path: root/src
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2 files changed, 452 insertions, 1015 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index 5e72870..5d5e308 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -47,35 +47,6 @@
--record(stream, {
- id = undefined :: cowboy_stream:streamid(),
- %% Stream handlers and their state.
- state = undefined :: {module(), any()} | flush,
- %% Request method.
- method = undefined :: binary(),
- %% Whether we finished sending data.
- local = idle :: idle | upgrade | cowboy_stream:fin() | flush,
- %% Local flow control window (how much we can send).
- local_window :: integer(),
- %% Buffered data waiting for the flow control window to increase.
- local_buffer = queue:new() :: queue:queue(
- {cowboy_stream:fin(), non_neg_integer(), iolist()
- | {sendfile, non_neg_integer(), pos_integer(), file:name_all()}}),
- local_buffer_size = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
- local_trailers = undefined :: undefined | cowboy:http_headers(),
- %% Whether we finished receiving data.
- remote = nofin :: cowboy_stream:fin(),
- %% Remote flow control window (how much we accept to receive).
- remote_window :: integer(),
- %% Size expected and read from the request body.
- remote_expected_size = undefined :: undefined | non_neg_integer(),
- remote_read_size = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
- %% Unparsed te header. Used to know if we can send trailers.
- te :: undefined | binary()
--type stream() :: #stream{}.
-record(state, {
parent = undefined :: pid(),
ref :: ranch:ref(),
@@ -92,61 +63,20 @@
%% Client certificate (TLS only).
cert :: undefined | binary(),
- %% Settings are separate for each endpoint. In addition, settings
- %% must be acknowledged before they can be expected to be applied.
- local_settings = #{
-% header_table_size => 4096,
-% enable_push => false, %% We are the server. Push is never enabled for clients.
-% max_concurrent_streams => infinity,
- initial_window_size => 65535,
- max_frame_size => 16384
-% max_header_list_size => infinity
- } :: map(),
- next_settings = undefined :: undefined | map(),
+ %% HTTP/2 timers.
+ preface = undefined :: {sequence | settings, undefined | reference()} | upgrade | complete,
next_settings_timer = undefined :: undefined | reference(),
- remote_settings = #{
- initial_window_size => 65535
- } :: map(),
- %% Connection-wide flow control window.
- local_window = 65535 :: integer(), %% How much we can send.
- remote_window = 65535 :: integer(), %% How much we accept to receive.
- %% Stream identifiers.
- client_streamid = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
- server_streamid = 2 :: pos_integer(),
+ %% HTTP/2 state machine.
+ http2_machine :: cow_http2_machine:http2_machine(),
%% Currently active HTTP/2 streams. Streams may be initiated either
%% by the client or by the server through PUSH_PROMISE frames.
- streams = [] :: [stream()],
- %% HTTP/2 streams that have been reset recently by the server.
- %% We are expected to keep receiving additional frames after
- %% sending an RST_STREAM.
- lingering_streams = [] :: [cowboy_stream:streamid()],
- %% HTTP/2 streams that have been reset recently by the client.
- %% We keep a few of these around in order to reject subsequent
- %% frames on these streams.
- rst_lingering_streams = [] :: [cowboy_stream:streamid()],
+ streams = #{} :: #{cow_http2:streamid() => {running | stopping, {module, any()}}},
%% Streams can spawn zero or more children which are then managed
%% by this module if operating as a supervisor.
- children = cowboy_children:init() :: cowboy_children:children(),
- %% The client starts by sending a sequence of bytes as a preface,
- %% followed by a potentially empty SETTINGS frame. Then the connection
- %% is established and continues normally. An exception is when a HEADERS
- %% frame is sent followed by CONTINUATION frames: no other frame can be
- %% sent in between.
- parse_state = undefined :: {preface, sequence, undefined | reference()}
- | {preface, settings, reference()}
- | normal
- | {continuation, cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:fin(), binary()},
- %% HPACK decoding and encoding state.
- decode_state = cow_hpack:init() :: cow_hpack:state(),
- encode_state = cow_hpack:init() :: cow_hpack:state()
+ children = cowboy_children:init() :: cowboy_children:children()
-spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), cowboy:opts()) -> ok.
@@ -182,12 +112,13 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
{inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()},
binary() | undefined, binary()) -> ok.
init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer) ->
- State0 = #state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
+ {ok, Preface, HTTP2Machine} = cow_http2_machine:init(server, Opts),
+ State = #state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
transport=Transport, opts=Opts, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert,
- remote_window=maps:get(initial_connection_window_size, Opts, 65535),
- parse_state={preface, sequence, preface_timeout(Opts)}},
- State = settings_init(State0, Opts),
- preface(State),
+ preface={sequence, start_timer(preface_timeout, Opts)},
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine,
+ next_settings_timer=start_timer(settings_timeout, Opts)},
+ Transport:send(Socket, Preface),
case Buffer of
<<>> -> before_loop(State, Buffer);
_ -> parse(State, Buffer)
@@ -197,69 +128,33 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer) ->
-spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), cowboy:opts(),
{inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()},
binary() | undefined, binary(), map() | undefined, cowboy_req:req()) -> ok.
-init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer, _Settings, Req) ->
+init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer,
+ _Settings, Req=#{method := Method}) ->
+ {ok, Preface, HTTP2Machine0} = cow_http2_machine:init(server, Opts),
+ {ok, StreamID, HTTP2Machine}
+ = cow_http2_machine:init_upgrade_stream(Method, HTTP2Machine0),
State0 = #state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
transport=Transport, opts=Opts, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert,
- remote_window=maps:get(initial_connection_window_size, Opts, 65535),
- parse_state={preface, sequence, preface_timeout(Opts)}},
- %% @todo Apply settings.
- %% StreamID from HTTP/1.1 Upgrade requests is always 1.
- %% The stream is always in the half-closed (remote) state.
- State1 = stream_handler_init(State0, 1, fin, upgrade, Req),
+ preface=upgrade, next_settings_timer=start_timer(settings_timeout, Opts),
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ State1 = headers_frame(State0#state{
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, Req),
%% We assume that the upgrade will be applied. A stream handler
%% must not prevent the normal operations of the server.
- State2 = info(State1, 1, {switch_protocol, #{
+ State = info(State1, 1, {switch_protocol, #{
<<"connection">> => <<"Upgrade">>,
<<"upgrade">> => <<"h2c">>
}, ?MODULE, undefined}), %% @todo undefined or #{}?
- State = settings_init(State2, Opts),
- preface(State),
+ Transport:send(Socket, Preface),
case Buffer of
<<>> -> before_loop(State, Buffer);
_ -> parse(State, Buffer)
-settings_init(State, Opts) ->
- S0 = setting_from_opt(#{}, Opts, max_decode_table_size,
- header_table_size, 4096),
- S1 = setting_from_opt(S0, Opts, max_concurrent_streams,
- max_concurrent_streams, infinity),
- S2 = setting_from_opt(S1, Opts, initial_stream_window_size,
- initial_window_size, 65535),
- S3 = setting_from_opt(S2, Opts, max_frame_size_received,
- max_frame_size, 16384),
- %% @todo max_header_list_size
- Settings = setting_from_opt(S3, Opts, enable_connect_protocol,
- enable_connect_protocol, false),
- %% Start a timer if necessary. The timer will trigger only
- %% if no SETTINGS ack was received in time.
- TRef = case maps:get(settings_timeout, Opts, 5000) of
+start_timer(Name, Opts) ->
+ case maps:get(Name, Opts, 5000) of
infinity -> undefined;
- SettingsTimeout -> erlang:start_timer(SettingsTimeout, self(), settings_timeout)
- end,
- State#state{next_settings=Settings, next_settings_timer=TRef}.
-setting_from_opt(Settings, Opts, OptName, SettingName, Default) ->
- case maps:get(OptName, Opts, Default) of
- Default -> Settings;
- Value -> Settings#{SettingName => Value}
- end.
-%% We send next_settings and use defaults until we get an ack.
-%% We also send a WINDOW_UPDATE frame for the connection when
-%% the user specified an initial_connection_window_size.
-preface(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts, next_settings=Settings}) ->
- MaybeWindowUpdate = case maps:get(initial_connection_window_size, Opts, 65535) of
- 65535 -> <<>>;
- Size -> cow_http2:window_update(Size - 65535)
- end,
- Transport:send(Socket, [cow_http2:settings(Settings), MaybeWindowUpdate]).
-preface_timeout(Opts) ->
- case maps:get(preface_timeout, Opts, 5000) of
- infinity -> undefined;
- PrefaceTimeout -> erlang:start_timer(PrefaceTimeout, self(), preface_timeout)
+ Timeout -> erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), Name)
%% @todo Add the timeout for last time since we heard of connection.
