path: root/src/cowboy_http_websocket.erl
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-05-05Switch the HTTP protocol to use binary packets instead of lists.Loïc Hoguin
The server now does a single recv (or more, but only if needed) which is then sent to erlang:decode_packet/3 multiple times. Since most requests are smaller than the default MTU on many platforms, we benefit from this greatly. In the case of requests with a body, the server usually read at least part of the body on the first recv. This is bufferized properly and used when later retrieving the body. In the case of pipelined requests, we can end up reading many requests in a single recv, which are then handled properly using only the buffer containing the received data.
2011-05-04Add cowboy_http_req:port/1.Loïc Hoguin
Returns the port given in the Host header if present, otherwise the default port of 443 for HTTPS and 80 for HTTP is returned.
2011-04-18Remove the include/types.hrl file.Loïc Hoguin
2011-04-14Initial draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76 support.Loïc Hoguin