path: root/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-09-24 14:39:17 +0300
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-09-24 14:39:17 +0300
commitaa4d86b81f6095316813c599659014c15bf9b935 (patch)
treed503405a06e70c314975cde6dbf706939825890a /src/cowboy_protocol.erl
parent25259671f51c076720b64959a700263eaa0937b2 (diff)
Remove the onrequest hook
It was redundant with middlewares. Allows us to save a few operations for every incoming requests.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_protocol.erl')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
index 1026d28..a5873ea 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
| {max_keepalive, non_neg_integer()}
| {max_request_line_length, non_neg_integer()}
| {middlewares, [module()]}
- | {onrequest, cowboy:onrequest_fun()}
| {onresponse, cowboy:onresponse_fun()}
| {timeout, timeout()}].
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@
middlewares :: [module()],
compress :: boolean(),
env :: cowboy_middleware:env(),
- onrequest :: undefined | cowboy:onrequest_fun(),
onresponse = undefined :: undefined | cowboy:onresponse_fun(),
max_empty_lines :: non_neg_integer(),
req_keepalive = 1 :: non_neg_integer(),
@@ -85,7 +83,6 @@ init(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
MaxRequestLineLength = get_value(max_request_line_length, Opts, 4096),
Middlewares = get_value(middlewares, Opts, [cowboy_router, cowboy_handler]),
Env = [{listener, Ref}|get_value(env, Opts, [])],
- OnRequest = get_value(onrequest, Opts, undefined),
OnResponse = get_value(onresponse, Opts, undefined),
Timeout = get_value(timeout, Opts, 5000),
ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
@@ -95,8 +92,7 @@ init(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
max_header_value_length=MaxHeaderValueLength, max_headers=MaxHeaders,
- onrequest=OnRequest, onresponse=OnResponse,
- timeout=Timeout, until=until(Timeout)}, 0).
+ onresponse=OnResponse, timeout=Timeout, until=until(Timeout)}, 0).
-spec until(timeout()) -> non_neg_integer() | infinity.
until(infinity) ->
@@ -410,26 +406,12 @@ request(Buffer, State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
Req = cowboy_req:new(Socket, Transport, Peer, Method, Path,
Query, Version, Headers, Host, Port, Buffer,
ReqKeepalive < MaxKeepalive, Compress, OnResponse),
- onrequest(Req, State);
+ execute(Req, State);
{error, _} ->
%% Couldn't read the peer address; connection is gone.
-%% Call the global onrequest callback. The callback can send a reply,
-%% in which case we consider the request handled and move on to the next
-%% one. Note that since we haven't dispatched yet, we don't know the
-%% handler, host_info, path_info or bindings yet.
--spec onrequest(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}) -> ok.
-onrequest(Req, State=#state{onrequest=undefined}) ->
- execute(Req, State);
-onrequest(Req, State=#state{onrequest=OnRequest}) ->
- Req2 = OnRequest(Req),
- case cowboy_req:get(resp_state, Req2) of
- waiting -> execute(Req2, State);
- _ -> next_request(Req2, State, ok)
- end.
-spec execute(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}) -> ok.
execute(Req, State=#state{middlewares=Middlewares, env=Env}) ->
execute(Req, State, Env, Middlewares).