@@ -268,7 +163,7 @@ before_loop(State, Buffer) ->
loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
opts=Opts, children=Children, next_settings_timer=SettingsTRef,
- parse_state=PS}, Buffer) ->
+ preface=PrefaceTimer}, Buffer) ->
Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
{OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages(),
InactivityTimeout = maps:get(inactivity_timeout, Opts, 300000),
@@ -291,8 +186,8 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
cowboy_children:shutdown_timeout(Children, Ref, Pid),
loop(State, Buffer);
{timeout, TRef, preface_timeout} ->
- case PS of
- {preface, _, TRef} ->
+ case PrefaceTimer of
+ {_, TRef} ->
terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
'The preface was not received in a reasonable amount of time.'});
_ ->
@@ -318,10 +213,12 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
terminate(State, {internal_error, timeout, 'No message or data received before timeout.'})
-parse(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, parse_state={preface, sequence, TRef}}, Data) ->
+%% HTTP/2 protocol parsing.
+parse(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, preface={sequence, TRef}}, Data) ->
case Data of
<< "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", Rest/bits >> ->
- parse(State#state{parse_state={preface, settings, TRef}}, Rest);
+ parse(State#state{preface={settings, TRef}}, Rest);
_ when byte_size(Data) >= 24 ->
exit({shutdown, {connection_error, protocol_error,
@@ -339,23 +236,13 @@ parse(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, parse_state={preface, seq
%% @todo Perhaps instead of just more we can have {more, Len} to avoid all the checks.
-parse(State=#state{local_settings=#{max_frame_size := MaxFrameSize},
- parse_state=ParseState}, Data) ->
+parse(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Data) ->
+ MaxFrameSize = cow_http2_machine:get_local_setting(max_frame_size, HTTP2Machine),
case cow_http2:parse(Data, MaxFrameSize) of
{ok, Frame, Rest} ->
- case ParseState of
- normal ->
- parse(frame(State, Frame), Rest);
- {preface, settings, TRef} ->
- parse_settings_preface(State, Frame, Rest, TRef);
- {continuation, _, _, _} ->
- parse(continuation_frame(State, Frame), Rest)
- end;
- {ignore, _} when element(1, ParseState) =:= continuation ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'An invalid frame was received in the middle of a header block. (RFC7540 6.2)'});
+ parse(frame(State, Frame), Rest);
{ignore, Rest} ->
- parse(State, Rest);
+ parse(ignored_frame(State), Rest);
{stream_error, StreamID, Reason, Human, Rest} ->
parse(stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, Reason, Human}), Rest);
Error = {connection_error, _, _} ->
@@ -364,260 +251,222 @@ parse(State=#state{local_settings=#{max_frame_size := MaxFrameSize},
before_loop(State, Data)
-parse_settings_preface(State, Frame={settings, _}, Rest, TRef) ->
+%% Frames received.
+frame(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, Frame) ->
+ case cow_http2_machine:frame(Frame, HTTP2Machine0) of
+ {ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ after_frame(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Frame);
+ {ok, {data, StreamID, IsFin, Data}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ data_frame(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, IsFin, Data);
+ {ok, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, BodyLen}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ headers_frame(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, BodyLen);
+ {ok, {trailers, _StreamID, _Trailers}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ %% @todo Propagate trailers.
+ State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine};
+ {ok, {rst_stream, StreamID, Reason}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ rst_stream_frame(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, Reason);
+ {ok, Frame={goaway, _StreamID, _Reason, _Data}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ terminate(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ {stop, Frame, 'Client is going away.'});
+ {send, SendData, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ send_data(after_frame(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Frame), SendData);
+ %% @todo Yeah StreamID would be better out of this, {error, StreamID, Tuple, State}
+ {error, {stream_error, StreamID, Reason, Human}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ stream_reset(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ StreamID, {stream_error, Reason, Human});
+ {error, Error={connection_error, _, _}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ terminate(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Error)
+ end.
+%% If we are waiting for a a SETTINGS ack and receive one, stop the timer.
+after_frame(State=#state{next_settings_timer=TRef}, settings_ack) ->
ok = case TRef of
undefined -> ok;
_ -> erlang:cancel_timer(TRef, [{async, true}, {info, false}])
- parse(frame(State#state{parse_state=normal}, Frame), Rest);
-parse_settings_preface(State, _, _, _) ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'The preface sequence must be followed by a SETTINGS frame. (RFC7540 3.5)'}).
-%% @todo When we get a 'fin' we need to check if the stream had a 'fin' sent back
-%% and terminate the stream if this is the end of it.
-%% DATA frame.
-frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID}, {data, StreamID, _, _})
- when StreamID > LastStreamID ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'DATA frame received on a stream in idle state. (RFC7540 5.1)'});
-frame(State=#state{remote_window=ConnWindow}, {data, _, _, Data})
- when byte_size(Data) > ConnWindow ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, flow_control_error,
- 'DATA frame overflowed the connection flow control window. (RFC7540 6.9, RFC7540 6.9.1)'});
-frame(State0=#state{remote_window=ConnWindow, streams=Streams, lingering_streams=Lingering},
- {data, StreamID, IsFin, Data}) ->
- DataLen = byte_size(Data),
- State = State0#state{remote_window=ConnWindow - DataLen},
- case lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams) of
- #stream{remote_window=StreamWindow} when StreamWindow < DataLen ->
- stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, flow_control_error,
- 'DATA frame overflowed the stream flow control window. (RFC7540 6.9, RFC7540 6.9.1)'});
- Stream = #stream{remote=nofin} ->
- data_frame(State, Stream, IsFin, DataLen, Data);
- #stream{remote=fin} ->
- stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, stream_closed,
- 'DATA frame received for a half-closed (remote) stream. (RFC7540 5.1)'});
- false ->
- %% After we send an RST_STREAM frame and terminate a stream,
- %% the client still might be sending us some more frames
- %% until it can process this RST_STREAM. We therefore ignore
- %% DATA frames received for such lingering streams.
- case lists:member(StreamID, Lingering) of
- true ->
- State0;
- false ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, stream_closed,
- 'DATA frame received for a closed stream. (RFC7540 5.1)'})
- end
- end;
-%% HEADERS frame with invalid even-numbered streamid.
-frame(State, {headers, StreamID, _, _, _}) when StreamID rem 2 =:= 0 ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'HEADERS frame received with even-numbered streamid. (RFC7540 5.1.1)'});
-%% Either a HEADERS frame received on (half-)closed stream,
-%% or a HEADERS frame containing the trailers.
-frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams},
- {headers, StreamID, IsFin, IsHeadFin, HeaderBlockOrFragment})
- when StreamID =< LastStreamID ->
- case lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams) of
- Stream = #stream{remote=nofin} when IsFin =:= fin ->
- case IsHeadFin of
- head_fin ->
- stream_decode_trailers(State, Stream, HeaderBlockOrFragment);
- head_nofin ->
- State#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockOrFragment}}
- end;
- %% We always close the connection here to avoid having to decode
- %% the headers to not waste resources on non-compliant clients.
- #stream{remote=nofin} when IsFin =:= nofin ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'Trailing HEADERS frame received without the END_STREAM flag set. (RFC7540 8.1, RFC7540'});
- _ ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, stream_closed,
- 'HEADERS frame received on a stream in closed or half-closed state. (RFC7540 5.1)'})
- end;
-%% Single HEADERS frame headers block.
-frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_fin, HeaderBlock}) ->
- stream_decode_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock);
-%% HEADERS frame starting a headers block. Enter continuation mode.
-frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_nofin, HeaderBlockFragment}) ->
- State#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment}};
-%% Single HEADERS frame headers block with priority.
-frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_fin,
- _IsExclusive, _DepStreamID, _Weight, HeaderBlock}) ->
- %% @todo Handle priority.
- stream_decode_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock);
-%% HEADERS frame starting a headers block. Enter continuation mode.
-frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_nofin,
- _IsExclusive, _DepStreamID, _Weight, HeaderBlockFragment}) ->
- %% @todo Handle priority.
- State#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment}};
-%% PRIORITY frame.
-frame(State, {priority, _StreamID, _IsExclusive, _DepStreamID, _Weight}) ->
- %% @todo Handle priority.
- State;
-%% RST_STREAM frame.
-frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID}, {rst_stream, StreamID, _})
- when StreamID > LastStreamID ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'RST_STREAM frame received on a stream in idle state. (RFC7540 5.1)'});
-frame(State, {rst_stream, StreamID, Reason}) ->
- stream_terminate(stream_rst_linger(State, StreamID), StreamID,
- {stream_error, Reason, 'Stream reset requested by client.'});
-%% SETTINGS frame.
-frame(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts,
- remote_settings=Settings0}, {settings, Settings}) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings_ack()),
- State1 = State0#state{remote_settings=maps:merge(Settings0, Settings)},
- maps:fold(fun
- (header_table_size, NewSize, State=#state{encode_state=EncodeState0}) ->
- MaxSize = maps:get(max_encode_table_size, Opts, 4096),
- EncodeState = cow_hpack:set_max_size(min(NewSize, MaxSize), EncodeState0),
- State#state{encode_state=EncodeState};
- (initial_window_size, NewWindowSize, State) ->
- OldWindowSize = maps:get(initial_window_size, Settings0, 65535),
- update_streams_local_window(State, NewWindowSize - OldWindowSize);
- (_, _, State) ->
- State
- end, State1, Settings);
-%% Ack for a previously sent SETTINGS frame.
