path: root/src/cowboy_req.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2013-05-15 15:17:33 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2013-05-15 15:17:33 +0200
commite0b5526f1e6c0794fc76c77f0fc6a4a95696d23f (patch)
tree106b64537ead0d1482df7ae42fe2ce8273ec5ea0 /src/cowboy_req.erl
parent7577ce4920cde232cb017e122c45d91d326a72e9 (diff)
Remove cowboy_req:fragment/1
Clients do not send it. We skip the value if we receive it now, as it shouldn't happen, and won't for all the mainstream clients.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_req.erl')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index 6eb14c7..4e321ee 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
%% Request API.
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
@@ -143,7 +142,6 @@
path_info = undefined :: undefined | cowboy_router:tokens(),
qs = undefined :: binary(),
qs_vals = undefined :: undefined | list({binary(), binary() | true}),
- fragment = undefined :: binary(),
bindings = undefined :: undefined | cowboy_router:bindings(),
headers = [] :: cowboy_http:headers(),
p_headers = [] :: [any()], %% @todo Improve those specs.
@@ -183,16 +181,16 @@
%% in an optimized way and add the parsed value to p_headers' cache.
-spec new(inet:socket(), module(),
undefined | {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()},
- binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(),
+ binary(), binary(), binary(),
cowboy_http:version(), cowboy_http:headers(), binary(),
inet:port_number() | undefined, binary(), boolean(), boolean(),
undefined | cowboy_protocol:onresponse_fun())
-> req().
-new(Socket, Transport, Peer, Method, Path, Query, Fragment,
+new(Socket, Transport, Peer, Method, Path, Query,
Version, Headers, Host, Port, Buffer, CanKeepalive,
Compress, OnResponse) ->
Req = #http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, pid=self(), peer=Peer,
- method=Method, path=Path, qs=Query, fragment=Fragment, version=Version,
+ method=Method, path=Path, qs=Query, version=Version,
headers=Headers, host=Host, port=Port, buffer=Buffer,
resp_compress=Compress, onresponse=OnResponse},
case CanKeepalive and (Version =:= {1, 1}) of
@@ -289,11 +287,6 @@ qs_vals(Req=#http_req{qs=RawQs, qs_vals=undefined}) ->
qs_vals(Req=#http_req{qs_vals=QsVals}) ->
{QsVals, Req}.
-%% @doc Return the raw fragment directly taken from the request.
--spec fragment(Req) -> {binary(), Req} when Req::req().
-fragment(Req) ->
- {Req#http_req.fragment, Req}.
%% @doc Return the request URL as a binary without the path and query string.
%% The URL includes the scheme, host and port only.
@@ -316,7 +309,7 @@ host_url(Req=#http_req{transport=Transport, host=Host, port=Port}) ->
%% @doc Return the full request URL as a binary.
-%% The URL includes the scheme, host, port, path, query string and fragment.
+%% The URL includes the scheme, host, port, path and query string.
-spec url(Req) -> {undefined | binary(), Req} when Req::req().
url(Req=#http_req{}) ->
{HostURL, Req2} = host_url(Req),
@@ -324,16 +317,12 @@ url(Req=#http_req{}) ->
url(undefined, Req=#http_req{}) ->
{undefined, Req};
-url(HostURL, Req=#http_req{path=Path, qs=QS, fragment=Fragment}) ->
+url(HostURL, Req=#http_req{path=Path, qs=QS}) ->
QS2 = case QS of
<<>> -> <<>>;
_ -> << "?", QS/binary >>
- Fragment2 = case Fragment of
- <<>> -> <<>>;
- _ -> << "#", Fragment/binary >>
- end,
- {<< HostURL/binary, Path/binary, QS2/binary, Fragment2/binary >>, Req}.
+ {<< HostURL/binary, Path/binary, QS2/binary >>, Req}.
%% @equiv binding(Name, Req, undefined)
-spec binding(atom(), Req) -> {binary() | undefined, Req} when Req::req().
@@ -1123,7 +1112,6 @@ g(body_state, #http_req{body_state=Ret}) -> Ret;
g(buffer, #http_req{buffer=Ret}) -> Ret;
g(connection, #http_req{connection=Ret}) -> Ret;
g(cookies, #http_req{cookies=Ret}) -> Ret;
-g(fragment, #http_req{fragment=Ret}) -> Ret;
g(headers, #http_req{headers=Ret}) -> Ret;
g(host, #http_req{host=Ret}) -> Ret;
g(host_info, #http_req{host_info=Ret}) -> Ret;
@@ -1154,7 +1142,6 @@ set([{body_state, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{body_state=Val});
set([{buffer, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{buffer=Val});
set([{connection, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{connection=Val});
set([{cookies, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{cookies=Val});
-set([{fragment, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{fragment=Val});
set([{headers, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{headers=Val});
set([{host, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{host=Val});
set([{host_info, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{host_info=Val});
@@ -1441,38 +1428,28 @@ status(B) when is_binary(B) -> B.
url_test() ->
{undefined, _} =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<>>, port= undefined,
- path= <<>>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}),
+ path= <<>>, qs= <<>>, pid=self()}),
{<<"http://localhost/path">>, _ } =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=80,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}),
+ path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, pid=self()}),
{<<"http://localhost:443/path">>, _} =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=443,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}),
+ path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, pid=self()}),
{<<"http://localhost:8080/path">>, _} =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8080,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}),
+ path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, pid=self()}),
{<<"http://localhost:8080/path?dummy=2785">>, _} =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8080,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<>>,
- pid=self()}),
- {<<"http://localhost:8080/path?dummy=2785#fragment">>, _} =
- url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8080,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<"fragment">>,
- pid=self()}),
+ path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, pid=self()}),
{<<"https://localhost/path">>, _} =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=443,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}),
+ path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, pid=self()}),
{<<"https://localhost:8443/path">>, _} =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8443,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}),
+ path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, pid=self()}),
{<<"https://localhost:8443/path?dummy=2785">>, _} =
url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8443,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<>>,
- pid=self()}),
- {<<"https://localhost:8443/path?dummy=2785#fragment">>, _} =
- url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8443,
- path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<"fragment">>,
- pid=self()}),
+ path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, pid=self()}),
parse_connection_test_() ->