path: root/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_protocol.erl')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
index 558dcc3..5a20f6b 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_protocol.erl
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
%% API.
@@ -74,25 +75,36 @@ get_value(Key, Opts, Default) ->
-spec init(ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), opts()) -> ok.
init(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
- Compress = get_value(compress, Opts, false),
- MaxEmptyLines = get_value(max_empty_lines, Opts, 5),
- MaxHeaderNameLength = get_value(max_header_name_length, Opts, 64),
- MaxHeaderValueLength = get_value(max_header_value_length, Opts, 4096),
- MaxHeaders = get_value(max_headers, Opts, 100),
- MaxKeepalive = get_value(max_keepalive, Opts, 100),
- MaxRequestLineLength = get_value(max_request_line_length, Opts, 4096),
- Middlewares = get_value(middlewares, Opts, [cowboy_router, cowboy_handler]),
- Env = [{listener, Ref}|get_value(env, Opts, [])],
- OnResponse = get_value(onresponse, Opts, undefined),
- Timeout = get_value(timeout, Opts, 5000),
ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
- wait_request(<<>>, #state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- middlewares=Middlewares, compress=Compress, env=Env,
- max_empty_lines=MaxEmptyLines, max_keepalive=MaxKeepalive,
- max_request_line_length=MaxRequestLineLength,
- max_header_name_length=MaxHeaderNameLength,
- max_header_value_length=MaxHeaderValueLength, max_headers=MaxHeaders,
- onresponse=OnResponse, timeout=Timeout, until=until(Timeout)}, 0).
+ Timeout = get_value(timeout, Opts, 5000),
+ Until = until(Timeout),
+ case recv(Socket, Transport, Until) of
+ {ok, Data} ->
+ OnFirstRequest = get_value(onfirstrequest, Opts, undefined),
+ case OnFirstRequest of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ _ -> OnFirstRequest(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts)
+ end,
+ Compress = get_value(compress, Opts, false),
+ MaxEmptyLines = get_value(max_empty_lines, Opts, 5),
+ MaxHeaderNameLength = get_value(max_header_name_length, Opts, 64),
+ MaxHeaderValueLength = get_value(max_header_value_length, Opts, 4096),
+ MaxHeaders = get_value(max_headers, Opts, 100),
+ MaxKeepalive = get_value(max_keepalive, Opts, 100),
+ MaxRequestLineLength = get_value(max_request_line_length, Opts, 4096),
+ Middlewares = get_value(middlewares, Opts, [cowboy_router, cowboy_handler]),
+ Env = [{listener, Ref}|get_value(env, Opts, [])],
+ OnResponse = get_value(onresponse, Opts, undefined),
+ parse_request(Data, #state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ middlewares=Middlewares, compress=Compress, env=Env,
+ max_empty_lines=MaxEmptyLines, max_keepalive=MaxKeepalive,
+ max_request_line_length=MaxRequestLineLength,
+ max_header_name_length=MaxHeaderNameLength,
+ max_header_value_length=MaxHeaderValueLength, max_headers=MaxHeaders,
+ onresponse=OnResponse, timeout=Timeout, until=Until}, 0);
+ {error, _} ->
+ terminate(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}) %% @todo ridiculous
+ end.
-spec until(timeout()) -> non_neg_integer() | infinity.
until(infinity) ->
@@ -264,13 +276,12 @@ match_colon(<< _, Rest/bits >>, N) ->
match_colon(_, _) ->
+parse_hd_name(<< $:, Rest/bits >>, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar) ->
+ parse_hd_before_value(Rest, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar);
+parse_hd_name(<< C, Rest/bits >>, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar) when ?IS_WS(C) ->
+ parse_hd_name_ws(Rest, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar);
parse_hd_name(<< C, Rest/bits >>, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar) ->
- case C of
- $: -> parse_hd_before_value(Rest, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar);
- $\s -> parse_hd_name_ws(Rest, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar);
- $\t -> parse_hd_name_ws(Rest, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar);
- ?INLINE_LOWERCASE(parse_hd_name, Rest, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar)
- end.
+ ?LOWER(parse_hd_name, Rest, S, M, P, Q, V, H, SoFar).
parse_hd_name_ws(<< C, Rest/bits >>, S, M, P, Q, V, H, Name) ->
case C of
@@ -429,9 +440,7 @@ parse_host(<< $:, Rest/bits >>, false, Acc) ->
parse_host(<< $], Rest/bits >>, true, Acc) ->
parse_host(Rest, false, << Acc/binary, $] >>);
parse_host(<< C, Rest/bits >>, E, Acc) ->
- case C of
- ?INLINE_LOWERCASE(parse_host, Rest, E, Acc)
- end.
+ ?LOWER(parse_host, Rest, E, Acc).
%% End of request parsing.