path: root/src
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-01-23 08:11:29 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-01-23 08:11:29 +0100
commit0761ef67a131147358d127f1aa55210924559c1e (patch)
tree21d2bd91e494eb6bb8079a37582b7d60ec68f3ca /src
parent3078e94db6dbd67fa27377d66aecce4c01cf6b2d (diff)
Rename a lot of HandlerState2 variables to HandlerState
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http_rest.erl b/src/cowboy_http_rest.erl
index a9fb7d0..631ebaa 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http_rest.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http_rest.erl
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ known_methods(Req=#http_req{method=Method}, State) ->
next(Req, State, fun uri_too_long/2);
no_call ->
next(Req, State, 501);
- {List, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2},
+ {List, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState},
case lists:member(Method, List) of
true -> next(Req2, State2, fun uri_too_long/2);
false -> next(Req2, State2, 501)
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ allowed_methods(Req=#http_req{method=Method}, State) ->
next(Req, State, fun malformed_request/2);
no_call ->
method_not_allowed(Req, State, ['GET', 'HEAD']);
- {List, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2},
+ {List, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState},
case lists:member(Method, List) of
true -> next(Req2, State2, fun malformed_request/2);
false -> method_not_allowed(Req2, State2, List)
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ is_authorized(Req, State) ->
case call(Req, State, is_authorized) of
no_call ->
forbidden(Req, State);
- {true, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- forbidden(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2});
- {{false, AuthHead}, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
+ {true, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ forbidden(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState});
+ {{false, AuthHead}, Req2, HandlerState} ->
{ok, Req3} = cowboy_http_req:set_resp_header(
<<"Www-Authenticate">>, AuthHead, Req2),
- respond(Req3, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2}, 401)
+ respond(Req3, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState}, 401)
forbidden(Req, State) ->
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ valid_entity_length(Req, State) ->
%% If you need to add additional headers to the response at this point,
%% you should do it directly in the options/2 call using set_resp_headers.
options(Req=#http_req{method='OPTIONS'}, State) ->
- {ok, Req2, HandlerState2} = call(Req, State, options),
- respond(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2}, 200);
+ {ok, Req2, HandlerState} = call(Req, State, options),
+ respond(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState}, 200);
options(Req, State) ->
content_types_provided(Req, State).
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ languages_provided(Req, State) ->
case call(Req, State, languages_provided) of
no_call ->
charsets_provided(Req, State);
- {[], Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- not_acceptable(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2});
- {LP, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2, languages_p=LP},
+ {[], Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ not_acceptable(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState});
+ {LP, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState, languages_p=LP},
{AcceptLanguage, Req3} =
cowboy_http_req:parse_header('Accept-Language', Req2),
case AcceptLanguage of
@@ -342,10 +342,10 @@ charsets_provided(Req, State) ->
case call(Req, State, charsets_provided) of
no_call ->
set_content_type(Req, State);
- {[], Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- not_acceptable(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2});
- {CP, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2, charsets_p=CP},
+ {[], Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ not_acceptable(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState});
+ {CP, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState, charsets_p=CP},
{AcceptCharset, Req3} =
cowboy_http_req:parse_header('Accept-Charset', Req2),
case AcceptCharset of
@@ -580,12 +580,12 @@ is_put_to_missing_resource(Req, State) ->
%% with Location the full new URI of the resource.
moved_permanently(Req, State, OnFalse) ->
case call(Req, State, moved_permanently) of
- {{true, Location}, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
+ {{true, Location}, Req2, HandlerState} ->
{ok, Req3} = cowboy_http_req:set_resp_header(
<<"Location">>, Location, Req2),
- respond(Req3, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2}, 301);
- {false, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- OnFalse(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2});
+ respond(Req3, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState}, 301);
+ {false, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ OnFalse(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState});
no_call ->
OnFalse(Req, State)
@@ -599,12 +599,12 @@ previously_existed(Req, State) ->
%% with Location the full new URI of the resource.
moved_temporarily(Req, State) ->
case call(Req, State, moved_temporarily) of
- {{true, Location}, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
+ {{true, Location}, Req2, HandlerState} ->
{ok, Req3} = cowboy_http_req:set_resp_header(
<<"Location">>, Location, Req2),
- respond(Req3, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2}, 307);
- {false, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- is_post_to_missing_resource(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2}, 410);
+ respond(Req3, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState}, 307);
+ {false, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ is_post_to_missing_resource(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState}, 410);
no_call ->
is_post_to_missing_resource(Req, State, 410)
@@ -700,8 +700,8 @@ put_resource(Req, State, OnTrue) ->
case call(Req, State, content_types_accepted) of
no_call ->
respond(Req, State, 415);
- {CTA, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2},
+ {CTA, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState},
{ContentType, Req3}
= cowboy_http_req:parse_header('Content-Type', Req2),
choose_content_type(Req3, State2, OnTrue, ContentType, CTA)
@@ -804,8 +804,8 @@ generate_etag(Req, State=#state{etag=undefined}) ->
case call(Req, State, generate_etag) of
no_call ->
{undefined, Req, State#state{etag=no_call}};
- {Etag, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- {Etag, Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2, etag=Etag}}
+ {Etag, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ {Etag, Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState, etag=Etag}}
generate_etag(Req, State=#state{etag=Etag}) ->
{Etag, Req, State}.
@@ -816,8 +816,8 @@ last_modified(Req, State=#state{last_modified=undefined}) ->
case call(Req, State, last_modified) of
no_call ->
{undefined, Req, State#state{last_modified=no_call}};
- {LastModified, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- {LastModified, Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2,
+ {LastModified, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ {LastModified, Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState,
last_modified(Req, State=#state{last_modified=LastModified}) ->
@@ -829,8 +829,8 @@ expires(Req, State=#state{expires=undefined}) ->
case call(Req, State, expires) of
no_call ->
{undefined, Req, State#state{expires=no_call}};
- {Expires, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- {Expires, Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2,
+ {Expires, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ {Expires, Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState,
expires(Req, State=#state{expires=Expires}) ->
@@ -842,10 +842,10 @@ expect(Req, State, Callback, Expected, OnTrue, OnFalse) ->
case call(Req, State, Callback) of
no_call ->
next(Req, State, OnTrue);
- {Expected, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- next(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2}, OnTrue);
- {_Unexpected, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- next(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState2}, OnFalse)
+ {Expected, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ next(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState}, OnTrue);
+ {_Unexpected, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ next(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState}, OnFalse)
call(Req, #state{handler=Handler, handler_state=HandlerState}, Fun) ->