path: root/examples/rest_basic_auth
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/rest_basic_auth')
2 files changed, 116 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/examples/rest_basic_auth/README.asciidoc b/examples/rest_basic_auth/README.asciidoc
index 04609b3..ce7ef26 100644
--- a/examples/rest_basic_auth/README.asciidoc
+++ b/examples/rest_basic_auth/README.asciidoc
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $ make run
Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080
-== Example output
+== HTTP/1.1 example output
Request with no authentication:
@@ -38,3 +38,115 @@ content-type: text/plain
Hello, Alladin!
+== HTTP/2 example output
+Request with no authentication:
+$ nghttp -v http://localhost:8080
+[ 0.000] Connected
+[ 0.000] send SETTINGS frame <length=12, flags=0x00, stream_id=0>
+ (niv=2)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=3>
+ (dep_stream_id=0, weight=201, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=5>
+ (dep_stream_id=0, weight=101, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=7>
+ (dep_stream_id=0, weight=1, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=9>
+ (dep_stream_id=7, weight=1, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=11>
+ (dep_stream_id=3, weight=1, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send HEADERS frame <length=38, flags=0x25, stream_id=13>
+ (padlen=0, dep_stream_id=11, weight=16, exclusive=0)
+ ; Open new stream
+ :method: GET
+ :path: /
+ :scheme: http
+ :authority: localhost:8080
+ accept: */*
+ accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
+ user-agent: nghttp2/1.7.1
+[ 0.004] recv SETTINGS frame <length=0, flags=0x00, stream_id=0>
+ (niv=0)
+[ 0.004] recv SETTINGS frame <length=0, flags=0x01, stream_id=0>
+ ; ACK
+ (niv=0)
+[ 0.004] send SETTINGS frame <length=0, flags=0x01, stream_id=0>
+ ; ACK
+ (niv=0)
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) :status: 401
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) content-length: 0
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016 09:15:56 GMT
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) server: Cowboy
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) www-authenticate: Basic realm="cowboy"
+[ 0.004] recv HEADERS frame <length=56, flags=0x04, stream_id=13>
+ (padlen=0)
+ ; First response header
+[ 0.004] recv DATA frame <length=0, flags=0x01, stream_id=13>
+[ 0.004] send GOAWAY frame <length=8, flags=0x00, stream_id=0>
+ (last_stream_id=0, error_code=NO_ERROR(0x00), opaque_data(0)=[])
+Request with authentication:
+$ nghttp -v -H "Authorization: Basic `echo -n Alladin:open sesame | base64`" http://localhost:8080
+[ 0.000] Connected
+[ 0.000] send SETTINGS frame <length=12, flags=0x00, stream_id=0>
+ (niv=2)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=3>
+ (dep_stream_id=0, weight=201, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=5>
+ (dep_stream_id=0, weight=101, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=7>
+ (dep_stream_id=0, weight=1, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.000] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=9>
+ (dep_stream_id=7, weight=1, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.001] send PRIORITY frame <length=5, flags=0x00, stream_id=11>
+ (dep_stream_id=3, weight=1, exclusive=0)
+[ 0.001] send HEADERS frame <length=68, flags=0x25, stream_id=13>
+ (padlen=0, dep_stream_id=11, weight=16, exclusive=0)
+ ; Open new stream
+ :method: GET
+ :path: /
+ :scheme: http
+ :authority: localhost:8080
+ accept: */*
+ accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
+ user-agent: nghttp2/1.7.1
+ authorization: Basic QWxsYWRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
+[ 0.002] recv SETTINGS frame <length=0, flags=0x00, stream_id=0>
+ (niv=0)
+[ 0.002] recv SETTINGS frame <length=0, flags=0x01, stream_id=0>
+ ; ACK
+ (niv=0)
+[ 0.002] send SETTINGS frame <length=0, flags=0x01, stream_id=0>
+ ; ACK
+ (niv=0)
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) :status: 200
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) content-length: 16
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) content-type: text/plain
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016 09:15:48 GMT
+[ 0.004] recv (stream_id=13) server: Cowboy
+[ 0.004] recv HEADERS frame <length=45, flags=0x04, stream_id=13>
+ (padlen=0)
+ ; First response header
+Hello, Alladin!
+[ 0.004] recv DATA frame <length=16, flags=0x01, stream_id=13>
+[ 0.004] send GOAWAY frame <length=8, flags=0x00, stream_id=0>
+ (last_stream_id=0, error_code=NO_ERROR(0x00), opaque_data(0)=[])
diff --git a/examples/rest_basic_auth/src/rest_basic_auth_app.erl b/examples/rest_basic_auth/src/rest_basic_auth_app.erl
index c19349d..cc1718d 100644
--- a/examples/rest_basic_auth/src/rest_basic_auth_app.erl
+++ b/examples/rest_basic_auth/src/rest_basic_auth_app.erl
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ start(_Type, _Args) ->
{"/", toppage_handler, []}
- {ok, _} = cowboy:start_http(http, 100, [{port, 8080}], [
- {env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]}
- ]),
+ {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(http, 100, [{port, 8080}], #{
+ env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}
+ }),
stop(_State) ->