path: root/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
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1 files changed, 49 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
index 7344d1f..b82fa2b 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
%% Copyright (c) 2011, Anthony Ramine <[email protected]>
%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
%% The available options are:
%% <dl>
-%% <dt>dispatch</dt><dd>The dispatch list for this protocol.</dd>
+%% <dt>env</dt><dd>The environment passed and optionally modified
+%% by middlewares.</dd>
%% <dt>max_empty_lines</dt><dd>Max number of empty lines before a request.
%% Defaults to 5.</dd>
%% <dt>max_header_name_length</dt><dd>Max length allowed for header names.
@@ -30,6 +31,8 @@
%% keep-alive session. Defaults to infinity.</dd>
%% <dt>max_request_line_length</dt><dd>Max length allowed for the request
%% line. Defaults to 4096.</dd>
+%% <dt>middlewares</dt><dd>The list of middlewares to execute when a
+%% request is received.</dd>
%% <dt>onrequest</dt><dd>Optional fun that allows Req interaction before
%% any dispatching is done. Host info, path info and bindings are thus
%% not available at this point.</dd>
@@ -41,9 +44,6 @@
%% Note that there is no need to monitor these processes when using Cowboy as
%% an application as it already supervises them under the listener supervisor.
-%% @see cowboy_dispatcher
-%% @see cowboy_http_handler
%% API.
@@ -52,20 +52,19 @@
%% Internal.
-type onrequest_fun() :: fun((Req) -> Req).
-type onresponse_fun() ::
fun((cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), iodata(), Req) -> Req).
-record(state, {
- listener :: pid(),
socket :: inet:socket(),
transport :: module(),
- dispatch :: cowboy_dispatcher:dispatch_rules(),
+ middlewares :: [module()],
+ env :: cowboy_middleware:env(),
onrequest :: undefined | onrequest_fun(),
onresponse = undefined :: undefined | onresponse_fun(),
max_empty_lines :: non_neg_integer(),
@@ -75,10 +74,7 @@
max_header_name_length :: non_neg_integer(),
max_header_value_length :: non_neg_integer(),
max_headers :: non_neg_integer(),
- timeout :: timeout(),
- hibernate = false :: boolean(),
- loop_timeout = infinity :: timeout(),
- loop_timeout_ref :: undefined | reference()
+ timeout :: timeout()
%% API.
@@ -102,19 +98,20 @@ get_value(Key, Opts, Default) ->
%% @private
-spec init(pid(), inet:socket(), module(), any()) -> ok.
init(ListenerPid, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
- Dispatch = get_value(dispatch, Opts, []),
MaxEmptyLines = get_value(max_empty_lines, Opts, 5),
MaxHeaderNameLength = get_value(max_header_name_length, Opts, 64),
MaxHeaderValueLength = get_value(max_header_value_length, Opts, 4096),
MaxHeaders = get_value(max_headers, Opts, 100),
MaxKeepalive = get_value(max_keepalive, Opts, infinity),
MaxRequestLineLength = get_value(max_request_line_length, Opts, 4096),
+ Middlewares = get_value(middlewares, Opts, [cowboy_router, cowboy_handler]),
+ Env = [{listener, ListenerPid}|get_value(env, Opts, [])],
OnRequest = get_value(onrequest, Opts, undefined),
OnResponse = get_value(onresponse, Opts, undefined),
Timeout = get_value(timeout, Opts, 5000),
ok = ranch:accept_ack(ListenerPid),
- wait_request(<<>>, #state{listener=ListenerPid, socket=Socket,
- transport=Transport, dispatch=Dispatch,
+ wait_request(<<>>, #state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ middlewares=Middlewares, env=Env,
max_empty_lines=MaxEmptyLines, max_keepalive=MaxKeepalive,
@@ -442,177 +439,58 @@ request(Buffer, State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
Req = cowboy_req:new(Socket, Transport, Method, Path, Query, Fragment,
Version, Headers, Host, Port, Buffer, ReqKeepalive < MaxKeepalive,
- onrequest(Req, State, Host).
+ onrequest(Req, State).
%% Call the global onrequest callback. The callback can send a reply,
%% in which case we consider the request handled and move on to the next
%% one. Note that since we haven't dispatched yet, we don't know the
%% handler, host_info, path_info or bindings yet.
--spec onrequest(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, binary()) -> ok.
