path: root/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl b/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
index 4769da0..f540cd5 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
-export([split_host/1, split_path/1, match/3]). %% API.
--type bindings() :: list({Key::atom(), Value::string()}).
--type path_tokens() :: list(nonempty_string()).
--type match_rule() :: '_' | '*' | list(string() | '_' | atom()).
+-type bindings() :: list({Key::atom(), Value::binary()}).
+-type path_tokens() :: list(binary()).
+-type match_rule() :: '_' | '*' | list(binary() | '_' | atom()).
-type dispatch_rule() :: {Host::match_rule(), list({Path::match_rule(),
Handler::module(), Opts::term()})}.
-type dispatch_rules() :: list(dispatch_rule()).
@@ -29,25 +29,34 @@
%% API.
--spec split_host(Host::string())
- -> {Tokens::path_tokens(), Host::string(), Port::undefined | ip_port()}.
+-spec split_host(Host::binary())
+ -> {Tokens::path_tokens(), RawHost::binary(), Port::undefined | ip_port()}.
+split_host(<<>>) ->
+ {[], <<>>, undefined};
split_host(Host) ->
- case string:chr(Host, $:) of
- 0 -> {string:tokens(Host, "."), Host, undefined};
- N ->
- {Host2, [$:|Port]} = lists:split(N - 1, Host),
- {string:tokens(Host2, "."), Host2, list_to_integer(Port)}
+ case binary:split(Host, <<":">>) of
+ [Host] ->
+ {binary:split(Host, <<".">>, [global, trim]), Host, undefined};
+ [Host2, Port] ->
+ {binary:split(Host2, <<".">>, [global, trim]), Host2,
+ list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Port))}
--spec split_path(Path::string())
- -> {Tokens::path_tokens(), Path::string(), Qs::string()}.
+-spec split_path(Path::binary())
+ -> {Tokens::path_tokens(), RawPath::binary(), Qs::binary()}.
split_path(Path) ->
- case string:chr(Path, $?) of
- 0 ->
- {string:tokens(Path, "/"), Path, []};
- N ->
- {Path2, [$?|Qs]} = lists:split(N - 1, Path),
- {string:tokens(Path2, "/"), Path2, Qs}
+ case binary:split(Path, <<"?">>) of
+ [Path] -> {do_split_path(Path, <<"/">>), Path, <<>>};
+ [<<>>, Qs] -> {[], <<>>, Qs};
+ [Path2, Qs] -> {do_split_path(Path2, <<"/">>), Path2, Qs}
+ end.
+-spec do_split_path(RawPath::binary(), Separator::binary())
+ -> Tokens::path_tokens().
+do_split_path(RawPath, Separator) ->
+ case binary:split(RawPath, Separator, [global, trim]) of
+ [<<>>|Path] -> Path;
+ Path -> Path
-spec match(Host::path_tokens(), Path::path_tokens(),
@@ -122,33 +131,40 @@ list_match([], [], Binds) ->
split_host_test_() ->
%% {Host, Result}
Tests = [
- {"", {[], "", undefined}},
- {".........", {[], ".........", undefined}},
- {"*", {["*"], "*", undefined}},
- {"cowboy.dev-extend.eu", {["cowboy", "dev-extend", "eu"],
- "cowboy.dev-extend.eu", undefined}},
- {"dev-extend..eu",
- {["dev-extend", "eu"], "dev-extend..eu", undefined}},
- {"dev-extend.eu", {["dev-extend", "eu"], "dev-extend.eu", undefined}},
- {"dev-extend.eu:8080", {["dev-extend", "eu"], "dev-extend.eu", 8080}},
- {"a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.y.z",
- {["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m",
- "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"],
- "a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.y.z", undefined}}
+ {<<"">>, {[], <<"">>, undefined}},
+ {<<".........">>, {[], <<".........">>, undefined}},
+ {<<"*">>, {[<<"*">>], <<"*">>, undefined}},
+ {<<"cowboy.dev-extend.eu">>,
+ {[<<"cowboy">>, <<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>],
+ <<"cowboy.dev-extend.eu">>, undefined}},
+ {<<"dev-extend..eu">>,
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, <<>>, <<"eu">>],
+ <<"dev-extend..eu">>, undefined}},
+ {<<"dev-extend.eu">>,
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>], <<"dev-extend.eu">>, undefined}},
+ {<<"dev-extend.eu:8080">>,
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>], <<"dev-extend.eu">>, 8080}},
+ {<<"a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.y.z">>,
+ {[<<"a">>, <<"b">>, <<"c">>, <<"d">>, <<"e">>, <<"f">>, <<"g">>,
+ <<"h">>, <<"i">>, <<"j">>, <<"k">>, <<"l">>, <<"m">>, <<"n">>,
+ <<"o">>, <<"p">>, <<"q">>, <<"r">>, <<"s">>, <<"t">>, <<"u">>,
+ <<"v">>, <<"w">>, <<"x">>, <<"y">>, <<"z">>],
+ <<"a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.y.z">>,
+ undefined}}
[{H, fun() -> R = split_host(H) end} || {H, R} <- Tests].
