path: root/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'test')
3 files changed, 109 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/handlers/streamed_result_h.erl b/test/handlers/streamed_result_h.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea6f492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/handlers/streamed_result_h.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+init(Req, Opts) ->
+ N = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(cowboy_req:binding(n, Req))),
+ Interval = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(cowboy_req:binding(interval, Req))),
+ chunked(N, Interval, Req, Opts).
+chunked(N, Interval, Req0, Opts) ->
+ Req = cowboy_req:stream_reply(200, Req0),
+ {ok, loop(N, Interval, Req), Opts}.
+loop(0, _Interval, Req) ->
+ ok = cowboy_req:stream_body("Finished!\n", fin, Req),
+ Req;
+loop(N, Interval, Req) ->
+ ok = cowboy_req:stream_body(iolist_to_binary([integer_to_list(N), <<"\n">>]), nofin, Req),
+ timer:sleep(Interval),
+ loop(N-1, Interval, Req).
diff --git a/test/http2_SUITE.erl b/test/http2_SUITE.erl
index 9a12ee1..37dfea3 100644
--- a/test/http2_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/http2_SUITE.erl
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ init_dispatch(_) ->
cowboy_router:compile([{"localhost", [
{"/", hello_h, []},
{"/echo/:key", echo_h, []},
- {"/resp_iolist_body", resp_iolist_body_h, []}
+ {"/resp_iolist_body", resp_iolist_body_h, []},
+ {"/streamed_result/:n/:interval", streamed_result_h, []}
%% Do a prior knowledge handshake (function originally copied from rfc7540_SUITE).
@@ -116,6 +117,15 @@ idle_timeout_reset_on_data(Config) ->
+idle_timeout_on_send(Config) ->
+ doc("Ensure the idle timeout is not reset when sending (by default)."),
+ http_SUITE:do_idle_timeout_on_send(Config, http2).
+idle_timeout_reset_on_send(Config) ->
+ doc("Ensure the reset_idle_timeout_on_send results in the "
+ "idle timeout resetting when sending ."),
+ http_SUITE:do_idle_timeout_reset_on_send(Config, http2).
inactivity_timeout(Config) ->
doc("Terminate when the inactivity timeout is reached."),
ProtoOpts = #{
diff --git a/test/http_SUITE.erl b/test/http_SUITE.erl
index ccac04f..8b8473f 100644
--- a/test/http_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/http_SUITE.erl
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ init_dispatch(_) ->
{"/", hello_h, []},
{"/echo/:key", echo_h, []},
{"/resp/:key[/:arg]", resp_h, []},
- {"/set_options/:key", set_options_h, []}
+ {"/set_options/:key", set_options_h, []},
+ {"/streamed_result/:n/:interval", streamed_result_h, []}
chunked_false(Config) ->
@@ -252,6 +253,82 @@ idle_timeout_infinity(Config) ->
+idle_timeout_on_send(Config) ->
+ doc("Ensure the idle timeout is not reset when sending (by default)."),
+ do_idle_timeout_on_send(Config, http).
+%% Also used by http2_SUITE.
+do_idle_timeout_on_send(Config, Protocol) ->
+ {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(?FUNCTION_NAME, [{port, 0}], #{
+ env => #{dispatch => init_dispatch(Config)},
+ idle_timeout => 1000
+ }),
+ Port = ranch:get_port(?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ try
+ ConnPid = gun_open([{type, tcp}, {protocol, Protocol}, {port, Port}|Config]),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ #{socket := Socket} = gun:info(ConnPid),
+ Pid = get_remote_pid_tcp(Socket),
+ StreamRef = gun:get(ConnPid, "/streamed_result/10/250"),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ receive
+ {gun_response, ConnPid, StreamRef, nofin, _Status, _Headers} ->
+ do_idle_timeout_recv_loop(Ref, Pid, ConnPid, StreamRef, false)
+ after 2000 ->
+ error(timeout)
+ end
+ after
+ cowboy:stop_listener(?FUNCTION_NAME)
+ end.
+idle_timeout_reset_on_send(Config) ->
+ doc("Ensure the reset_idle_timeout_on_send results in the "
+ "idle timeout resetting when sending ."),
+ do_idle_timeout_reset_on_send(Config, http).
+%% Also used by http2_SUITE.
+do_idle_timeout_reset_on_send(Config, Protocol) ->
+ {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(?FUNCTION_NAME, [{port, 0}], #{
+ env => #{dispatch => init_dispatch(Config)},
+ idle_timeout => 1000,
+ reset_idle_timeout_on_send => true
+ }),
+ Port = ranch:get_port(?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ try
+ ConnPid = gun_open([{type, tcp}, {protocol, Protocol}, {port, Port}|Config]),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ #{socket := Socket} = gun:info(ConnPid),
+ Pid = get_remote_pid_tcp(Socket),
+ StreamRef = gun:get(ConnPid, "/streamed_result/10/250"),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ receive
+ {gun_response, ConnPid, StreamRef, nofin, _Status, _Headers} ->
+ do_idle_timeout_recv_loop(Ref, Pid, ConnPid, StreamRef, true)
+ after 2000 ->
+ error(timeout)
+ end
+ after
+ cowboy:stop_listener(?FUNCTION_NAME)
+ end.
+do_idle_timeout_recv_loop(Ref, Pid, ConnPid, StreamRef, ExpectCompletion) ->
+ receive
+ {gun_data, ConnPid, StreamRef, nofin, _Data} ->
+ do_idle_timeout_recv_loop(Ref, Pid, ConnPid, StreamRef, ExpectCompletion);
+ {gun_data, ConnPid, StreamRef, fin, _Data} when ExpectCompletion ->
+ gun:close(ConnPid);
+ {gun_data, ConnPid, StreamRef, fin, _Data} ->
+ gun:close(ConnPid),
+ error(completed);
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _} when ExpectCompletion ->
+ gun:close(ConnPid),
+ error(exited);
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _} ->
+ ok
+ after 2000 ->
+ error(timeout)
+ end.
persistent_term_router(Config) ->
doc("The router can retrieve the routes from persistent_term storage."),
case erlang:function_exported(persistent_term, get, 1) of