path: root/src
diff options
authorjdamanalo <[email protected]>2023-03-31 15:56:23 +0800
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2023-12-21 15:39:08 +0100
commit3ed1b24dd6ef6cd3e78a2fa6d600cce082b6984a (patch)
tree741d1845f7c3b04c198ac2476abf34aa4757d6ba /src
parentffbcdf534c7bdcca545e245443cc48056bcd6944 (diff)
Add cowboy_decompress_h stream handler
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_decompress_h.erl b/src/cowboy_decompress_h.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffbec25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cowboy_decompress_h.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+-record(state, {
+ next :: any(),
+ ratio_limit :: non_neg_integer() | undefined,
+ ignore = false :: boolean(),
+ compress = undefined :: undefined | gzip,
+ inflate = undefined :: undefined | zlib:zstream(),
+ is_reading = false :: boolean(),
+ read_body_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
+ read_body_is_fin = nofin :: nofin | {fin, non_neg_integer()}
+-spec init(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_req:req(), cowboy:opts())
+ -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), #state{}}.
+init(StreamID, Req, Opts) ->
+ RatioLimit = maps:get(decompress_ratio_limit, Opts, 20),
+ Ignore = maps:get(decompress_ignore, Opts, false),
+ State = check_req(Req),
+ Inflate = case State#state.compress of
+ undefined ->
+ undefined;
+ gzip ->
+ Z = zlib:open(),
+ zlib:inflateInit(Z, 31),
+ Z
+ end,
+ {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:init(StreamID, Req, Opts),
+ fold(Commands, State#state{next=Next, ratio_limit=RatioLimit, ignore=Ignore,
+ inflate=Inflate}).
+-spec data(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:fin(), cowboy_req:resp_body(), State)
+ -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::#state{}.
+data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{next=Next0, inflate=undefined}) ->
+ {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, Next0),
+ fold(Commands, State#state{next=Next, read_body_is_fin=IsFin});
+data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{next=Next0, ignore=true, read_body_buffer=Buffer}) ->
+ {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin,
+ << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>, Next0),
+ fold(Commands, State#state{next=Next, read_body_is_fin=IsFin});
+data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State0=#state{next=Next0, ratio_limit=RatioLimit,
+ inflate=Z, is_reading=true, read_body_buffer=Buffer0}) ->
+ Buffer = << Buffer0/binary, Data/binary >>,
+ case inflate(Z, RatioLimit, Buffer) of
+ {error, Type} ->
+ Status = case Type of
+ data -> 400;
+ size -> 413
+ end,
+ Commands = [
+ {error_response, Status, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
+ stop
+ ],
+ fold(Commands, State0#state{inflate=undefined});
+ {ok, Inflated} ->
+ State = case IsFin of
+ nofin ->
+ State0;
+ fin ->
+ zlib:inflateEnd(Z),
+ zlib:close(Z),
+ State0#state{inflate=undefined}
+ end,
+ {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Inflated, Next0),
+ fold(Commands, State#state{next=Next, read_body_buffer= <<>>,
+ read_body_is_fin=IsFin})
+ end;
+data(_, IsFin, Data, State=#state{read_body_buffer=Buffer0}) ->
+ Buffer = << Buffer0/binary, Data/binary >>,
+ {[], State#state{read_body_buffer=Buffer, read_body_is_fin=IsFin}}.
+-spec info(cowboy_stream:streamid(), any(), State)
+ -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::#state{}.
+info(StreamID, Info, State=#state{next=Next0, inflate=undefined}) ->
+ {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Info, Next0),
+ fold(Commands, State#state{next=Next});
+info(StreamID, Info={CommandTag, _, _, _, _}, State=#state{next=Next0, read_body_is_fin=IsFin})
+ when CommandTag =:= read_body; CommandTag =:= read_body_timeout ->
+ {Commands0, Next1} = cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Info, Next0),
+ {Commands, Next} = data(StreamID, IsFin, <<>>, State#state{next=Next1, is_reading=true}),
+ fold(Commands ++ Commands0, Next);
+info(StreamID, Info={set_options, Opts}, State=#state{next=Next0,
+ ignore=Ignore0, ratio_limit=RatioLimit0}) ->
+ Ignore = maps:get(decompress_ignore, Opts, Ignore0),
+ RatioLimit = maps:get(decompress_ratio_limit, Opts, RatioLimit0),
+ {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Info, Next0),
+ fold(Commands, State#state{next=Next, ignore=Ignore, ratio_limit=RatioLimit});
+info(StreamID, Info, State=#state{next=Next0}) ->
+ {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Info, Next0),
+ fold(Commands, State#state{next=Next}).
+-spec terminate(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:reason(), #state{}) -> any().
+terminate(StreamID, Reason, #state{next=Next, inflate=Z}) ->
+ case Z of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ _ -> zlib:close(Z)
+ end,
+ cowboy_stream:terminate(StreamID, Reason, Next).