-frame(State0=#state{local_settings=Local0, next_settings=NextSettings,
- next_settings_timer=TRef}, settings_ack) ->
+ State#state{next_settings_timer=undefined};
+%% If we are still waiting for the preface and receive the SETTINGS
+%% frame, we can mark the preface as complete and stop the timer.
+after_frame(State=#state{preface={settings, TRef}}, Frame={settings, _}) ->
ok = case TRef of
undefined -> ok;
_ -> erlang:cancel_timer(TRef, [{async, true}, {info, false}])
- Local = maps:merge(Local0, NextSettings),
- State1 = State0#state{local_settings=Local, next_settings=#{},
- next_settings_timer=undefined},
- maps:fold(fun
- (header_table_size, MaxSize, State=#state{decode_state=DecodeState0}) ->
- DecodeState = cow_hpack:set_max_size(MaxSize, DecodeState0),
- State#state{decode_state=DecodeState};
- (initial_window_size, NewWindowSize, State) ->
- OldWindowSize = maps:get(initial_window_size, Local0, 65535),
- update_streams_remote_window(State, NewWindowSize - OldWindowSize);
- (_, _, State) ->
+ maybe_ack(State#state{preface=complete}, Frame);
+after_frame(State, Frame) ->
+ maybe_ack(State, Frame).
+maybe_ack(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, Frame) ->
+ case Frame of
+ {settings, _} -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings_ack());
+ {ping, Opaque} -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:ping_ack(Opaque));
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ State.
+data_frame(State=#state{opts=Opts, streams=Streams}, StreamID, IsFin, Data) ->
+ case Streams of
+ #{StreamID := {running, StreamState0}} ->
+ try cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0) of
+ {Commands, StreamState} ->
+ commands(State#state{streams=Streams#{StreamID => {running, StreamState}}},
+ StreamID, Commands)
+ catch Class:Exception ->
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(data,
+ [StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0],
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
+ stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
+ 'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:data/4.'})
+ end;
+ %% We ignore DATA frames for streams that are stopping.
+ #{} ->
- end, State1, NextSettings);
-%% Unexpected PUSH_PROMISE frame.
-frame(State, {push_promise, _, _, _, _}) ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'PUSH_PROMISE frames MUST only be sent on a peer-initiated stream. (RFC7540 6.6)'});
-%% PING frame.
-frame(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, {ping, Opaque}) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:ping_ack(Opaque)),
- State;
-%% Ack for a previously sent PING frame.
-%% @todo Might want to check contents but probably a waste of time.
-frame(State, {ping_ack, _Opaque}) ->
- State;
-%% GOAWAY frame.
-frame(State, Frame={goaway, _, _, _}) ->
- terminate(State, {stop, Frame, 'Client is going away.'});
-%% Connection-wide WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
-frame(State=#state{local_window=ConnWindow}, {window_update, Increment})
- when ConnWindow + Increment > 16#7fffffff ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, flow_control_error,
- 'The flow control window must not be greater than 2^31-1. (RFC7540 6.9.1)'});
-frame(State=#state{local_window=ConnWindow}, {window_update, Increment}) ->
- send_data(State#state{local_window=ConnWindow + Increment});
-%% Stream-specific WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
-frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID}, {window_update, StreamID, _})
- when StreamID > LastStreamID ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'WINDOW_UPDATE frame received on a stream in idle state. (RFC7540 5.1)'});
-frame(State0=#state{streams=Streams0, rst_lingering_streams=RstLingering},
- {window_update, StreamID, Increment}) ->
- case lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0) of
- #stream{local_window=StreamWindow} when StreamWindow + Increment > 16#7fffffff ->
- stream_reset(State0, StreamID, {stream_error, flow_control_error,
- 'The flow control window must not be greater than 2^31-1. (RFC7540 6.9.1)'});
- Stream0 = #stream{local_window=StreamWindow} ->
- {State, Stream} = send_data(State0,
- Stream0#stream{local_window=StreamWindow + Increment}),
- Streams = lists:keystore(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0, Stream),
- State#state{streams=Streams};
- false ->
- %% WINDOW_UPDATE frames may be received for a short period of time
- %% after a stream is closed. They must be ignored.
- case lists:member(StreamID, RstLingering) of
- false -> State0;
- true -> stream_closed(State0, StreamID, {stream_error, stream_closed,
- 'WINDOW_UPDATE frame received after the stream was reset. (RFC7540 5.1)'})
- end
- end;
-%% Unexpected CONTINUATION frame.
-frame(State, {continuation, _, _, _}) ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'CONTINUATION frames MUST be preceded by a HEADERS frame. (RFC7540 6.10)'}).
+ end.
-data_frame(State, Stream0=#stream{id=StreamID, remote_window=StreamWindow,
- remote_read_size=StreamRead}, IsFin, DataLen, Data) ->
- Stream = Stream0#stream{remote=IsFin,
- remote_window=StreamWindow - DataLen,
- remote_read_size=StreamRead + DataLen},
- case is_body_size_valid(Stream) of
- true ->
- data_frame(State, Stream, IsFin, Data);
- false ->
- stream_reset(after_commands(State, Stream), StreamID, {stream_error, protocol_error,
- 'The total size of DATA frames is different than the content-length. (RFC7540'})
+headers_frame(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers,
+ PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"CONNECT">>}, _)
+ when map_size(PseudoHeaders) =:= 2 ->
+ early_error(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, 501,
+ 'The CONNECT method is currently not implemented. (RFC7231 4.3.6)');
+headers_frame(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers,
+ PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"TRACE">>}, _) ->
+ early_error(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, 501,
+ 'The TRACE method is currently not implemented. (RFC7231 4.3.8)');
+headers_frame(State=#state{ref=Ref, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert},
+ StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders=#{method := Method, scheme := Scheme,
+ authority := Authority, path := PathWithQs}, BodyLen) ->
+ try cow_http_hd:parse_host(Authority) of
+ {Host, Port0} ->
+ Port = ensure_port(Scheme, Port0),
+ try cow_http:parse_fullpath(PathWithQs) of
+ {<<>>, _} ->
+ malformed_request(State, StreamID,
+ 'The path component must not be empty. (RFC7540');
+ {Path, Qs} ->
+ Req0 = #{
+ ref => Ref,
+ pid => self(),
+ streamid => StreamID,
+ peer => Peer,
+ sock => Sock,
+ cert => Cert,
+ method => Method,
+ scheme => Scheme,
+ host => Host,
+ port => Port,
+ path => Path,
+ qs => Qs,
+ version => 'HTTP/2',
+ headers => headers_to_map(Headers, #{}),
+ has_body => IsFin =:= nofin,
+ body_length => BodyLen
+ },
+ %% We add the protocol information for extended CONNECTs.
+ Req = case PseudoHeaders of
+ #{protocol := Protocol} ->
+ Req0#{protocol => Protocol};
+ _ ->
+ Req0
+ end,
+ headers_frame(State, StreamID, Req)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ malformed_request(State, StreamID,
+ 'The :path pseudo-header is invalid. (RFC7540')
+ end
+ catch _:_ ->
+ malformed_request(State, StreamID,
+ 'The :authority pseudo-header is invalid. (RFC7540')
-%% We ignore DATA frames for streams that are flushing out data.
-data_frame(State, Stream=#stream{state=flush}, _, _) ->
- after_commands(State, Stream);
-data_frame(State=#state{opts=Opts}, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState0},
- IsFin, Data) ->
- try cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0) of
+ensure_port(<<"http">>, undefined) -> 80;
+ensure_port(<<"https">>, undefined) -> 443;
+ensure_port(_, Port) -> Port.
+%% This function is necessary to properly handle duplicate headers
+%% and the special-case cookie header.
+headers_to_map([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+headers_to_map([{Name, Value}|Tail], Acc0) ->
+ Acc = case Acc0 of
+ %% The cookie header does not use proper HTTP header lists.
+ #{Name := Value0} when Name =:= <<"cookie">> ->
+ Acc0#{Name => << Value0/binary, "; ", Value/binary >>};
+ #{Name := Value0} ->
+ Acc0#{Name => << Value0/binary, ", ", Value/binary >>};
+ _ ->
+ Acc0#{Name => Value}
+ end,
+ headers_to_map(Tail, Acc).
+%% @todo Probably not a very useful function, just use stream_reset.
+malformed_request(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, _) ->
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, protocol_error)),
+ {ok, HTTP2Machine} = cow_http2_machine:reset_stream(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0),
+ State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}.
