path: root/src/cowboy_http.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2011-10-26 04:07:08 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2011-10-26 04:07:08 +0200
commitc605c4fa408272f98b78e06577fb7c446b7ea2e7 (patch)
tree1f62ea2799c58138ed30c62383c62df8b580f627 /src/cowboy_http.erl
parent1a839954bb9f1e9d246680fe8f90304a563d1a9c (diff)
Add 'Accept' header parsing
Rework the cowboy_http_req:parse_header/2 function while I was at it.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http.erl')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index 8648b86..5036d63 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
%% Parsing.
--export([list/2, nonempty_list/2, token/2, token_ci/2]).
+-export([list/2, nonempty_list/2,
+ media_range/2, token/2, token_ci/2, quoted_string/2]).
%% Interpretation.
@@ -63,6 +64,144 @@ list(Data, Fun, Acc) ->
+%% @doc Parse a media range.
+-spec media_range(binary(), fun()) -> any().
+media_range(Data, Fun) ->
+ whitespace(Data,
+ fun (<<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest) -> media_range_type(Rest, Fun)
+ end).
+-spec media_range_type(binary(), fun()) -> any().
+media_range_type(Data, Fun) ->
+ token_ci(Data,
+ fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest, Type) -> whitespace(Rest,
+ fun (<< $/, Rest2/bits >>) -> whitespace(Rest2,
+ fun (<<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest3) -> media_range_subtype(Rest3, Fun, Type)
+ end);
+ (_Rest2) -> {error, badarg}
+ end)
+ end).
+-spec media_range_subtype(binary(), fun(), binary()) -> any().
+media_range_subtype(Data, Fun, Type) ->
+ token_ci(Data,
+ fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest, SubType) -> media_range_params(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, [])
+ end).
+-spec media_range_params(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(),
+ [{binary(), binary()}]) -> any().
+media_range_params(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc) ->
+ whitespace(Data,
+ fun (<< $;, Rest/bits >>) ->
+ whitespace(Rest,
+ fun (Rest2) ->
+ media_range_param_attr(Rest2, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc)
+ end);
+ (Rest) -> Fun(Rest, {{Type, SubType, lists:reverse(Acc)}, 1000, []})
+ end).
+-spec media_range_param_attr(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(),
+ [{binary(), binary()}]) -> any().
+media_range_param_attr(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc) ->
+ token_ci(Data,
+ fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest, Attr) ->
+ whitespace(Rest,
+ fun (<< $=, Rest2/bits >>) ->
+ whitespace(Rest2,
+ fun (<<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest3) ->
+ media_range_param_value(Rest3, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Acc, Attr)
+ end);
+ (_Rest2) ->
+ {error, badarg}
+ end)
+ end).
+-spec media_range_param_value(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(),
+ [{binary(), binary()}], binary()) -> any().
+media_range_param_value(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc, <<"q">>) ->
+ quality(Data,
+ fun (Rest, Quality) ->
+ accept_ext(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc, Quality, [])
+ end);
+media_range_param_value(Data = << $", _/bits >>, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Acc, Attr) ->
+ quoted_string(Data,
+ fun (Rest, Value) ->
+ media_range_params(Rest, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, [{Attr, Value}|Acc])
+ end);
+media_range_param_value(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc, Attr) ->
+ token(Data,
+ fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest, Value) ->
+ media_range_params(Rest, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, [{Attr, Value}|Acc])
+ end).
+-spec accept_ext(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(),
+ [{binary(), binary()}], 0..1000,
+ [{binary(), binary()} | binary()]) -> any().
+accept_ext(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc) ->
+ whitespace(Data,
+ fun (<< $;, Rest/bits >>) ->
+ whitespace(Rest,
+ fun (Rest2) ->
+ accept_ext_attr(Rest2, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc)
+ end);
+ (Rest) ->
+ Fun(Rest, {{Type, SubType, lists:reverse(Params)},
+ Quality, lists:reverse(Acc)})
+ end).
+-spec accept_ext_attr(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(),
+ [{binary(), binary()}], 0..1000,
+ [{binary(), binary()} | binary()]) -> any().
+accept_ext_attr(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc) ->
+ token_ci(Data,
+ fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest, Attr) ->
+ whitespace(Rest,
+ fun (<< $=, Rest2/bits >>) ->
+ whitespace(Rest2,
+ fun (<<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest3) ->
+ accept_ext_value(Rest3, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Params,
+ Quality, Acc, Attr)
+ end);
+ (Rest2) ->
+ accept_ext(Rest2, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Params,
+ Quality, [Attr|Acc])
+ end)
+ end).
+-spec accept_ext_value(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(),
+ [{binary(), binary()}], 0..1000,
+ [{binary(), binary()} | binary()], binary()) -> any().
