path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 150 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy.erl b/src/cowboy.erl
index 99615de..0230f07 100644
--- a/src/cowboy.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy.erl
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
+%% Internal.
%% @todo Detailed opts.
-type opts() :: map().
@@ -71,3 +75,30 @@ set_env(Ref, Name, Value) ->
Env = maps:get(env, Opts, #{}),
Opts2 = maps:put(env, maps:put(Name, Value, Env), Opts),
ok = ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts2).
+%% Internal.
+-spec log({log, logger:level(), io:format(), list()}, opts()) -> ok.
+log({log, Level, Format, Args}, Opts) ->
+ log(Level, Format, Args, Opts).
+-spec log(logger:level(), io:format(), list(), opts()) -> ok.
+log(Level, Format, Args, #{logger := Logger})
+ when Logger =/= error_logger ->
+ _ = Logger:Level(Format, Args),
+ ok;
+%% We use error_logger by default. Because error_logger does
+%% not have all the levels we accept we have to do some
+%% mapping to error_logger functions.
+log(Level, Format, Args, _) ->
+ Function = case Level of
+ emergency -> error_msg;
+ alert -> error_msg;
+ critical -> error_msg;
+ error -> error_msg;
+ warning -> warning_msg;
+ notice -> warning_msg;
+ info -> info_msg;
+ debug -> info_msg
+ end,
+ error_logger:Function(Format, Args).
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index 818a88a..e1af0e9 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
idle_timeout => timeout(),
inactivity_timeout => timeout(),
linger_timeout => timeout(),
+ logger => module(),
max_authority_length => non_neg_integer(),
max_empty_lines => non_neg_integer(),
max_header_name_length => non_neg_integer(),
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts,
loop(State, Buffer);
%% Unknown messages.
Msg ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Received stray message ~p.~n", [Msg]),
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received stray message ~p.~n", [Msg], Opts),
loop(State, Buffer)
after InactivityTimeout ->
terminate(State, {internal_error, timeout, 'No message or data received before timeout.'})
@@ -300,16 +301,16 @@ after_parse({request, Req=#{streamid := StreamID, method := Method,
State = set_timeout(State1),
parse(Buffer, commands(State, StreamID, Commands))
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(init,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(init,
[StreamID, Req, Opts],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
early_error(500, State0, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:init/3.'}, Req),
parse(Buffer, State0)
%% Streams are sequential so the body is always about the last stream created
%% unless that stream has terminated.
-after_parse({data, StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{
+after_parse({data, StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{opts=Opts,
streams=Streams0=[Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState0}|_]}, Buffer}) ->
try cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0) of
{Commands, StreamState} ->
@@ -317,9 +318,9 @@ after_parse({data, StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{
parse(Buffer, commands(State#state{streams=Streams}, StreamID, Commands))
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(data,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(data,
[StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:data/4.'})
@@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ parse_body(Buffer, State=#state{in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=
%% Message handling.
-down(State=#state{children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
+down(State=#state{opts=Opts, children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
case cowboy_children:down(Children0, Pid) of
%% The stream was terminated already.
{ok, undefined, Children} ->
@@ -831,11 +832,12 @@ down(State=#state{children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
info(State#state{children=Children}, StreamID, Msg);
%% The process was unknown.
error ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Received EXIT signal ~p for unknown process ~p.~n", [Msg, Pid]),
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received EXIT signal ~p for unknown process ~p.~n",
+ [Msg, Pid], Opts),
-info(State=#state{streams=Streams0}, StreamID, Msg) ->
+info(State=#state{opts=Opts, streams=Streams0}, StreamID, Msg) ->
case lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0) of
Stream = #stream{state=StreamState0} ->
try cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Msg, StreamState0) of
@@ -844,14 +846,15 @@ info(State=#state{streams=Streams0}, StreamID, Msg) ->
commands(State#state{streams=Streams}, StreamID, Commands)
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(info,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(info,
[StreamID, Msg, StreamState0],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:info/3.'})
false ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Received message ~p for unknown stream ~p.~n", [Msg, StreamID]),
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received message ~p for unknown stream ~p.~n",
+ [Msg, StreamID], Opts),
@@ -1077,7 +1080,7 @@ commands(State0=#state{ref=Ref, parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transpor
#state{streams=Streams} = info(State, StreamID, {inform, 101, Headers}),
#stream{state=StreamState} = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams),
%% @todo We need to shutdown processes here first.
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, switch_protocol, StreamState),
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, switch_protocol, StreamState, State),
%% Terminate children processes and flush any remaining messages from the mailbox.
