diff options
3 files changed, 71 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/guide/internals.md b/guide/internals.md
index 431ca01..8acf75b 100644
--- a/guide/internals.md
+++ b/guide/internals.md
@@ -6,6 +6,30 @@ Architecture
@todo Describe.
+Lowercase header names
+For consistency reasons it has been chosen to convert all header names
+to lowercase binary strings. This prevents the programmer from making
+case mistakes, and is possible because header names are case insensitive.
+This works fine for the large majority of clients. However, some badly
+implemented clients, especially ones found in corporate code or closed
+source products, may not handle header names in a case insensitive manner.
+This means that when Cowboy returns lowercase header names, these clients
+will not find the headers they are looking for.
+A simple way to solve this is to create an `onresponse` hook that will
+format the header names with the expected case.
+``` erlang
+capitalize_hook(Status, Headers, Body, Req) ->
+ Headers2 = [{cowboy_bstr:capitalize_token(N), V}
+ || {N, V} <- Headers],
+ {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(State, Headers2, Body, Req),
+ Req2.
Efficiency considerations
diff --git a/guide/toc.md b/guide/toc.md
index 2498b4d..18c16e6 100644
--- a/guide/toc.md
+++ b/guide/toc.md
@@ -51,4 +51,5 @@ Cowboy User Guide
* Handler middleware
* [Internals](internals.md)
* Architecture
+ * Lowercase header names
* Efficiency considerations
diff --git a/src/cowboy_bstr.erl b/src/cowboy_bstr.erl
index e906de7..bc6818f 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_bstr.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_bstr.erl
@@ -16,16 +16,40 @@
%% Binary strings.
%% Characters.
+%% @doc Capitalize a token.
+%% The first letter and all letters after a dash are capitalized.
+%% This is the form seen for header names in the HTTP/1.1 RFC and
+%% others. Note that using this form isn't required, as header name
+%% are case insensitive, and it is only provided for use with eventual
+%% badly implemented clients.
+-spec capitalize_token(B) -> B when B::binary().
+capitalize_token(B) ->
+ capitalize_token(B, true, <<>>).
+capitalize_token(<<>>, _, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+capitalize_token(<< $-, Rest/bits >>, _, Acc) ->
+ capitalize_token(Rest, true, << Acc/binary, $- >>);
+capitalize_token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, true, Acc) ->
+ capitalize_token(Rest, false, << Acc/binary, (char_to_upper(C)) >>);
+capitalize_token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, false, Acc) ->
+ capitalize_token(Rest, false, << Acc/binary, (char_to_lower(C)) >>).
%% @doc Convert a binary string to lowercase.
--spec to_lower(binary()) -> binary().
-to_lower(L) ->
- << << (char_to_lower(C)) >> || << C >> <= L >>.
+-spec to_lower(B) -> B when B::binary().
+to_lower(B) ->
+ << << (char_to_lower(C)) >> || << C >> <= B >>.
%% @doc Convert [A-Z] characters to lowercase.
%% @end
@@ -88,3 +112,22 @@ char_to_upper($x) -> $X;
char_to_upper($y) -> $Y;
char_to_upper($z) -> $Z;
char_to_upper(Ch) -> Ch.
+%% Tests.
+capitalize_token_test_() ->
+ %% {Header, Result}
+ Tests = [
+ {<<"heLLo-woRld">>, <<"Hello-World">>},
+ {<<"Sec-Websocket-Version">>, <<"Sec-Websocket-Version">>},
+ {<<"Sec-WebSocket-Version">>, <<"Sec-Websocket-Version">>},
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"Sec-Websocket-Version">>},
+ {<<"SEC-WEBSOCKET-VERSION">>, <<"Sec-Websocket-Version">>},
+ {<<"Sec-WebSocket--Version">>, <<"Sec-Websocket--Version">>},
+ {<<"Sec-WebSocket---Version">>, <<"Sec-Websocket---Version">>}
+ ],
+ [{H, fun() -> R = capitalize_token(H) end} || {H, R} <- Tests].