path: root/src/cowboy_http.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http.erl')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index ae73ba5..b05611b 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
%% Parsing.
--export([list/2, nonempty_list/2, token/2]).
+-export([list/2, nonempty_list/2, token/2, token_ci/2]).
%% Interpretation.
@@ -73,31 +73,47 @@ list_separator(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun)
list_separator(_Data, _Fun) ->
{error, badarg}.
+%% @doc Parse a case-insensitive token.
+%% Changes all characters to lowercase.
+-spec token_ci(binary(), fun()) -> any().
+token_ci(Data, Fun) ->
+ token(Data, Fun, ci).
%% @doc Parse a token.
-spec token(binary(), fun()) -> any().
-token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun)
- when C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t ->
- token(Rest, Fun);
token(Data, Fun) ->
- token(Data, Fun, <<>>).
+ token(Data, Fun, cs).
--spec token(binary(), fun(), binary()) -> any().
-token(<<>>, Fun, Acc) ->
+-spec token(binary(), fun(), ci | cs) -> any().
+token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Case)
+ when C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t ->
+ token(Rest, Fun, Case);
+token(Data, Fun, Case) ->
+ token(Data, Fun, Case, <<>>).
+-spec token(binary(), fun(), ci | cs, binary()) -> any().
+token(<<>>, Fun, _Case, Acc) ->
Fun(<<>>, Acc);
-token(Data = << C, _Rest/bits >>, Fun, Acc)
+token(Data = << C, _Rest/bits >>, Fun, _Case, Acc)
when C =:= $(; C =:= $); C =:= $<; C =:= $>; C =:= $@;
C =:= $,; C =:= $;; C =:= $:; C =:= $\\; C =:= $";
C =:= $/; C =:= $[; C =:= $]; C =:= $?; C =:= $=;
C =:= ${; C =:= $}; C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t;
C < 32; C =:= 127 ->
Fun(Data, Acc);
-token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Acc) ->
- token(Rest, Fun, << Acc/binary, C >>).
+token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Case = ci, Acc) ->
+ C2 = cowboy_bstr:char_to_lower(C),
+ token(Rest, Fun, Case, << Acc/binary, C2 >>);
+token(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Fun, Case, Acc) ->
+ token(Rest, Fun, Case, << Acc/binary, C >>).
%% Interpretation.
%% @doc Walk through a tokens list and return whether
%% the connection is keepalive or closed.
+%% The connection token is expected to be lower-case.
-spec connection_to_atom([binary()]) -> keepalive | close.
connection_to_atom([]) ->
@@ -105,12 +121,8 @@ connection_to_atom([<<"keep-alive">>|_Tail]) ->
connection_to_atom([<<"close">>|_Tail]) ->
-connection_to_atom([Connection|Tail]) ->
- case cowboy_bstr:to_lower(Connection) of
- <<"close">> -> close;
- <<"keep-alive">> -> keepalive;
- _Any -> connection_to_atom(Tail)
- end.
+connection_to_atom([_Any|Tail]) ->
+ connection_to_atom(Tail).
%% Tests.
@@ -136,9 +148,8 @@ connection_to_atom_test_() ->
%% {Tokens, Result}
Tests = [
{[<<"close">>], close},
- {[<<"ClOsE">>], close},
- {[<<"Keep-Alive">>], keepalive},
- {[<<"Keep-Alive">>, <<"Upgrade">>], keepalive}
+ {[<<"keep-alive">>], keepalive},
+ {[<<"keep-alive">>, <<"upgrade">>], keepalive}
[{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [T])),
fun() -> R = connection_to_atom(T) end} || {T, R} <- Tests].