path: root/src/cowboy_req.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-07-12 15:42:45 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-07-12 15:42:45 +0200
commit9980348a1cd74a41b3024f0b01d6fef301d8288b (patch)
treee936c11c07c9fcf752f88ddaa48cccbd8b282db4 /src/cowboy_req.erl
parentecbebeefe865a44558f4b30ea5cd1b438a1000de (diff)
Remove deprecated body reading interface
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_req.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index 26805ef..1394e72 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -90,16 +90,6 @@
-%% Deprecated API.
--deprecated({init_stream, 4}).
--deprecated({stream_body, 1}).
--deprecated({stream_body, 2}).
--deprecated({skip_body, 1}).
-type cookie_opts() :: cow_cookie:cookie_opts().
@@ -507,9 +497,6 @@ body(Req) ->
-spec body(Req, body_opts())
-> {ok, binary(), Req} | {more, binary(), Req}
| {error, atom()} when Req::req().
-%% @todo This clause is kept for compatibility reasons, to be removed in 1.0.
-body(MaxBodyLength, Req) when is_integer(MaxBodyLength) ->
- body(Req, [{length, MaxBodyLength}]);
body(Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting}, Opts) ->
%% Send a 100 continue if needed (enabled by default).
Req1 = case lists:keyfind(continue, 1, Opts) of
@@ -654,9 +641,6 @@ body_qs(Req) ->
-spec body_qs(Req, body_opts()) -> {ok, [{binary(), binary() | true}], Req}
| {badlength, Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req().
-%% @todo This clause is kept for compatibility reasons, to be removed in 1.0.
-body_qs(MaxBodyLength, Req) when is_integer(MaxBodyLength) ->
- body_qs(Req, [{length, MaxBodyLength}]);
body_qs(Req, Opts) ->
case body(Req, Opts) of
{ok, Body, Req2} ->
@@ -667,42 +651,6 @@ body_qs(Req, Opts) ->
{error, Reason}
-%% Deprecated body API.
-%% @todo The following 4 functions will be removed in Cowboy 1.0.
--spec init_stream(transfer_decode_fun(), any(), content_decode_fun(), Req)
- -> {ok, Req} when Req::req().
-init_stream(TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode, Req) ->
- {ok, Req#http_req{body_state=
- {stream, 0, TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode}}}.
--spec stream_body(Req) -> {ok, binary(), Req}
- | {done, Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req().
-stream_body(Req) ->
- stream_body(1000000, Req).
--spec stream_body(non_neg_integer(), Req) -> {ok, binary(), Req}
- | {done, Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req().
-stream_body(ChunkLength, Req) ->
- case body(Req, [{length, ChunkLength}]) of
- {ok, <<>>, Req2} ->
- {done, Req2};
- {ok, Data, Req2} ->
- {ok, Data, Req2};
- {more, Data, Req2} ->
- {ok, Data, Req2};
- Error = {error, _} ->
- Error
- end.
--spec skip_body(Req) -> {ok, Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req().
-skip_body(Req) ->
- case stream_body(Req) of
- {ok, _, Req2} -> skip_body(Req2);
- {done, Req2} -> {ok, Req2};
- {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
- end.
%% Multipart API.
-spec part(Req)