referred to in [RFC6455]. The state of the WebSocket connection at
+% this point is OPEN as defined by [RFC6455], Section 4.1.
+%% @todo I'm guessing we should test for things like RST_STREAM,
+%% closing the connection and others?
+% Examples.
+%% @todo Probably worth testing that we get the correct option
+%% over all different connection types (alpn, prior, upgrade).
+accept_handshake_when_enabled(Config) ->
+ doc("Confirm the example for Websocket over HTTP/2 works. (draft-01 5.1)"),
+ %% Connect to server and confirm that SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 1.
+ {ok, Socket, Settings} = do_handshake(Config),
+ #{enable_connect_protocol := true} = Settings,
+ %% Send a CONNECT :protocol request to upgrade the stream to Websocket.
+ {ReqHeadersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>},
+ {<<":protocol">>, <<"websocket">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/ws">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
+ {<<"origin">>, <<"http://localhost">>}
+ ]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, ReqHeadersBlock)),
+ %% Receive a 200 response.
+ {ok, << Len1:24, 1:8, _:8, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
+ {ok, RespHeadersBlock} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Len1, 1000),
+ {RespHeaders, _} = cow_hpack:decode(RespHeadersBlock),
+ {_, <<"200">>} = lists:keyfind(<<":status">>, 1, RespHeaders),
+ %% Masked text hello echoed back clear by the server.
+ %%
+ %% We receive WINDOW_UPDATE frames before the actual data
+ %% due to flow control updates every time a data frame is received.
+ Mask = 16#37fa213d,
+ MaskedHello = ws_SUITE:do_mask(<<"Hello">>, Mask, <<>>),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, cow_http2:data(1, nofin,
+ <<1:1, 0:3, 1:4, 1:1, 5:7, Mask:32, MaskedHello/binary>>)),
+ {ok, <<4:24, 8:8, _:72>>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 1000),
+ {ok, <<4:24, 8:8, _:72>>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 1000),
+ {ok, <<Len2:24, _:8, _:8, _:32>>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 1000),
+ {ok, <<1:1, 0:3, 1:4, 0:1, 5:7, "Hello">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Len2, 1000),
+ ok.
+%% Closing a Websocket stream.
+%% @todo client close frame with END_STREAM
+%% @todo server close frame with END_STREAM
+%% @todo client other frame with END_STREAM
+%% @todo server other frame with END_STREAM
+%% @todo client close connection