+-spec early_error(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:reason(),
+ cowboy_stream:partial_req(), Resp, cowboy:opts()) -> Resp
+ when Resp::cowboy_stream:resp_command().
+early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) ->
+ cowboy_stream:early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts).
+%% Internal.
+check_req(Req) ->
+ try cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"content-encoding">>, Req) of
+ undefined ->
+ #state{compress=undefined};
+ Encodings ->
+ case [E || E=(<<"gzip">>) <- Encodings] of
+ [] ->
+ #state{compress=undefined};
+ _ ->
+ #state{compress=gzip}
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ #state{compress=undefined}
+ end.
+fold(Commands, State) ->
+ fold(Commands, State, []).
+fold([], State, Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), State};
+fold([{response, Status, Headers0, Body}|Tail], State=#state{ignore=false}, Acc) ->
+ Headers = add_accept_encoding(Headers0),
+ fold(Tail, State, [{response, Status, Headers, Body}|Acc]);
+fold([{headers, Status, Headers0} | Tail], State=#state{ignore=false}, Acc) ->
+ Headers = add_accept_encoding(Headers0),
+ fold(Tail, State, [{headers, Status, Headers}|Acc]);
+fold([Command|Tail], State, Acc) ->
+ fold(Tail, State, [Command|Acc]).
+add_accept_encoding(Headers=#{<<"accept-encoding">> := AcceptEncoding}) ->
+ try cow_http_hd:parse_accept_encoding(iolist_to_binary(AcceptEncoding)) of
+ List ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"gzip">>, 1, List) of
+ %% gzip is excluded but this handler is not ignored; we replace.
+ {_, 0} ->
+ Replaced = lists:keyreplace(<<"gzip">>, 1, List, {<<"gzip">>, 1000}),
+ Codings = build_accept_encoding(Replaced),
+ Headers#{<<"accept-encoding">> => Codings};
+ {_, _} ->
+ Headers;
+ false ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"*">>, 1, List) of
+ %% Others are excluded along with gzip; we add.
+ {_, 0} ->
+ WithGzip = [{<<"gzip">>, 1000} | List],
+ Codings = build_accept_encoding(WithGzip),
+ Headers#{<<"accept-encoding">> => Codings};
+ {_, _} ->
+ Headers;
+ false ->
+ Headers#{<<"accept-encoding">> => [AcceptEncoding, <<", gzip">>]}
+ end
+ end
+ catch _:_ ->
+ Headers#{<<"accept-encoding">> => <<"gzip">>}
+ end;
+add_accept_encoding(Headers) ->
+ Headers#{<<"accept-encoding">> => <<"gzip">>}.
+%% From cowlib, maybe expose?
+qvalue_to_iodata(0) -> <<"0">>;
+qvalue_to_iodata(Q) when Q < 10 -> [<<"0.00">>, integer_to_binary(Q)];
+qvalue_to_iodata(Q) when Q < 100 -> [<<"0.0">>, integer_to_binary(Q)];
+qvalue_to_iodata(Q) when Q < 1000 -> [<<"0.">>, integer_to_binary(Q)];
+qvalue_to_iodata(1000) -> <<"1">>.
+build_accept_encoding([{ContentCoding, Q}|Tail]) ->
+ Weight = iolist_to_binary(qvalue_to_iodata(Q)),
+ Acc = <<ContentCoding/binary, ";q=", Weight/binary>>,
+ do_build_accept_encoding(Tail, Acc).
+do_build_accept_encoding([{ContentCoding, Q}|Tail], Acc0) ->
+ Weight = iolist_to_binary(qvalue_to_iodata(Q)),
+ Acc = <<Acc0/binary, ", ", ContentCoding/binary, ";q=", Weight/binary>>,
+ do_build_accept_encoding(Tail, Acc);
+do_build_accept_encoding([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+inflate(Z, RatioLimit, Data) ->
+ try
+ {Status, Output} = zlib:safeInflate(Z, Data),
+ Size = iolist_size(Output),
+ do_inflate(Z, Size, byte_size(Data) * RatioLimit, Status, [Output])
+ catch
+ error:data_error ->
+ zlib:close(Z),
+ {error, data}
+ end.
+do_inflate(Z, Size, Limit, Status, _) when Size > Limit ->
+ case Status of
+ continue -> ok;
+ finished -> zlib:inflateEnd(Z)
+ end,
+ zlib:close(Z),
+ {error, size};
+do_inflate(Z, Size0, Limit, continue, Acc) ->
+ {Status, Output} = zlib:safeInflate(Z, []),
+ Size = Size0 + iolist_size(Output),
+ do_inflate(Z, Size, Limit, Status, [Output | Acc]);
+do_inflate(_, _, _, finished, Acc) ->
+ {ok, iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))}.