path: root/src/cowboy_http.erl
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index 9c268ea..8a4fd23 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@
%% Decoding.
%% Parsing.
@@ -872,74 +870,8 @@ parameterized_tokens_param(Data, Fun) ->
%% Decoding.
-%% @doc Decode a stream of chunks.
--spec te_chunked(Bin, TransferState)
- -> more | {more, non_neg_integer(), Bin, TransferState}
- | {ok, Bin, Bin, TransferState}
- | {done, non_neg_integer(), Bin} | {error, badarg}
- when Bin::binary(), TransferState::{non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
-te_chunked(<< "0\r\n\r\n", Rest/binary >>, {0, Streamed}) ->
- {done, Streamed, Rest};
-te_chunked(Data, {0, Streamed}) ->
- %% @todo We are expecting an hex size, not a general token.
- token(Data,
- fun (<< "\r\n", Rest/binary >>, BinLen) ->
- case list_to_integer(binary_to_list(BinLen), 16) of
- %% Final chunk is parsed in one go above. Rest would be
- %% <<\r\n">> if complete.
- 0 when byte_size(Rest) < 2 ->
- more;
- %% Normal chunk. Add 2 to Len for trailing <<"\r\n">>. Note
- %% that repeated <<"-2\r\n">> would be streamed, and
- %% accumulated, until out of memory if Len could be -2.
- Len when Len > 0 ->
- te_chunked(Rest, {Len + 2, Streamed})
- end;
- %% Chunk size shouldn't take too many bytes,
- %% don't try to stream forever.
- (Rest, _) when byte_size(Rest) < 16 ->
- more;
- (_, _) ->
- {error, badarg}
- end);
-%% <<"\n">> from trailing <<"\r\n">>.
-te_chunked(<< "\n", Rest/binary>>, {1, Streamed}) ->
- {ok, <<>>, Rest, {0, Streamed}};
-te_chunked(<<>>, State={1, _Streamed}) ->
- {more, 1, <<>>, State};
-%% Remainder of chunk (if any) and as much of trailing <<"\r\n">> as possible.
-te_chunked(Data, {ChunkRem, Streamed}) when byte_size(Data) >= ChunkRem - 2 ->
- ChunkSize = ChunkRem - 2,
- Streamed2 = Streamed + ChunkSize,
- case Data of
- << Chunk:ChunkSize/binary, "\r\n", Rest/binary >> ->
- {ok, Chunk, Rest, {0, Streamed2}};
- << Chunk:ChunkSize/binary, "\r" >> ->
- {more, 1, Chunk, {1, Streamed2}};
- << Chunk:ChunkSize/binary >> ->
- {more, 2, Chunk, {2, Streamed2}}
- end;
-%% Incomplete chunk.
-te_chunked(Data, {ChunkRem, Streamed}) ->
- ChunkRem2 = ChunkRem - byte_size(Data),
- Streamed2 = Streamed + byte_size(Data),
- {more, ChunkRem2, Data, {ChunkRem2, Streamed2}}.
-%% @doc Decode an identity stream.
--spec te_identity(Bin, TransferState)
- -> {more, non_neg_integer(), Bin, TransferState}
- | {done, Bin, non_neg_integer(), Bin}
- when Bin::binary(), TransferState::{non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
-te_identity(Data, {Streamed, Total})
- when Streamed + byte_size(Data) < Total ->
- Streamed2 = Streamed + byte_size(Data),
- {more, Total - Streamed2, Data, {Streamed2, Total}};
-te_identity(Data, {Streamed, Total}) ->
- Size = Total - Streamed,
- << Data2:Size/binary, Rest/binary >> = Data,
- {done, Data2, Total, Rest}.
%% @doc Decode an identity content.
+%% @todo Move this to cowlib too I suppose. :-)
-spec ce_identity(binary()) -> {ok, binary()}.
ce_identity(Data) ->
{ok, Data}.