path: root/guide/ws_handlers.md
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authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-07-06 13:10:35 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-07-06 13:10:35 +0200
commit078d686a0ac0aed212db97d73bd1e4a9387a4956 (patch)
tree6bbc6111fdbdfedd3bb351bf3b01c63fac0d7143 /guide/ws_handlers.md
parent1a71a733c37df70c15ebfd28157b10915cd738d1 (diff)
Provide installable man pages
make docs: generate Markdown and man pages in doc/ make install-docs: install man pages to be usable directly Docs are generated from the ezdoc files in doc/src/.
Diffstat (limited to 'guide/ws_handlers.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/guide/ws_handlers.md b/guide/ws_handlers.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f69dc..0000000
--- a/guide/ws_handlers.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-Handling Websocket connections
-A special handler is required for handling Websocket connections.
-Websocket handlers allow you to initialize the connection,
-handle incoming frames from the socket, handle incoming Erlang
-messages and then clean up on termination.
-Websocket handlers essentially act as a bridge between the client
-and the Erlang system. They will typically do little more than
-socket communication and decoding/encoding of frames.
-First, the `init/3` callback is called. This callback is common
-to all handlers. To establish a Websocket connection, this function
-must return an `upgrade` tuple.
-``` erlang
-init(_, Req, Opts) ->
- {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}.
-It is also possible to return an update Req object and options
-using the longer form of this tuple.
-``` erlang
-init(_Type, Req, Opts) ->
- {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket, Req, Opts}.
-Upon receiving this tuple, Cowboy will switch to the code
-that handles Websocket connections. It does not immediately
-perform the handshake however. First, it calls the `websocket_init/3`
-This function must be used to initialize the state, and can
-also be used to register the process, start a timer, etc.
-As long as the function returns an `ok` tuple, then Cowboy
-performs the Websocket handshake.
-``` erlang
-websocket_init(_Type, Req, _Opts) ->
- {ok, Req, #state{}}.
-A `shutdown` tuple can be returned to refuse to perform the
-handshake. When doing so, Cowboy will send a `400 Bad Request`
-response to the client and close the connection.
-``` erlang
-websocket_init(_Type, Req, _Opts) ->
- {shutdown, Req}.
-It is also possible to perform a `cowboy_req:reply/{2,3,4}`
-before returning a `shutdown` tuple, allowing you to override
-the response sent back to the client.
-Note that browser support for handling Websocket connection
-failures may vary.
-If the sec-websocket-protocol header was sent with the request
-for establishing a Websocket connection, then the Websocket
-handler *must* select one of these subprotocol and send it
-back to the client, otherwise the client might decide to close
-the connection, assuming no correct subprotocol was found.
-``` erlang
-websocket_init(_Type, Req, _Opts) ->
- case cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"sec-websocket-protocol">>, Req) of
- {ok, undefined, Req2} ->
- {ok, Req, #state{}};
- {ok, Subprotocols, Req2} ->
- case lists:keymember(<<"mychat2">>, 1, Subprotocols) of
- true ->
- Req3 = cowboy:set_resp_header(<<"sec-websocket-protocol">>,
- <<"mychat2">>, Req2),
- {ok, Req3, #state{}};
- false ->
- {shutdown, Req2}
- end
- end.
-It is not recommended to wait too long inside the `websocket_init/3`
-function. Any extra initialization may be done after returning by
-sending yourself a message before doing anything. Any message sent
-to `self()` from `websocket_init/3` is guaranteed to arrive before
-any frames from the client.
-It is also very easy to ensure that this message arrives before
-any message from other processes by sending it before registering
-or enabling timers.
-``` erlang
-websocket_init(_Type, Req, _Opts) ->
- self() ! post_init,
- %% Register process here...
- {ok, Req, #state{}}.
-websocket_info(post_init, Req, State) ->
- %% Perform post_init initialization here...
- {ok, Req, State}.
-Handling frames from the client
-Cowboy will call `websocket_handle/3` whenever a text, binary,
-ping or pong frame arrives from the client. Note that in the
-case of ping and pong frames, no action is expected as Cowboy
-automatically replies to ping frames.
-The handler can decide to send frames to the socket, shutdown
-or just continue without sending anything.
-The following snippet echoes back any text frame received and
-ignores all others.
-``` erlang
-websocket_handle(Frame = {text, _}, Req, State) ->
- {reply, Frame, Req, State};
-websocket_handle(_Frame, Req, State) ->
- {ok, Req, State}.
-Handling Erlang messages
-Cowboy will call `websocket_info/3` whenever an Erlang message
-The handler can decide to send frames to the socket, shutdown
-or just continue without sending anything.
-The following snippet forwards any `log` message to the socket
-and ignores all others.
-``` erlang
-websocket_info({log, Text}, Req, State) ->
- {reply, {text, Text}, Req, State};
-websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) ->
- {ok, Req, State}.
-Sending frames to the socket
-Cowboy allows sending either a single frame or a list of
-frames to the socket. Any frame can be sent: text, binary, ping,
-pong or close frames.
-The following example sends three frames using a single `reply`
-``` erlang
-websocket_info(hello_world, Req, State) ->
- {reply, [
- {text, "Hello"},
- {text, <<"world!">>},
- {binary, <<0:8000>>}
- ], Req, State};
-%% More websocket_info/3 clauses here...
-Note that the payload for text and binary frames is of type
-`iodata()`, meaning it can be either a `binary()` or an
-Sending a `close` frame will immediately initiate the closing
-of the Websocket connection. Be aware that any additional
-frames sent by the client or any Erlang messages waiting to
-be received will not be processed. Also note that when replying
-a list of frames that includes close, any frame found after the
-close frame will not be sent.
-Ping and timeout
-The biggest performance improvement you can do when dealing
-with a huge number of Websocket connections is to reduce the
-number of timers that are started on the server. A common use
-of timers when dealing with connections is for sending a ping
-every once in a while. This should be done exclusively on the
-client side. Indeed, a server handling one million Websocket
-connections will perform a lot better when it doesn't have to
-handle one million extra timers too!
-Cowboy will automatically respond to ping frames sent by the
-client. It will still forward the frame to the handler for
-informative purpose, but no further action is required.
-Cowboy can be configured to automatically close the Websocket
-connection when no data arrives on the socket. It is highly
-recommended to configure a timeout for it, as otherwise you
-may end up with zombie "half-connected" sockets that may
-leave the process alive forever.
-A good timeout value is 60 seconds.
-``` erlang
-websocket_init(_Type, Req, _Opts) ->
- {ok, Req, #state{}, 60000}.
-This value cannot be changed once it is set. It defaults to
-Most tuples returned from handler callbacks can include an
-extra value `hibernate`. After doing any necessary operations
-following the return of the callback, Cowboy will hibernate
-the process.
-It is highly recommended to hibernate processes that do not
-handle much traffic. It is a good idea to hibernate all
-connections by default and investigate only when you start
-noticing increased CPU usage.
-Supporting older browsers
-Unfortunately Websocket is a relatively recent technology,
-which means that not all browsers support it. A library like
-[Bullet](https://github.com/extend/bullet) can be used to
-emulate Websocket connections on older browsers.