path: root/test/cowboy_error_h.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/cowboy_error_h.erl')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/test/cowboy_error_h.erl b/test/cowboy_error_h.erl
index fe79645..b4ae78f 100644
--- a/test/cowboy_error_h.erl
+++ b/test/cowboy_error_h.erl
@@ -30,11 +30,12 @@
%% Ignore crashes from Pid occuring in M:F/A.
ignore(M, F, A) ->
- gen_event:call(error_logger, ?MODULE, {expect, self(), M, F, A}).
+ gen_event:call(error_logger, ?MODULE, {expect, {self(), M, F, A}}).
%% gen_event.
init(_) ->
+ spawn(fun() -> error_logger:tty(false) end),
{ok, []}.
%% Ignore supervisor and progress reports.
@@ -50,9 +51,41 @@ handle_event({error_report, _, {_, crash_report,
{error_info, {error, gone, _}}|_]|_]}},
State) ->
{ok, State};
-%% Ignore emulator reports, they are a duplicate of what Ranch gives us.
-handle_event({error, _, {emulator, _, _}}, State) ->
- {ok, State};
+%% Ignore emulator reports that are a duplicate of what Ranch gives us.
+%% The emulator always sends strings for errors, which makes it very
+%% difficult to extract the information we need, hence the regexps.
+handle_event(Event = {error, GL, {emulator, _, Msg}}, State)
+ when node(GL) =:= node() ->
+ Result = re:run(Msg,
+ "Error in process ([^\s]+).+? with exit value: "
+ ".+?{stacktrace,\\[{([^,]+),([^,]+),(.+)",
+ [{capture, all_but_first, list}]),
+ case Result of
+ nomatch ->
+ write_event(Event),
+ {ok, State};
+ {match, [PidStr, MStr, FStr, Rest]} ->
+ A = case Rest of
+ "[]" ++ _ ->
+ 0;
+ "[" ++ Rest2 ->
+ count_args(Rest2, 1, 0);
+ _ ->
+ {match, [AStr]} = re:run(Rest, "([^,]+).+",
+ [{capture, all_but_first, list}]),
+ list_to_integer(AStr)
+ end,
+ Crash = {list_to_pid(PidStr), list_to_existing_atom(MStr),
+ list_to_existing_atom(FStr), A},
+ case lists:member(Crash, State) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, lists:delete(Crash, State)};
+ false ->
+ write_event(Event),
+ {ok, State}
+ end
+ end;
handle_event(Event = {error, GL,
{_, "Ranch listener" ++ _, [_, _, Pid, {[_, _,
{stacktrace, [{M, F, A, _}|_]}|_], _}]}},
@@ -72,8 +105,8 @@ handle_event(Event = {_, GL, _}, State) when node(GL) =:= node() ->
handle_event(_, State) ->
{ok, State}.
-handle_call({expect, Pid, M, F, A}, State) ->
- {ok, ok, [{Pid, M, F, A}|State]};
+handle_call({expect, Crash}, State) ->
+ {ok, ok, [Crash, Crash|State]};
handle_call(_, State) ->
{ok, {error, bad_query}, State}.
@@ -81,12 +114,32 @@ handle_info(_, State) ->
{ok, State}.
terminate(_, _) ->
+ spawn(fun() -> error_logger:tty(true) end),
code_change(_, State, _) ->
{ok, State}.
+%% Internal.
write_event(Event) ->
{erlang:universaltime(), Event},
+count_args("]" ++ _, N, 0) ->
+ N;
+count_args("]" ++ Tail, N, Levels) ->
+ count_args(Tail, N, Levels - 1);
+count_args("[" ++ Tail, N, Levels) ->
+ count_args(Tail, N, Levels + 1);
+count_args("}" ++ Tail, N, Levels) ->
+ count_args(Tail, N, Levels - 1);
+count_args("{" ++ Tail, N, Levels) ->
+ count_args(Tail, N, Levels + 1);
+count_args("," ++ Tail, N, Levels = 0) ->
+ count_args(Tail, N + 1, Levels);
+count_args("," ++ Tail, N, Levels) ->
+ count_args(Tail, N, Levels);
+count_args([_|Tail], N, Levels) ->
+ count_args(Tail, N, Levels).