path: root/test/http_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/http_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/http_SUITE.erl b/test/http_SUITE.erl
index eaf4c22..cebc1e6 100644
--- a/test/http_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/http_SUITE.erl
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
pipeline/1, raw/1, set_resp_header/1, set_resp_overwrite/1,
set_resp_body/1, stream_body_set_resp/1, response_as_req/1,
static_mimetypes_function/1, static_attribute_etag/1,
- static_function_etag/1, multipart/1]). %% http.
+ static_function_etag/1, multipart/1, te_identity/1,
+ te_chunked/1, te_chunked_delayed/1]). %% http.
-export([http_200/1, http_404/1, handler_errors/1,
file_200/1, file_403/1, dir_403/1, file_404/1,
file_400/1]). %% http and https.
@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ groups() ->
set_resp_header, set_resp_overwrite,
set_resp_body, response_as_req, stream_body_set_resp,
static_mimetypes_function, static_attribute_etag,
- static_function_etag, multipart] ++ BaseTests},
+ static_function_etag, multipart, te_identity, te_chunked,
+ te_chunked_delayed] ++ BaseTests},
{https, [], BaseTests},
{misc, [], [http_10_hostless, http_10_chunkless]},
{rest, [], [rest_simple, rest_keepalive, rest_keepalive_post,
@@ -165,6 +167,7 @@ init_http_dispatch(Config) ->
[{directory, ?config(static_dir, Config)},
{etag, {fun static_function_etag/2, etag_data}}]},
{[<<"multipart">>], http_handler_multipart, []},
+ {[<<"echo">>, <<"body">>], http_handler_echo_body, []},
{[], http_handler, []}
@@ -530,6 +533,57 @@ static_function_etag(Arguments, etag_data) ->
[Checksum|_] = string:tokens(os:cmd(ChecksumCommand), " "),
{strong, iolist_to_binary(Checksum)}.
+te_identity(Config) ->
+ {port, Port} = lists:keyfind(port, 1, Config),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
+ [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ Body = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [lists:seq(1, 100)])),
+ StrLen = integer_to_list(byte_size(Body)),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["GET /echo/body HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\nConnection: close\r\n"
+ "Content-Length: ", StrLen, "\r\n\r\n", Body]),
+ {ok, Data} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000),
+ {_, _} = binary:match(Data, Body).
+te_chunked(Config) ->
+ {port, Port} = lists:keyfind(port, 1, Config),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
+ [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ Body = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [lists:seq(1, 100)])),
+ Chunks = body_to_chunks(50, Body, []),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["GET /echo/body HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\nConnection: close\r\n"
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n", Chunks]),
+ {ok, Data} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000),
+ {_, _} = binary:match(Data, Body).
+te_chunked_delayed(Config) ->
+ {port, Port} = lists:keyfind(port, 1, Config),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
+ [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ Body = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [lists:seq(1, 100)])),
+ Chunks = body_to_chunks(50, Body, []),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, ["GET /echo/body HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\nConnection: close\r\n"
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n"]),
+ _ = [begin ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, Chunk), ok = timer:sleep(10) end
+ || Chunk <- Chunks],
+ {ok, Data} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000),
+ {_, _} = binary:match(Data, Body).
+body_to_chunks(_, <<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse([<<"0\r\n\r\n">>|Acc]);
+body_to_chunks(ChunkSize, Body, Acc) ->
+ BodySize = byte_size(Body),
+ ChunkSize2 = case BodySize < ChunkSize of
+ true -> BodySize;
+ false -> ChunkSize
+ end,
+ << Chunk:ChunkSize2/binary, Rest/binary >> = Body,
+ ChunkSizeBin = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(ChunkSize2, 16)),
+ body_to_chunks(ChunkSize, Rest,
+ [<< ChunkSizeBin/binary, "\r\n", Chunk/binary, "\r\n" >>|Acc]).
%% http and https.
build_url(Path, Config) ->