path: root/test/misc_SUITE.erl
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-11-19Use ?FUNCTION_NAME instead of ct_helper:name()Loïc Hoguin
2018-05-17Remove the set_env test from old_http_SUITELoïc Hoguin
2017-11-29Add nowarn_export_all to all test suitesLoïc Hoguin
2017-11-01Don't crash when cowboy_clock is not runningLoïc Hoguin
2017-10-03Make sure a path parsing error in the router gives a 400Loïc Hoguin
2017-10-02Fix cowboy:set_env when the env value is missingLoïc Hoguin
2017-05-07Add a test for cowboy:set_envLoïc Hoguin