+headers_frame(State=#state{opts=Opts, streams=Streams}, StreamID, Req) ->
+ try cowboy_stream:init(StreamID, Req, Opts) of
{Commands, StreamState} ->
- commands(State, Stream#stream{state=StreamState}, Commands)
+ commands(State#state{
+ streams=Streams#{StreamID => {running, StreamState}}},
+ StreamID, Commands)
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(data,
- [StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0],
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(init,
+ [StreamID, Req, Opts],
Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
- 'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:data/4.'})
+ 'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:init/3.'})
+ end.
+early_error(State0=#state{ref=Ref, opts=Opts, peer=Peer},
+ StreamID, _IsFin, _Headers, #{method := Method},
+ StatusCode0, HumanReadable) ->
+ %% We automatically terminate the stream but it is not an error
+ %% per se (at least not in the first implementation).
+ Reason = {stream_error, no_error, HumanReadable},
+ %% The partial Req is minimal for now. We only have one case
+ %% where it can be called (when a method is completely disabled).
+ %% @todo Fill in the other elements.
+ PartialReq = #{
+ ref => Ref,
+ peer => Peer,
+ method => Method
+ },
+ Resp = {response, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0=#{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
+ try cowboy_stream:early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) of
+ {response, StatusCode, RespHeaders, RespBody} ->
+ send_response(State0, StreamID, StatusCode, RespHeaders, RespBody)
+ catch Class:Exception ->
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(early_error,
+ [StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts],
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
+ %% We still need to send an error response, so send what we initially
+ %% wanted to send. It's better than nothing.
+ send_headers(State0, StreamID, fin, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0)
-%% It's always valid when no content-length header was specified.
-is_body_size_valid(#stream{remote_expected_size=undefined}) ->
- true;
-%% We didn't finish reading the body but the size is already larger than expected.
-is_body_size_valid(#stream{remote=nofin, remote_expected_size=Expected,
- remote_read_size=Read}) when Read > Expected ->
- false;
-is_body_size_valid(#stream{remote=nofin}) ->
- true;
-is_body_size_valid(#stream{remote=fin, remote_expected_size=Expected,
- remote_read_size=Expected}) ->
- true;
-%% We finished reading the body and the size read is not the one expected.
-is_body_size_valid(_) ->
- false.
+rst_stream_frame(State=#state{streams=Streams0, children=Children0}, StreamID, Reason) ->
+ case maps:take(StreamID, Streams0) of
+ {{_, StreamState}, Streams} ->
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
+ Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
+ State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
+ error ->
+ State
+ end.
-continuation_frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams,
- parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment0}},
- {continuation, StreamID, head_fin, HeaderBlockFragment1}) ->
- HeaderBlock = << HeaderBlockFragment0/binary, HeaderBlockFragment1/binary >>,
- case StreamID > LastStreamID of
- true -> %% New stream.
- stream_decode_init(State#state{parse_state=normal}, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock);
- false -> %% Trailers.
- Stream = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams),
- stream_decode_trailers(State, Stream, HeaderBlock)
- end;
-continuation_frame(State=#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment0}},
- {continuation, StreamID, head_nofin, HeaderBlockFragment1}) ->
- State#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin,
- << HeaderBlockFragment0/binary, HeaderBlockFragment1/binary >>}};
-continuation_frame(State, _) ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'An invalid frame was received in the middle of a header block. (RFC7540 6.2)'}).
+ignored_frame(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}) ->
+ case cow_http2_machine:ignored_frame(HTTP2Machine0) of
+ {ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine};
+ {error, Error={connection_error, _, _}, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ terminate(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Error)
+ end.
+%% Erlang messages.
down(State=#state{opts=Opts, children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
case cowboy_children:down(Children0, Pid) of
@@ -634,16 +483,13 @@ down(State=#state{opts=Opts, children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
-info(State=#state{opts=Opts, client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams}, StreamID, Msg) ->
- case lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams) of
- #stream{state=flush} ->
- cowboy:log(warning, "Received message ~p for terminated stream ~p.",
- [Msg, StreamID], Opts),
- State;
- Stream = #stream{state=StreamState0} ->
+info(State=#state{opts=Opts, streams=Streams}, StreamID, Msg) ->
+ case Streams of
+ #{StreamID := {IsRunning, StreamState0}} ->
try cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Msg, StreamState0) of
{Commands, StreamState} ->
- commands(State, Stream#stream{state=StreamState}, Commands)
+ commands(State#state{streams=Streams#{StreamID => {IsRunning, StreamState}}},
+ StreamID, Commands)
catch Class:Exception ->
[StreamID, Msg, StreamState0],
@@ -651,83 +497,60 @@ info(State=#state{opts=Opts, client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams}, Str
stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:info/3.'})
- false when StreamID =< LastStreamID ->
- %% Streams that were reset by the client or streams that are
- %% in the lingering state may still have Erlang messages going
- %% around. In these cases we do not want to log anything.
- State;
- false ->
- cowboy:log(warning, "Received message ~p for unknown stream ~p.",
+ _ ->
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received message ~p for unknown or terminated stream ~p.",
[Msg, StreamID], Opts),
+%% Stream handler commands.
%% @todo Kill the stream if it tries to send a response, headers,
%% data or push promise when the stream is closed or half-closed.
-commands(State, Stream, []) ->
- after_commands(State, Stream);
+commands(State, _, []) ->
+ State;
%% Error responses are sent only if a response wasn't sent already.
-commands(State, Stream=#stream{local=idle}, [{error_response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]) ->
- commands(State, Stream, [{response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]);
-commands(State, Stream, [{error_response, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
+commands(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID,
+ [{error_response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]) ->
+ case cow_http2_machine:get_stream_local_state(StreamID, HTTP2Machine) of
+ {ok, idle, _} ->
+ commands(State, StreamID, [{response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]);
+ _ ->
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail)
+ end;
%% Send an informational response.
-commands(State0, Stream=#stream{local=idle}, [{inform, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
- State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers, nofin),
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
+commands(State0, StreamID, [{inform, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
+ State = send_headers(State0, StreamID, idle, StatusCode, Headers),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send response headers.
-commands(State0, Stream0=#stream{local=idle},
- [{response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]) ->
- {State, Stream} = send_response(State0, Stream0, StatusCode, Headers, Body),
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
+commands(State0, StreamID, [{response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]) ->
+ State = send_response(State0, StreamID, StatusCode, Headers, Body),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send response headers.
-commands(State0, Stream=#stream{method=Method, local=idle},
- [{headers, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
- IsFin = case Method of
- <<"HEAD">> -> fin;
- _ -> nofin
- end,
- State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers, IsFin),
- commands(State, Stream#stream{local=IsFin}, Tail);
+commands(State0, StreamID, [{headers, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
+ State = send_headers(State0, StreamID, nofin, StatusCode, Headers),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send a response body chunk.
-commands(State0, Stream0=#stream{local=nofin}, [{data, IsFin, Data}|Tail]) ->
- {State, Stream} = send_data(State0, Stream0, IsFin, Data),
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
+commands(State0, StreamID, [{data, IsFin, Data}|Tail]) ->
+ State = maybe_send_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, Data),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send trailers.
-commands(State0, Stream0=#stream{local=nofin, te=TE0}, [{trailers, Trailers}|Tail]) ->
- %% We only accept TE headers containing exactly "trailers" (RFC7540
- TE = try cow_http_hd:parse_te(TE0) of
- {trailers, []} -> trailers;
- _ -> no_trailers
- catch _:_ ->
- %% If we can't parse the TE header, assume we can't send trailers.
- no_trailers
- end,
- {State, Stream} = case TE of
- trailers ->
- send_data(State0, Stream0, fin, {trailers, Trailers});
- no_trailers ->
- send_data(State0, Stream0, fin, <<>>)
- end,
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
+commands(State0, StreamID, [{trailers, Trailers}|Tail]) ->
+ State = maybe_send_data(State0, StreamID, fin, {trailers, maps:to_list(Trailers)}),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send a file.
%% @todo Add the sendfile command.
%commands(State0, Stream0=#stream{local=nofin},
% [{sendfile, IsFin, Offset, Bytes, Path}|Tail]) ->
-% {State, Stream} = send_data(State0, Stream0, IsFin, {sendfile, Offset, Bytes, Path}),
+% {State, Stream} = maybe_send_data(State0, Stream0, IsFin, {sendfile, Offset, Bytes, Path}),
% commands(State, Stream, Tail);
-%% Push promises are not sent to clients who disabled them.
-commands(State=#state{remote_settings=#{enable_push := false}}, Stream,
- [{push, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
%% Send a push promise.
-%% @todo We need to keep track of what promises we made so that we don't
-%% end up with an infinite loop of promises.
-commands(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, server_streamid=PromisedStreamID,
- encode_state=EncodeState0}, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID},
- [{push, Method, Scheme, Host, Port, Path, Qs, Headers0}|Tail]) ->
+%% @todo Responses sent as a result of a push_promise request
+%% must not send push_promise frames themselves.
