path: root/src/cowboy_http.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http.erl')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index d694cff..1582770 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ parse_request(Buffer, State=#state{opts=Opts, in_streamid=InStreamID}, EmptyLine
%% Accept direct HTTP/2 only at the beginning of the connection.
<< "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n", _/bits >> when InStreamID =:= 1 ->
%% @todo Might be worth throwing to get a clean stacktrace.
- http2_upgrade(State, Buffer, undefined);
+ http2_upgrade(State, Buffer);
_ ->
parse_method(Buffer, State, <<>>,
maps:get(max_method_length, Opts, 32))
@@ -628,31 +628,76 @@ request(Buffer, State0=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, in_streamid=StreamID
%% meta values (cowboy_websocket, cowboy_rest)
- State = case HasBody of
- true ->
- cancel_request_timeout(State0#state{in_state=#ps_body{
- %% @todo Don't need length anymore?
- transfer_decode_fun = TDecodeFun,
- transfer_decode_state = TDecodeState
- }});
+ case is_http2_upgrade(Headers, Version) of
false ->
- set_request_timeout(State0#state{in_streamid=StreamID + 1, in_state=#ps_request_line{}})
- end,
- {request, Req, State, Buffer}.
+ State = case HasBody of
+ true ->
+ cancel_request_timeout(State0#state{in_state=#ps_body{
+ %% @todo Don't need length anymore?
+ transfer_decode_fun = TDecodeFun,
+ transfer_decode_state = TDecodeState
+ }});
+ false ->
+ set_request_timeout(State0#state{in_streamid=StreamID + 1, in_state=#ps_request_line{}})
+ end,
+ {request, Req, State, Buffer};
+ {true, SettingsPayload} ->
+ http2_upgrade(State0, Buffer, SettingsPayload, Req)
+ end.
%% HTTP/2 upgrade.
+is_http2_upgrade(#{<<"connection">> := Conn, <<"upgrade">> := Upgrade,
+ <<"http2-settings">> := HTTP2Settings}, 'HTTP/1.1') ->
+ Conns = cow_http_hd:parse_connection(Conn),
+ io:format(user, "CONNS ~p~n", [Conns]),
+ case {lists:member(<<"upgrade">>, Conns), lists:member(<<"http2-settings">>, Conns)} of
+ {true, true} ->
+ Protocols = cow_http_hd:parse_upgrade(Upgrade),
+ io:format(user, "PROTOCOLS ~p~n", [Protocols]),
+ case lists:member(<<"h2c">>, Protocols) of
+ true ->
+ SettingsPayload = cow_http_hd:parse_http2_settings(HTTP2Settings),
+ {true, SettingsPayload};
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+is_http2_upgrade(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% Upgrade through an HTTP/1.1 request.
+%% Prior knowledge upgrade, without an HTTP/1.1 request.
http2_upgrade(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- opts=Opts, handler=Handler}, Buffer, Settings) ->
+ opts=Opts, handler=Handler}, Buffer) ->
case Transport:secure() of
false ->
_ = cancel_request_timeout(State),
- cowboy_http2:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer, Settings);
+ cowboy_http2:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer);
true ->
error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
'Clients that support HTTP/2 over TLS MUST use ALPN. (RFC7540 3.4)'})
+http2_upgrade(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ opts=Opts, handler=Handler}, Buffer, SettingsPayload, Req) ->
+ %% @todo
+ %% However if the client sent a body, we need to read the body in full
+ %% and if we can't do that, return a 413 response. Some options are in order.
+ %% Always half-closed stream coming from this side.
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:response(101, 'HTTP/1.1', maps:to_list(#{
+ <<"connection">> => <<"Upgrade">>,
+ <<"upgrade">> => <<"h2c">>
+ }))),
+ %% @todo Possibly redirect the request if it was https.
+ _ = cancel_request_timeout(State),
+ cowboy_http2:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Handler, Buffer, SettingsPayload, Req).
%% Request body parsing.
parse_body(Buffer, State=#state{in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=