-onrequest(Req, State=#state{onrequest=undefined}, Host) ->
- dispatch(Req, State, Host, cowboy_req:get(path, Req));
-onrequest(Req, State=#state{onrequest=OnRequest}, Host) ->
+-spec onrequest(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}) -> ok.
+onrequest(Req, State=#state{onrequest=undefined}) ->
+ execute(Req, State);
+onrequest(Req, State=#state{onrequest=OnRequest}) ->
Req2 = OnRequest(Req),
case cowboy_req:get(resp_state, Req2) of
- waiting -> dispatch(Req2, State, Host, cowboy_req:get(path, Req2));
+ waiting -> execute(Req2, State);
_ -> next_request(Req2, State, ok)
--spec dispatch(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, binary(), binary()) -> ok.
-dispatch(Req, State=#state{dispatch=Dispatch}, Host, Path) ->
- case cowboy_dispatcher:match(Dispatch, Host, Path) of
- {ok, Handler, Opts, Bindings, HostInfo, PathInfo} ->
- Req2 = cowboy_req:set_bindings(HostInfo, PathInfo, Bindings, Req),
- handler_init(Req2, State, Handler, Opts);
- {error, notfound, host} ->
- error_terminate(400, Req, State);
- {error, badrequest, path} ->
- error_terminate(400, Req, State);
- {error, notfound, path} ->
- error_terminate(404, Req, State)
- end.
--spec handler_init(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, module(), any()) -> ok.
-handler_init(Req, State=#state{transport=Transport}, Handler, Opts) ->
- try Handler:init({Transport:name(), http}, Req, Opts) of
- {ok, Req2, HandlerState} ->
- handler_handle(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState);
- {loop, Req2, HandlerState} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State#state{hibernate=false},
- Handler, HandlerState);
- {loop, Req2, HandlerState, hibernate} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State#state{hibernate=true},
- Handler, HandlerState);
- {loop, Req2, HandlerState, Timeout} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State#state{loop_timeout=Timeout},
- Handler, HandlerState);
- {loop, Req2, HandlerState, Timeout, hibernate} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State#state{
- hibernate=true, loop_timeout=Timeout}, Handler, HandlerState);
- {shutdown, Req2, HandlerState} ->
- handler_terminate(Req2, Handler, HandlerState);
- %% @todo {upgrade, transport, Module}
- {upgrade, protocol, Module} ->
- upgrade_protocol(Req, State, Handler, Opts, Module);
- {upgrade, protocol, Module, Req2, Opts2} ->
- upgrade_protocol(Req2, State, Handler, Opts2, Module)
- catch Class:Reason ->
- error_terminate(500, Req, State),
- error_logger:error_msg(
- "** Cowboy handler ~p terminating in ~p/~p~n"
- " for the reason ~p:~p~n"
- "** Options were ~p~n"
- "** Request was ~p~n"
- "** Stacktrace: ~p~n~n",
- [Handler, init, 3, Class, Reason, Opts,
- cowboy_req:to_list(Req), erlang:get_stacktrace()])
- end.
+-spec execute(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}) -> ok.
+execute(Req, State=#state{middlewares=Middlewares, env=Env}) ->
+ execute(Req, State, Env, Middlewares).
--spec upgrade_protocol(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, module(), any(), module())
+-spec execute(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, cowboy_middleware:env(), [module()])
-> ok.
-upgrade_protocol(Req, State=#state{listener=ListenerPid},
- Handler, Opts, Module) ->
- case Module:upgrade(ListenerPid, Handler, Opts, Req) of
- {UpgradeRes, Req2} -> next_request(Req2, State, UpgradeRes);
- _Any -> terminate(State)
+execute(Req, State, Env, []) ->
+ next_request(Req, State, get_value(result, Env, ok));
+execute(Req, State, Env, [Middleware|Tail]) ->
+ case Middleware:execute(Req, Env) of
+ {ok, Req2, Env2} ->
+ execute(Req2, State, Env2, Tail);
+ {suspend, Module, Function, Args} ->
+ erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, resume,
+ [State, Env, Tail, Module, Function, Args]);
+ {halt, Req2} ->
+ next_request(Req2, State, ok);
+ {error, Code, Req2} ->
+ error_terminate(Code, Req2, State)
--spec handler_handle(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, module(), any()) -> ok.
