path: root/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl b/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
index 67a7bf6..e34a4eb 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_dispatcher.erl
@@ -16,22 +16,21 @@
-export([split_host/1, split_path/1, match/3]). %% API.
--type bindings() :: list({Key::atom(), Value::binary()}).
+-type bindings() :: list({atom(), binary()}).
-type path_tokens() :: list(binary()).
-type match_rule() :: '_' | '*' | list(binary() | '_' | atom()).
--type dispatch_rule() :: {Host::match_rule(), list({Path::match_rule(),
- Handler::module(), Opts::term()})}.
+-type dispatch_path() :: list({match_rule(), module(), any()}).
+-type dispatch_rule() :: {Host::match_rule(), Path::dispatch_path()}.
-type dispatch_rules() :: list(dispatch_rule()).
-export_type([bindings/0, path_tokens/0, dispatch_rules/0]).
%% API.
--spec split_host(Host::binary())
- -> {Tokens::path_tokens(), RawHost::binary(), Port::undefined | ip_port()}.
+-spec split_host(binary())
+ -> {path_tokens(), binary(), undefined | inet:ip_port()}.
split_host(<<>>) ->
{[], <<>>, undefined};
split_host(Host) ->
@@ -43,8 +42,7 @@ split_host(Host) ->
--spec split_path(Path::binary())
- -> {Tokens::path_tokens(), RawPath::binary(), Qs::binary()}.
+-spec split_path(binary()) -> {path_tokens(), binary(), binary()}.
split_path(Path) ->
case binary:split(Path, <<"?">>) of
[Path] -> {do_split_path(Path, <<"/">>), Path, <<>>};
@@ -52,17 +50,15 @@ split_path(Path) ->
[Path2, Qs] -> {do_split_path(Path2, <<"/">>), Path2, Qs}
--spec do_split_path(RawPath::binary(), Separator::binary())
- -> Tokens::path_tokens().
+-spec do_split_path(binary(), <<_:8>>) -> path_tokens().
do_split_path(RawPath, Separator) ->
case binary:split(RawPath, Separator, [global, trim]) of
[<<>>|Path] -> Path;
Path -> Path
--spec match(Host::path_tokens(), Path::path_tokens(),
- Dispatch::dispatch_rules())
- -> {ok, Handler::module(), Opts::term(), Binds::bindings(),
+-spec match(Host::path_tokens(), Path::path_tokens(), dispatch_rules())
+ -> {ok, module(), any(), bindings(),
HostInfo::undefined | path_tokens(),
PathInfo::undefined | path_tokens()}
| {error, notfound, host} | {error, notfound, path}.
@@ -80,10 +76,9 @@ match(Host, Path, [{HostMatch, PathMatchs}|Tail]) ->
match_path(Path, PathMatchs, HostBinds, lists:reverse(HostInfo))
--spec match_path(Path::path_tokens(), list({Path::match_rule(),
- Handler::module(), Opts::term()}), HostBinds::bindings(),
+-spec match_path(path_tokens(), dispatch_path(), bindings(),
HostInfo::undefined | path_tokens())
- -> {ok, Handler::module(), Opts::term(), Binds::bindings(),
+ -> {ok, module(), any(), bindings(),
HostInfo::undefined | path_tokens(),
PathInfo::undefined | path_tokens()}
| {error, notfound, path}.
@@ -103,15 +98,15 @@ match_path(Path, [{PathMatch, Handler, Opts}|Tail], HostBinds, HostInfo) ->
%% Internal.
--spec try_match(Type::host | path, List::path_tokens(), Match::match_rule())
- -> {true, Binds::bindings(), ListInfo::undefined | path_tokens()} | false.
+-spec try_match(host | path, path_tokens(), match_rule())
+ -> {true, bindings(), undefined | path_tokens()} | false.
try_match(host, List, Match) ->
list_match(lists:reverse(List), lists:reverse(Match), []);
try_match(path, List, Match) ->
list_match(List, Match, []).
--spec list_match(List::path_tokens(), Match::match_rule(), Binds::bindings())
- -> {true, Binds::bindings(), ListInfo::undefined | path_tokens()} | false.
+-spec list_match(path_tokens(), match_rule(), bindings())
+ -> {true, bindings(), undefined | path_tokens()} | false.
%% Atom '...' matches any trailing path, stop right now.
list_match(List, ['...'], Binds) ->
{true, Binds, List};