path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
3 files changed, 111 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test/http_SUITE.erl b/test/http_SUITE.erl
index bd76f00..911efb8 100644
--- a/test/http_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/http_SUITE.erl
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
@@ -102,6 +105,9 @@ groups() ->
+ echo_body_max_length,
+ echo_body_qs,
+ echo_body_qs_max_length,
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@ init_dispatch(Config) ->
{file, <<"test_file.css">>}]},
{"/multipart", http_handler_multipart, []},
{"/echo/body", http_handler_echo_body, []},
+ {"/echo/body_qs", http_handler_body_qs, []},
{"/param_all", rest_param_all, []},
{"/bad_accept", rest_simple_resource, []},
{"/simple", rest_simple_resource, []},
@@ -533,6 +540,41 @@ echo_body(Config) ->
{ok, Body, _} = cowboy_client:response_body(Client3)
end || Size <- lists:seq(MTU - 500, MTU)].
+%% Check if sending request whose size is bigger than 1000000 bytes causes 413
+echo_body_max_length(Config) ->
+ Client = ?config(client, Config),
+ Body = <<$a:8000008>>,
+ {ok, Client2} = cowboy_client:request(<<"POST">>,
+ build_url("/echo/body", Config),
+ [{<<"connection">>, <<"close">>}],
+ Body, Client),
+ {ok, 413, _, _} = cowboy_client:response(Client2).
+% check if body_qs echo's back results
+echo_body_qs(Config) ->
+ Client = ?config(client, Config),
+ Body = <<"echo=67890">>,
+ {ok, Client2} = cowboy_client:request(<<"POST">>,
+ build_url("/echo/body_qs", Config),
+ [{<<"connection">>, <<"close">>}],
+ Body, Client),
+ {ok, 200, _, Client3} = cowboy_client:response(Client2),
+ {ok, <<"67890">>, _} = cowboy_client:response_body(Client3).
+%% Check if sending request whose size is bigger 16000 bytes causes 413
+echo_body_qs_max_length(Config) ->
+ Client = ?config(client, Config),
+ DefaultMaxBodyQsLength = 16000,
+ % subtract "echo=" minus 1 byte from max to hit the limit
+ Bits = (DefaultMaxBodyQsLength - 4) * 8,
+ AppendedBody = <<$a:Bits>>,
+ Body = <<"echo=", AppendedBody/binary>>,
+ {ok, Client2} = cowboy_client:request(<<"POST">>,
+ build_url("/echo/body_qs", Config),
+ [{<<"connection">>, <<"close">>}],
+ Body, Client),
+ {ok, 413, _, _} = cowboy_client:response(Client2).
error_chain_handle_after_reply(Config) ->
Client = ?config(client, Config),
{ok, Client2} = cowboy_client:request(<<"GET">>,
diff --git a/test/http_handler_body_qs.erl b/test/http_handler_body_qs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..306f4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/http_handler_body_qs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+%% Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this file.
+-export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/3]).
+init({_, http}, Req, _) ->
+ {ok, Req, undefined}.
+handle(Req, State) ->
+ {Method, Req2} = cowboy_req:method(Req),
+ HasBody = cowboy_req:has_body(Req2),
+ {ok, Req3} = maybe_echo(Method, HasBody, Req2),
+ {ok, Req3, State}.
+maybe_echo(<<"POST">>, true, Req) ->
+ case cowboy_req:body_qs(Req) of
+ {error,badlength} ->
+ echo(badlength, Req);
+ {ok, PostVals, Req2} ->
+ echo(proplists:get_value(<<"echo">>, PostVals), Req2)
+ end;
+maybe_echo(<<"POST">>, false, Req) ->
+ cowboy_req:reply(400, [], <<"Missing body.">>, Req);
+maybe_echo(_, _, Req) ->
+ %% Method not allowed.
+ cowboy_req:reply(405, Req).
+echo(badlength, Req) ->
+ cowboy_req:reply(413, [], <<"POST body bigger than 16000 bytes">>, Req);
+echo(undefined, Req) ->
+ cowboy_req:reply(400, [], <<"Missing echo parameter.">>, Req);
+echo(Echo, Req) ->
+ cowboy_req:reply(200,
+ [{<<"content-encoding">>, <<"utf-8">>}], Echo, Req).
+terminate(_, _, _) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/test/http_handler_echo_body.erl b/test/http_handler_echo_body.erl
index 31595d5..4b9e765 100644
--- a/test/http_handler_echo_body.erl
+++ b/test/http_handler_echo_body.erl
@@ -9,11 +9,37 @@ init({_, http}, Req, _) ->
handle(Req, State) ->
true = cowboy_req:has_body(Req),
- {ok, Body, Req2} = cowboy_req:body(Req),
- {Size, Req3} = cowboy_req:body_length(Req2),
+ {ok, Req3} = case cowboy_req:body(1000000, Req) of
+ {error, chunked} -> handle_chunked(Req);
+ {error, badlength} -> handle_badlength(Req);
+ {ok, Body, Req2} -> handle_body(Req2, Body)
+ end,
+ {ok, Req3, State}.
+handle_chunked(Req) ->
+ {ok, Data, Req2} = read_body(Req, <<>>, 1000000),
+ {ok, Req3} = cowboy_req:reply(200, [], Data, Req2),
+ {ok, Req3}.
+handle_badlength(Req) ->
+ {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(413, [], <<"Request entity too large">>, Req),
+ {ok, Req2}.
+handle_body(Req, Body) ->
+ {Size, Req2} = cowboy_req:body_length(Req),
Size = byte_size(Body),
- {ok, Req4} = cowboy_req:reply(200, [], Body, Req3),
- {ok, Req4, State}.
+ {ok, Req3} = cowboy_req:reply(200, [], Body, Req2),
+ {ok, Req3}.
terminate(_, _, _) ->
+% Read chunked request content
+read_body(Req, Acc, BodyLengthRemaining) ->
+ case cowboy_req:stream_body(Req) of
+ {ok, Data, Req2} ->
+ BodyLengthRem = BodyLengthRemaining - byte_size(Data),
+ read_body(Req2, << Acc/binary, Data/binary >>, BodyLengthRem);
+ {done, Req2} ->
+ {ok, Acc, Req2}
+ end.