@@ -1095,6 +1098,10 @@ commands(State, StreamID, [stop|Tail]) ->
%% the next request concurrently. This can be done as a
%% future optimization.
maybe_terminate(State, StreamID, Tail);
+%% Log event.
+commands(State=#state{opts=Opts}, StreamID, [Log={log, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
+ cowboy:log(Log, Opts),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% HTTP/1.1 does not support push; ignore.
commands(State, StreamID, [{push, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
commands(State, StreamID, Tail).
@@ -1160,7 +1167,7 @@ stream_terminate(State0=#state{opts=Opts, in_streamid=InStreamID, in_state=InSta
= lists:keytake(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams1),
State2 = State1#state{streams=Streams},
%% Stop the stream.
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State2),
Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
%% We reset the timeout if there are no active streams anymore.
State = case Streams of
@@ -1195,13 +1202,13 @@ stream_terminate(State0=#state{opts=Opts, in_streamid=InStreamID, in_state=InSta
-stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState) ->
+stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, #state{opts=Opts}) ->
cowboy_stream:terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState)
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(terminate,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(terminate,
[StreamID, Reason, StreamState],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts)
%% @todo max_reqs also
@@ -1298,9 +1305,9 @@ early_error(StatusCode0, #state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(early_error,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(early_error,
[StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
%% We still need to send an error response, so send what we initially
%% wanted to send. It's better than nothing.
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:response(StatusCode0,
@@ -1312,16 +1319,16 @@ early_error(StatusCode0, #state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
terminate(undefined, Reason) ->
exit({shutdown, Reason});
terminate(State=#state{streams=Streams, children=Children}, Reason) ->
- terminate_all_streams(Streams, Reason),
+ terminate_all_streams(State, Streams, Reason),
exit({shutdown, Reason}).
-terminate_all_streams([], _) ->
+terminate_all_streams(_, [], _) ->
-terminate_all_streams([#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState}|Tail], Reason) ->
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
- terminate_all_streams(Tail, Reason).
+terminate_all_streams(State, [#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState}|Tail], Reason) ->
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
+ terminate_all_streams(State, Tail, Reason).
terminate_linger(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts}) ->
case Transport:shutdown(Socket, write) of
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index 70a5e46..c2686aa 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
cowboy_children:handle_supervisor_call(Call, From, Children, ?MODULE),
loop(State, Buffer);
Msg ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Received stray message ~p.", [Msg]),
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received stray message ~p.", [Msg], Opts),
loop(State, Buffer)
after InactivityTimeout ->
terminate(State, {internal_error, timeout, 'No message or data received before timeout.'})
@@ -567,14 +567,15 @@ data_frame(State, Stream0=#stream{id=StreamID, remote_window=StreamWindow,
%% We ignore DATA frames for streams that are flushing out data.
data_frame(State, Stream=#stream{state=flush}, _, _) ->
after_commands(State, Stream);
-data_frame(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState0}, IsFin, Data) ->
+data_frame(State=#state{opts=Opts}, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState0},
+ IsFin, Data) ->
try cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0) of
{Commands, StreamState} ->
commands(State, Stream#stream{state=StreamState}, Commands)
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(data,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(data,
[StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:data/4.'})
@@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ continuation_frame(State, _) ->
terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
'An invalid frame was received in the middle of a header block. (RFC7540 6.2)'}).
-down(State=#state{children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
+down(State=#state{opts=Opts, children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
case cowboy_children:down(Children0, Pid) of
%% The stream was terminated already.
{ok, undefined, Children} ->
@@ -624,23 +625,25 @@ down(State=#state{children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
info(State#state{children=Children}, StreamID, Msg);
%% The process was unknown.
error ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Received EXIT signal ~p for unknown process ~p.~n", [Msg, Pid]),
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received EXIT signal ~p for unknown process ~p.~n",
+ [Msg, Pid], Opts),
-info(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams}, StreamID, Msg) ->
+info(State=#state{opts=Opts, client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams}, StreamID, Msg) ->
case lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams) of
#stream{state=flush} ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Received message ~p for terminated stream ~p.", [Msg, StreamID]),
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received message ~p for terminated stream ~p.",
+ [Msg, StreamID], Opts),
Stream = #stream{state=StreamState0} ->
try cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Msg, StreamState0) of
{Commands, StreamState} ->
commands(State, Stream#stream{state=StreamState}, Commands)
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(info,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(info,
[StreamID, Msg, StreamState0],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:info/3.'})
@@ -650,8 +653,8 @@ info(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams}, StreamID, Msg)
%% around. In these cases we do not want to log anything.
false ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Received message ~p for unknown stream ~p.",
- [Msg, StreamID]),
+ cowboy:log(warning, "Received message ~p for unknown stream ~p.",
+ [Msg, StreamID], Opts),
@@ -782,7 +785,11 @@ commands(State0, #stream{id=StreamID}, [{switch_protocol, Headers, _Mod, _ModSta
commands(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, [stop|_Tail]) ->
%% @todo Do we want to run the commands after a stop?