+accept_ext_value(Data = << $", _/bits >>, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc, Attr) ->
+ quoted_string(Data,
+ fun (Rest, Value) ->
+ accept_ext(Rest, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Params, Quality, [{Attr, Value}|Acc])
+ end);
+accept_ext_value(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc, Attr) ->
+ token(Data,
+ fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg};
+ (Rest, Value) ->
+ accept_ext(Rest, Fun,
+ Type, SubType, Params, Quality, [{Attr, Value}|Acc])
+ end).
%% @doc Skip whitespace.
-spec whitespace(binary(), fun()) -> any().
whitespace(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun)
@@ -99,6 +238,48 @@ token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Case = ci, Acc) ->
token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Case, Acc) ->
token(Rest, Fun, Case, << Acc/binary, C >>).
+%% @doc Parse a quoted string.
+-spec quoted_string(binary(), fun()) -> any().
+quoted_string(<< $", Rest/bits >>, Fun) ->
+ quoted_string(Rest, Fun, <<>>).
+-spec quoted_string(binary(), fun(), binary()) -> any().
+quoted_string(<<>>, _Fun, _Acc) ->
+ {error, badarg};
+quoted_string(<< $", Rest/bits >>, Fun, Acc) ->
+ Fun(Rest, Acc);
+quoted_string(<< $\\, C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Acc) ->
+ quoted_string(Rest, Fun, << Acc/binary, C >>);
+quoted_string(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Acc) ->
+ quoted_string(Rest, Fun, << Acc/binary, C >>).
+%% @doc Parse a quality value.
+-spec quality(binary(), fun()) -> any().
+quality(<< $0, $., Rest/bits >>, Fun) ->
+ quality(Rest, Fun, 0, 100);
+quality(<< $0, Rest/bits >>, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Rest, 0);
+quality(<< $1, $., $0, $0, $0, Rest/bits >>, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Rest, 1000);
+quality(<< $1, $., $0, $0, Rest/bits >>, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Rest, 1000);
+quality(<< $1, $., $0, Rest/bits >>, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Rest, 1000);
+quality(<< $1, Rest/bits >>, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Rest, 1000);
+quality(_Data, _Fun) ->
+ {error, badarg}.
+-spec quality(binary(), fun(), integer(), 1 | 10 | 100) -> any().
+quality(Data, Fun, Q, 0) ->
+ Fun(Data, Q);
+quality(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Q, M)
+ when C =:= $0; C =:= $1; C =:= $2; C =:= $3; C =:= $4;
+ C =:= $5; C =:= $6; C =:= $7; C =:= $8; C =:= $9 ->
+ quality(Rest, Fun, Q + (C - $0) * M, M div 10);
+quality(Data, Fun, Q, _M) ->
+ Fun(Data, Q).
%% Interpretation.
%% @doc Walk through a tokens list and return whether
@@ -135,6 +316,44 @@ nonempty_token_list_test_() ->
[{V, fun() -> R = nonempty_list(V, fun token/2) end} || {V, R} <- Tests].
+media_range_list_test_() ->
+ %% {Tokens, Result}
+ Tests = [
+ {<<"audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic">>, [
+ {{<<"audio">>, <<"*">>, []}, 200, []},
+ {{<<"audio">>, <<"basic">>, []}, 1000, []}
+ ]},
+ {<<"text/plain; q=0.5, text/html, "
+ "text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c">>, [
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, []}, 500, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, []}, 1000, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"x-dvi">>, []}, 800, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"x-c">>, []}, 1000, []}
+ ]},
+ {<<"text/*, text/html, text/html;level=1, */*">>, [
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"*">>, []}, 1000, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, []}, 1000, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, [{<<"level">>, <<"1">>}]}, 1000, []},
+ {{<<"*">>, <<"*">>, []}, 1000, []}
+ ]},
+ {<<"text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, "
+ "text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5">>, [
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"*">>, []}, 300, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, []}, 700, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, [{<<"level">>, <<"1">>}]}, 1000, []},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, [{<<"level">>, <<"2">>}]}, 400, []},
+ {{<<"*">>, <<"*">>, []}, 500, []}
+ ]},
+ {<<"text/html;level=1;quoted=\"hi hi hi\";"
+ "q=0.123;standalone;complex=gits, text/plain">>, [
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>,
+ [{<<"level">>, <<"1">>}, {<<"quoted">>, <<"hi hi hi">>}]}, 123,
+ [<<"standalone">>, {<<"complex">>, <<"gits">>}]},
+ {{<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, []}, 1000, []}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ [{V, fun() -> R = list(V, fun media_range/2) end} || {V, R} <- Tests].
connection_to_atom_test_() ->
%% {Tokens, Result}
Tests = [