+commands(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0},
+ StreamID, [{push, Method, Scheme, Host, Port, Path, Qs, Headers0}|Tail]) ->
Authority = case {Scheme, Port} of
{<<"http">>, 80} -> Host;
{<<"https">>, 443} -> Host;
@@ -737,240 +560,160 @@ commands(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, server_streamid=Promi
<<>> -> Path;
_ -> [Path, $?, Qs]
+ PseudoHeaders = #{
+ method => Method,
+ scheme => Scheme,
+ authority => Authority,
+ path => PathWithQs
+ },
%% We need to make sure the header value is binary before we can
- %% pass it to stream_req_init, as it expects them to be flat.
- Headers1 = maps:map(fun(_, V) -> iolist_to_binary(V) end, Headers0),
- Headers = Headers1#{
- <<":method">> => Method,
- <<":scheme">> => Scheme,
- <<":authority">> => Authority,
- <<":path">> => PathWithQs},
- {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Headers, EncodeState0),
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:push_promise(StreamID, PromisedStreamID, HeaderBlock)),
- State = stream_req_init(State0#state{server_streamid=PromisedStreamID + 2,
- encode_state=EncodeState}, PromisedStreamID, fin, Headers1, #{
- method => Method,
- scheme => Scheme,
- authority => Authority,
- path => PathWithQs
- }),
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
-commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, remote_window=ConnWindow},
- Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, remote_window=StreamWindow},
- [{flow, Size}|Tail]) ->
+ %% create the Req object, as it expects them to be flat.
+ Headers = maps:to_list(maps:map(fun(_, V) -> iolist_to_binary(V) end, Headers0)),
+ State = case cow_http2_machine:prepare_push_promise(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0,
+ PseudoHeaders, Headers) of
+ {ok, PromisedStreamID, HeaderBlock, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:push_promise(
+ StreamID, PromisedStreamID, HeaderBlock)),
+ headers_frame(State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ PromisedStreamID, fin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, 0);
+ {error, no_push} ->
+ State0
+ end,
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
+commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0},
+ StreamID, [{flow, Size}|Tail]) ->
Transport:send(Socket, [
cow_http2:window_update(StreamID, Size)
- commands(State#state{remote_window=ConnWindow + Size},
- Stream#stream{remote_window=StreamWindow + Size}, Tail);
+ HTTP2Machine1 = cow_http2_machine:update_window(Size, HTTP2Machine0),
+ HTTP2Machine = cow_http2_machine:update_window(StreamID, Size, HTTP2Machine1),
+ commands(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, Tail);
%% Supervise a child process.
-commands(State=#state{children=Children}, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID},
- [{spawn, Pid, Shutdown}|Tail]) ->
+commands(State=#state{children=Children}, StreamID, [{spawn, Pid, Shutdown}|Tail]) ->
commands(State#state{children=cowboy_children:up(Children, Pid, StreamID, Shutdown)},
- Stream, Tail);
+ StreamID, Tail);
%% Error handling.
-commands(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, [Error = {internal_error, _, _}|_Tail]) ->
+commands(State, StreamID, [Error = {internal_error, _, _}|_Tail]) ->
%% @todo Do we want to run the commands after an internal_error?
%% @todo Do we even allow commands after?
%% @todo Only reset when the stream still exists.
- stream_reset(after_commands(State, Stream), StreamID, Error);
+ stream_reset(State, StreamID, Error);
%% Upgrade to HTTP/2. This is triggered by cowboy_http2 itself.
-commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
- Stream=#stream{local=upgrade}, [{switch_protocol, Headers, ?MODULE, _}|Tail]) ->
+commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts, preface=upgrade},
+ StreamID, [{switch_protocol, Headers, ?MODULE, _}|Tail]) ->
+ %% @todo This 101 response needs to be passed through stream handlers.
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:response(101, 'HTTP/1.1', maps:to_list(Headers))),
- commands(State, Stream#stream{local=idle}, Tail);
+ commands(State#state{preface={sequence, start_timer(preface_timeout, Opts)}},
+ StreamID, Tail);
%% Use a different protocol within the stream (CONNECT :protocol).
%% @todo Make sure we error out when the feature is disabled.
-commands(State0, #stream{id=StreamID}, [{switch_protocol, Headers, _Mod, _ModState}|Tail]) ->
- State = #state{streams=Streams} = info(State0, StreamID, {headers, 200, Headers}),
- Stream = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams),
- commands(State, Stream, Tail);
-commands(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, [stop|_Tail]) ->
+commands(State0, StreamID, [{switch_protocol, Headers, _Mod, _ModState}|Tail]) ->
+ State = info(State0, StreamID, {headers, 200, Headers}),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
+commands(State, StreamID, [stop|_Tail]) ->
%% @todo Do we want to run the commands after a stop?
%% @todo Do we even allow commands after?
- stream_terminate(after_commands(State, Stream), StreamID, normal);
+ stop_stream(State, StreamID);
%% Log event.
commands(State=#state{opts=Opts}, StreamID, [Log={log, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
cowboy:log(Log, Opts),
commands(State, StreamID, Tail).
-after_commands(State=#state{streams=Streams0}, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}) ->
- Streams = lists:keystore(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0, Stream),
- State#state{streams=Streams}.
-send_response(State0, Stream=#stream{method=Method}, StatusCode, Headers0, Body) ->
- if
- Method =:= <<"HEAD">>; Body =:= <<>> ->
- State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers0, fin),
- {State, Stream#stream{local=fin}};
- true ->
- State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers0, nofin),
- %% send_data works with both sendfile and iolists.
- send_data(State, Stream#stream{local=nofin}, fin, Body)
- end.
-send_headers(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0},
- #stream{id=StreamID}, StatusCode, Headers0, IsFin) ->
- Headers = Headers0#{<<":status">> => status(StatusCode)},
- {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Headers, EncodeState0),
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock)),
- State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}.
-status(Status) when is_integer(Status) ->
- integer_to_binary(Status);
-status(<< H, T, U, _/bits >>) when H >= $1, H =< $9, T >= $0, T =< $9, U >= $0, U =< $9 ->
- << H, T, U >>.
-%% @todo Should we ever want to implement the PRIORITY mechanism,
-%% this would be the place to do it. Right now, we just go over
-%% all streams and send what we can until either everything is
-%% sent or we run out of space in the window.
-send_data(State=#state{streams=Streams}) ->
- resume_streams(State, Streams, []).
+%% Send the response, trailers or data.
-%% When SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE changes we need to update
-%% the local stream windows for all active streams and perhaps
-%% resume sending data.
-update_streams_local_window(State=#state{streams=Streams0}, Increment) ->
- Streams = [
- S#stream{local_window=StreamWindow + Increment}
- || S=#stream{local_window=StreamWindow} <- Streams0],
- resume_streams(State, Streams, []).
-%% When we receive an ack to a SETTINGS frame we sent we need to update
-%% the remote stream windows for all active streams.
-update_streams_remote_window(State=#state{streams=Streams0}, Increment) ->
- Streams = [
- S#stream{remote_window=StreamWindow + Increment}
- || S=#stream{remote_window=StreamWindow} <- Streams0],
- State#state{streams=Streams}.
-resume_streams(State, [], Acc) ->
- State#state{streams=lists:reverse(Acc)};
-%% While technically we should never get < 0 here, let's be on the safe side.
-resume_streams(State=#state{local_window=ConnWindow}, Streams, Acc)
- when ConnWindow =< 0 ->
- State#state{streams=lists:reverse(Acc, Streams)};
-%% We rely on send_data/2 to do all the necessary checks about the stream.
-resume_streams(State0, [Stream0|Tail], Acc) ->
- {State1, Stream} = send_data(State0, Stream0),
- case Stream of
- %% We are done flushing, remove the stream.
- %% Maybe skip the request body if it was not fully read.
- #stream{state=flush, local=fin} ->
- State = maybe_skip_body(State1, Stream, normal),
- resume_streams(State, Tail, Acc);
- %% Keep the stream. Either the stream handler is still running,
- %% or we are not finished flushing.
+send_response(State0, StreamID, StatusCode, Headers, Body) ->
+ Size = case Body of
+ {sendfile, _, Bytes, _} -> Bytes;
+ _ -> iolist_size(Body)
+ end,
+ case Size of
+ 0 ->
+ %% @todo If IsFin=fin, we may want to skip the body and terminate the stream,
+ %% if we are no longer tracking the stream.
+ State = send_headers(State0, StreamID, fin, StatusCode, Headers),
+ maybe_terminate_stream(State, StreamID, fin);
_ ->
- resume_streams(State1, Tail, [Stream|Acc])
+ State = send_headers(State0, StreamID, nofin, StatusCode, Headers),
+ maybe_send_data(State, StreamID, fin, Body)
-send_data(State, Stream=#stream{local=Local, local_buffer_size=0, local_trailers=Trailers})
- when (Trailers =/= undefined) andalso ((Local =:= idle) orelse (Local =:= nofin)) ->
- send_trailers(State, Stream#stream{local_trailers=undefined}, Trailers);
-%% @todo It's possible that the stream terminates. We must remove it.
