path: root/test/http_SUITE_data/rest_param_all.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-03-26 18:49:09 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-03-26 18:53:07 +0200
commit5964273cc4354b7378b8bdf49fe455d2b46d7c3b (patch)
tree38194d0ae9a16056fff8e1c062fe6c6267d2d24c /test/http_SUITE_data/rest_param_all.erl
parent4d5174632cc1feac541697b18e6fbbdd0eed021b (diff)
Fix the flushing of messages when switching to Websocket
We now flush messages that are specific to cowboy_http only. Stream handlers should also flush their own specific messages if necessary, although timeouts will be flushed regardless of where they originate from. Also renames the http_SUITE to old_http_SUITE to distinguish new tests from old tests. Most old tests need to be removed or converted eventually as they're legacy tests from Cowboy 1.0.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/http_SUITE_data/rest_param_all.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/test/http_SUITE_data/rest_param_all.erl b/test/http_SUITE_data/rest_param_all.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 784214b..0000000
--- a/test/http_SUITE_data/rest_param_all.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-init(Req, Opts) ->
- {cowboy_rest, Req, Opts}.
-allowed_methods(Req, State) ->
- {[<<"GET">>, <<"PUT">>], Req, State}.
-content_types_provided(Req, State) ->
- {[{{<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, '*'}, get_text_plain}], Req, State}.
-get_text_plain(Req, State) ->
- {_, _, Param} = maps:get(media_type, Req, {<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, []}),
- Body = if
- Param == '*' ->
- <<"'*'">>;
- Param == [] ->
- <<"[]">>;
- Param /= [] ->
- iolist_to_binary([[Key, $=, Value] || {Key, Value} <- Param])
- end,
- {Body, Req, State}.
-content_types_accepted(Req, State) ->
- {[{{<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, '*'}, put_text_plain}], Req, State}.
-put_text_plain(Req0, State) ->
- {ok, _, Req} = cowboy_req:read_body(Req0),
- {true, Req, State}.