%% @todo Do we even allow commands after?
- stream_terminate(after_commands(State, Stream), StreamID, normal).
+ stream_terminate(after_commands(State, Stream), StreamID, normal);
+%% Log event.
+commands(State=#state{opts=Opts}, StreamID, [Log={log, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
+ cowboy:log(Log, Opts),
+ commands(State, StreamID, Tail).
after_commands(State=#state{streams=Streams0}, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}) ->
Streams = lists:keystore(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0, Stream),
@@ -952,12 +959,12 @@ terminate(undefined, Reason) ->
terminate(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, parse_state={preface, _, _}}, Reason) ->
exit({shutdown, Reason});
-terminate(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, client_streamid=LastStreamID,
+terminate(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, client_streamid=LastStreamID,
streams=Streams, children=Children}, Reason) ->
%% @todo We might want to optionally send the Reason value
%% as debug data in the GOAWAY frame here. Perhaps more.
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:goaway(LastStreamID, terminate_reason(Reason), <<>>)),
- terminate_all_streams(Streams, Reason),
+ terminate_all_streams(State, Streams, Reason),
exit({shutdown, Reason}).
@@ -967,14 +974,14 @@ terminate_reason({stop, _, _}) -> no_error;
terminate_reason({socket_error, _, _}) -> internal_error;
terminate_reason({internal_error, _, _}) -> internal_error.
-terminate_all_streams([], _) ->
+terminate_all_streams(_, [], _) ->
%% This stream was already terminated and is now just flushing the data out. Skip it.
-terminate_all_streams([#stream{state=flush}|Tail], Reason) ->
- terminate_all_streams(Tail, Reason);
-terminate_all_streams([#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState}|Tail], Reason) ->
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
- terminate_all_streams(Tail, Reason).
+terminate_all_streams(State, [#stream{state=flush}|Tail], Reason) ->
+ terminate_all_streams(State, Tail, Reason);
+terminate_all_streams(State, [#stream{id=StreamID, state=StreamState}|Tail], Reason) ->
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
+ terminate_all_streams(State, Tail, Reason).
%% Stream functions.
@@ -1214,9 +1221,9 @@ stream_early_error(State0=#state{ref=Ref, opts=Opts, peer=Peer,
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(early_error,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(early_error,
[StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
%% We still need to send an error response, so send what we initially
%% wanted to send. It's better than nothing.
send_headers(State0, Stream0, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0, fin)
@@ -1237,9 +1244,9 @@ stream_handler_init(State=#state{opts=Opts,
te=maps:get(<<"te">>, Headers, undefined)},
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(init,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(init,
[StreamID, Req, Opts],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts),
stream_reset(State, StreamID, {internal_error, {Class, Exception},
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:init/3.'})
@@ -1308,7 +1315,7 @@ stream_terminate(State0=#state{streams=Streams0, children=Children0}, StreamID,
State1 = #state{streams=Streams1} = info(State0, StreamID, {response, 204, #{}, <<>>}),
State = maybe_skip_body(State1, Stream, Reason),
#stream{state=StreamState} = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams1),
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
%% When a response was sent but not terminated, we need to close the stream.
@@ -1317,7 +1324,7 @@ stream_terminate(State0=#state{streams=Streams0, children=Children0}, StreamID,
State1 = #state{streams=Streams1} = info(State0, StreamID, {data, fin, <<>>}),
State = maybe_skip_body(State1, Stream, Reason),
#stream{state=StreamState} = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams1),
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
%% Unless there is still data in the buffer. We can however reset
@@ -1327,14 +1334,14 @@ stream_terminate(State0=#state{streams=Streams0, children=Children0}, StreamID,
%% because we are still sending data via the buffer. We will
%% reset the stream if necessary once the buffer is empty.
{value, Stream=#stream{state=StreamState, local=nofin}, Streams} ->
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State0),
Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
State0#state{streams=[Stream#stream{state=flush, local=flush}|Streams],
%% Otherwise we sent or received an RST_STREAM and/or the stream is already closed.