- Stream=#stream{local=IsFin, local_window=StreamWindow, local_buffer_size=BufferSize})
- when ConnWindow =< 0; IsFin =:= fin; StreamWindow =< 0; BufferSize =:= 0 ->
- {State, Stream};
-send_data(State0, Stream0=#stream{local_buffer=Q0, local_buffer_size=BufferSize}) ->
- %% We know there is an item in the queue.
- {{value, {IsFin, DataSize, Data}}, Q} = queue:out(Q0),
- {State, Stream} = send_data(State0,
- Stream0#stream{local_buffer=Q, local_buffer_size=BufferSize - DataSize},
- IsFin, Data, in_r),
- send_data(State, Stream).
-send_data(State, Stream, IsFin, Data) ->
- send_data(State, Stream, IsFin, Data, in).
+send_headers(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, IsFin0, StatusCode, Headers) ->
+ {ok, IsFin, HeaderBlock, HTTP2Machine}
+ = cow_http2_machine:prepare_headers(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0, IsFin0,
+ #{status => cow_http:status_to_integer(StatusCode)},
+ headers_to_list(Headers)),
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock)),
+ State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}.
-%% We can send trailers immediately if the queue is empty, otherwise we queue.
-%% We always send trailer frames even if the window is empty.
-send_data(State, Stream=#stream{local_buffer_size=0}, fin, {trailers, Trailers}, _) ->
- send_trailers(State, Stream, Trailers);
-send_data(State, Stream, fin, {trailers, Trailers}, _) ->
- {State, Stream#stream{local_trailers=Trailers}};
-%% Send data immediately if we can, buffer otherwise.
- Stream=#stream{local_window=StreamWindow}, IsFin, Data, In)
- when ConnWindow =< 0; StreamWindow =< 0 ->
- {State, queue_data(Stream, IsFin, Data, In)};
-send_data(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts,
- remote_settings=RemoteSettings, local_window=ConnWindow},
- Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, local_window=StreamWindow}, IsFin, Data, In) ->
- RemoteMaxFrameSize = maps:get(max_frame_size, RemoteSettings, 16384),
- ConfiguredMaxFrameSize = maps:get(max_frame_size_sent, Opts, infinity),
- MaxSendSize = min(
- min(ConnWindow, StreamWindow),
- min(RemoteMaxFrameSize, ConfiguredMaxFrameSize)
- ),
- case Data of
- {sendfile, Offset, Bytes, Path} when Bytes =< MaxSendSize ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data_header(StreamID, IsFin, Bytes)),
- Transport:sendfile(Socket, Path, Offset, Bytes),
- {State#state{local_window=ConnWindow - Bytes},
- Stream#stream{local=IsFin, local_window=StreamWindow - Bytes}};
- {sendfile, Offset, Bytes, Path} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data_header(StreamID, nofin, MaxSendSize)),
- Transport:sendfile(Socket, Path, Offset, MaxSendSize),
- send_data(State#state{local_window=ConnWindow - MaxSendSize},
- Stream#stream{local_window=StreamWindow - MaxSendSize},
- IsFin, {sendfile, Offset + MaxSendSize, Bytes - MaxSendSize, Path}, In);
- Iolist0 ->
- IolistSize = iolist_size(Iolist0),
- if
- IolistSize =< MaxSendSize ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data(StreamID, IsFin, Iolist0)),
- {State#state{local_window=ConnWindow - IolistSize},
- Stream#stream{local=IsFin, local_window=StreamWindow - IolistSize}};
- true ->
- {Iolist, More} = cow_iolists:split(MaxSendSize, Iolist0),
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data(StreamID, nofin, Iolist)),
- send_data(State#state{local_window=ConnWindow - MaxSendSize},
- Stream#stream{local_window=StreamWindow - MaxSendSize},
- IsFin, More, In)
- end
+%% The set-cookie header is special; we can only send one cookie per header.
+headers_to_list(Headers0=#{<<"set-cookie">> := SetCookies}) ->
+ Headers = maps:to_list(maps:remove(<<"set-cookie">>, Headers0)),
+ Headers ++ [{<<"set-cookie">>, Value} || Value <- SetCookies];
+headers_to_list(Headers) ->
+ maps:to_list(Headers).
+maybe_send_data(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, IsFin, Data0) ->
+ Data = case is_tuple(Data0) of
+ false -> {data, Data0};
+ true -> Data0
+ end,
+ case cow_http2_machine:send_or_queue_data(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0, IsFin, Data) of
+ {ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine};
+ {send, SendData, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ send_data(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, SendData)
-send_trailers(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0},
- Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, Trailers) ->
- {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Trailers, EncodeState0),
+send_data(State, []) ->
+ State;
+send_data(State0, [{StreamID, IsFin, SendData}|Tail]) ->
+ State = send_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, SendData),
+ send_data(State, Tail).
+send_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, [Data]) ->
+ State = send_data_frame(State0, StreamID, IsFin, Data),
+ maybe_terminate_stream(State, StreamID, IsFin);
+send_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, [Data|Tail]) ->
+ State = send_data_frame(State0, StreamID, nofin, Data),
+ send_data(State, StreamID, IsFin, Tail).
+send_data_frame(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
+ StreamID, IsFin, {data, Data}) ->
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data)),
+ State;
+send_data_frame(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
+ StreamID, IsFin, {sendfile, Offset, Bytes, Path}) ->
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data_header(StreamID, IsFin, Bytes)),
+ Transport:sendfile(Socket, Path, Offset, Bytes),
+ State;
+%% The stream is terminated in cow_http2_machine:prepare_trailers.
+send_data_frame(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, nofin, {trailers, Trailers}) ->
+ {ok, HeaderBlock, HTTP2Machine}
+ = cow_http2_machine:prepare_trailers(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0, Trailers),
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, fin, HeaderBlock)),
- {State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}, Stream#stream{local=fin}}.
-queue_data(Stream=#stream{local_buffer=Q0, local_buffer_size=Size0}, IsFin, Data, In) ->
- DataSize = case Data of
- {sendfile, _, Bytes, _} -> Bytes;
- Iolist -> iolist_size(Iolist)
- end,
- Q = queue:In({IsFin, DataSize, Data}, Q0),
- Stream#stream{local_buffer=Q, local_buffer_size=Size0 + DataSize}.
+ State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}.
-%% The set-cookie header is special; we can only send one cookie per header.
-headers_encode(Headers0=#{<<"set-cookie">> := SetCookies}, EncodeState) ->
- Headers1 = maps:to_list(maps:remove(<<"set-cookie">>, Headers0)),
- Headers = Headers1 ++ [{<<"set-cookie">>, Value} || Value <- SetCookies],
- cow_hpack:encode(Headers, EncodeState);
-headers_encode(Headers0, EncodeState) ->
- Headers = maps:to_list(Headers0),
- cow_hpack:encode(Headers, EncodeState).
+%% Terminate a stream or the connection.
-spec terminate(#state{}, _) -> no_return().
terminate(undefined, Reason) ->
exit({shutdown, Reason});
-terminate(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, parse_state={preface, _, _}}, Reason) ->
- Transport:close(Socket),
- exit({shutdown, Reason});
-terminate(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, client_streamid=LastStreamID,
- streams=Streams, children=Children}, Reason) ->
+terminate(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, preface=complete,
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine, streams=Streams, children=Children}, Reason) ->
%% @todo We might want to optionally send the Reason value
%% as debug data in the GOAWAY frame here. Perhaps more.
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:goaway(LastStreamID, terminate_reason(Reason), <<>>)),
- terminate_all_streams(State, Streams, Reason),
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:goaway(
+ cow_http2_machine:get_last_streamid(HTTP2Machine),
+ terminate_reason(Reason), <<>>)),
+ terminate_all_streams(State, maps:to_list(Streams), Reason),
+ exit({shutdown, Reason});
+terminate(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, Reason) ->
+ Transport:close(Socket),
exit({shutdown, Reason}).
terminate_reason({connection_error, Reason, _}) -> Reason;
@@ -980,392 +723,87 @@ terminate_reason({internal_error, _, _}) -> internal_error.
terminate_all_streams(_, [], _) ->
-%% This stream was already terminated and is now just flushing the data out. Skip it.
-terminate_all_streams(State, [#stream{state=flush}|Tail], Reason) ->
- terminate_all_streams(State, Tail, Reason);
-terminate_all_streams(State, [#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState}|Tail], Reason) ->
+terminate_all_streams(State, [{StreamID, {_, StreamState}}|Tail], Reason) ->
stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
terminate_all_streams(State, Tail, Reason).
-%% Stream functions.
-stream_decode_init(State=#state{decode_state=DecodeState0}, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock) ->
- try cow_hpack:decode(HeaderBlock, DecodeState0) of
- {Headers, DecodeState} ->
- stream_enforce_concurrency_limit(State#state{decode_state=DecodeState},
- StreamID, IsFin, Headers)
- catch _:_ ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, compression_error,
- 'Error while trying to decode HPACK-encoded header block. (RFC7540 4.3)'})
- end.
