path: root/test/cowboy_test.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/cowboy_test.erl')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test/cowboy_test.erl b/test/cowboy_test.erl
index 4cb2a33..f4a5706 100644
--- a/test/cowboy_test.erl
+++ b/test/cowboy_test.erl
@@ -30,12 +30,32 @@ do_start(App) ->
+%% SSL certificate creation and safekeeping.
+make_certs() ->
+ {_, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(),
+ CertOpts = [{cert, Cert}, {key, Key}],
+ Pid = spawn(fun() -> receive after infinity -> ok end end),
+ ?MODULE = ets:new(?MODULE, [ordered_set, public, named_table,
+ {heir, Pid, undefined}]),
+ ets:insert(?MODULE, {cert_opts, CertOpts}),
+ ok.
+get_certs() ->
+ ets:lookup_element(?MODULE, cert_opts, 2).
%% Quick configuration value retrieval.
config(Key, Config) ->
{_, Value} = lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Config),
+%% Test case description.
+doc(String) ->
+ ct:comment(String),
+ ct:log(String).
%% List of all test cases in the suite.
all(Suite) ->
@@ -60,8 +80,7 @@ init_http(Ref, ProtoOpts, Config) ->
[{type, tcp}, {port, Port}, {opts, []}|Config].
init_https(Ref, ProtoOpts, Config) ->
- {_, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(),
- Opts = [{cert, Cert}, {key, Key}],
+ Opts = get_certs(),
{ok, _} = cowboy:start_https(Ref, 100, Opts ++ [{port, 0}], [
{max_keepalive, 50},
{timeout, 500}
@@ -70,13 +89,62 @@ init_https(Ref, ProtoOpts, Config) ->
[{type, ssl}, {port, Port}, {opts, Opts}|Config].
init_spdy(Ref, ProtoOpts, Config) ->
- {_, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(),
- Opts = [{cert, Cert}, {key, Key}],
+ Opts = get_certs(),
{ok, _} = cowboy:start_spdy(Ref, 100, Opts ++ [{port, 0}],
Port = ranch:get_port(Ref),
[{type, ssl}, {port, Port}, {opts, Opts}|Config].
+%% Common group of listeners used by most suites.
+common_all() ->
+ [
+ {group, http},
+ {group, https},
+ {group, spdy},
+ {group, http_compress},
+ {group, https_compress},
+ {group, spdy_compress}
+ ].
+common_groups(Tests) ->
+ [
+ {http, [parallel], Tests},
+ {https, [parallel], Tests},
+ {spdy, [parallel], Tests},
+ {http_compress, [parallel], Tests},
+ {https_compress, [parallel], Tests},
+ {spdy_compress, [parallel], Tests}
+ ].
+init_common_groups(Name = http, Config, Mod) ->
+ init_http(Name, [
+ {env, [{dispatch, Mod:init_dispatch(Config)}]}
+ ], Config);
+init_common_groups(Name = https, Config, Mod) ->
+ init_https(Name, [
+ {env, [{dispatch, Mod:init_dispatch(Config)}]}
+ ], Config);
+init_common_groups(Name = spdy, Config, Mod) ->
+ init_spdy(Name, [
+ {env, [{dispatch, Mod:init_dispatch(Config)}]}
+ ], Config);
+init_common_groups(Name = http_compress, Config, Mod) ->
+ init_http(Name, [
+ {env, [{dispatch, Mod:init_dispatch(Config)}]},
+ {compress, true}
+ ], Config);
+init_common_groups(Name = https_compress, Config, Mod) ->
+ init_https(Name, [
+ {env, [{dispatch, Mod:init_dispatch(Config)}]},
+ {compress, true}
+ ], Config);
+init_common_groups(Name = spdy_compress, Config, Mod) ->
+ init_spdy(Name, [
+ {env, [{dispatch, Mod:init_dispatch(Config)}]},
+ {compress, true}
+ ], Config).
%% Support functions for testing using Gun.
gun_open(Config) ->