split_host_fail_test_() ->
Tests = [
- "dev-extend.eu:owns",
- "dev-extend.eu: owns",
- "dev-extend.eu:42fun",
- "dev-extend.eu: 42fun",
- "dev-extend.eu:42 fun",
- "dev-extend.eu:fun 42",
- "dev-extend.eu: 42",
- ":owns",
- ":42 fun"
+ <<"dev-extend.eu:owns">>,
+ <<"dev-extend.eu: owns">>,
+ <<"dev-extend.eu:42fun">>,
+ <<"dev-extend.eu: 42fun">>,
+ <<"dev-extend.eu:42 fun">>,
+ <<"dev-extend.eu:fun 42">>,
+ <<"dev-extend.eu: 42">>,
+ <<":owns">>,
+ <<":42 fun">>
[{H, fun() -> case catch split_host(H) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} -> ok
@@ -157,58 +173,61 @@ split_host_fail_test_() ->
split_path_test_() ->
%% {Path, Result, QueryString}
Tests = [
- {"?", [], "", ""},
- {"???", [], "", "??"},
- {"/", [], "/", ""},
- {"/users", ["users"], "/users", ""},
- {"/users?", ["users"], "/users", ""},
- {"/users?a", ["users"], "/users", "a"},
- {"/users/42/friends?a=b&c=d&e=notsure?whatever",
- ["users", "42", "friends"],
- "/users/42/friends", "a=b&c=d&e=notsure?whatever"}
+ {<<"?">>, [], <<"">>, <<"">>},
+ {<<"???">>, [], <<"">>, <<"??">>},
+ {<<"/">>, [], <<"/">>, <<"">>},
+ {<<"/users">>, [<<"users">>], <<"/users">>, <<"">>},
+ {<<"/users?">>, [<<"users">>], <<"/users">>, <<"">>},
+ {<<"/users?a">>, [<<"users">>], <<"/users">>, <<"a">>},
+ {<<"/users/42/friends?a=b&c=d&e=notsure?whatever">>,
+ [<<"users">>, <<"42">>, <<"friends">>],
+ <<"/users/42/friends">>, <<"a=b&c=d&e=notsure?whatever">>}
- [{P, fun() -> {R, RawP, Qs} = split_path(P) end} || {P, R, RawP, Qs} <- Tests].
+ [{P, fun() -> {R, RawP, Qs} = split_path(P) end}
+ || {P, R, RawP, Qs} <- Tests].
match_test_() ->
Dispatch = [
- {["www", '_', "dev-extend", "eu"], [
- {["users", '_', "mails"], match_any_subdomain_users, []}
+ {[<<"www">>, '_', <<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>], [
+ {[<<"users">>, '_', <<"mails">>], match_any_subdomain_users, []}
- {["dev-extend", "eu"], [
- {["users", id, "friends"], match_extend_users_friends, []},
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>], [
+ {[<<"users">>, id, <<"friends">>], match_extend_users_friends, []},
{'_', match_extend, []}
- {["dev-extend", var], [
- {["threads", var], match_duplicate_vars,
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, var], [
+ {[<<"threads">>, var], match_duplicate_vars,
[we, {expect, two}, var, here]}
- {["erlang", ext], [
+ {[<<"erlang">>, ext], [
{'_', match_erlang_ext, []}
{'_', [
- {["users", id, "friends"], match_users_friends, []},
+ {[<<"users">>, id, <<"friends">>], match_users_friends, []},
{'_', match_any, []}
%% {Host, Path, Result}
Tests = [
- {["any"], [], {ok, match_any, [], []}},
- {["www", "any", "dev-extend", "eu"], ["users", "42", "mails"],
+ {[<<"any">>], [], {ok, match_any, [], []}},
+ {[<<"www">>, <<"any">>, <<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>],
+ [<<"users">>, <<"42">>, <<"mails">>],
{ok, match_any_subdomain_users, [], []}},
- {["www", "dev-extend", "eu"], ["users", "42", "mails"],
- {ok, match_any, [], []}},
- {["www", "dev-extend", "eu"], [], {ok, match_any, [], []}},
- {["www", "any", "dev-extend", "eu"], ["not_users", "42", "mails"],
- {error, notfound, path}},
- {["dev-extend", "eu"], [], {ok, match_extend, [], []}},
- {["dev-extend", "eu"], ["users", "42", "friends"],
- {ok, match_extend_users_friends, [], [{id, "42"}]}},
- {["erlang", "fr"], '_', {ok, match_erlang_ext, [], [{ext, "fr"}]}},
- {["any"], ["users", "444", "friends"],
- {ok, match_users_friends, [], [{id, "444"}]}},
- {["dev-extend", "fr"], ["threads", "987"],
+ {[<<"www">>, <<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>],
+ [<<"users">>, <<"42">>, <<"mails">>], {ok, match_any, [], []}},
+ {[<<"www">>, <<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>], [], {ok, match_any, [], []}},
+ {[<<"www">>, <<"any">>, <<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>],
+ [<<"not_users">>, <<"42">>, <<"mails">>], {error, notfound, path}},
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>], [], {ok, match_extend, [], []}},
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, <<"eu">>], [<<"users">>, <<"42">>, <<"friends">>],
+ {ok, match_extend_users_friends, [], [{id, <<"42">>}]}},
+ {[<<"erlang">>, <<"fr">>], '_',
+ {ok, match_erlang_ext, [], [{ext, <<"fr">>}]}},
+ {[<<"any">>], [<<"users">>, <<"444">>, <<"friends">>],
+ {ok, match_users_friends, [], [{id, <<"444">>}]}},
+ {[<<"dev-extend">>, <<"fr">>], [<<"threads">>, <<"987">>],
{ok, match_duplicate_vars, [we, {expect, two}, var, here],
- [{var, "fr"}, {var, "987"}]}}
+ [{var, <<"fr">>}, {var, <<"987">>}]}}
[{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p, ~p", [H, P])), fun() ->
R = match(H, P, Dispatch)