-stream_enforce_concurrency_limit(State=#state{opts=Opts, streams=Streams},
- StreamID, IsFin, Headers) ->
- MaxConcurrentStreams = maps:get(max_concurrent_streams, Opts, infinity),
- case length(Streams) < MaxConcurrentStreams of
- true ->
- stream_pseudo_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers);
- false ->
- stream_refused(State, StreamID,
- 'Maximum number of concurrent streams has been reached. (RFC7540 5.1.2)')
- end.
- StreamID, IsFin, Headers0) ->
- IsExtendedConnectEnabled = maps:get(enable_connect_protocol, LocalSettings, false),
- case pseudo_headers(Headers0, #{}) of
- {ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"CONNECT">>, scheme := _,
- authority := _, path := _, protocol := _}, Headers}
- when IsExtendedConnectEnabled ->
- stream_regular_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders);
- {ok, #{method := <<"CONNECT">>, scheme := _,
- authority := _, path := _}, _}
- when IsExtendedConnectEnabled ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'The :protocol pseudo-header MUST be sent with an extended CONNECT. (draft_h2_websockets 4)');
- {ok, #{protocol := _}, _} ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'The :protocol pseudo-header is only defined for the extended CONNECT. (draft_h2_websockets 4)');
- %% @todo Add clause for CONNECT requests (no scheme/path).
- {ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"CONNECT">>}, _} ->
- stream_early_error(State, StreamID, IsFin, 501, PseudoHeaders,
- 'The CONNECT method is currently not implemented. (RFC7231 4.3.6)');
- {ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"TRACE">>}, _} ->
- stream_early_error(State, StreamID, IsFin, 501, PseudoHeaders,
- 'The TRACE method is currently not implemented. (RFC7231 4.3.8)');
- {ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := _, scheme := _, authority := _, path := _}, Headers} ->
- stream_regular_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders);
- {ok, _, _} ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'A required pseudo-header was not found. (RFC7540');
- {error, HumanReadable} ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID, HumanReadable)
- end.
-pseudo_headers([{<<":method">>, _}|_], #{method := _}) ->
- {error, 'Multiple :method pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
-pseudo_headers([{<<":method">>, Method}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
- pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{method => Method});
-pseudo_headers([{<<":scheme">>, _}|_], #{scheme := _}) ->
- {error, 'Multiple :scheme pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
-pseudo_headers([{<<":scheme">>, Scheme}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
- pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{scheme => Scheme});
-pseudo_headers([{<<":authority">>, _}|_], #{authority := _}) ->
- {error, 'Multiple :authority pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
-pseudo_headers([{<<":authority">>, Authority}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
- pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{authority => Authority});
-pseudo_headers([{<<":path">>, _}|_], #{path := _}) ->
- {error, 'Multiple :path pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
-pseudo_headers([{<<":path">>, Path}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
- pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{path => Path});
-pseudo_headers([{<<":protocol">>, _}|_], #{protocol := _}) ->
- {error, 'Multiple :protocol pseudo-headers were found. (RFC7540'};
-pseudo_headers([{<<":protocol">>, Protocol}|Tail], PseudoHeaders) ->
- pseudo_headers(Tail, PseudoHeaders#{protocol => Protocol});
-pseudo_headers([{<<":", _/bits>>, _}|_], _) ->
- {error, 'An unknown or invalid pseudo-header was found. (RFC7540'};
-pseudo_headers(Headers, PseudoHeaders) ->
- {ok, PseudoHeaders, Headers}.
-stream_regular_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders) ->
- case regular_headers(Headers) of
- ok ->
- stream_req_init(State, StreamID, IsFin,
- headers_to_map(Headers, #{}), PseudoHeaders);
- {error, HumanReadable} ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID, HumanReadable)
- end.
-regular_headers([{<<":", _/bits>>, _}|_]) ->
- {error, 'Pseudo-headers were found after regular headers. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{<<"connection">>, _}|_]) ->
- {error, 'The connection header is not allowed. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{<<"keep-alive">>, _}|_]) ->
- {error, 'The keep-alive header is not allowed. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{<<"proxy-authenticate">>, _}|_]) ->
- {error, 'The proxy-authenticate header is not allowed. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{<<"proxy-authorization">>, _}|_]) ->
- {error, 'The proxy-authorization header is not allowed. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{<<"transfer-encoding">>, _}|_]) ->
- {error, 'The transfer-encoding header is not allowed. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{<<"upgrade">>, _}|_]) ->
- {error, 'The upgrade header is not allowed. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{<<"te">>, Value}|_]) when Value =/= <<"trailers">> ->
- {error, 'The te header with a value other than "trailers" is not allowed. (RFC7540'};
-regular_headers([{Name, _}|Tail]) ->
- case cowboy_bstr:to_lower(Name) of
- Name -> regular_headers(Tail);
- _ -> {error, 'Header names must be lowercase. (RFC7540 8.1.2)'}
- end;
-regular_headers([]) ->
- ok.
-%% This function is necessary to properly handle duplicate headers
-%% and the special-case cookie header.
-headers_to_map([], Acc) ->
- Acc;
-headers_to_map([{Name, Value}|Tail], Acc0) ->
- Acc = case Acc0 of
- %% The cookie header does not use proper HTTP header lists.
- #{Name := Value0} when Name =:= <<"cookie">> -> Acc0#{Name => << Value0/binary, "; ", Value/binary >>};
- #{Name := Value0} -> Acc0#{Name => << Value0/binary, ", ", Value/binary >>};
- _ -> Acc0#{Name => Value}
- end,
- headers_to_map(Tail, Acc).
-stream_req_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders) ->
- case Headers of
- #{<<"content-length">> := BinLength} when BinLength =/= <<"0">>, IsFin =:= fin ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'HEADERS frame with the END_STREAM flag contains a non-zero content-length. (RFC7540');
- _ when IsFin =:= fin ->
- stream_req_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, 0);
- #{<<"content-length">> := <<"0">>} ->
- stream_req_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, 0);
- #{<<"content-length">> := BinLength} ->
- try
- stream_req_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders,
- cow_http_hd:parse_content_length(BinLength))
- catch _:_ ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'The content-length header is invalid. (RFC7230 3.3.2)')
- end;
- _ ->
- stream_req_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, undefined)
- end.
-stream_req_init(State=#state{ref=Ref, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert},
- StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders=#{method := Method, scheme := Scheme,
- authority := Authority, path := PathWithQs}, BodyLength) ->
- try cow_http_hd:parse_host(Authority) of
- {Host, Port0} ->
- Port = ensure_port(Scheme, Port0),
- try cow_http:parse_fullpath(PathWithQs) of
- {<<>>, _} ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'The path component must not be empty. (RFC7540');
- {Path, Qs} ->
- Req0 = #{
- ref => Ref,
- pid => self(),
- streamid => StreamID,
- peer => Peer,
- sock => Sock,
- cert => Cert,
- method => Method,
- scheme => Scheme,
- host => Host,
- port => Port,
- path => Path,
- qs => Qs,
- version => 'HTTP/2',
- headers => Headers,
- has_body => IsFin =:= nofin,
- body_length => BodyLength
- },
- %% We add the protocol information for extended CONNECTs.
- Req = case PseudoHeaders of
- #{protocol := Protocol} ->
- Req0#{protocol => Protocol};
- _ ->
- Req0
- end,
- stream_handler_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, idle, Req)
- catch _:_ ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'The :path pseudo-header is invalid. (RFC7540')
- end
- catch _:_ ->
- stream_malformed(State, StreamID,
- 'The :authority pseudo-header is invalid. (RFC7540')
- end.
-ensure_port(<<"http">>, undefined) -> 80;
-ensure_port(<<"https">>, undefined) -> 443;
-ensure_port(_, Port) -> Port.
-stream_closed(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, _) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, stream_closed)),
- State.
-stream_malformed(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, _) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, protocol_error)),
- State.
-stream_refused(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, _) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, refused_stream)),
- State.
-stream_early_error(State0=#state{ref=Ref, opts=Opts, peer=Peer,
- local_settings=#{initial_window_size := RemoteWindow},
- remote_settings=#{initial_window_size := LocalWindow},
- streams=Streams}, StreamID, IsFin, StatusCode0,
- #{method := Method}, HumanReadable) ->
- %% We automatically terminate the stream but it is not an error
- %% per se (at least not in the first implementation).
- Reason = {stream_error, no_error, HumanReadable},
- %% The partial Req is minimal for now. We only have one case
- %% where it can be called (when a method is completely disabled).
- PartialReq = #{
- ref => Ref,
- peer => Peer,
- method => Method
- },
- Resp = {response, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0=#{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
- %% We need a stream to talk to the send_* functions.
