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1 files changed, 40 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_spdy.erl b/src/cowboy_spdy.erl
index e5aeb21..ce75419 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_spdy.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_spdy.erl
@@ -33,9 +33,11 @@
%% Internal transport functions.
-type streamid() :: non_neg_integer().
-type socket() :: {pid(), streamid()}.
@@ -45,8 +47,8 @@
pid :: pid(),
input = nofin :: fin | nofin,
in_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
- is_recv = false :: {true, {non_neg_integer(), pid()},
- pid(), non_neg_integer(), reference()} | false,
+ is_recv = false :: false | {active, socket(), pid()}
+ | {passive, socket(), pid(), non_neg_integer(), reference()},
output = nofin :: fin | nofin
@@ -138,15 +140,15 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
TRef = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(),
{recv_timeout, FromSocket}),
- is_recv={true, FromSocket, FromPid, Length, TRef}},
+ is_recv={passive, FromSocket, FromPid, Length, TRef}},
{recv_timeout, {Pid, StreamID}}
when Pid =:= self() ->
- Child = #child{is_recv={true, FromSocket, FromPid, _, _}}
+ Child = #child{is_recv={passive, FromSocket, FromPid, _, _}}
= get_child(StreamID, State),
FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {error, timeout}},
- loop(replace_child(Child#child{is_recv=false}, State));
+ loop(replace_child(Child#child{is_recv=passive}, State));
{reply, {Pid, StreamID}, Status, Headers}
when Pid =:= self() ->
Child = #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State),
@@ -178,6 +180,22 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
Child = #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State),
data_from_file(State, StreamID, Filepath),
loop(replace_child(Child#child{output=fin}, State));
+ {active, FromSocket = {Pid, StreamID}, FromPid} when Pid =:= self() ->
+ Child = #child{in_buffer=InBuffer, is_recv=false}
+ = get_child(StreamID, State),
+ case InBuffer of
+ <<>> ->
+ loop(replace_child(Child#child{
+ is_recv={active, FromSocket, FromPid}}, State));
+ _ ->
+ FromPid ! {spdy, FromSocket, InBuffer},
+ loop(replace_child(Child#child{in_buffer= <<>>}, State))
+ end;
+ {passive, FromSocket = {Pid, StreamID}, FromPid} when Pid =:= self() ->
+ Child = #child{is_recv=IsRecv} = get_child(StreamID, State),
+ %% Make sure we aren't in the middle of a recv call.
+ case IsRecv of false -> ok; {active, FromSocket, FromPid} -> ok end,
+ loop(replace_child(Child#child{is_recv=false}, State));
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
{'EXIT', Pid, _} ->
@@ -262,11 +280,14 @@ handle_frame(State, {data, StreamID, IsFin, Data}) ->
Data2 = << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>,
IsFin2 = if IsFin -> fin; true -> nofin end,
Child2 = case IsRecv of
- {true, FromSocket, FromPid, 0, TRef} ->
+ {active, FromSocket, FromPid} ->
+ FromPid ! {spdy, FromSocket, Data},
+ Child#child{input=IsFin2, is_recv=false};
+ {passive, FromSocket, FromPid, 0, TRef} ->
FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {ok, Data2}},
cancel_recv_timeout(StreamID, TRef),
Child#child{input=IsFin2, in_buffer= <<>>, is_recv=false};
- {true, FromSocket, FromPid, Length, TRef}
+ {passive, FromSocket, FromPid, Length, TRef}
when byte_size(Data2) >= Length ->
<< Data3:Length/binary, Rest/binary >> = Data2,
FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {ok, Data3}},
@@ -443,6 +464,10 @@ stream_close(Socket = {Pid, _}) ->
name() ->
+-spec messages() -> {spdy, spdy_closed, spdy_error}.
+messages() ->
+ {spdy, spdy_closed, spdy_error}.
-spec recv(socket(), non_neg_integer(), timeout())
-> {ok, binary()} | {error, timeout}.
recv(Socket = {Pid, _}, Length, Timeout) ->
@@ -463,3 +488,11 @@ send(Socket, Data) ->
sendfile(Socket = {Pid, _}, Filepath) ->
_ = Pid ! {sendfile, Socket, Filepath},
{ok, undefined}.
+-spec setopts(inet:socket(), list()) -> ok.
+setopts(Socket = {Pid, _}, [{active, once}]) ->
+ _ = Pid ! {active, Socket, self()},
+ ok;
+setopts(Socket = {Pid, _}, [{active, false}]) ->
+ _ = Pid ! {passive, Socket, self()},
+ ok.