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diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index 0f0537b..6e1bc99 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -379,28 +379,34 @@ parse_method(<< C, Rest/bits >>, State, SoFar, Remaining) ->
parse_uri(<< H, T, T, P, "://", Rest/bits >>, State, Method)
when H =:= $h orelse H =:= $H, T =:= $t orelse T =:= $T;
P =:= $p orelse P =:= $P ->
- parse_uri_skip_host(Rest, State, Method);
+ parse_uri_skip_host(Rest, State, Method, <<>>);
parse_uri(<< H, T, T, P, S, "://", Rest/bits >>, State, Method)
when H =:= $h orelse H =:= $H, T =:= $t orelse T =:= $T;
P =:= $p orelse P =:= $P; S =:= $s orelse S =:= $S ->
- parse_uri_skip_host(Rest, State, Method);
+ parse_uri_skip_host(Rest, State, Method, <<>>);
parse_uri(<< $/, Rest/bits >>, State, Method) ->
parse_uri_path(Rest, State, Method, << $/ >>);
parse_uri(_, State, _) ->
error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
'Invalid request-line or request-target. (RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC7230 5.3)'}).
-parse_uri_skip_host(<< C, Rest/bits >>, State, Method) ->
+parse_uri_skip_host(<< C, Rest/bits >>, State, Method, SoFar) ->
case C of
- $\r -> error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'The request-target must not be followed by a line break. (RFC7230 3.1.1)'});
- $@ -> error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
- 'Absolute URIs must not include a userinfo component. (RFC7230 2.7.1)'});
+ $\r ->
+ error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
+ 'The request-target must not be followed by a line break. (RFC7230 3.1.1)'});
+ $@ ->
+ error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
+ 'Absolute URIs must not include a userinfo component. (RFC7230 2.7.1)'});
+ C when SoFar =:= <<>> andalso
+ ((C =:= $/) orelse (C =:= $\s) orelse (C =:= $?) orelse (C =:= $#)) ->
+ error_terminate(400, State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
+ 'Absolute URIs must include an authority component. (RFC7230 2.7.1)'});
$/ -> parse_uri_path(Rest, State, Method, <<"/">>);
$\s -> parse_version(Rest, State, Method, <<"/">>, <<>>);
$? -> parse_uri_query(Rest, State, Method, <<"/">>, <<>>);
$# -> skip_uri_fragment(Rest, State, Method, <<"/">>, <<>>);
- _ -> parse_uri_skip_host(Rest, State, Method)
+ C -> parse_uri_skip_host(Rest, State, Method, <<SoFar/binary, C>>)
parse_uri_path(<< C, Rest/bits >>, State, Method, SoFar) ->