AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-09-27Add OTP-20.1 to CILoïc Hoguin
2017-09-27Ensure the behavior on stream handler crash is consistentLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-25Cleanup various commentsLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-25Avoid some crashes when HTTP/2 streams flush their responseLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-25Move body length count to cowboy_stream_h instead of protocolsLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-21Centralize stream handler error reporting in cowboy_streamLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-15Cowboy 2.0.0-rc.32.0.0-rc.3Loïc Hoguin
2017-09-15Add OTP 20.0.5 to CILoïc Hoguin
2017-09-15Add two new RFCs, remove one obsoleteLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-14Fix propagating the stacktrace on errors for OTP 19Loïc Hoguin
2017-09-14Rework the proc_lib_hackLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-14Improve how we detect request errorsLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-05Update naming in REST flowchartsLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-05Add tests for direct Req accessLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-05Remove transfer-encoding parsing from cowboy_reqLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-05Remove an unused variableLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-04Accept sendfile tuple with 0 length in cowboy_reqLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-04Add a static handler test with an empty fileLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-04Alphabetical order some testsLoïc Hoguin
2017-09-04Fix more documentation todosLoïc Hoguin
2017-08-29Add OTP 20.0.4 to CILoïc Hoguin
2017-08-23Cowboy 2.0.0-rc.22.0.0-rc.2Loïc Hoguin
2017-08-21Tentative fix for out of order queued dataLoïc Hoguin
2017-08-21Properly clean up timers when terminatingLoïc Hoguin
2017-08-14Add tests for the streams shutdown mechanismLoïc Hoguin
2017-08-09Remove broken links from examples READMELoïc Hoguin
2017-08-08Add missing cowboy_children moduleLoïc Hoguin
2017-08-08Add OTP-20.0.2 to CILoïc Hoguin
2017-08-08Implement the shutdown timeout for request processesLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-26Fix HTTP/2 server pushLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-24Update version to 2.0.0-rc.12.0.0-rc.1Loïc Hoguin
2017-07-24Small tweak to the guideLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-23Write an initial draft of the streams chapterLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-23Remove yet another outdated todoLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-23Update the constraints chapterLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-23Update the flowchart chapterLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-20Add a related RFC for WebsocketLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-20Remove cowboy_sub_protocol from the documentationLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Remove the old architecture chapterLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Remove the guide chapter about broken clientsLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Fix the name of an option in the migration guideLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Remove hooks from the user guideLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Remove the broken examplesLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Tweak the migration guideLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Remove CHANGELOGLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Update rebar.configLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Websocket options are no longer per listenerLoïc Hoguin
2017-07-19Add a guide appendix on migrating from Cowboy 1.0Loïc Hoguin
2017-07-15Req Body length can be a non_neg_integer or infinitySteven Magelowitz
2017-07-14Update Erlang.mkLoïc Hoguin