- Stream0 = #stream{id=StreamID, state=flush, method=Method,
- remote=IsFin, local=idle,
- local_window=LocalWindow, remote_window=RemoteWindow},
- try cowboy_stream:early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) of
- {response, StatusCode, RespHeaders, RespBody} ->
- case send_response(State0, Stream0, StatusCode, RespHeaders, RespBody) of
- {State, #stream{local=fin}} ->
- State;
- {State, Stream} ->
- State#state{streams=[Stream|Streams]}
- end
- catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(early_error,
- [StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
- %% We still need to send an error response, so send what we initially
- %% wanted to send. It's better than nothing.
- send_headers(State0, Stream0, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0, fin)
- end.
- local_settings=#{initial_window_size := RemoteWindow},
- remote_settings=#{initial_window_size := LocalWindow}},
- StreamID, RemoteIsFin, LocalIsFin,
- Req=#{method := Method, headers := Headers, body_length := BodyLength}) ->
- try cowboy_stream:init(StreamID, Req, Opts) of
- {Commands, StreamState} ->
- commands(State#state{client_streamid=StreamID},
- #stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState,
- method=Method, remote=RemoteIsFin, local=LocalIsFin,
- local_window=LocalWindow, remote_window=RemoteWindow,
- remote_expected_size=BodyLength,
- te=maps:get(<<"te">>, Headers, undefined)},
- Commands)
- catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(init,
- [StreamID, Req, Opts],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
- stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
- 'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:init/3.'})
- end.
-stream_decode_trailers(State=#state{decode_state=DecodeState0}, Stream, HeaderBlock) ->
- try cow_hpack:decode(HeaderBlock, DecodeState0) of
- {Headers, DecodeState} ->
- stream_trailers_is_body_size_valid(State#state{decode_state=DecodeState},
- Stream#stream{remote=fin}, Headers)
- catch _:_ ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, compression_error,
- 'Error while trying to decode HPACK-encoded header block. (RFC7540 4.3)'})
- end.
-stream_trailers_is_body_size_valid(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, Headers) ->
- case is_body_size_valid(Stream) of
- true ->
- stream_reject_pseudo_headers_in_trailers(State, Stream, Headers);
- false ->
- stream_reset(after_commands(State, Stream), StreamID, {stream_error, protocol_error,
- 'The total size of DATA frames is different than the content-length. (RFC7540'})
- end.
-stream_reject_pseudo_headers_in_trailers(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, Headers) ->
- case has_pseudo_header(Headers) of
- false ->
- %% @todo There's probably a number of regular headers forbidden too.
- %% @todo Propagate trailers.
- after_commands(State, Stream);
- true ->
- stream_reset(after_commands(State, Stream), StreamID, {stream_error, protocol_error,
- 'Trailer header blocks must not contain pseudo-headers. (RFC7540'})
- end.
-has_pseudo_header([]) ->
- false;
-has_pseudo_header([{<<":", _/bits>>, _}|_]) ->
- true;
-has_pseudo_header([_|Tail]) ->
- has_pseudo_header(Tail).
%% @todo Don't send an RST_STREAM if one was already sent.
-stream_reset(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, StreamError) ->
- Reason = case StreamError of
+%% @todo Maybe rename reset_stream.
+stream_reset(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, Error) ->
+ Reason = case Error of
{internal_error, _, _} -> internal_error;
{stream_error, Reason0, _} -> Reason0
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, Reason)),
- stream_terminate(stream_linger(State, StreamID), StreamID, StreamError).
-%% We only keep up to 100 streams in this state. @todo Make it configurable?
-stream_linger(State=#state{lingering_streams=Lingering0}, StreamID) ->
- Lingering = [StreamID|lists:sublist(Lingering0, 100 - 1)],
- State#state{lingering_streams=Lingering}.
-%% We only keep up to 10 streams in this state. @todo Make it configurable?
-stream_rst_linger(State=#state{rst_lingering_streams=Lingering0}, StreamID) ->
- Lingering = [StreamID|lists:sublist(Lingering0, 10 - 1)],
- State#state{rst_lingering_streams=Lingering}.
+ case cow_http2_machine:reset_stream(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0) of
+ {ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ terminate_stream(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, Error);
+ {error, not_found} ->
+ terminate_stream(State, StreamID, Error)
+ end.
-stream_terminate(State0=#state{streams=Streams0, children=Children0}, StreamID, Reason) ->
- case lists:keytake(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0) of
+stop_stream(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID) ->
+ case cow_http2_machine:get_stream_local_state(StreamID, HTTP2Machine) of
%% When the stream terminates normally (without sending RST_STREAM)
%% and no response was sent, we need to send a proper response back to the client.
- {value, Stream=#stream{local=idle}, Streams} when Reason =:= normal ->
- State1 = #state{streams=Streams1} = info(State0, StreamID, {response, 204, #{}, <<>>}),
- State = maybe_skip_body(State1, Stream, Reason),
- #stream{state=StreamState} = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams1),
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
- Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
- State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
+ %% We delay the termination of the stream until the response is fully sent.
+ {ok, idle, _} ->
+ info(stopping(State, StreamID), StreamID, {response, 204, #{}, <<>>});
%% When a response was sent but not terminated, we need to close the stream.
- {value, Stream=#stream{local=nofin, local_buffer_size=0}, Streams}
- when Reason =:= normal ->
- State1 = #state{streams=Streams1} = info(State0, StreamID, {data, fin, <<>>}),
- State = maybe_skip_body(State1, Stream, Reason),
- #stream{state=StreamState} = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams1),
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
- Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
- State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
- %% Unless there is still data in the buffer. We can however reset
- %% a few fields and set a special local state to avoid confusion.
- %%
- %% We do not reset the stream in this case (to skip the body)
- %% because we are still sending data via the buffer. We will
- %% reset the stream if necessary once the buffer is empty.
- {value, Stream=#stream{state=StreamState, local=nofin}, Streams} ->
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State0),
- Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
- State0#state{streams=[Stream#stream{state=flush, local=flush}|Streams],
- children=Children};
- %% Otherwise we sent or received an RST_STREAM and/or the stream is already closed.
- {value, Stream=#stream{state=StreamState}, Streams} ->
- State = maybe_skip_body(State0, Stream, Reason),
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
- Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
- State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
- %% The stream doesn't exist. This can occur for various reasons.
- %% It can happen before the stream has been created, or because
- %% the cowboy_stream:init call failed, in which case doing nothing
- %% is correct.
- false ->
- State0
+ %% We delay the termination of the stream until the response is fully sent.
+ {ok, nofin, fin} ->
+ stopping(State, StreamID);
+ %% We only send a final DATA frame if there isn't one queued yet.
+ {ok, nofin, _} ->
+ info(stopping(State, StreamID), StreamID, {data, fin, <<>>});
+ %% When a response was sent fully we can terminate the stream,
+ %% regardless of the stream being in half-closed or closed state.
+ _ ->
+ terminate_stream(State, StreamID)
+stopping(State=#state{streams=Streams}, StreamID) ->
+ #{StreamID := {_, StreamState}} = Streams,
+ State#state{streams=Streams#{StreamID => {stopping, StreamState}}}.
+%% If we finished sending data and the stream is stopping, terminate it.
+maybe_terminate_stream(State=#state{streams=Streams}, StreamID, fin) ->
+ case Streams of
+ #{StreamID := {stopping, _}} ->
+ terminate_stream(State, StreamID);
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end;
+maybe_terminate_stream(State, _, _) ->
+ State.
%% When the stream stops normally without reading the request
%% body fully we need to tell the client to stop sending it.
%% We do this by sending an RST_STREAM with reason NO_ERROR. (RFC7540 8.1.0)
-maybe_skip_body(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
- #stream{id=StreamID, remote=nofin}, normal) ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, no_error)),
- stream_linger(State, StreamID);
-maybe_skip_body(State, _, _) ->
- State.
+terminate_stream(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID) ->
+ State = case cow_http2_machine:get_stream_local_state(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0) of
+ {ok, fin, _} ->
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, no_error)),
+ {ok, HTTP2Machine} = cow_http2_machine:reset_stream(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0),
+ State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine};
+ {error, closed} ->
+ State0
+ end,
+ terminate_stream(State, StreamID, normal).
+terminate_stream(State=#state{streams=Streams0, children=Children0}, StreamID, Reason) ->
+ case maps:take(StreamID, Streams0) of
+ {{_, StreamState}, Streams} ->
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
+ Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
+ State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
+ error ->
+ State
+ end.
+%% @todo Maybe put State first.
stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, #state{opts=Opts}) ->
cowboy_stream:terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState)
diff --git a/src/cowboy_metrics_h.erl b/src/cowboy_metrics_h.erl
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--- a/src/cowboy_metrics_h.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_metrics_h.erl
@@ -71,8 +71,7 @@
%% Start/end of the processing of the request.
%% This represents the time from this stream handler's init
- %% to terminate. Note that this doesn't indicate the response
- %% has been sent fully, it still may be queued up in a buffer.
+ %% to terminate.
req_start => integer(),
req_end => integer(),