path: root/src
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1 files changed, 26 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index 757ca83..a197110 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ qs(Req) ->
parse_qs(#http_req{qs=Qs}) ->
--spec match_qs(req(), cowboy:fields()) -> map().
-match_qs(Req, Fields) ->
- filter(kvlist_to_map(parse_qs(Req), Fields), Fields).
+-spec match_qs(cowboy:fields(), req()) -> map().
+match_qs(Fields, Req) ->
+ filter(Fields, kvlist_to_map(Fields, parse_qs(Req))).
%% The URL includes the scheme, host and port only.
-spec host_url(req()) -> undefined | binary().
@@ -380,9 +380,9 @@ parse_header(Name, Req, Default, ParseFun) ->
parse_cookies(Req) ->
parse_header(<<"cookie">>, Req).
--spec match_cookies(req(), cowboy:fields()) -> map().
-match_cookies(Req, Fields) ->
- filter(kvlist_to_map(parse_cookies(Req), Fields), Fields).
+-spec match_cookies(cowboy:fields(), req()) -> map().
+match_cookies(Fields, Req) ->
+ filter(Fields, kvlist_to_map(Fields, parse_cookies(Req))).
-spec meta(atom(), req()) -> any() | undefined.
meta(Name, Req) ->
@@ -1214,63 +1214,63 @@ status(B) when is_binary(B) -> B.
%% Create map, convert keys to atoms and group duplicate keys into lists.
%% Keys that are not found in the user provided list are entirely skipped.
%% @todo Can probably be done directly while parsing.
-kvlist_to_map(KvList, Fields) ->
+kvlist_to_map(Fields, KvList) ->
Keys = [case K of
{Key, _} -> Key;
{Key, _, _} -> Key;
Key -> Key
end || K <- Fields],
- kvlist_to_map(KvList, Keys, #{}).
+ kvlist_to_map(Keys, KvList, #{}).
-kvlist_to_map([], _, Map) ->
+kvlist_to_map(_, [], Map) ->
-kvlist_to_map([{Key, Value}|Tail], Keys, Map) ->
+kvlist_to_map(Keys, [{Key, Value}|Tail], Map) ->
try binary_to_existing_atom(Key, utf8) of
Atom ->
case lists:member(Atom, Keys) of
true ->
case maps:find(Atom, Map) of
{ok, MapValue} when is_list(MapValue) ->
- kvlist_to_map(Tail, Keys,
+ kvlist_to_map(Keys, Tail,
maps:put(Atom, [Value|MapValue], Map));
{ok, MapValue} ->
- kvlist_to_map(Tail, Keys,
+ kvlist_to_map(Keys, Tail,
maps:put(Atom, [Value, MapValue], Map));
error ->
- kvlist_to_map(Tail, Keys,
+ kvlist_to_map(Keys, Tail,
maps:put(Atom, Value, Map))
false ->
- kvlist_to_map(Tail, Keys, Map)
+ kvlist_to_map(Keys, Tail, Map)
catch error:badarg ->
- kvlist_to_map(Tail, Keys, Map)
+ kvlist_to_map(Keys, Tail, Map)
%% Loop through fields, if value is missing and no default, crash;
%% else if value is missing and has a default, set default;
%% otherwise apply constraints. If constraint fails, crash.
-filter(Map, []) ->
+filter([], Map) ->
-filter(Map, [{Key, Constraints}|Tail]) ->
- filter_constraints(Map, Tail, Key, maps:get(Key, Map), Constraints);
-filter(Map, [{Key, Constraints, Default}|Tail]) ->
+filter([{Key, Constraints}|Tail], Map) ->
+ filter_constraints(Tail, Map, Key, maps:get(Key, Map), Constraints);
+filter([{Key, Constraints, Default}|Tail], Map) ->
case maps:find(Key, Map) of
{ok, Value} ->
- filter_constraints(Map, Tail, Key, Value, Constraints);
+ filter_constraints(Tail, Map, Key, Value, Constraints);
error ->
- filter(maps:put(Key, Default, Map), Tail)
+ filter(Tail, maps:put(Key, Default, Map))
-filter(Map, [Key|Tail]) ->
+filter([Key|Tail], Map) ->
true = maps:is_key(Key, Map),
- filter(Map, Tail).
+ filter(Tail, Map).
-filter_constraints(Map, Tail, Key, Value, Constraints) ->
+filter_constraints(Tail, Map, Key, Value, Constraints) ->
case cowboy_constraints:validate(Value, Constraints) of
true ->
- filter(Map, Tail);
+ filter(Tail, Map);
{true, Value2} ->
- filter(maps:put(Key, Value2, Map), Tail)
+ filter(Tail, maps:put(Key, Value2, Map))
%% Tests.