path: root/src/cowboy_http_protocol.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2011-03-17 22:02:47 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2011-03-17 22:02:47 +0100
commit786a05a129d9aeff7f88deaf6d9e4f06b935b665 (patch)
tree1030d9eeb2904d68ece316c797a155b989638e5d /src/cowboy_http_protocol.erl
parentda7225594010d0df20779a0915474ccedd25d7cf (diff)
Run the dispatcher as early as possible to quickly dismiss 404 errors.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http_protocol.erl')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http_protocol.erl b/src/cowboy_http_protocol.erl
index 726f33c..3a8aac7 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http_protocol.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http_protocol.erl
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
socket :: socket(),
transport :: module(),
dispatch :: dispatch(),
+ handler :: {Handler::module(), Opts::term()},
timeout :: timeout(),
connection = keepalive :: keepalive | close
@@ -81,12 +82,19 @@ wait_header(Req, State=#state{socket=Socket,
-spec header({http_header, I::integer(), Field::http_header(), R::term(),
Value::string()} | http_eoh, Req::#http_req{}, State::#state{}) -> ok.
-header({http_header, _I, 'Host', _R, Value}, Req, State) ->
+header({http_header, _I, 'Host', _R, Value}, Req=#http_req{path=Path},
+ State=#state{dispatch=Dispatch}) ->
Host = cowboy_dispatcher:split_host(Value),
- %% @todo We have Host and Path at this point, dispatch right away and
- %% error_terminate(404) early if it fails.
- wait_header(Req#http_req{host=Host,
- headers=[{'Host', Value}|Req#http_req.headers]}, State);
+ %% @todo We probably want to filter the Host and Path here to allow
+ %% things like url rewriting.
+ case cowboy_dispatcher:match(Host, Path, Dispatch) of
+ {ok, Handler, Opts, Binds} ->
+ wait_header(Req#http_req{host=Host, bindings=Binds,
+ headers=[{'Host', Value}|Req#http_req.headers]},
+ State#state{handler={Handler, Opts}});
+ {error, notfound} ->
+ error_terminate(404, State)
+ end;
header({http_header, _I, 'Connection', _R, Connection}, Req, State) ->
headers=[{'Connection', Connection}|Req#http_req.headers]},
@@ -97,22 +105,16 @@ header({http_header, _I, Field, _R, Value}, Req, State) ->
%% The Host header is required.
header(http_eoh, #http_req{host=undefined}, State) ->
error_terminate(400, State);
-header(http_eoh, Req=#http_req{host=Host, path=Path},
- State=#state{dispatch=Dispatch}) ->
- %% @todo We probably want to filter the Host and Patch here to allow
- %% things like url rewriting.
- dispatch(cowboy_dispatcher:match(Host, Path, Dispatch), Req, State).
+header(http_eoh, Req, State) ->
+ handler_loop(Req, State).
--spec dispatch({ok, Handler::module(), Opts::term(), Binds::bindings()}
- | {error, notfound}, Req::#http_req{}, State::#state{}) -> ok.
-dispatch({ok, Handler, Opts, Binds}, Req, State) ->
- case Handler:handle(Opts, Req#http_req{bindings=Binds}) of
+-spec handler_loop(Req::#http_req{}, State::#state{}) -> ok.
+handler_loop(Req, State=#state{handler={Handler, Opts}}) ->
+ case Handler:handle(Opts, Req) of
{reply, RCode, RHeaders, RBody} ->
reply(RCode, RHeaders, RBody, State)
%% @todo stream_reply, request_body, stream_request_body...
- end;
-dispatch({error, notfound}, _Req, State) ->
- error_terminate(404, State).
+ end.
-spec error_terminate(Code::http_status(), State::#state{}) -> ok.
error_terminate(Code, State) ->