{value, Stream=#stream{state=StreamState}, Streams} ->
State = maybe_skip_body(State0, Stream, Reason),
- stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
+ stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, State),
Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
%% The stream doesn't exist. This can occur for various reasons.
@@ -1355,13 +1362,13 @@ maybe_skip_body(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
maybe_skip_body(State, _, _) ->
-stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState) ->
+stream_call_terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState, #state{opts=Opts}) ->
cowboy_stream:terminate(StreamID, Reason, StreamState)
catch Class:Exception ->
- cowboy_stream:report_error(terminate,
+ cowboy:log(cowboy_stream:make_error_log(terminate,
[StreamID, Reason, StreamState],
- Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()), Opts)
%% System callbacks.
diff --git a/src/cowboy_stream.erl b/src/cowboy_stream.erl
index 1a1031e..6776863 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_stream.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_stream.erl
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
%% Note that this and other functions in this module do NOT catch
%% exceptions. We want the exception to go all the way down to the
@@ -148,47 +148,44 @@ early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) ->
PartialReq, Resp, Opts#{stream_handlers => Tail})
--spec report_error(atom(), list(), error | exit | throw, any(), list()) -> ok.
-report_error(init, [StreamID, Req, Opts], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
+-spec make_error_log(init | data | info | terminate | early_error,
+ list(), error | exit | throw, any(), list())
+ -> {log, error, string(), list()}.
+make_error_log(init, [StreamID, Req, Opts], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
+ {log, error,
"Unhandled exception ~p:~p in cowboy_stream:init(~p, Req, Opts)~n"
"Stacktrace: ~p~n"
"Req: ~p~n"
"Opts: ~p~n",
- [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Req, Opts]);
-report_error(data, [StreamID, IsFin, Data, State], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
+ [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Req, Opts]};
+make_error_log(data, [StreamID, IsFin, Data, State], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
+ {log, error,
"Unhandled exception ~p:~p in cowboy_stream:data(~p, ~p, Data, State)~n"
"Stacktrace: ~p~n"
"Data: ~p~n"
"State: ~p~n",
- [Class, Exception, StreamID, IsFin, Stacktrace, Data, State]);
-report_error(info, [StreamID, Msg, State], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
+ [Class, Exception, StreamID, IsFin, Stacktrace, Data, State]};
+make_error_log(info, [StreamID, Msg, State], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
+ {log, error,
"Unhandled exception ~p:~p in cowboy_stream:info(~p, Msg, State)~n"
"Stacktrace: ~p~n"
"Msg: ~p~n"
"State: ~p~n",
- [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Msg, State]);
-report_error(terminate, [StreamID, Reason, State], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
+ [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Msg, State]};
+make_error_log(terminate, [StreamID, Reason, State], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
+ {log, error,
"Unhandled exception ~p:~p in cowboy_stream:terminate(~p, Reason, State)~n"
"Stacktrace: ~p~n"
"Reason: ~p~n"
"State: ~p~n",
- [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Reason, State]);
-report_error(early_error, [StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts], Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
+ [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Reason, State]};
+make_error_log(early_error, [StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts],
+ Class, Exception, Stacktrace) ->
+ {log, error,
"Unhandled exception ~p:~p in cowboy_stream:early_error(~p, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts)~n"
"Stacktrace: ~p~n"
"Reason: ~p~n"
"PartialReq: ~p~n"
"Resp: ~p~n"
"Opts: ~p~n",
- [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts]);
-report_error(Callback, _, Class, Reason, Stacktrace) ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
- "Exception occurred in unknown callback ~p~n"
- "Reason: ~p:~p~n"
- "Stacktrace: ~p~n",
- [Callback, Class, Reason, Stacktrace]).
+ [Class, Exception, StreamID, Stacktrace, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts]}.
diff --git a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
index 21651f7..55a1ca2 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
@@ -134,24 +134,32 @@ info(StreamID, Info={'EXIT', Pid, normal}, State=#state{pid=Pid}) ->
do_info(StreamID, Info, [stop], State);
info(StreamID, Info={'EXIT', Pid, {{request_error, Reason, _HumanReadable}, _}},
State=#state{pid=Pid}) ->
- %% @todo Optionally report the crash to help debugging.
- %%report_crash(Ref, StreamID, Pid, Reason, Stacktrace),
Status = case Reason of
timeout -> 408;
payload_too_large -> 413;
_ -> 400
- %% @todo Headers? Details in body? More stuff in debug only?