-handler_handle(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState) ->
- try Handler:handle(Req, HandlerState) of
- {ok, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- terminate_request(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState2)
- catch Class:Reason ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
- "** Cowboy handler ~p terminating in ~p/~p~n"
- " for the reason ~p:~p~n"
- "** Handler state was ~p~n"
- "** Request was ~p~n"
- "** Stacktrace: ~p~n~n",
- [Handler, handle, 2, Class, Reason, HandlerState,
- cowboy_req:to_list(Req), erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
- handler_terminate(Req, Handler, HandlerState),
- error_terminate(500, Req, State)
+-spec resume(#state{}, cowboy_middleware:env(), [module()],
+ module(), module(), [any()]) -> ok.
+resume(State, Env, Tail, Module, Function, Args) ->
+ case apply(Module, Function, Args) of
+ {ok, Req2, Env2} ->
+ execute(Req2, State, Env2, Tail);
+ {suspend, Module2, Function2, Args2} ->
+ erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, resume,
+ [State, Env, Tail, Module2, Function2, Args2]);
+ {halt, Req2} ->
+ next_request(Req2, State, ok);
+ {error, Code, Req2} ->
+ error_terminate(Code, Req2, State)
-%% We don't listen for Transport closes because that would force us
-%% to receive data and buffer it indefinitely.
--spec handler_before_loop(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, module(), any()) -> ok.
-handler_before_loop(Req, State=#state{hibernate=true}, Handler, HandlerState) ->
- State2 = handler_loop_timeout(State),
- catch erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, handler_loop,
- [Req, State2#state{hibernate=false}, Handler, HandlerState]),
- ok;
-handler_before_loop(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState) ->
- State2 = handler_loop_timeout(State),
- handler_loop(Req, State2, Handler, HandlerState).
-%% Almost the same code can be found in cowboy_websocket.
--spec handler_loop_timeout(#state{}) -> #state{}.
-handler_loop_timeout(State=#state{loop_timeout=infinity}) ->
- State#state{loop_timeout_ref=undefined};
- loop_timeout_ref=PrevRef}) ->
- _ = case PrevRef of undefined -> ignore; PrevRef ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(PrevRef) end,
- TRef = erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), ?MODULE),
- State#state{loop_timeout_ref=TRef}.
-%% @private
--spec handler_loop(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, module(), any()) -> ok.
-handler_loop(Req, State=#state{loop_timeout_ref=TRef}, Handler, HandlerState) ->
- receive
- {timeout, TRef, ?MODULE} ->
- terminate_request(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState);
- {timeout, OlderTRef, ?MODULE} when is_reference(OlderTRef) ->
- handler_loop(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState);
- Message ->
- handler_call(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState, Message)
- end.
--spec handler_call(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, module(), any(), any()) -> ok.
-handler_call(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState, Message) ->
- try Handler:info(Message, Req, HandlerState) of
- {ok, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- terminate_request(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState2);
- {loop, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState2);
- {loop, Req2, HandlerState2, hibernate} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State#state{hibernate=true},
- Handler, HandlerState2)
- catch Class:Reason ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
- "** Cowboy handler ~p terminating in ~p/~p~n"
- " for the reason ~p:~p~n"
- "** Handler state was ~p~n"
- "** Request was ~p~n"
- "** Stacktrace: ~p~n~n",
- [Handler, info, 3, Class, Reason, HandlerState,
- cowboy_req:to_list(Req), erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
- handler_terminate(Req, Handler, HandlerState),
- error_terminate(500, Req, State)
- end.
--spec handler_terminate(cowboy_req:req(), module(), any()) -> ok.
-handler_terminate(Req, Handler, HandlerState) ->
- try
- Handler:terminate(cowboy_req:lock(Req), HandlerState)
- catch Class:Reason ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
- "** Cowboy handler ~p terminating in ~p/~p~n"
- " for the reason ~p:~p~n"
- "** Handler state was ~p~n"
- "** Request was ~p~n"
- "** Stacktrace: ~p~n~n",
- [Handler, terminate, 2, Class, Reason, HandlerState,
- cowboy_req:to_list(Req), erlang:get_stacktrace()])
- end.
--spec terminate_request(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, module(), any()) -> ok.
-terminate_request(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState) ->
- HandlerRes = handler_terminate(Req, Handler, HandlerState),
- next_request(Req, State, HandlerRes).
-spec next_request(cowboy_req:req(), #state{}, any()) -> ok.
next_request(Req, State=#state{req_keepalive=Keepalive}, HandlerRes) ->
cowboy_req:ensure_response(Req, 204),