+ %% @todo Headers? Details in body? Log the crash? More stuff in debug only?
do_info(StreamID, Info, [
{error_response, Status, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
], State);
info(StreamID, Exit={'EXIT', Pid, {Reason, Stacktrace}}, State=#state{ref=Ref, pid=Pid}) ->
- report_crash(Ref, StreamID, Pid, Reason, Stacktrace),
+ Commands0 = [{internal_error, Exit, 'Stream process crashed.'}],
+ Commands = case Reason of
+ normal -> Commands0;
+ shutdown -> Commands0;
+ {shutdown, _} -> Commands0;
+ _ -> [{log, error,
+ "Ranch listener ~p, connection process ~p, stream ~p "
+ "had its request process ~p exit with reason "
+ "~999999p and stacktrace ~999999p~n",
+ [Ref, self(), StreamID, Pid, Reason, Stacktrace]}
+ |Commands0]
+ end,
do_info(StreamID, Exit, [
- {error_response, 500, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
- {internal_error, Exit, 'Stream process crashed.'}
- ], State);
+ {error_response, 500, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>}
+ |Commands], State);
%% Request body, auto mode, no body buffered.
info(StreamID, Info={read_body, Ref, auto, infinity}, State=#state{read_body_buffer= <<>>}) ->
do_info(StreamID, Info, [], State#state{
@@ -244,21 +252,6 @@ send_request_body(Pid, Ref, fin, BodyLen, Data) ->
Pid ! {request_body, Ref, fin, BodyLen, Data},
-%% We use ~999999p here instead of ~w because the latter doesn't
-%% support printable strings.
-report_crash(_, _, _, normal, _) ->
- ok;
-report_crash(_, _, _, shutdown, _) ->
- ok;
-report_crash(_, _, _, {shutdown, _}, _) ->
- ok;
-report_crash(Ref, StreamID, Pid, Reason, Stacktrace) ->
- error_logger:error_msg(
- "Ranch listener ~p, connection process ~p, stream ~p "
- "had its request process ~p exit with reason "
- "~999999p and stacktrace ~999999p~n",
- [Ref, self(), StreamID, Pid, Reason, Stacktrace]).
%% Request process.
%% We catch all exceptions in order to add the stacktrace to
diff --git a/src/cowboy_tracer_h.erl b/src/cowboy_tracer_h.erl
index 932653b..bbe10a1 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_tracer_h.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_tracer_h.erl
@@ -152,37 +152,37 @@ tracer_process(StreamID, Req=#{pid := Parent}, Opts=#{tracer_callback := Fun}) -
%% before it has finished processing the events in its queue.
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
State = Fun(init, {StreamID, Req, Opts}),
- tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State).
+ tracer_loop(Parent, Opts, State).
-tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State0) ->
+tracer_loop(Parent, Opts=#{tracer_callback := Fun}, State0) ->
Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts ->
State = Fun(Msg, State0),
- tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State);
+ tracer_loop(Parent, Opts, State);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
- tracer_terminate(Reason, Fun, State0);
+ tracer_terminate(Reason, Opts, State0);
{system, From, Request} ->
- sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], {Fun, State0});
+ sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], {Opts, State0});
Msg ->
- error_logger:error_msg("~p: Tracer process received stray message ~9999p~n",
- [?MODULE, Msg]),
- tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State0)
+ cowboy:log(warning, "~p: Tracer process received stray message ~9999p~n",
+ [?MODULE, Msg], Opts),
+ tracer_loop(Parent, Opts, State0)
-spec tracer_terminate(_, _, _) -> no_return().
-tracer_terminate(Reason, Fun, State) ->
+tracer_terminate(Reason, #{tracer_callback := Fun}, State) ->
_ = Fun(terminate, State),
%% System callbacks.
--spec system_continue(pid(), _, {fun(), any()}) -> no_return().
-system_continue(Parent, _, {Fun, State}) ->
- tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State).
+-spec system_continue(pid(), _, {cowboy:opts(), any()}) -> no_return().
+system_continue(Parent, _, {Opts, State}) ->
+ tracer_loop(Parent, Opts, State).
-spec system_terminate(any(), _, _, _) -> no_return().
-system_terminate(Reason, _, _, {Fun, State}) ->
- tracer_terminate(Reason, Fun, State).
+system_terminate(Reason, _, _, {Opts, State}) ->
+ tracer_terminate(Reason, Opts, State).
-spec system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) -> {ok, Misc} when Misc::any().
system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) ->